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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

Listen ones we conquered it s all over my friend, we can claim everything!! Everything!! :D:D:D just joking but.. I love iranian people, im not racist or hatefull just love my beautiful culture. that's all, and honestly i don't even know anything about history, just know that Turks conquered a lot of lands, that's all.
Listen ones we conquered it s all over my friend, we can claim everything!! Everything!! :D:D:D just joking but.. I love iranian people, im not racist or hatefull just love my beautiful culture. that's all, and honestly i don't even know anything about history, just know that Turks conquered a lot of lands, that's all.

Well, I'm glad that you're becoming normal now :D well, Turks and Iranians are friends, our countries are enjoying amicable ties now and our economic ties are getting strengthened everyday. I knew that some of your comments that seemed to be racist were because you were being emotional, so I didn't respond back and I hoped you would stop them soon :D peace. cheers.
You ******* turks make a move, and the lurs alone will r@pe your country.
you cant even handle the PKK and you're still talking $hit.
Listen ones we conquered it s all over my friend, we can claim everything!! Everything!! :D:D:D just joking but.. I love iranian people, im not racist or hatefull just love my beautiful culture. that's all, and honestly i don't even know anything about history, just know that Turks conquered a lot of lands, that's all.

yeah and the Persian took over more land than you. whats your point? we had control over turkey long before you were even created.
damn it!
I missed all this lmao

I skimmed the whole thing though and appareantly Persians are really Torks and Urdu is a Turkish language!!!
source: our resident, now banned, historian Redbeard


The irony here is that during the Ottoman era, "Persian served mainly as a literary language for the educated." Most of the elites knew how to speak Persian. In Iran, all these different Turkish dynasties had Persian as the official language of the country and even called the land Persia, go figure.

You panturks can scream about greater turkey all day long but at the end of the day no country in the region is more likely to lose land then you guys. You can't even control the Kurds but talking about Azarbaijan being part of greater turkey lmao

didn't these Azaris die by the tens of thousands fighting the Ottoman empire during the Persian-Ottoman wars?

As to the main topic of the thread, even ASQ admitted that there is no match.


P.S. In the past decade there have been rising tensions between Iranian azaris and the rest of the country. I personally find it completely understandable. The Azari language is under threat and I personally don't like it. I don't see why we can't have both Azari and Parsi as the official languages of Iran.
damn it!
I missed all this lmao

I skimmed the whole thing though and appareantly Persians are really Torks and Urdu is a Turkish language!!!
source: our resident, now banned, historian Redbeard


The irony here is that during the Ottoman era, "Persian served mainly as a literary language for the educated." Most of the elites knew how to speak Persian. In Iran, all these different Turkish dynasties had Persian as the official language of the country and even called the land Persia, go figure.

You panturks can scream about greater turkey all day long but at the end of the day no country in the region is more likely to lose land then you guys. You can't even control the Kurds but talking about Azarbaijan being part of greater turkey lmao

didn't these Azaris die by the tens of thousands fighting the Ottoman empire during the Persian-Ottoman wars?

As to the main topic of the thread, even ASQ admitted that there is no match.


P.S. In the past decade there have been rising tensions between Iranian azaris and the rest of the country. I personally find it completely understabdable. The Azari language is under threat and I personally don't like it. I don't see why we can't have both Azari and Parsi as the official languages of Iran.

Azeri should be respected language, but come on. The official language of the country should be farsi. There are arabs, turks baluch in your country, but the national language should be farsi.

In Pakistan we have different ethnic groups, but without respect to the national language, we as people would not be unified to Pakistan as a nation.

I'm amazed; it seems like Iranians and Turks hate each other more than Pakistani-Indian rivalry, or Turkish-Greek rivalry.
My opinion is

every Country should builde a joint NUKe bomb and throw it in every country
if sum one remains alive ... they should catch him/her and kill him/ her after that there will be peace in the world :)
i hope u will like my advise

sick yaar FUlana vs Fulana DASH DASH DASH
Azeri should be respected language, but come on. The official language of the country should be farsi. There are arabs, turks baluch in your country, but the national language should be farsi.

In Pakistan we have different ethnic groups, but without respect to the national language, we as people would not be unified to Pakistan as a nation.

I'm amazed; it seems like Iranians and Turks hate each other more than Pakistani-Indian rivalry, or Turkish-Greek rivalry.

Why can't Azari be an official language?
There is a sizeable minority in the country. A lot of Azaris can no longer speak the language properly and this is no good.
check out this map
look on the right side and read what it says (click on this LINK and look at the map in its bigger size).
In the 60's all 20 percent could speak Azari as their mother tongue. But today, even though 20% of the country is Azari, only 13 percent can speak the language. By 2020's it will be less than 10 (internet and mass communication is making it worse).
With this trend, everybody will be speaking Persian by mid century. We've already lost Qajar languages, among others. It would help bring down the tension.

Why can't Azari be an official language?
There is a sizeable minority in the country. A lot of Azaris can no longer speak the language properly and this is no good.
check out this map
look on the right side and read what it says (click on this LINK and look at the map in its bigger size).
In the 60's all 20 percent could speak Azari as their mother tongue. But today, even though 20% of the country is Azari, only 13 percent can speak the language. By 2020's it will be less than 10 (internet and mass communication is making it worse).
With this trend, everybody will be speaking Persian by mid century. We've already lost Qajar languages, among others. It would help bring down the tension.


But Farsi is the greater language. Greek was once the most spoken language in the world, after that English. Farsi was such a great language that even the invading Turks in your region and mine adopted it. Cultural languages should be taught in the schools, but think about it. The greatest poets in history not even based on linguistics, are farsi speakers from Iran. The language was so popular that our National poet wrote poetry in farsi.
We should respect turks. Mousavi is one of them and you see he was the green leader. so there is no racism agaisnt them.
There is not the tension like between India and Pakistan at all.
The tension is really different.
It is the tension it exists in any country with different cultures.
It needs RESPECT.

There was an interesting article published today about about PKK not being popular for kurds.
most azeris are not violent and don't want to be part of azerbaijan

when i see so many iranians enjoy going to Turkey : it is a proof that our countries having really really good relations

thank you Abii for the map :)
I agree, everything comes with respect, but one cannot impose their culture or language upon another. Hypothetical Situation: If I'm an Azeri, and try to use my language with an Arabic speaker in Iran for business, it will not work. The neutral language would be farsi to conduct business in.
didn't these Azaris die by the tens of thousands fighting the Ottoman empire during the Persian-Ottoman wars?


Azeris, including my ancestors fought and died in Safavid-Ottoman wars, not "Persian-Ottoman wars", stop falsifying history.

Safavids had Azerbaijani language as official language alongside Persian, and the military language was only Azeri, never Persian language was used in history of Safavids in military, does it tell you something about Safavids?

Like said, stop falsifying history.

There would ne problem if Iran was respecting idenity of Azeri Turks, if Azeri was official language of Iran alongside Farsi, just like in Safavid times. It is because of Safavids that Iran exist now, but believe me if Shah Ismail saw this, he would destroy every single Persian. Today's Iran state insults Safavids and Shah Ismail in a way, everything have turned into Persian. But it is Azeris that have built Iran, not Persians!
I don't understand why people are trolling. Here is a military forum, Aren't we supposed to talk about military aspects of the title? Iran vs Azerbaijan. Which is stronger militarily? That's the goal of the topic but we've discussed everything so far except that.
I am not trying to troll here. I just want to understand why a confrontation between the Iranians and Turks is even a reality?
Why can't Azari be an official language?
There is a sizeable minority in the country. A lot of Azaris can no longer speak the language properly and this is no good.
check out this map
look on the right side and read what it says (click on this LINK and look at the map in its bigger size).
In the 60's all 20 percent could speak Azari as their mother tongue. But today, even though 20% of the country is Azari, only 13 percent can speak the language. By 2020's it will be less than 10 (internet and mass communication is making it worse).
With this trend, everybody will be speaking Persian by mid century. We've already lost Qajar languages, among others. It would help bring down the tension.


the Azeri language is a Turkic language that I respect it much but what the hell are Qajar languages? I've never heard about such languages in any linguistics book. even if there was a Qajar language that I think no Iranian has ever heard about it, but it is better for us that those languages have ceased to exist. the Qajars sold Iran to Britain and Russia and any other foreign countries and I don't blame the British or the Russians for that at all. the Qajars didn't deserve to rule over Iran, It's just as simple as that.
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