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Iranian Air Defense Systems

BEIRUT,LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – The Russian publication Avia.Pro posted a
satellite image on Sunday of what they claim to be an Iranian air
defense system near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

Citing an unnamed source, the publication posted a satellite image
that allegedly shows the deployment of the Iranian-made Khordad-3 air
defense system near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

“The source of the Avia.pro news agency has provided satellite images
showing at least three Iranian-made Khordad-3 anti-aircraft missile
systems on the Syrian-Lebanese border, from where most of the Israeli
F-16 attacks are made. The effective range of destruction of targets of
the latter is from 75 to 105 kilometers, which is enough to defeat
Israeli fighters in the event of new attacks on Syria,” the publication

Artillery systems like the Mesbah would be very useful. It would not be surprising if this system is in place not too far from the Khordad-3
BEIRUT,LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – The Russian publication Avia.Pro posted a
satellite image on Sunday of what they claim to be an Iranian air
defense system near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

Citing an unnamed source, the publication posted a satellite image
that allegedly shows the deployment of the Iranian-made Khordad-3 air
defense system near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

“The source of the Avia.pro news agency has provided satellite images
showing at least three Iranian-made Khordad-3 anti-aircraft missile
systems on the Syrian-Lebanese border, from where most of the Israeli
F-16 attacks are made. The effective range of destruction of targets of
the latter is from 75 to 105 kilometers, which is enough to defeat
Israeli fighters in the event of new attacks on Syria,” the publication


I would wait for more reputable confirmation. Hard to tell that is 3rd of Khordad from the sat image.

Syria has BUK systems and from the air they would look similar.

If it was deployed it is thanks to Hezbollah and the Hezbollah operative that was killed in recent air strikes. Since that time Israel has reduced the amount of sorties on Syrian territory in fears of sparking another war with HZ in case an operative were to get killed again.
Honestly one issue with the "resistance front" is that they do not function as one holistic entity. Israel attacks Syrian assets or Hezbollah / Iranian backed assets in Syria and because Syria is so depleted and war torn they don't usually respond.

Israeli jets fly low over Lebanese airspace and strike Syria but there are neither spotters or MANPAD crews there to atleast deter them. Syria is depleted but Hezbollah has 100,000 missiles/rockets. Whenever Israel strikes any target in Syria, if you think about it rationally, Hezbollah should retaliate in kind with the same number of missiles to deter further Israel attacks, but no, because of Lebanese politics, Hezbollah sits idle.

It doesn't really make sense if you think about it. If the resistance front is fighting in unison for one cause, one end goal then they should work together and function as one.

I would wait for more reputable confirmation. Hard to tell that is 3rd of Khordad from the sat image.

Syria has BUK systems and from the air they would look similar.

If it was deployed it is thanks to Hezbollah and the Hezbollah operative that was killed in recent air strikes. Since that time Israel has reduced the amount of sorties on Syrian territory in fears of sparking another war with HZ in case an operative were to get killed again.
It doesn't really make sense if you think about it. If the resistance front is fighting in unison for one cause, one end goal then they should work together and function as one.

They do fight in one unison, but the strategy is depicted by Tehran. And Tehran has chosen strategic patience. Such patience, that it's willing to support a tyrant killing his own Muslim population in the short term. Because while that is not morally the right thing to do for an Islamic-republic under the guardianship of the Islamic jurists, it is the right this to do so strategically. In order to, in the long term, get to their number 1 geopolitical regional rival, Israel.
Honestly one issue with the "resistance front" is that they do not function as one holistic entity. Israel attacks Syrian assets or Hezbollah / Iranian backed assets in Syria and because Syria is so depleted and war torn they don't usually respond.

Israeli jets fly low over Lebanese airspace and strike Syria but there are neither spotters or MANPAD crews there to atleast deter them. Syria is depleted but Hezbollah has 100,000 missiles/rockets. Whenever Israel strikes any target in Syria, if you think about it rationally, Hezbollah should retaliate in kind with the same number of missiles to deter further Israel attacks, but no, because of Lebanese politics, Hezbollah sits idle.

It doesn't really make sense if you think about it. If the resistance front is fighting in unison for one cause, one end goal then they should work together and function as one.

That is the latest i read about Hezbollah

Yeah but see that's what I'm talking about. It's not enough.

First of all Hezbollah should be using preventative measures to deter any and all Israeli strikes on Syria. That includes Israeil strikes on SAA positions or Israeli strikes Iranian backed forces in Deir Ezzor for example, not just on Hezbollah targets.

Hezbollah should also be actively trying to deter Israel from flying over Lebanese airspace. Israeli jets flying low are vulnerable to MANPADS. At the least there should be early warning systems or spotters on the ground in Lebanon. How hard would that be ?

Also anytime Israel does successfully strike any target in Syria, Hezbollah should respond reciprocally with just as many missiles.

A policy such as that could actually deter Israel from targeting any part of the resistance axis.

Look at how the Americans are withdrawing 1/3rd of their forces from Iraq now. There have been countless rocket strikes on American targets as well as guerilla forces consistently targeting US convoys.

However the US constantly denies sustaining any damage or casualties, however that's very unlikely. I'm guessing that Trump doesn't want any major escalation during the election process ?

Also the Zionist official policy is to actively deny any casualties that occur as a result of enemy strikes and now it seems as if the Americans under Trump are following suite.

It's the same thing with the Iranian missile strikes on Al Asad base. First they said no casualties, all is well. Then 12, then 30, then 60, then finally 100+ American soldiers with traumatic brain injuries. According to Trump it's headaches that can easily be cured by Tylenol however many US soldiers have not returned to active duty since. Conspiracy theory or is there something to it ?

That is the latest i read about Hezbollah

I would wait for more reputable confirmation. Hard to tell that is 3rd of Khordad from the sat image.

Syria has BUK systems and from the air they would look similar.

If it was deployed it is thanks to Hezbollah and the Hezbollah operative that was killed in recent air strikes. Since that time Israel has reduced the amount of sorties on Syrian territory in fears of sparking another war with HZ in case an operative were to get killed again.
This is not 3rd khordad.Iran or hezbollah would never place it in such a way😂
Yeah but see that's what I'm talking about. It's not enough.

First of all Hezbollah should be using preventative measures to deter any and all Israeli strikes on Syria. That includes Israeil strikes on SAA positions or Israeli strikes Iranian backed forces in Deir Ezzor for example, not just on Hezbollah targets.

Hezbollah should also be actively trying to deter Israel from flying over Lebanese airspace. Israeli jets flying low are vulnerable to MANPADS. At the least there should be early warning systems or spotters on the ground in Lebanon. How hard would that be ?

Also anytime Israel does successfully strike any target in Syria, Hezbollah should respond reciprocally with just as many missiles.

A policy such as that could actually deter Israel from targeting any part of the resistance axis.

Look at how the Americans are withdrawing 1/3rd of their forces from Iraq now. There have been countless rocket strikes on American targets as well as guerilla forces consistently targeting US convoys.

However the US constantly denies sustaining any damage or casualties, however that's very unlikely. I'm guessing that Trump doesn't want any major escalation during the election process ?

Also the Zionist official policy is to actively deny any casualties that occur as a result of enemy strikes and now it seems as if the Americans under Trump are following suite.

It's the same thing with the Iranian missile strikes on Al Asad base. First they said no casualties, all is well. Then 12, then 30, then 60, then finally 100+ American soldiers with traumatic brain injuries. According to Trump it's headaches that can easily be cured by Tylenol however many US soldiers have not returned to active duty since. Conspiracy theory or is there something to it ?

Me think that there is already AD in Lebanon. Also Lebanon is not only Hezbollah. There must be consense between all political fraction to openly and activ deploy AD against Israel. The disaster what happened with the explosion in Beirut habor could lead to a new political will in Lebanon and solve the illegal Israely overflys. At the moment me think Hezbollah has to wait in what direction the people in Lebanon want to go, cant decide in Lebanon internal alone. But can do small skirmish at border with and in Israel. And me think that is what Nasrallah said in his speech.
Me think that there is already AD in Lebanon. Also Lebanon is not only Hezbollah. There must be consense between all political fraction to openly and activ deploy AD against Israel. The disaster what happened with the explosion in Beirut habor could lead to a new political will in Lebanon and solve the illegal Israely overflys. At the moment me think Hezbollah has to wait in what direction the people in Lebanon want to go, cant decide in Lebanon internal alone. But can do small skirmish at border with and in Israel. And me think that is what Nasrallah said in his speech.
good comments, but regarding "small skirmish with Israel"....HMMMM...issue with that is that Israel can escalate that, cuz its fond of violating(another) international law that bans collective punishment...its possible the clash might stay small and local ,but im just saying that the risk is considerablly higher now imo that it wont stay so small.
The first picture is in


A bird detecting radar with a range of 12 km and able to detect more than 300 targets. Not a bad thing to put into service with the ever growing spread of small (suicide) drones that are capable of attacking targets.
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