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Iranian Chill Thread

I never did , I as one always clear on this issue that China or Russia or clint states are not reliable or not to be trusted
I never thought you said that.
Qatar is a Muslim brotherhood country with strong ties to Turkey. Yet some people think that Qatar is in Iran's pocket. lol
Didn't the US drone that assassinated Qassem Soleimani flew from US base in Qatar? Wasn't Qatar one of the main foreign countries behind Syrian civil war?

What Qatar gave MBS and gang behind the scene to reinstate diplomatic relationships is unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold Iran for that and Iranian authority not smart enough to recognize that.
Indeed. Qatar has acted completely against Iran's interests in the region many times. The only thing that stopped them from doing so for a short while was the Saudis trying to choke them which is over now.
That CGI movie probably cost them good money. Just like the fake CGI showing "Putin's palace" LOL Realistically almost every nation out there has UAVs now. They're an integral part of a modern battlefield.The Armenians made a big mistake by not investing in that department. They also could have beefed up their missile stockpiles and air defenses. They could have dug tunnels networks and used them to transport troops, rather than moving their troops in large convoys in the open. There are many things they could have done differently but NOT investing in UAVs is a huge mistake for any modern military, even for leading military powers.

UAVs are extremely cheap compared to fighter jets yet extremely effective and devastating in large numbers. It costs millions of dollars and years to train a good pilot. On the other hand training a UAV operator takes a fraction of the time and costs peanuts in comparison. The beauty of them is that they can hit targets with pin point precision yet they're expendable. A country will always be more reluctant to send a fighter jet into action as opposed to a drone.

UAE Drone...Iran and Israel falling behind in drone..watch out!:laughcry: another product from HALCON..developed in one year as per UAE..(no comments again)
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All of their high tech equipment has turned out to be completely useless in Yemen. When you have an authoritarian monarchy you cannot promote your most capable and competent soldiers to high positions, otherwise they could overthrow your tin pot dictatorship.

Out of fear Persian Gulf countries like the UAE, Saudi, Bahrain, etc will always choose loyalty over merit and will always try to micro manage all of their troops to the last soldier, rather than training them to have initiative. Therefore their armies will always be weak when it comes to morale and ability. Pretty sad actually.

IDEX 2021
Good video to watch for Iranian designers ...gives you an idea about what is happening and also how to market weapons.

A must watch for everyone...

This HALCOn is a one year old company in UAE and have made all the stuff including some jet engines..yes all in one year ....from concept to showroom. (no comments please.:no:)

Flights to Jeddah and Riadh are on hold. Even Dubai is diverting flights.

ترامپ چهار سال بی تعارف همه مردم ایران رو تروریست دونست

اینجا هنوز جماعت درگیر تعارفات اند
یکی کولبر بی نواست
یکی سوخت بر بی شغل

و حرفهای روشن فکرانه که تمومی نداره
خوب دولت براشون کار پیدا کنه
مشکل باید ریشه ای حل شه

یه اسمی ابرومند پیدا کنیم برای متجاوزان به ناموس

خوب دولت براشون زن پیدا کنه
نمیتونن ازدواج کنن
جوون مردم چه کنه و تا کجا تحمل کنه
تقصیر دولت بوده تجاوزی اگر شده

اگر قاچاق سوخت قانونیه و در راستای صادرات بنزینه باید دید چرا انفجاری رخ داده
Hey dear friends,i recommend all of you to check this link,you'll be surprised.......i'm really shocked by arteshi brothers.i didn't expect them such a astonishing surprise
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Hey dear friends,i recommend all of you to check this link,you'll be surprised.......i'm really shocked by arteshi brothers.i didn't expect them such a astonishing surprise
How does it compare to Fotros in terms of size? Could this be in parallel to or the final version of Fotros?

Impressive payload for such a small UAV. The range sounds impressive at 3000 KM as well.

I wonder if that's the ferry range or combat range? I mean the Shahed-129 has a ferry change of 3400 KM without any payload. With its payload the Shahed-129 could fly 1700 KM. With a full payload this UAV would probably have a range of approx 1000 KM I'm guessing ? Perhaps with half its payload 1500 KM ? Anything more would be excellent in my opinion.

Anyways that payload would completely devastate an enemy. Imagine one of these beasts flying over a target location after half a dozen missiles hit their targets ? UAV's are very useful not only for surveillance on a site during and after a missile strike but also because they can finish off any remnants of an enemy force.

Anyways has anyone else seen this before ?


The above picture is from the following article

How does it compare to Fotros in terms of size? Could this be in parallel to or the final version of Fotros?

View attachment 719492View attachment 719493View attachment 719494
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One of the better strategic analyses I've read lately:

Bokhari argues that Iran has defeated Saudi in the fight for regional supremacy, and that there is only one player left that is willing and able to challenge Iran's regional influence: Turkey. This power struggle will define the Middle East for the decades to come.

Active front to watch now: Sinjar.
One of the better strategic analyses I've read lately:

Bokhari argues that Iran has defeated Saudi in the fight for regional supremacy, and that there is only one player left that is willing and able to challenge Iran's regional influence: Turkey. This power struggle will define the Middle East for the decades to come.

Active front to watch now: Sinjar.

This is already on top of Israel and USA and they will never change.

One election in Turkey could completely change their foreign policy course.
This is already on top of Israel and USA and they will never change.

One election in Turkey could completely change their foreign policy course.

US is signalling to both the Israelis and the Persian Gulf Arabs that the Trump honeymoon is over and that they are going to prioritize their great power struggle with China. Israel only concerns itself with Iranian entrenchment in Syria and does not pose a strategic threat to Iran's regional influence on the whole.

I think you once claimed that "Qatar is in Iran's pocket". What do you think now? @TheImmortal
But Qatar IS in Iran's pocket...more or less...and especially after that deadly blocked Qatar's fellow ARab "brothers" enforced on Qatar? Iran literally saved Iran...Qatar is in the Iranian camp(as much as an active proud wealthy ARab GCCmember can be that is). Iran has played patient and nice with Qatar...maybe because of them both sharing south pars and north dome gas field together...they are motivated to keep peace..Qatar also knows its too small to fight Iran, so there is no military tension..lol
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