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Iranian Chill Thread

Is that his abaa? They make abaas in taly? Never mind that it's despicable of him to be wearing it as foreign made, I'm still intrigued about abaas being made in Italy. Was this a commissioned work using the country's hard currency or do they make them en masse in Italy for everyone? Knowing this disgusting barrell of excrement, she probably commissioned some fruity boys in Italy to make something that someone in Qom can do for a fraction of the cost and for better result in every way. I wouldn't be surprised if this disgusting waste of matter has machine made or foreign hand made carpets in his nasty trash home. I would rather this carcass be wrapped in foreign fabric and not defile real Persian carpets with it's filthy filthy body in the landfill it lives in. Anyplace she and zarif sleep becomes defiled as a proverbial landfill...

It is a luxury cloth they use for suits too ...

A true leader
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Is that his abaa? They make abaas in taly? Never mind that it's despicable of him to be wearing it as foreign made, I'm still intrigued about abaas being made in Italy. Was this a commissioned work using the country's hard currency or do they make them en masse in Italy for everyone? Knowing this disgusting barrell of excrement, she probably commissioned some fruity boys in Italy to make something that someone in Qom can do for a fraction of the cost and for better result in every way. I wouldn't be surprised if this disgusting waste of matter has machine made or foreign hand made carpets in his nasty trash home. I would rather this carcass be wrapped in foreign fabric and not defile real Persian carpets with it's filthy filthy body in the landfill it lives in. Anyplace she and zarif sleep becomes defiled as a proverbial landfill...
واقعا اینقدر سخت است که ببینید عبا احتمالا دوخت خیاط مخصوص او همینجا است و دست دوز هست و پارچه اون ایتالیایی هست .آیا به نظر تو هیچ کدوم از دولت مردای ما لباسی که برای اونها دوخته نشده باشه می پوشند
واقعا اینقدر سخت است که ببینید عبا احتمالا دوخت خیاط مخصوص او همینجا است و دست دوز هست و پارچه اون ایتالیایی هست .آیا به نظر تو هیچ کدوم از دولت مردای ما لباسی که برای اونها دوخته نشده باشه می پوشند

پارچه هم نباید ایتالیایی می بود
مارک قلابی هم براش قابل قبول نبود
مارک قلابی ؟شوخیت گرفته ؟

هیچ بهونه ای قابل قبول نیست
مارکش قلابی بوده و ساخت ایران بوده
پارچه ایتالیایی بوده دوخت ایرانی بوده

نتیجه تجمل اخوندی و بساز بفروشی اقازاده همین گه کاری هاست

مسوولی که ایرانی نپوشه و در سطح فقرا زندگی نکنه به تف نمیرزه
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I wonder what happened, what he is talking about...

Hossein Salami, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, said that Iran had repeatedly "gone to the brink of war" but pushed back the enemy leader.

Without elaborating further on what he meant by war, Mr. Salami stated to a group of Basijis: "We are not allowed to say where the enemy fled, and how they went back and why their hands were tied."

"The enemy also lost the economic war," said the IRGC commander, who said the country was under siege but not damaged.
واقعا اینقدر سخت است که ببینید عبا احتمالا دوخت خیاط مخصوص او همینجا است و دست دوز هست و پارچه اون ایتالیایی هست .آیا به نظر تو هیچ کدوم از دولت مردای ما لباسی که برای اونها دوخته نشده باشه می پوشند

1. The country is under sanctions and the hard currency does not need to be flushed down the sewer by importing unnecessary crap fabric (I don't care how many of you people think this fabric is the skin of Jesus)! This barrell of sewage needs to set an example!

2. Iran is a country that has since the beginning of written time, been able to produce some of the finest textiles in the world! Even now, the wool, silk, zari baaf, etc is better than most other producers! I even heard of abaa from Nain that some akhoonds would wear in the winter as it was a thicker material and the same as what that pile of garbage was wearing in that picture.. There is absolutely no justification for this, so please stop it.
the man is approved by Vaja and others. he has been a major player in the republic since forever. if he is an agent of UK, then I'm afraid anyone and everyone could be an agent. I personally don't like that prospect. do you?
Between the presence of those insects and the various evil pan movements and infiltration from mko viruses into sensitive places and at high levels, now you can understand what kind of challenges, trials, and tribulations the real humans are faced with constantly!
Considering the fact that only for a tiny fraction of the claimed hits evidence was shown, I am a bit puzzled about your seemingly unquestioning faith in the truthfulness and reliability of Saudi propaganda proclamations.

It’s not Saudi Arabia statements I rely on, but open source satellite imagery.

When Saudi Arabia intercepts they post video. When they don’t, open sources will post satellite imagery of areas attacked and can make determination if anything made an impact or not.

For example, a recent missile attack that videos and Saudi Arabia said was intercepted was actually shown to have struck just south of workers housing at oil facility. The video actually depicted Patriot missiles intercepting probably the fuel tank of the missile. This was made possible from open sources on the internet.

We live in an age where countries cannot lie about attacks because satellite imagery is available next day.
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