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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Both of you got carried away in an immture fight. Maybe @Aeronaut can put an end to these flamings.

The problem with that individual is that he has silently been targeting us for weeks while we did nothing. Patience has a limit. He has targeted other Arab users too. He is the same guy who saved pictures of Mosab and posted them here despite that being strictly forbidden. He is a coward that cannot even elaborate what he meant by that pedophile remark even when it is all clear. What is the worst insult anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs can do? Obviously call Prophet Muhammad (saws) a pedophile.

We don't have any Bachi Bazi or other such practices so that was the only think he could be referring to. Allah (swt) is my witness that I have seen him write plenty of anti-Arab posts and some anti-Muslim posts before.
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The problem with that individual is that he has silently been targeting us for weeks while we did nothing. Patience has a limit. He has targeted other Arab users too. He is the same guy who saved pictures of Mosab and posted them here despite that being strictly forbidden. He is a coward that cannot even elaborate what he meant by that pedophile remark even when it is all clear. What is the worst insult anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs can do? Obviously call Prophet Muhammad (saws) a pedophile.

Lol just stop can u please stop putting pedophile and our prophets name in the same sentence? Its disgusting just stop and forget about it. If its really bad blood between the both of you then argue it over PM or something.
"But after iran becomes involved in syria against america, I assure you iran is gonna get the *** kicking of the century.
This is what is called poking of nose in every ones affair by self proclaimed saviours of the world.
No need to invent lies here. This is the first time I even discuss about Pashtuns and I have no problem with them. Even wrote it 20 pages back or so. You are welcome to look all my posts through. Nothing to hide. I retaliate his anti-Arab remarks and insults towards my people and make similar ones about his own people since I knew he was a Pashtun. Stop making nonsense up.

In comparison that Desert Clown has made HUNDREDS of anti-Arab comments and small anti-Islamic remarks here and there. Once just need to look at his user history.

And why is that you are denying your previous posts? if you are not proud of such posts then its good thing.

I have three arab friends (two from jordan and one from Yemen) who studied in Pakistan and they are fine and nice gentlemen. My point is that dont be a narrow-minded racist, stop generalizing about races and cultures. In islam the basis of superiority is not race and colour.
The problem with that individual is that he has silently been targeting us for weeks while we did nothing. Patience has a limit. He has targeted other Arab users too. He is the same guy who saved pictures of Mosab and posted them here despite that being strictly forbidden. He is a coward that cannot even elaborate what he meant by that pedophile remark even when it is all clear. What is the worst insult anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs can do? Obviously call Prophet Muhammad (saws) a pedophile.

We don't have any Bachi Bazi or other such practices so that was the only think he could be referring to. Allah (swt) is my witness that I have seen him write plenty of anti-Arab posts and some anti-Muslim posts before.

Tbqh, I don't think you should meet his dragatory comments with another dragatory comments of yours.

And why is that you are denying your previous posts? if you are not proud of such posts then its good thing.

I have three arab friends (two from jordan and one from Yemen) who studied in Pakistan and they are fine and nice gentlemen. My point is that dont be a narrow-minded racist, stop generalizing about races and cultures. In islam the basis of superiority is not race and colour.

Can you make me your friend as well :cray:
And why is that you are denying your previous posts? if you are not proud of such posts then its good thing.

I have three arab friends (two from jordan and one from Yemen) who studied in Pakistan and they are fine and nice gentlemen. My point is that dont be a narrow-minded racist, stop generalizing about races and cultures. In islam the basis of superiority is not race and colour.

Let me repeat myself. I have never written a negative post about his people (Pashtuns). It was a retaliation to all his remarks which you have read. He started it in this thread and could not take it so he called his horde to help him with the insults. He could have been Papuan. Does not matter. He happened to be what he is. That guy has insulted Arabs before and Muslims. I have seen it otherwise I would not say it. I remember him when he had that Nazi/SS/German Reich avatar with that officer with the cap.

I believe it displayed Rommels. Senior members can confirm that he had such an avatar. Not making this up.

Once again. Nobody has claimed anything superiority here. If implied it was a reply to insults. Nothing more than that. You don't see me making thread about Arabs being superior etc. In fact this forum has many anti-Arabs which we all know and he is one of the hordes. Most Arabs here spend time countering nonsense and ignorance. We hardly have time to tell anything valuable. Once again also I stated 20 pages back that I have no problem with Pashtuns and that I apologized for being stupid enough to reply to his insults and apologized any Pashtun reading it. This still holds truth. But he never did anything similar back then.

The same guy has had many problems with other Arab users. He is the one who saved personal pictures of an Arab user here before (Mosab) and posted it against the rules and gave it to other users.

This is the individual we are talking about.

The pedophile remark is also clear what that is about. Unfortunately. No matter if his hordes try to portray it differently. It was a long list of a typical anti-Islamphope/anti-Arab straight out of such dictionaries.
Muslim culture = following Islam. His insulsts are all clear especially the pedophile remark that ALL MUSLIMS know are used by anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs to refer to Prophet Muhammad (saws). That is also undeniable. That Pagan did the same here and now he is backtracking. Pathetic coward.

I have no problem admitting that I insulted that moron and I was right since he was exposed. That was after he insulted me. He needs to be taught a lesson.
Can you explain about the words Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab which you used it frequently? What do you mean when you are using these words?
Can you explain about the words Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab which you used it frequently? What do you mean when you are using these words?

List of Arab achievements: :coffee:

Eating peoples hearts

blowing people up

burying little girls alive

enslaving black Africans and being proud of it


The last one given his history of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic comments, his comment of looking down on Muslims in this threads etc. gives you a hint what that reference is aimed at.

Also you are an Iranian. Anti-Arab by nature. This is not your issue but an issue between me and him. Don't try to score cheap points. Read the debate if you want.
The last one given his history of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic comments, his comment of looking down on Muslims in this threads etc. gives you a hint what that reference is aimed at.

Also you are an Iranian. Anti-Arab by nature. This is not your issue but an issue between me and him. Don't try to score cheap points. Read the debate if you want.
I just want to get acquainted with you're thoughts. So anyone who born in iran is anti-Arab? Thank you. I got it. :what:
I just want to get acquainted with you're thoughts. So anyone who born in iran is anti-Arab? Thank you. I got it. :what:

Judging from history and this forum then this is the case 95% of the time. You might be a little exception. Anyway this is not about you. I have no problem with you. I don't know you. This thread is between me and that Desert Fox. I have a problem with him and his comments. Don't care about his 1-2 hordes of "followers". They are irrelevant here.
Wow you two are still flaming each other @al-Hasani and @Desert Fox, I left the forum and this thread in particular several hours ago when it was at page 7, I come back and it's page 23. You guys really need to get a life...

This thread is between me and that Desert Fox..

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Wow you two are still flaming each other @al-Hasani and @Desert Fox, I left the forum and this thread in particular several hours ago when it was at page 7, I come back and it's page 23. You guys really need to get a life...


Yes, today it went overboard. Lack of sleep and a discussion going WAY overboard. Wish you could go back in time. Look past this stupidities. That vandal is ignored by me from now on and I will warn all Arab members from him so they can avoid him too. No other solution. He is deliberately playing with peoples sentiments in order to get a reaction. That vandal. He is a dangerous user for ones health and well-being. A professional provocateur.

I am ready to make peace with him and apologized long ago. But he will not I believe since he hates Arab from his heart while I have no problem with Pashtuns or any other people from the region.
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Yes, today it went overboard. Lack of sleep and a discussion going WAY overboard. Wish you could go back in time. Look past this stupidities. That vandal is ignored by me from now on and I will warn all Arab members from him so they can avoid him too. No other solution. He is deliberately playing with peoples sentiments in order to get a reaction. That vandal. He is a dangerous user for ones health and well-being. A professional provocateur.

I am ready to make peace with him and apologized long ago. But he will not I believe since he hates Arab from his heart while I have no problem with Pashtuns or any other people from the region.

u know what dude......
u insult everyone in this forum .....
do u remember how u got banned??? it was when u got into speech war with me and u insulted every iranian...
its not just iranians , anyone who is anti-takfiri extremisim is a PAGAN :omghaha: in ur vocab.
why did u call @Syrian Lion non-arab??
why do u accuse us of being non-muslim ???
anyone who is salafi or takfiri or wahabi is the only arab-muslim in ur culture????
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u know what dude......
u insult everyone in this forum .....
do u remember how u got banned??? it was when u got into speech war with me and u insulted every iranian...
its not just iranians , anyone who is anti-takfiri extremisim is a PAGAN :omghaha: in ur vocab.
why did u call @Syrian Lion non-arab??
why do u accuse us of being non-muslim ???
anyone who is salafi or takfiri or wahabi is the only arab-muslim in ur culture????

I serve the same dish for the anti-Arabs and anti-Muslims and they will expect that in the future. Some nobodies here do not matter anyway and pose no harm to the great, ancient and beautiful Arab world and 450 million of us Arabs. Let alone Islam.

No, I did not discuss with you.

Pagans are anti-Muslims who wish to harm Muslims and supporters of mass-murderers such as Al-Assad (child- and mass-murderer) who is a Pagan and sect member.

Because that is what he is. A fake Arab nationalist living in USA. Writing propaganda about all Arab countries. We Arabs know him here on this forum.

Stop inventing fairtyles. I am a Sunni of the Shafi'i madhab and a Meccan Hashemite.

But we Arabs and Muslim consider your government an enemy of us Arabs so we will never have good relations with you since you are working against us and have been doing that since 1979.

Even Shia Arabs are against your Mullah regime and support Al-Sistani.

Sayyed Ayad Jamal Aldin: Difference b/w Najaf Hawza & followers of wilayat al-faqih is latter LIE - YouTube

Here is a Shia Arab speaking my mind.
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I serve the same dish for the anti-Arabs and anti-Muslims and they will expect that in the future. Some nobodies here do not matter anyway and pose no harm to the great, ancient and beautiful Arab world and 450 million of us Arabs. Let alone Islam.

No, I did not discuss with you.

Pagans are anti-Muslims who wish to harm Muslims and supporters of mass-murderers such as Al-Assad (child- and mass-murderer) who is a Pagan and sect member.

Because that is what he is. A fake Arab nationalist living in USA. Writing propaganda about all Arab countries. We Arabs know him here on this forum.

Stop inventing fairtyles. I am a Sunni of the Shafi'i madhab and a Meccan Hashemite.

But we Arabs and Muslim consider your government an enemy of us Arabs so we will never have good relations with you since you are working against us and have been doing that since 1979.

Even Shia Arabs are against your Mullah regime and support Al-Sistani.

Here is a Shia Arab speaking my mind.

okey MUSLIM ARAB !!!!!! SINCE ur the only muslim here what do u think about this?

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