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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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I understand there are some problems and issues brother that are sensitive, however don't forget Iran and Iraq killed 1 and half million of each other, however we are neighbours.. we have no choise to work together and forget the past. That's why Ideal situation would be prosperity and cooperation among the Indo-Iranian neighbours (Iran, India, pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan).

Sorry man... i can make peace with the israelis but not the indians...
@Syrian Lion i agree with Desert Fox..

BS : hope u screw the talibastards in ur country.
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wtf is wrong with you dude. Your mixing Race and Religion. He insulted your RACE not RELIGION. Dont mix Culture with Religion. I thought someone who was as Intelligent as you would not be so naive.

He's not naive.

He's trying to play the religion card to gain sympathy from the non-Arab Muslim (particularly Pakistani) side.
There is no need to kid ourselves Barakah. I have been awaken for 30 hours or so. Long history short it's not really relevant here besides barely being awaken.

That individual is a proven anti-Arab and anti-Muslim. That is undeniable. I have no tolerance for such individuals and when they insult too I do it as well and even more too and I have no problem with that since they are Pagans in my eyes and enemies of my people and religion thus the normal rules among Arabs and Muslim/allies/friends are out of play.

Read my post about his little list that he made (he made similar ones a few times) and what I wrote there. It is all clear but obviously he does not dare to admit it.

The same clown said in THIS VERY SAME THREAD that he looks down on Muslim culture. What does that tell you.

Try to say 2 + 2.

LOOK you little tiny pagan. I don't look for the sympathy of your likes or your friends here. Get that into your empty skull and stop writing to me. You are a an enemy of Muslims and ARabs and must be dealt with accordingly on a forum - hostility especially if met by insults by you.
He's not naive.

He's trying to play the religion card to gain sympathy from the non-Arab Muslim (particularly Pakistani) side.

Lol I can't believe he went so far as to accuse you of Insulting our Prophet. Like wtf seriously? how bad can it get? I guess some people are just too stubborn..

There is no need to kid ourselves Barakah. I have been awaken for 30 hours or so. Long history short it's not really relevant here besides barely being awaken.

That individual is a proven anti-Arab and anti-Muslim. That is undeniable. I have no tolerance for such individuals and when they insult too I do it as well and even more too and I have no problem with that since they are Pagans in my eyes and enemies of my people and religion thus the normal rules among Arabs and allies/friends are out of play.

Read my post about his little list that he made (he made similar ones a few times) and what I wrote there. It is all clear but obviously he does not dare to admit it.

The same clown said in THIS VERY SAME THREAD that he looks down on Muslim culture. What does that tell you.

Try to say 2 + 2.

You can't call Islam or Muslim a culture. Because Pakistani Muslims have different a different Culture to Arab Muslims and Arab Muslims have a different Culture to Indonesian Muslims. I know what your trying to say but seriously your confusing your self. Once you start to realize that Muslim is not a Culture all your problems will be solved.
Lol I can't believe he went so far as to accuse you of Insulting our Prophet. Like wtf seriously? how bad can it get? I guess some people are just too stubborn..

You can't call Islam or Muslim a culture. Because Pakistani Muslims have different a different Culture to Arab Muslims and Arab Muslims have a different Culture to Indonesian Muslims. I know what your trying to say but seriously your confusing your self. Once you start to realize that Muslim is not a Culture all your problems will be solved.

Muslim culture = following Islam. His insulsts are all clear especially the pedophile remark that ALL MUSLIMS know are used by anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs to refer to Prophet Muhammad (saws). That is also undeniable. That Pagan did the same here and now he is backtracking. Pathetic coward.

I have no problem admitting that I insulted that moron and I was right since he was exposed. That was after he insulted me. He needs to be taught a lesson.
There is no need to kid ourselves Barakah. I have been awaken for 30 hours or so. Long history short it's not really relevant here besides barely being awaken.

That individual is a proven anti-Arab and anti-Muslim. That is undeniable. I have no tolerance for such individuals and when they insult too I do it as well and even more too and I have no problem with that since they are Pagans in my eyes and enemies of my people and religion thus the normal rules among Arabs and Muslim/allies/friends are out of play.

Read my post about his little list that he made (he made similar ones a few times) and what I wrote there. It is all clear but obviously he does not dare to admit it.

The same clown said in THIS VERY SAME THREAD that he looks down on Muslim culture. What does that tell you.

Try to say 2 + 2.

LOOK you little tiny pagan. I don't look for the sympathy of your likes or your friends here. Get that into your empty skull and stop writing to me. You are a an enemy of Muslims and ARabs and must be dealt with accordingly on a forum - hostility especially if met by insults by you.

Muslim culture? whats tht? ur "superior arab culture" isnt "islamic culture"... we have our own CULTURE AND WE ARE PROUD OF IT!
Your pedophile remark we all know what is referring to. Just admit it coward. We are both going down anyway. You are already a well-known Islamophobe and anti-Arab. You see I don't care or had any problem with your people I never wrote about them as can be seen by my posts unlike you about Arabs. You see that is a quite significant difference that you pea brain cannot grasp either.

What was the pedophile remark about? We all know that this is a reference to Prophet Muhammad (saws) by your likes. This is all clear.

Like you were talking about some average sick Joe. Pathetic.

Just know that an Arab would crush your little skull for speaking like that.
Muslim culture = following Islam. His insulsts are all clear especially the pedophile remark that ALL MUSLIMS know are used by anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs to refer to Prophet Muhammad (saws). That is also undeniable. That Pagan did the same here and now he is backtracking. Pathetic coward.

I have no problem admitting that I insulted that moron and I was right since he was exposed. That was after he insulted me. He needs to be taught a lesson.

His insult I admit is a bit misconstrued. Because as you know our Prophet (SAW) did marry a young person. I know where your coming from, Even though It does look like he was Insulting Islam i'm sure that was not his intention. He was merely trying to Insult Arabs after you Insulted him, However I do have to agree that he should have thought about it more before calling arabs pedophiles since our Prophet was also an Arab. But believe me this is a misunderstanding between both of you, and i'd appreciate it if we can stop having this pedo/islam hating discussion as its going to lead to just more flaming.
Muslim culture = following Islam. His insulsts are all clear especially the pedophile remark that ALL MUSLIMS know are used by anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs to refer to Prophet Muhammad (saws). That is also undeniable. That Pagan did the same here and now he is backtracking. Pathetic coward.
You still provided no proof that i insulted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Abu Dharr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘No man accuses another of an immoral deed or kufr, but it will come back on him, if the person he accuses is not as he says he is.’” (Reported by al-Bukhari, 10/388)

I have no problem admitting that I insulted that moron and I was right since he was exposed. That was after he insulted me. He needs to be taught a lesson.

Here is my first post on this thread, let me know where i insulted you:


Let me kno where i "insulted" you, where i "insulted" Arabs, and where i "insulted" Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

It was you who replied to my post and it was you who insulted me and my ethnicity.
His insult I admit is a bit misconstrued. Because as you know our Prophet (SAW) did marry a young person. I know where your coming from, Even though It does look like he was Insulting Islam i'm sure that was not his intention. He was merely trying to Insult Arabs, However I do have to agree that he should have thought about it more before calling arabs pedophiles since our Prophet was also an Arab. But believe me this is a misunderstanding between both of you, and i'd appreciate it if we can stop having this pedo/islam hating discussion as its going to lead to just more flaming.

I would give him the benefit of the doubt if I did not know him as a user. I suggest you look at his user history. He has probably also edited many of his posts by now.

That guy is an anti-Arab and anti-Muslim and this is evident. We cannot have respect for that. Regarding the insulsts then nobody was better than the other but nobody included religion, women etc.

It all started by his insults towards me at page 4 or 5. He insulted Semitic people and Arabs since he mentioned Sheikh in his first post . Everybody can look.

This clown is obsessed about Arabs and all his faults are blamed on Arabs and Muslims despite it being his own peoples mess or problems. I suggest you read about his posts.

I have never written about Pashtuns here until I was forced to retaliate his insults towards Arabs. My problem is that individual and some of his 2-3 little friends here who have exposed themselves. Before I thought they were normal people and had normal discussions with them even two of them as friends here but that has ended now.
His insult I admit is a bit misconstrued. Because as you know our Prophet (SAW) did marry a young person. I know where your coming from, Even though It does look like he was Insulting Islam i'm sure that was not his intention. He was merely trying to Insult Arabs, However I do have to agree that he should have thought about it more before calling arabs pedophiles since our Prophet was also an Arab. But believe me this is a misunderstanding between both of you, and i'd appreciate it if we can stop having this pedo/islam hating discussion as its going to lead to just more flaming.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made decisions out of wisdom. He was the perfect human being and he had no sins.

So it would be foolish to say that all Arabs, including this bedouin who insulted me first, is like our beloved Prophet (PBUH).


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had multiple wives, but no more than 4 at one time. Some of his (PBUH's) wives were widows of their previous marriages, meanwhile the average (not all, but most likely most) Gulf Arabs who desires 4 fives desires all of them to be virgins who were never wedded.
Your pedophile remark we all know what is referring to. Just admit it coward. We are both going down anyway. You are already a well-known Islamophobe and anti-Arab. You see I don't care or had any problem with your people I never wrote about them as can be seen by my posts unlike you about Arabs. You see that is a quite significant difference that you pea brain cannot grasp either.

What was the pedophile remark about? We all know that this is a reference to Prophet Muhammad (saws) by your likes. This is all clear.

Like you were talking about some average sick Joe. Pathetic.

Just know that an Arab would crush your little skull for speaking like that.

However I do have to agree that he should have thought about it more before calling arabs pedophiles since our Prophet was also an Arab.
No, he was attacked and he answered him. When he attacks Indo-Iranian peoples, we don't cry Salman-Al-Farsi was Iranian, Bukhari was Iranian, you were attacking them.
These terror tricks are pathetic , even a small kid would recognize this kind of trolling. It's not worth answering these kind of accusations.
Anyway the Pagan must be taught a lesson sooner rather than latter and the coward will get that kind of lesson from one Muslim Arab or other Muslim one day. Mark my words. Somebody will figure out that double faced phonie one day and counter him harshly. Just need to find the immigrant wherever he is hiding.
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