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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

Dont worry about Kurds.. Well it's simple, Russia vs Turkey means Russia vs NATO, So NATO maybe scared for ww3?? I dont know! But i'm sure we can take both Iran and Syria on the same time.. Study our history dont be funny..

because you're sure that doesn't mean it's true.
more than one million Iranians visit Turkey annually which is important for the Turkish tourism industry. if a war happens, Iranians won't go to Turkey. not only Iranians won't go to Turkey, no one wants to go to a country that is in war with others. so your tourism industry will be hit hard. Foreign Direct Investment in your country will decrease because the first condition for investments is safety. Turkey's economy will have very hard times if it goes into a war with Iran and I'm just talking about the Turkish economy now.
and do worry about the Kurds. They are 30 million people.
Russia and NATO won't face each other over Syria for sure. and surely Iran is more important than Syria to Russia. so if you don't dare to attack Syria, which is no comparison to Iran's military power, then you won't dare to attack Iran either.

As I said earlier in another post, Azerbaijan is no concern of us. They won't be a threat to us even in the next 10 years. as I said, we'll use our levers against them. we have tens of diplomatic and non-military solutions to deter Azerbaijan.
because you're sure that doesn't mean it's true.
more than one million Iranians visit Turkey annually which is important for the Turkish tourism industry. if a war happens, Iranians won't go to Turkey. not only Iranians won't go to Turkey, no one wants to go to a country that is in war with others. so your tourism industry will be hit hard. Foreign Direct Investment in your country will decrease because the first condition for investments is safety. Turkey's economy will have very hard times if it goes into a war with Iran and I'm just talking about the Turkish economy now.
and do worry about the Kurds. They are 30 million people.
Russia and NATO won't face each other over Syria for sure. and surely Iran is more important than Syria to Russia. so if you don't dare to attack Syria, which is no comparison to Iran's military power, then you won't dare to attack Iran either.

As I said earlier in another post, Azerbaijan is no concern of us. They won't be a threat to us even in the next 10 years. as I said, we'll use our levers against them. we have tens of diplomatic and non-military solutions to deter Azerbaijan.
Iranian tourists?no thank you,we prefer Israeli s over you guys !
@Veni: the bad news is that even the number of Israeli tourists are decreasing as well because of a guy called Erdogan. face the truth, Turkey is no USA. not even close!
@Veni: the bad news is that even the number of Israeli tourists are decreasing as well because of a guy called Erdogan. face the truth, Turkey is no USA. not even close!
Israeli tourists are decreasing but just for temp..We are still the most popular destination for them.
Erdogan is not Turkey.We and Israelis still closer than any arab nation or Iran.We ll fix the the problems between us and Israelis..
Now you talk about economy and tourism??? who cares? just thouch Azerbaijan!

And we will pulverize both you and Syria!

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

Iranian tourists?no thank you,we prefer Israeli s over you guys !

No no i want them both, I love Iranians they are good people but that's not the point here..
Israeli tourists are decreasing but just for temp..We are still the most popular destination for them.
Erdogan is not Turkey.We and Israelis still closer than any arab nation or Iran.We ll fix the the problems between us and Israelis..

As long as muslims in Turkey are becoming more and more influential, and as long as Turkey wants to talk from both sides of her mouth to keep both Europe and Arabs happy, you'll have to be at odds with Israel. Israel won't apologize to you over the flotilla attack. They apologized to Egypt but they didn't apologize to you. That may help you understand that you're no USA.

Now you talk about economy and tourism??? who cares? just thouch Azerbaijan!

And we will pulverize both you and Syria!

The only reason that we don't do that is because we'll have to face what Iraq faced during the invasion of Kuwait. Invading Azerbaijan can be done in a short time, but then there will be a global front in punishing Iran like what happened during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. but if Azerbaijan dares to attack us, we'll hit them hard and as I said before, you Turks will only sit and condemn it.

I too like Turkish people, but some of them are too hot-headed and they think everything can be done by ultra-nationalism. ultra-nationalism and pan-Turkism won't work here.
The only reason that we don't do that is because we'll have to face what Iraq faced during the invasion of Kuwait. Invading Azerbaijan can be done in a short time, but then there will be a global front in punishing Iran like what happened during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. but if Azerbaijan dares to attack us, we'll hit them hard and as I said before, you Turks will only sit and condemn it.

Oh yea, that's true, i forget the country was leaded by Erdogan.. If you do it now, we will only condem. so true!! :tup:
As long as muslims in Turkey are becoming more and more influential, and as long as Turkey wants to talk from both sides of her mouth to keep both Europe and Arabs happy, you'll have to be at odds with Israel. Israel won't apologize to you over the flotilla attack. They apologized to Egypt but they didn't apologize to you. That may help you understand that you're no USA.

The only reason that we don't do that is because we'll have to face what Iraq faced during the invasion of Kuwait. Invading Azerbaijan can be done in a short time, but then there will be a global front in punishing Iran like what happened during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. but if Azerbaijan dares to attack us, we'll hit them hard and as I said before, you Turks will only sit and condemn it.
Who says that We are USA?All we know than Israel wont apologize us cos of our government,both of us!
You can fight,break up etc,those thngs very normal in relationship,but at the end we ll be fine with them;)
Yaziklar olsun bu hukumete, yonetime, artik hintliside, farsida bize meydan okur hale geldi.. gelen vuruyor giden vuruyor.. helal olsun!! durmak yok yola devam!!
Oh yea, that's true, i forget the country was leaded by Erdogan.. If you do it now, we will only condem. so true!! :tup:

good for you. peace.

Who says that We are USA?All we know than Israel wont apologize us cos of our government,both of us!
You can fight,break up etc,those thngs very normal in relationship,but at the end we ll be fine with them;)

well, many Iranians still yearn for better ties with Israel and the USA but that hasn't happened yet. Turkey hasn't reached the point of no turn regarding its relations with Israel but if the situation stays the same, you shouldn't expect your ties to get better with Israel in short terms. Erdogan is messing with Israel and Israelis know well how to respond back.
That's only based on your hypothesis. People in Iran's Azeri provinces call themselves Iranian. just look at the Azerbaijani Iranians who sacrificed their lives for Iran in the Iraq-Iran war and the people of Iranian Azerbaijan are indeed pro-Iran. That's only Zionist propaganda that they are not pro-Iran which has failed so far.

Why Iran can't launch ground assault in the region in winter time? any reasons? Azerbaijan is not colder than Iranian Azerbaijan in winters.
Iran has a strategic missile force that can compensate for Iran's old air fleet. moreover, do not underestimate Iran's F14's and Mig-29's. Let alone Iran's other forces that all are superior to the Azerbaijani counterparts.

Iran can annex Nakhchivan of Azerbaijan in a short time. just take a look at the map. and if Iran does this, Azerbaijan can not take it back because Armenia will be between Azerbaijan and Iranian-seized Nakhchivan.


---------- Post added 10-22-2011 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 10-21-2011 at 11:57 PM ----------

I know geography of the region, perhaps better than you.
I also know Iran can annex. this part but... can you hold it ? and how long ?
If you try to takeover Nakhchivan, than it would be a strategic suicide and Godforbid… If war broke, than it will not be limited to Nakhchivan and if Armenia jump in, it stands to loose everything.

Due to heavy snow in winter, Iranian pilots will not find any base to land fly…. as far as Tabriz and even beyond.
This is why, I said Iran cannot launch offensive in winter, your own troops would be isolated in winter snow and will be left without air cover, your logistics will come to halt when region will hit -20°C or -30°C.

And remember, one missile is required to break the bridge of ‘namak daryia’ and Iran itself risk to loose all territory beyond ‘darya’

Otherwise, I have noticed, whenever Turkey ran into diplomatic tensions with Israel, Iran came forward with its own mischief.
good for you. peace.

well, many Iranians still yearn for better ties with Israel and the USA but that hasn't happened yet. Turkey hasn't reached the point of no turn regarding its relations with Israel but if the situation stays the same, you shouldn't expect your ties to get better with Israel in short terms. Erdogan is messing with Israel and Israelis know well how to respond back.
Yeah you are right,Erdogan is messin but not Turkey.I still believe and expect that our ties will get better with Israel.
Jokes aside, if you ever make Turkey really really angry, at one point it will go crazy and come and crush you and your friends. But if you make it angry. Azerbaijan is our little brother! hope u understand.
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