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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

How can Azerbeijan be part of Iranian land if Iranian themselves were ruled by Turks? It is our lands don't make us conquer the place again.

But even those Azeris that you're talking about called Iran Persia. That means the hallucination that Azeris in Iran don't consider themselves to be Iranian or were foreigners from republic of Azerbaijan or Turkey is too lame.
Pakistan was ruled by Turkish dynasties, so now we should give up all of our culture and language and exchange it with Turkish culture and language? The past was the past.
I'm from Pakistan bro, our regions are different. We supported the Ottomans, and we have no reason to attack anyone?

You did not supported OTTOMANS.. it was our elders, so stop miliking that cow for ever.

You shall take pride in only what you are your self and what you do your self.
You did not supported OTTOMANS.. it was our elders, so stop miliking that cow for ever.

You shall take pride in only what you are and what you do.

Sorry man. I didn't know you were one for technicalities. But yes our elders supported the Ottomans. That was what I meant to say.
Pakistan was ruled by Turkish dynasties, so now we should give up all of our culture and language and exchange it with Turkish culture and language? The past was the past.

Now you are supporting Iran against sons of Ottomans what happend? have you turned Shia now?
@RedBeard: Pakistan was also ruled by Persian dynasties. The national anthem of Pakistan is pretty understandable for me. Urdu is a close brother of the Persian language. I can understand almost all of the Pakistani national anthem. It has nothing to do with turning Shia. Pakistan is an Aryan country while Turkey is not Aryan. Pakistan is closer to us than to you.
Now you are supporting Iran against sons of Ottomans what happend? have you turned Shia now?

No man. It's not Shia Sunni thing. And my great grandmother sold her golden Jewelry to support the Ottomans, on behalf of what my great grandfather said to her. Turkey and Iran should both realize when other nations are treating you as fighting dogs. What will fighting amongst each other bring? Do you see Norway and Denmark fight each other?
look it is simple, Turks prefer friendly, brotherly, peacefull relations with all peoples.. We are not the agressors here.. It is those Iranians who start about comparing power of Azerbaijan.. Why do you feel the need to compare Azerbaijan vs Iran? Do you really think a war is possible without getting smacked by Turkey?
Also I would like to say that Turkey is a secular state, while Iran is an Islamic Republic, but Iran treats their people in a secular fashion. If it weren't for the ayatollahs Iran would be a secular country as well.
Azerbaijan is no way a "brutal dictatorship". If someone is a "brutal dictatorship", that is Iran. I will not say Azerbaijan are even democratic, but in no way such word could be accepted.

I already explained that Azerbaijan had independent Khanates prior to Russian invasion, not really part of Iran in reality, only on paper. And don't forget the same Iran during that time had ethnic Azery dynasty ruling the country, of course they considered themselves as rulers of Iran or Persia, but they were ethnic Azeris at the end.

I did not really understand that sentence..."re-join motherland Iran"? Our motherland is Azerbaijan, and if someone should "re-join", that would be Iran because that country were ruled by Azeri dynasties for centuries.

Do you really take such things seriously? Global fire power website is a joke, do you know that?

Iran is a much bigger country and have much bigger military in numbers as you said, but not using such sources.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 AM ----------

Iran itself were made Shia by Azeris and from Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was already a Shia region when Iran were Sunni.

Please, but please learn history. Azerbaijani influence on Iran are so great that you need to actually study it.

That is a manufactured history fed to Azerbaijanis by state to bolster their national identity. The truth is that Azerbaijan was a province of Iran for atleast 2500 years if not more. Open up any non-state issued history book and read it. Iran just like any other big nation with a great empire history is composed of many different ethnicity and it natural for rulers to come from them. No surprises there. Iranians accept this. As for rejoining the motherland again open up any respectable history book and see for yourself that during the history of Iran many such small lands like Azerbaijan seceded partially from Iran only to rejoin again. Nations with great histories are like that. Azerbaijan did not existed as a COUNTRY ever before 1990. Another factual history. So a state built on just 21 years of history is not really in a position to project massive power specially that during its entire history it has been ruled by a single king. It is a country with a single king history. There are more Turkic dialect speaking people in Iran than in Azerbaijan and also lets not forget that Iran's most powerful man is also one of them and interestingly he sees Azerbaijan as a anti-Islamic state whose people should be helped to free themselves from their dictatorship. When was the last time there was an election in Azerbaijan? What happens to the guy who stand up against the president cum king in an imaginary election? Is he going to be boiled and skinned? I thought so. That means brutal dictatorship.
@RedBeard: Pakistan was also ruled by Persian dynasties. The national anthem of Pakistan is pretty understandable for me. Urdu is a close brother of the Persian language. I can understand almost all of the Pakistani national anthem. It has nothing to do with turning Shia. Pakistan is an Aryan country while Turkey is not Aryan. Pakistan is closer to us than to you.

Urdu=Ordu=Army.. Urdu gets its name from the Turkish word "Ordu" which means army (look for the various combinations in which the word is still used in Turkish such as Ordug� and Orduevi).

Further, according to researchers, the first Urdu poet was Masood Saad Salman who lived in Lahore in the twelfth century A.D. He is believed to have composed three poetic anthologies in Turkish, Persian and Hindvi (as was name given to Urdu in that era). Unfortunately, this works could not be traced and we can only rely on the brief references to Saad Salman in Amir Khusro's famous book "Ghurratul Kamal". It can thus be concluded that the origin of Urdu language can be easily traced to Turkish.
No man. It's not Shia Sunni thing. And my great grandmother sold her golden Jewelry to support the Ottomans, on behalf of what my great grandfather said to her. Turkey and Iran should both realize when other nations are treating you as fighting dogs. What will fighting amongst each other bring? Do you see Norway and Denmark fight each other?

Brother why dont you understand, it is them (Iranians) threatening our brother Azerbeijan! How do you connect this with the west? Why dont they just behave and stop their hostilities and provocations towards Azerbeijan and be peacefull so that nothing happens?
Arian, surely that is not true. People actually get different views now, more and more are aware of their idenities.

I m myself from Iran, I m from a region called "Qaradagh" and belong to a tribe that takes its name from it, "Qaradaghli", close relatives of Shahseven tribe.

And you will be surprised, but I spend a part of my childhood in Iran before our family moved to Baku. But I do not feel anything towards Iran, because Iran does not recognize me in first place. I m a Turk, my homeland is Azerbaijan and nothing can change that.

I actually see now that there is a much stronger segment of self-idenity in big ethnic Azeri cities of Iran, that is undeniable.

Surely It is true. You can find it in any historic books. at least during the Qajar dynasty, Iran was called Persia and Persian was the official language of the country. read any independent history book about it.

I have no moral obligation to believe your claims but I assume that you're stating the truth, but because someone in youtube uploads a video of pan-Turks in Iran and then some users post lousy comments under it that doesn't mean the Azeri population of Iran are all like that.

just read Iran's history and see how many Iranian Azeris have fought for Iran. I also know people from republic of Azerbaijan who come to Iran. that happens from both sides.

They feed you with such information in republic of Azerbaijan to create a feeling of unity with Iranian Azeris. It only serves as a propaganda machine for the separatists but it doesn't have wide support at all.
What you guys seem to be missing in this rage of testosterone is why we Muslims of the subcontinent supported the Ottomans. We supported Ottomans because they were the Muslim power in the region. We need a super power in the middle east/greater middle east to offset foreign powers. When you Iranians and Turks fight against each other, we Pakistanis feel hurt. Sunni or Shia if you accept Muhammad as the last messenger of God, we as people are nobody to question your faith. When it comes to politics, you guys are both the main players in the region. It's like Arab Union vs Iran vs Turks. You guys are culturally matured enough to understand that fighting each other will bring nothing. You guys can keep fighting each other on the basis of race which Islam prohibits, While Israel and Armenia sit back and watch you make fools of yourselves. In the end Muslims fight Muslims, and everybody else laughs.

What a sad state that all of our great countries have come to.
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