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Iranian Chill Thread

Saudis get a surprisingly help, maybe in place of Turkey.

Previous surprise was India sending advanced radars to Armenia a few days back.
I heard a story a few weeks back where Greece had to send a warship to the region and government officials were decrying the move as the ships and Greek Navy are not in the best shape. At least these patriots are being covered cost wise...
Notice that Greece is still holding onto their S-300s, though I don't know how old those are.
As you are aware the Zionist propaganda about Iran requires that Iran the country should be presented as a shithole so no other country wants to be independent...I have seen in some US programs they show scenes from Afghanistan cities with donkeys and dirts roads and turban head people presented as Iran's capital....So every Iranian should do his/her share to break through this misinformation...I am doing my share in this PDF by creating those threads in the middle east forum...some Iranian members have noticed and are helping.. Sina, Bahram, Yavar, and others (thank you guys) ..if I see a nice photo or a good video about Iran..I make sure it gets there...I have noticed some interference now coming from Jewish PDF guys trying to sabotage those threads..The Turkish guy is hard at it not to fall behind in competition with Iran ..he is a good sport...he pulls all those photos from a thread he did few years back so it is easy on him..lol
Means nothing, with such logic Turkey is an enemy of Iran even though they have been instrumental in helping Iran’s central bank amass gold and hard currency reserves since 2008 as well as helping Iran’s sanctions busting schemes.
Turkey is no friend of Iran either. Turkey helped Iran evade US sanctions because it helped her economy. Remember the 18 billion dollar worth of gold bars that Turkey seized few years ago? Turkey benefited from the US sanctions on Iran, particularly during Ahmadinejad's presidency, and replaced the role of the UAE for our economy.
Turkey is no friend of Iran either. Turkey helped Iran evade US sanctions because it helped her economy. Remember the 18 billion dollar worth of gold bars that Turkey seized few years ago? Turkey benefited from the US sanctions on Iran, particularly during Ahmadinejad's presidency, and replaced the role of the UAE for our economy.

Clueless words from a person who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

The Turkish economy from 2008-2016 was humming on all cyclinders. Why would they risk it all to help Iran amass gold or help certain financial transactions get thru? With that logic than India, Pakistan, Iraq and other major countries should have helped Iran evade sanctions because there economies were needed It the most. Yet no one dared to help Iran in any form even if they were to also benefit from it.

The issue is you only see in black and white when it comes to geopolitics which highlights your naiveness or better yet immaturity on the subject. The world of geopolitics isn’t black and white, there are many shades of grey.

Just because a country is a competitor in some areas of influence doesn’t make him binary of either good or evil. World doesn’t work that way, which is why when Turkey was having a coup by Western backed 5th column military officers, Iran assisted in repelling it.
Clueless words from a person who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

The Turkish economy from 2008-2016 was humming on all cyclinders. Why would they risk it all to help Iran amass gold or help certain financial transactions get thru? With that logic than India, Pakistan, Iraq and other major countries should have helped Iran evade sanctions because there economies were needed It the most. Yet no one dared to help Iran in any form even if they were to also benefit from it.

The issue is you only see in black and white when it comes to geopolitics which highlights your naiveness or better yet immaturity on the subject. The world of geopolitics isn’t black and white, there are many shades of grey.

Just because a country is a competitor in some areas of influence doesn’t make him binary of either good or evil. World doesn’t work that way, which is why when Turkey was having a coup by Western backed 5th column military officers, Iran assisted in repelling it.
Man, the only person clueless here is you. Your personal insults won't change facts. It's like your other nonsense in another thread about Iran needing IR-2 centrifuges because Pakistan used P-2 centrifuges.

Turkey seized 18.5 billion dollars in 2009. Stories of Iranian corruption in Turkey with people like Çavuşoğlu through the Zanjani mafia (including people like Reza Zarrab) is so well-known in Turkey that even children in Turkey know it.

Why didn't India do that? Because Indians are pro-West and Iran didn't hand over 18.5 billion dollars to them on a silver plate. Why didn't Pakistan do it? Because they didn't want to sour their relations with Arabs. Why didn't Iraq do it? Iraq has been one of our main sources for money laundering in recent years. They have been importing electricity from us even in hard times like under the Trump administration.

You claimed Qatar is in Iran's pocket, and you were corrected that Qatar is in Turkey's pocket. Your further insisting on the matter will not change the facts on the ground. Just a few days ago, Turkey, Qatar and Russia held a conference about Syria and didn't invite Iran. Another thing that you need to be reminded of.
Man, the only person clueless here is you. Your personal insults won't change facts. It's like your other nonsense in another thread about Iran needing IR-2 centrifuges because Pakistan used P-2 centrifuges.

Turkey seized 18.5 billion dollars in 2009. Stories of Iranian corruption in Turkey with people like Çavuşoğlu through the Zanjani mafia (including people like Reza Zarrab) is so well-known in Turkey that even children in Turkey know it.

Why didn't India do that? Because Indians are pro-West and Iran didn't hand over 18.5 billion dollars to them on a silver plate. Why didn't Pakistan do it? Because they didn't want to sour their relations with Arabs. Why didn't Iraq do it? Iraq has been one of our main sources for money laundering in recent years. They have been importing electricity from us even in hard times like under the Trump administration.

You claimed Qatar is in Iran's pocket, and you were corrected that Qatar is in Turkey's pocket. Your further insisting on the matter will not change the facts on the ground. Just a few days ago, Turkey, Qatar and Russia held a conference about Syria and didn't invite Iran. Another thing that you need to be reminded of.

You keep parroting an 18.5B claim that doesn’t exist. A fable at this point. That a truck was carrying 18.5B dollars in gold and bullion and money to Lebanon. Laughable. Even the “story” says it’s not Iran’s money but an Iranian trader.

As if IRGC couldn’t just fly a plane (like how Venezuela pays Iran currently) from Iran to Lebanon. Also why would Iran during tough economic sanctions be moving 18.5B to Lebanon? Makes zero sense

That is your entire thesis of why Turkey is bad for Iran. Let’s forget the 10B + in annual trade, let’s forget the massive amounts of natural gas trade, let’s forget the sanctions busting and all the other stuff I don’t have time to list as someone who travels to Turkey, and focus on one outlandish claim that really was propagated by Western Iranians to claim the regime’s elite was moving their wealth for fear of collapse.

Again I don’t need to convince a child why Turkey has played a vital role in Iran’s sanction busting efforts along with other countries like UAE. But maybe you know more than the Security Council of Iran who decided to intervene in the coup attempt on behalf of Turkey in 2016.

Has Turkey benefited from helping Iran? I am sure, you think Iran is helping Venezuela from the kindness of its heart? Or Armenia? Or when it sells natural gas to Turkey? The world is a business get over it.

What Qatar has done for Iran is exactly what Iran has asked of it. So Iran is completely content but some reason you are butthurt about it because Qatar didn’t change their official language to Farsi. Turkey’s interest in Qatar align with Iran in that they are attempting to pull Qatar away from the Saudi led order among Arabs and position Qatar as a counter weight to Saudi Arabia. Turkey also promotes Muslim Brotherhood thru the Middle East which also plays to Iran’s goal of weakening the Arab monarchs.
You keep parroting an 18.5B claim that doesn’t exist. A fable at this point. That a truck was carrying 18.5B dollars in gold and bullion and money to Lebanon. Laughable. Even the “story” says it’s not Iran’s money but an Iranian trader.

As if IRGC couldn’t just fly a plane (like how Venezuela pays Iran currently) from Iran to Lebanon. Also why would Iran during tough economic sanctions be moving 18.5B to Lebanon? Makes zero sense

That is your entire thesis of why Turkey is bad for Iran. Let’s forget the 10B + in annual trade, let’s forget the massive amounts of natural gas trade, let’s forget the sanctions busting and all the other stuff I don’t have time to list as someone who travels to Turkey, and focus on one outlandish claim that really was propagated by Western Iranians to claim the regime’s elite was moving their wealth for fear of collapse.

Again I don’t need to convince a child why Turkey has played a vital role in Iran’s sanction busting efforts along with other countries like UAE. Has Turkey benefited from it? I am sure, you think Iran is helping Venezuela from the kindness of its heart? Or Armenia? Or when it sells natural gas to Turkey? The world is a business get over it.

What Qatar has done for Iran is exactly what Iran has asked of it. So Iran is completely content but some reason you are butthurt about it because Qatar didn’t change their official language to Farsi. Turkey’s interest in Qatar align with Iran in that they are attempting to pull Qatar away from the Saudi led order among Arabs and position Qatar as a counter weight to Saudi Arabia. Turkey also promotes Muslim Brotherhood thru the Middle East which also plays to Iran’s goal of weakening the Arab monarchs.
Why would Iran move money to Lebanon? For money laundering perhaps? Using Lebanon to conduct business with other countries? Or do you think all those missiles and rockets that Hezbollah and Hamas own cost nothing? There's no doubt that Hezbollah plays a significant role in Iran's regional power and that needs money. Moving money to Lebanon makes perfect sense.

Turkey seized that money. Even Erdogan said that God sent Turkey that money. I don't know Turkish, but I hope one of the members can translate this video for us:

LOL. You have directly implied that Turkey was helping Iran out of friendship. I never claimed such a naive thing about any country. You like straw man fallacies a lot. Don't you?

You seem so much under pressure that you're literally talking nonsense and insulting again. Who said that Qatar should change her language to Farsi? lol Yeah, Turkey's interests in the region align with Iran. Yeah, right. Wait for Turkey to get involved in Yemen and we'll see about that too. Muslim brotherhood won't weaken only Arab monarchs, it will weaken Iran too. If you're trying to resort to a "my enemy's enemy is my friend" kind of argument, sorry, that's really ridiculous.
Why would Iran move money to Lebanon? For money laundering perhaps? Using Lebanon to conduct business with other countries? Or do you think all those missiles and rockets that Hezbollah and Hamas own cost nothing? There's no doubt that Hezbollah plays a significant role in Iran's regional power and that needs money. Moving money to Lebanon makes perfect sense.

You literally make zero sense. Exhibit A.

You are claiming that Iran sent 18.5B dollars which is more than the yearly military budget of the Iranian military to pay for “missiles and rockets” that....let’s wait for it guys....Iranian companies in Iran produce that transported from Iran via air :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Yani Khar be to migan vaghean.

Hezbollah has a sophisticated money laundering operation across the Middle East and South Americathat produces them revenue in the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars annual. This open source information you can find. Nonetheless, Iranian aid to Hezbollah is in the tens of millions of dollars a year not hundreds and certainly not BILLIONS.

And your proof for 18.5B is a YouTube video :omghaha:

Iran right now is kicking and screaming and stole a commercial ship from South Korea to get back its 8B in frozen assets (not stolen...frozen) but you are trying to say that Turkey stole 18.5B of Iranian government assets and Iran not only did nothing about it they turned around helped Erodgan hold power during a coup attempt.:laughcry:

I mean do you hear yourself? You really think Turkey could steal 20B in Iranian assets and have zero repercussions? Iran would have turned off all gas to Turkey in 2009 the next day and Turkish economy would have did a nose dive.

And I never said that Turkey did this out of friendship I merely defended Turkish actions from your slander.

This is what I wrote that sparked the Turkish debate:

“Means nothing, with such logic Turkey is an enemy of Iran even though they have been instrumental in helping Iran’s central bank amass gold and hard currency reserves since 2008 as well as helping Iran’s sanctions busting schemes.”
You literally make zero sense. Exhibit A.

You are claiming that Iran sent 18.5B dollars which is more than the yearly military budget of the Iranian military to pay for “missiles and rockets” that....let’s wait for it guys....Iranian companies in Iran produce that transported from Iran via air :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Yani Khar be to migan vaghean.

Hezbollah has a sophisticated money laundering operation across the Middle East and South Americathat produces them revenue in the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars annual. This open source information you can find. Nonetheless, Iranian aid to Hezbollah is in the tens of millions of dollars a year not hundreds and certainly not BILLIONS.

And your proof for 18.5B is a YouTube video :omghaha:

Iran right now is kicking and screaming and stole a commercial ship from South Korea to get back its 8B in frozen assets (not stolen...frozen) but you are trying to say that Turkey stole 18.5B of Iranian government assets and Iran not only did nothing about it they turned around helped Erodgan hold power during a coup attempt.:laughcry:

I mean do you hear yourself? You really think Turkey could steal 20B in Iranian assets and have zero repercussions? Iran would have turned off all gas to Turkey in 2009 the next day and Turkish economy would have did a nose dive.

And I never said that Turkey did this out of friendship I merely defended Turkish actions from your slander.

This is what I wrote that sparked the Turkish debate:

“Means nothing, with such logic Turkey is an enemy of Iran even though they have been instrumental in helping Iran’s central bank amass gold and hard currency reserves since 2008 as well as helping Iran’s sanctions busting schemes.”
Ajab koskholi hasti lol

You don't know what money laundering means. Do you? Revenue? You think people launder money for revenues?

That YouTube video is from a Turkish channel. And he clearly shows the Shenasnameh of that Iranian guy. Do you speak Turkish? If yes, translate it. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Babak Zanjani and his oil mafia, Reza Zarrab and his influence in Turkey, hundreds of Iranian companies that purchased sanctioned goods through Turkey, huge Iranian investments in Turkish real estate, millions of Iranian tourists, all of those things contributed to Turkish economic growth in those years. It was a good deal for both Turkey and Iran. Same as Brazil under Lula Da Silva. But that doesn't make Turkey a friend of Iran.

Do you seriously think Iran can turn off gas exports to Turkey like that? Turkey already won a case against us over expensive gas prices. And if we do that, we will lose more money. Do you think if we stop exporting gas to Turkey, that will somehow miraculously make money for us? Iran is not Russia that holds a seat in the UNSC and can veto any resolution that would enforce a verdict by the International Court of Justice.

For the record, I initially said that the Iranian government at the time gave that money to Turkey to buy the authorities and gain influence in Turkey. I never said that it was seized but you brought up Lebanon and it got lost in the discussion. Are you denying that Ahmadinejad and his group had strong links with Erdogan and his gang?
For the record, I initially said that the Iranian government at the time gave that money to Turkey to buy the authorities and gain influence in Turkey.

No, you said that Turkey seized 18.5B in Iranian assets in trying to paint Turkey as not cooperative with Iran and actually an enemy.

If the assets belonged to Iranian mafia/middleman/etc who was paying the Turkish government why would they make a big show of seizing it? Again you keep flip flopping.

If the assets were Iranian government and stolen you can be sure there would be hell to pay is my point.

Again if you did actual research on the story it was claimed that an Iranian “trader” was transporting the money from Iran to Lebanon. Which again doesn’t make sense. Why would an Iranian trader be moving 18.5B via a truck?

Of course there was widespread corruption in Turkey and Iran during Ahmadinejad era that I’m not disputing. But the 18.5B story and its links to Iran are a smokescreen. You hear the initial claim, but you never hear what the resolution was. Isn’t that suspicious?

My guess is if this story was true the money was returned back to Iran and that Turkey did this all as a PR stunt. But who knows there is very little information out there on this whole scandal which makes it very suspicious given how large of amount of money this was.
No, you said that Turkey seized 18.5B in Iranian assets in trying to paint Turkey as not cooperative with Iran and actually an enemy.

If the assets belonged to Iranian mafia/middleman/etc who was paying the Turkish government why would they make a big show of seizing it? Again you keep flip flopping.

If the assets were Iranian government and stolen you can be sure there would be hell to pay is my point.

Again if you did actual research on the story it was claimed that an Iranian “trader” was transporting the money from Iran to Lebanon. Which again doesn’t make sense. Why would an Iranian trader be moving 18.5B via a truck?

Of course there was widespread corruption in Turkey and Iran during Ahmadinejad era that I’m not disputing. But the 18.5B story and its links to Iran are a smokescreen. You hear the initial claim, but you never hear what the resolution was. Isn’t that suspicious?

My guess is if this story was true the money was returned back to Iran and that Turkey did this all as a PR stunt. But who knows there is very little information out there on this whole scandal which makes it very suspicious given how large of amount of money this was.
No, I didn't. I said that Turkey supported Iran's case because Iran made a deal with them and paid the price for winning the support of the Turkish authorities. Not because they loved Iran or anything like that.

Why would they make a big show of seizing it? Probably to make it look less suspicious in Turkey? If somehow Erdogan and his team got richer by 18.5 billion dollars, his opponents in Turkey would raise questions about his corruption. But this way, it was money that had been seized by Turkey, the country, while his administration could allocate that money to any cause he wanted and give it a more legal appearance. That's pretty much what Erdogan said anyway. He said that he would use the money for budget deficit.

There were multiple versions of the story. One of them was that Turkey had relaxed its rules of transporting money through her territory and the guy was using new Turkish laws for transferring his money. Obviously, no "trader" in Iran has that kind of money. Few traders in the world have that kind of money.

You're missing the point. The point is that Turkey did all this because Iran was paying the right price at the time and both sides were benefiting from it. Who knows how Turkey will act when money dries up in future? There are already strong rumors that Turkey wants to join the Saudi war in Yemen and there's a very good chance that Turkey will pursue goals in there that will be in conflict with Iran's intentions and goals in Yemen.

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