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Iranian Chill Thread

In 3 years Russia will build Turkey a nuclear power plant which will cost $20 billion. It will supply 10% of Turkey's energy needs. All the fissile material will be removed by Russian technicians, however the west is already barking about the risk of nuclear weapons.

Honestly if the Americans are not going to live up to their end of the bargain then Iran should power atleast 10% of the country with nuclear energy. Why not ? It will not only save Iran billions but also allow Iran to sell more of its oil / natural gas to foreign buyers. Enough games already. Iran needs to enrich Uranium to 60% NOW.

According to the article, some say that Pakistan is now covertly supporting a Turkish nuclear weapons programme. Does anyone knwo if there is any truth to this ? If so then Iran will surelyt build nuclear arms as well. Israelis must be having a panic attack. Once Muslim countries in the region have nuclear weapons, they will seriously lose their edge in that regard. Israelis could likely pressure the US / EU to sanction Turkey. That is not out of the realm of possibility.

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Yemen military exhibition :



Iranian drone




Drone for urban wars




New sniper rifle




Sea mines

Testing new Yemeni Kamikazi drone

New Yemeni drones

Yemeni missiles
More pictures







Full video
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Where is our brother @Mithridates ?? He doesnt seem to post these days...:what:
Sultan Morad of Turkey started recruiting fighters for Yemen. Salary is $2000-4000.

Turkey will use this opportunity to get benefits like economic leverage and a safe Yemen base. They know better that Houthis are way better than Taliban in the long run. They will play it strategically and not religiously.
What we know about Turkey is that Iran has choked that expansionist neo-Ottoman country from expanding into the ARab world, on the northern front of it, specifically northern Iraq and northern SYria...Iran checkmated TUrkey in Iraq recently with the deployment of 15K PMU militia men to Sinjar in northern Iraq, so nice move Iran.

At the end of the day, Turkey behaves like NATO's trojan horse, so Iran will have to confront and drain Turkey when the chance comes. Turkey being in NATO already is the reason no one should be surprised if and when Turkey betrays Iran.
@Mithridates is surely missed in this forum...he got upset with some of the posts during Azarbiajan conflict and said goodbye..I for one hope he will come back...
Thanks for this update. He did say he can get hot headed/emotional...lol...my mind keeps wondering if he got deployed but who knows. hopefully he will visit us again.
US is punishing Pakistan for its support of Taliban(and potentially other malign groups) by denying it new aircraft and advanced equipment. China has to cover the gap or else...

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