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Iranian Chill Thread

Houthis and Saudis can no longer win the conflict military. Negotiations and a power sharing government much like HZ and Lebanese army needs to be established in Yemen, with Houthis having representation and their own separate military.

Iran got what it wanted out of the conflict (a new Yemeni Hezbollah). Now it is time to consolidate and re arm the Houthis as a deterrence to Saudi Arabia ambitions and begin transporting missiles that can target Israel to Yemen as a counter.
Houthis and Saudis can no longer win the conflict military. Negotiations and a power sharing government much like HZ and Lebanese army needs to be established in Yemen, with Houthis having representation and their own separate military.

Iran got what it wanted out of the conflict (a new Yemeni Hezbollah). Now it is time to consolidate and re arm the Houthis as a deterrence to Saudi Arabia ambitions and begin transporting missiles that can target Israel to Yemen as a counter.
Hezbollah of Lebanon and Lebanese Army are each others ally and they never opened fire on each other.
by the way in Yemen also Yemen army is ally of Houthis and they together built the bulk of Ansar-Allah which is fighting with occupiers.
by the way on what right KSA asking for shares of Yemen power pie
رئیس سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری از ورود دو هواپیمای امبرائر و یک فروند هواپیمای بوئینگ۷۳۷ به ناوگان هوایی کشور خبر داد.

ورود ۳ فروند هواپیما به ناوگان هوایی کشور
تورج دهقانی‌زنگنه در گفت‌وگو با تسنیم، اظهار کرد:‌ طی هفته‌های اخیر 2 فروند هواپیمای امبرائر و یک فروند هواپیمای بوئینگ737 به ناوگان هوایی کشور افزوده شده است.
وی ابراز کرد: هواپیماهای امبرائر برزیلی برای یک شرکت هواپیمایی و هواپیمای بوئینگ نیز برای ایرلاین دیگر داخلی است.
وی با بیان این‌که کارهای مربوط به عملیاتی شدن هواپیماهای امبرائر انجام شده و در ناوگان شرکت هواپیمایی در حال پرواز است، تصریح کرد: هواپیمای بوئینگ نیز به‌زودی در پروازهای داخلی مورد استفاده قرار خواهد گرفت.
معاون وزیر راه و شهرسازی همچنین در خصوص گزارش نهایی بررسی سانحه سقوط هواپیمای اوکراینی، گفت: این گزارش طی امروز یا فردا منتشر خواهد شد.
** دهقانی‌زنگنه نیمه بهمن امسال از ورود 8 فروند هواپیمای غربی به ناوگان هوایی کشور خبر داده و گفته بود: تاکنون (طی 6 ماه منتهی به بهمن 99) 6 فروند وارد کشور شده است که البته هنوز پرواز نمی‌کنند اما در آینده خیلی نزدیک پرواز خواهند کرد. شرکت هواپیمایی زیرساخت‌ها را آماده و مجوز پروازی را دریافت کرده‌اند و در حال آموزش پرسنل فنی این هواپیماها هستند.
وی با بیان این‌که "همه این هواپیماها غربی هستند"، افزود: حدود دو برابر این تعداد نیز یعنی 16 فروند تا پایان سال وارد کشور خواهد شد، البته زمان ورود به‌صورت قطعی نیست و پیش‌بینی می‌کنیم این هواپیماها در مورد مقرر وارد شوند.​

Best time to buy planes is these days and actually it was financially beneficial that Trump obstructed the plane purchases by Iran​

Netanyahu (real name Lebanowski) was too afraid to fly to the UAE. Apparently Iranian proxies were seriously planning on launching missiles at his plane.

China is buying close to 1 million barrels of oil a day from Iran. 1 million from China, half a million to 1 million to Venezuela. Who knows how much more to various other parties under the table ? Iran is basically doing well now. Some analysts claim that Iran is at 70%-80% of their pre-sanctions capacity. The sanctions have effectively failed yet again.

American controlled oil fields in Syria targeted ? Perhaps a warning ?

Turkish backed Al Qaeda militants hold demonstrations in Idlib

Explosions rock Idlib during anti-Assad demonstrations. Perhaps demonstrations were targeted ? This wouldn't be the first time Russian aviation targeted pro-rebel rallies. If you notice there are no women at the demonstrations, only radical militants and in some cases their children used as human shields. Very sad.

Erdogan crying about Syrians and Russians blowing up his illegal oil. The word on the street is that Erdogan is desperately running low on funds.

Israel Mar 2021 Iron Dome Air Defence exercises
Rafael and the Israel Missile Defense Organization Iron Dome Air Defence exercises

Israel is such a small strip of land saturated with so many cutting edge SAM systems that it's extremely difficult to penetrate their air defenses.

The solution is to overwhelm their air defense systems with cheap, yet lethal kamikazi UAVs and cruise missiles simultaneously. Some of the recent models shown off by the Houthis in Yemen are extremely promising in that regard.

If Hezbollah in Lebanon are paying attention then they should be bulking up on UAVs and cruise missiles, along with MANPADS and other projectiles as much as possible.

Israel Mar 2021 Iron Dome Air Defence exercises
Rafael and the Israel Missile Defense Organization Iron Dome Air Defence exercises

It seems like the Syrians did a decent job intercepting Israeli missiles today.

I've been saying this for a while. If Iran wants to get its air defense systems into Syria successfully, they can't be shipped in one unit at a time. They have to be taken apart and shipped discreetly, simultaneously using counter intelligence to throw the enemy off the scent. Once the components safely make it into Syria, they then need to be send to a secure, underground, facility where they can be put back together by technicians. This needs to be done until there are enough units amassed (a critical mass) significant enough to actually tip the scales in Syria's favor. They should then be activated all at once at which point they can actually make a difference in the big picture
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