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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

First of all, he was talking about world war 1.

In fact, I would advice you to learn the real history. Have you heard of Khanates of Azerbaijan? Altough de-jure it was part of the Qajars, the Khanates were de-facto independent, and fought with Qajars. Russians basically occupied northern Khanates to north of Araz river, and Qajars occupied the southern Khanates to south of Araz river. The treaties was to clearify that borderline. In fact, if anything, Qajars gained territority, because Khanates were certainly unhappy with Qajar rule.

Also, Qajars themselves in fact were ethnic Azeris. Qajar is one the tribes of Azeri Turks. Before Qajars, Safavids that ruled Iran were also of Azeri origin. And before that, Kara-Koyunlu and Ak-Koyunlu Turkomans of Azerbaijan ruled Iran.

Well what I meant to say was pre-world war 1 era.
First of all, he was talking about world war 1.

In fact, I would advice you to learn the real history. Have you heard of Khanates of Azerbaijan? Altough de-jure it was part of the Qajars, the Khanates were de-facto independent, and fought with Qajars. Russians basically occupied northern Khanates to north of Araz river, and Qajars occupied the southern Khanates to south of Araz river.

Also, Qajars themselves in fact were ethnic Azeris. Qajar is one the tribes of Azeri Turks. Before Qajars, Safavids that ruled Iran were also of Azeri origin. And before that, Kara-Koyunlu and Ak-Koyunlu Turkomans of Azerbaijan ruled Iran.

So you do agree that Azerbaijan was a part of Iran during the Qajars? I do confirm what you said about the Khanates and the Russians. Do you acknowledge that republic of Azerbaijan was a part of the Qajar Iran at that time?
Pkk is sponsored by both Israel and Armenia, which are both countries allies. Pkk is also a problem for both nations. You do the math.

What math??? we are not like other peoples, you cant scare us off, they can come with a couple of countries same time, no problem, they will be crushed. Ask Greece and the others too we have enough enemies!!. why dont you come and attack us or Azerbaijan if you guys are so badasses huh??
So you do agree that Azerbaijan was a part of Iran during the Qajars? I do confirm what you said about the Khanates and the Russians. Do you acknowledge that republic of Azerbaijan was a part of the Qajar Iran at that time?

Only de-jure, but de-facto Azerbaijan, both south and north was independent.
All I can say through reading many articles is that, although Azeris are ethnic Turks, they are culturally Iranian.
What math??? we are not like other peoples, you cant scare us off, they can come with a couple of countries same time, no problem, they will be crushed. Ask Greece and the others too we have enough enemies!!. why dont you come and attack us or Azerbaijan if you guys are so badasses huh??

I'm from Pakistan bro, our regions are different. We supported the Ottomans, and we have no reason to attack anyone?
First of all some one and a half century ago, Azerbaijan was an Iranian province but now ofcourse Azerbaijan is a soveriegn nation though living under a brutal western supported dictatorship. Still there are people in Azerbaijan who believe someday they must re-join the motherland Iran. They still cross the border to do their shopping in Iran since it is cheaper to shop in Iran. In addition Iran should be compared to a country its own size and not become a bully for smaller nations. Azerbaijan is like one percent of Iran so it is wrong to compare them in a crude way. But scientifically here are some rankings:

1- Total hard power: Iran stands at 15th and Azerbaijan at 81st.

2- Total fire power: Iran stands at 12th and Azerbaijan is not ranked among the world's great powers.
All I can say through reading many articles is that, although Azeris are ethnic Turks, they are culturally Iranian.

They are mix, they speak Russian, Turkish, Persian and Azeri.. which is again sort of mix of all.
All I can say through reading many articles is that, although Azeris are ethnic Turks, they are culturally Iranian.

I don't know how right it is to say that, but Azerbaijan and Iranian culture are similiar yes.

And this is nothing to be surprised about, Oghuz Turks chose Iran as their new homeland, and modern Azeris are descendets of those Oghuz Turks that settled in Iran. Seljuqs, our ancestors already absorbed good deal of Iranian culture, they began to make Persian language state language etc...
Yes, you can shell but not any time and Azerbaijan can shall you back also.

I'm sure you have no idea how difficult it is to actively run a war in sub zero conditions, specially when you are blind with heavy snow in dark.
In second world war Germans lost to Russinas only because of cold and snow.

Why don't you understand your border with Nakhchivan is limited and in winter every thing is freezing and when snow falls visibility is close to zero.

You can forget about your forward airbases for all winter and your troops do need air-support or you loose advantage of it, and why would Azeris care about Armenian airspace when it is widely believed that they are partners with Iran. You have no choice but to use Armenian land in any condition. Otherwise, your army will be on sucide path.

Think, why shall Azeris defend Nakchivan, while they can launch counter offensive, some where else and as i said, Iranian territory beyond 'namak daryia' is larger than Nakchivan... so yor troops would be running all over like crazy and this i know.

We can shell them from our borders and because it is inside our borders that means we can shell them any time except the other limits we face because of shortage of ammunition. Iran will have access to Nakhchivan by ground, they'll have no ground access to Nakhchivan. We'll have the upper hand in logistics for sure. and the distance between Iran's borders to Nakhchivan will be less than the distance between Azerbaijan's closest point to Nakhchivan and that makes Iran's shelling more effective.

so you think Armenia's air space is like Lebanon and Azerbaijan is Israel that Azerbaijan can violate the Armenian air space any time it wants? Armenia will not let Azerbaijan use its air space under the pretext that it is neutral and the world will support her decision too.

You didn't answer me. only Iran will face such problems in winter? Azerbaijan won't? We'll settle in the place, then we'll wait that they take it back. They'll be offensive and we'll be defensive.

In World War II, the Germans lost to the Russians because of many factors, but in no way you can compare the cold weather in Leningrad or other Russians western cities to Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan is no colder than Iran's West-Northern mountains.

We have no choice but to use Armenian land in any condition? Why?

In fact there are rumors that Nakhchivan wrote a letter to Iran after the revolution that it wanted to join Iran. Azerbaijan is a Shiite country that is ruled by a secular government who has banned some religious ceremonies. you know what I mean.
First of all some one and a half century ago, Azerbaijan was an Iranian province but now ofcourse Azerbaijan is a soveriegn nation though living under a brutal western supported dictatorship. Still there are people in Azerbaijan who believe someday they must re-join the motherland Iran. They still cross the border to do their shopping in Iran since it is cheaper to shop in Iran. In addition Iran should be compared to a country its own size and not become a bully for smaller nations. Azerbaijan is like one percent of Iran so it is wrong to compare them in a crude way. But scientifically here are some rankings:

1- Total hard power: Iran stands at 15th and Azerbaijan at 81st.

2- Total fire power: Iran stands at 12th and Azerbaijan is not ranked among the world's great powers.

Azerbaijan is no way a "brutal dictatorship". If someone is a "brutal dictatorship", that is Iran. I will not say Azerbaijan are even democratic, but in no way such word could be accepted.

I already explained that Azerbaijan had independent Khanates prior to Russian invasion, not really part of Iran in reality, only on paper. And don't forget the same Iran during that time had ethnic Azery dynasty ruling the country, of course they considered themselves as rulers of Iran or Persia, but they were ethnic Azeris at the end.

I did not really understand that sentence..."re-join motherland Iran"? Our motherland is Azerbaijan, and if someone should "re-join", that would be Iran because that country were ruled by Azeri dynasties for centuries.

Do you really take such things seriously? Global fire power website is a joke, do you know that?

Iran is a much bigger country and have much bigger military in numbers as you said, but not using such sources.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 AM ----------

Iran itself were made Shia by Azeris and from Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was already a Shia region when Iran were Sunni.

Please, but please learn history. Azerbaijani influence on Iran are so great that you need to actually study it.
How can Azerbeijan be part of Iranian land if Iranian themselves were ruled by Turks? It is our lands don't make us conquer the place again.
First of all some one and a half century ago, Azerbaijan was an Iranian province but now ofcourse Azerbaijan is a soveriegn nation though living under a brutal western supported dictatorship. Still there are people in Azerbaijan who believe someday they must re-join the motherland Iran. They still cross the border to do their shopping in Iran since it is cheaper to shop in Iran. In addition Iran should be compared to a country its own size and not become a bully for smaller nations. Azerbaijan is like one percent of Iran so it is wrong to compare them in a crude way. But scientifically here are some rankings:

1- Total hard power: Iran stands at 15th and Azerbaijan at 81st.

2- Total fire power: Iran stands at 12th and Azerbaijan is not ranked among the world's great powers.

This is true Azerbaijan, especially Baku i sexpensive like Tokyo but Azeriz on Iranian side of border travell to Azerbaijan for job.

Iran cannot bring all of its fire power to a bottel neck.. and any such action will be contrary to Iran's declared threat perceptions.

What you don't know that Iran regime has almost zero support in masses.
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