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Iranian Chill Thread

Reconciliation of Qatar Saudi Arabia, Bin Salman rhetoric against Iran

bit of history some old videos

Qatar emir Hamad Al Thani: after blockade Iran was only country where we got foods, Medicine

Qatar state owned Media Al Jazeera English: Iran by air has sent dozen Planes load of Foods to Qatar

US, Qatari jets fly over Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran

and sitting down while MBS giving it full blast

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This is serious allegation your making against. Care to cite me source for this please?
GO and find my detailed post in the Iranian chill thread detailing ALL the evidence linking Pakistani state to Jundollah. Nobody on PDF has been able to fully counter that post(one mod tried, but he was using "moving the goal post" fallacy to deflect from the main accusations and evidence referenced). NO BS! i'm not playing with any of you on this forum, so when you ask serious questions about serious tings, make sure you have your receipts ready.
bit of history some old videos

Qatar emir Hamad Al Thani: after blockade Iran was only country where we got foods, Medicine

Qatar state owned Media Al Jazeera English: Iran by air has sent dozen Planes load of Foods to Qatar

US, Qatari jets fly over Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran

and sitting down while MBS giving it full blast

No "Khaliji" Arab will ever be a friend with Iran..the most they will be "Neutral "towards Iran. As for MBS his days are numbered..even his best (BFF) now consider him TOXIC ..
bit of history some old videos

Qatar emir Hamad Al Thani: after blockade Iran was only country where we got foods, Medicine

Qatar state owned Media Al Jazeera English: Iran by air has sent dozen Planes load of Foods to Qatar

US, Qatari jets fly over Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran

and sitting down while MBS giving it full blast

I think you once claimed that "Qatar is in Iran's pocket". What do you think now? @TheImmortal
IDEX 2021
Good video to watch for Iranian designers ...gives you an idea about what is happening and also how to market weapons.

A must watch for everyone...

This HALCOn is a one year old company in UAE and have made all the stuff including some jet engines..yes all in one year ....from concept to showroom. (no comments please.:no:)

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I think you once claimed that "Qatar is in Iran's pocket". What do you think now? @TheImmortal

Qatar is currently meditating between Iran and Arab powers. The amount of Qatari money that has flowed into Iran and behind the scenes has not been small. And I have posted evidence of this multiple times.

Do some of you expect Qatar to become a pariah for Iran? Absurd expectations.

Qatar is the only Sunni Persian Gulf country with warm relations with Iran at the moment (minus Oman the “Switzerland” of the Middle East).

The IRGC also has navy defense agreement with Qatar should it ever be threatened by Saudi Arabia militarily. And I suspect something more.

So Qatar is playing it’s role perfectly for Iran. But I don’t expect them to kick out the US, renounce it’s Arab brothers, and convert to Shia Islam if that’s what you are implying.

This HALCOn is a one year old company in UAE and have made all the stuff including some jet engines..yes all in one year ....from concept to showroom. (no comments please)

Yeah sure and aliens control the world :rolleyes1:
I find these ground vehicles aesthetically very nice...

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Qatar is currently meditating between Iran and Arab powers. The amount of Qatari money that has flowed into Iran and behind the scenes has not been small. And I have posted evidence of this multiple times.

Do some of you expect Qatar to become a pariah for Iran? Absurd expectations.

Qatar is the only Sunni Persian Gulf country with warm relations with Iran at the moment (minus Oman the “Switzerland” of the Middle East).

The IRGC also has navy defense agreement with Qatar should it ever be threatened by Saudi Arabia militarily. And I suspect something more.

So Qatar is playing it’s role perfectly for Iran. But I don’t expect them to kick out the US, renounce it’s Arab brothers, and convert to Shia Islam if that’s what you are implying.
Let's focus on your last paragraph. Do I expect Qatar to do those things? Not really. But for a country that was on the verge of starving when her Arab neighbors almost imposed a siege on her, Qatar could import a lot more from Iran than what it did or currently does. So, I think it's a fair point to ask how Qatar is our friend if this friendship hasn't done us much good in tangible ways.

As for mediation between Iran and Arabs, we have Iraq, Oman and Pakistan for that. We don't need a fourth mediator. As for our military ties, according to you, I don't think it's beneficial to our regional interests to militarily defend Qatar against the Saudis. Why would we do that? How would we benefit from it? We're talking about two incompetent armies clashing, not an incompetent Saudi army with a well-trained militia like in Yemen.
Qatar is currently meditating between Iran and Arab powers. The amount of Qatari money that has flowed into Iran and behind the scenes has not been small. And I have posted evidence of this multiple times.

Do some of you expect Qatar to become a pariah for Iran? Absurd expectations.

Qatar is the only Sunni Persian Gulf country with warm relations with Iran at the moment (minus Oman the “Switzerland” of the Middle East).

The IRGC also has navy defense agreement with Qatar should it ever be threatened by Saudi Arabia militarily. And I suspect something more.

So Qatar is playing it’s role perfectly for Iran. But I don’t expect them to kick out the US, renounce it’s Arab brothers, and convert to Shia Islam if that’s what you are implying.

Yeah sure and aliens control the world :rolleyes1:
Would Qataris at least speak Farsi...lol...Just kidding man..I agree with your statements. They share the South pars/north dome with Iran so I can see IRGC extending some protection to them.
UAE Drone...Iran and Israel falling behind in drone..watch out!:laughcry: another product from HALCON..developed in one year as per UAE..(no comments again)
Let's focus on your last paragraph. Do I expect Qatar to do those things? Not really. But for a country that was on the verge of starving when her Arab neighbors almost imposed a siege on her, Qatar could import a lot more from Iran than what it did or currently does. So, I think it's a fair point to ask how Qatar is our friend if this friendship hasn't done us much good in tangible ways.

As for mediation between Iran and Arabs, we have Iraq, Oman and Pakistan for that. We don't need a fourth mediator. As for our military ties, according to you, I don't think it's beneficial to our regional interests to militarily defend Qatar against the Saudis. Why would we do that? How would we benefit from it? We're talking about two incompetent armies clashing, not an incompetent Saudi army with a well-trained militia like in Yemen.

Thats the issue with your mindset, you expect Qatar to just give Iran everything because it was under siege? Should Iran give Russia and China everything because it has been under siege since 2008? I would hope not. And here lies your flaws in logic. And Qatar was far from starving and had other countries (Turkey) helping it. And again simple research will show you Qatari investments in Iran in last few years.

To address your last point Qatar has significantly more sway than a weak Iraq, a leaderless Oman, and a Pakistan that answers to Saudi Arabia. Qatar also has significant sway over Sunni militant groups as well which is beneficial in places like Syria when you need to do negotiations to retrieve bodies of fallen soldiers (to name a small example).

Lastly if you cannot see why IRGC defending Qatar is in Iran’s interest then it’s not a topic worth talking about with you. You are too impatient and expect a Hezbollah to spring up in Qatar overnight. Iran and Qatar share a massive gas field along with Qatar’s geopolitical location on the choke point of PG these two points alone make it worth defending, but the real reasons go deeper than that.

The Qatari project could take decades to come to fruition, but it can be a tremendous ally in the future. Iran offered this same opportunity to Jordan, but the idiot ‘man child king’ over there declined and borrowed more money from Saudi Arabia.
Didn't the US drone that assassinated Qassem Soleimani flew from US base in Qatar? Wasn't Qatar one of the main foreign countries behind Syrian civil war?

What Qatar gave MBS and gang behind the scene to reinstate diplomatic relationships is unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold Iran for that and Iranian authority not smart enough to recognize that.
Thats the issue with your mindset, you expect Qatar to just give Iran everything because it was under siege? Should Iran give Russia and China everything because it has been under siege since 2008? I would hope not. And here lies your flaws in logic. And Qatar was far from starving and had other countries (Turkey) helping it. And again simple research will show you Qatari investments in Iran in last few years.

To address your last point Qatar has significantly more sway than a weak Iraq, a leaderless Oman, and a Pakistan that answers to Saudi Arabia. Qatar also has significant sway over Sunni militant groups as well which is beneficial in places like Syria when you need to do negotiations to retrieve bodies of fallen soldiers (to name a small example).

Lastly if you cannot see why IRGC defending Qatar is in Iran’s interest then it’s not a topic worth talking about with you. You are too impatient and expect a Hezbollah to spring up in Qatar overnight. Iran and Qatar share a massive gas field along with Qatar’s geopolitical location on the choke point of PG these two points alone make it worth defending, but the real reasons go deeper than that.

The Qatari project could take decades to come to fruition, but it can be a tremendous ally in the future. Iran offered this same opportunity to Jordan, but the idiot ‘man child king’ over there declined and borrowed more money from Saudi Arabia.
Your post has serious flaws. First of all, Qatar increased her economic partnership with Turkey multiple times during the siege. So, the question that "Why Qatar did not import as much from Iran?" is indeed a valid and important question.

When was Iran under siege? We're under sanctions but realistically, we have one of the world's largest borderlines in the world with two important allies in our neighborhood (Iraq and Turkey) and we were never under siege. If you can't understand the difference between siege and sanctions, talking to you is a waste of time.

On the other hand, Qatar was literally under siege. Had Iran closed her air space on Qatar, Qatar would've had nowhere to go, except a narrow line over international waters in the Persian Gulf towards the East. Even Qataris have said it publicly that they relied on Iran for food and medicine.

Are you seriously comparing a country like Iran with 83 million people and one of the world's largest number of graduates in STEM fields that produces most of the things it needs domestically, including 80% to 95% of pharmaceuticals it needs, with a country like Qatar that completely lacks such infrastructure and human resources and imports even bottled water and ice cream from abroad?

Qatar is a Turkish puppet. You're blind if you can't see that. Qatar has no influence over Sunni militants without Turkey. Again, why do we need Qatar when we already maintain good relations with Turkey? Qatar cannot act independently in the region. It has never acted independently in the region.

I'm sorry, but you're retarded if you think it is in Iran's interest to get militarily involved against Saudi Arabia in case of a war with Qatar. Saudi Arabia will invade Qatar in days, if not weeks. Just like how Saddam invaded Kuwait in less than 48 hours. We're not talking about Yemen, a large land with rural areas, which used to be the poorest Arab country in the region. We're talking about Qataris who have always lived some of the world's most luxurious lives in a tiny country full of foreign workers to do almost everything for them. Good luck convincing them to resort to guerilla warfare against the Saudis.

Even in a scenario like that, I can assure you that Qatar will choose to ask Turkey for military support instead of the IRGC. Qatar will buy Turkish military equipment instead of Iran's. And at the end of the day, if Qatar manages to resist against Saudi Arabia, an unlikely scenario in my opinion because it will fall in less than 3 days perhaps, Turkey will gain the most of it like it happened this time.

Yeah. Qatar is a project like Yasser Arafat, Hamas or Jordan. It will lead to nothing but more money wasted on a country that has next to no economic or long term benefits for us. You also predicted that Qatar wouldn't mend ties with the Saudis soon, but it happened. Qataris will soon embrace Israel and her relations with Iran will be like any other Arab country in the region. But your stupid adventurism for a lost case will have cost us billions of dollars as usual.
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