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Iran unveils new weapon systems

what if we use mass number of these in the battlefield?


protected against small arms, and too small and fast to be hit by tanks or anti tank missiles.
100 or 130km/h is a nightmare for any shooter.
complete set of photos:
عکس/ رونمایی از تجهیزات جدید نیروی زمینی ارتش - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir
I think it is a great concept.

It increases the mobility of infantry. By adding some more weapons like AA missiles, it will be a potent weapon.

Baher 23mm Sniper rifle





Beautiful! Look at the size of the bullet!
This steel grill on front of vehicle is protecting the drive???
This vehicle can cruise at 100 km/hr in off road and 130 km/hr on road. It is more for protection against stone or any other thing that may heat the windshield in that speed. This is a very fast and versatile patrol vehicle it is not a battle vehicle.
why doesn't iran upgrade its army with modern weapons, the iranian army looks BS On every level, there air force still fly F-14s. they have enough money they need to spend it and make a good armed force. the iranian army is just like a museum of ancient cold war era weapons, the weapons there developing are developed from 50s/70s era technology.


Can someone tell me what exactly makes this thing with a built-in arcade console a "Future Generation Tank"? And can you help me think of a use for this vehicle in battlefield, because I just can't think of any. I might need some inspiration from the fanboys in order to expand my imagination. Particularly from the ones with the avatar of Qaher the 5th gen stealth fighter.
Better these ridiculous junk toys be named in Arabic, I think.
What about the best Iranian missile named Fateh? is it junk too? They just take the names from the Koran which happens to be written in Arabic. The name is the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Can someone tell me what exactly makes this thing with a built-in arcade console a "Future Generation Tank"? And can you help me think of a use for this vehicle in battlefield, because I just can't think of any. I might need some inspiration from the fanboys in order to expand my imagination. Particularly from the ones with the avatar of Qaher the 5th gen stealth fighter.

Read the link blow:
Ripsaw (vehicle) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apparently, they want to develop it to finally reach to something like Ripsaw.
فلاق یعنی چی؟ :hang3:


Can someone tell me what exactly makes this thing with a built-in arcade console a "Future Generation Tank"? And can you help me think of a use for this vehicle in battlefield, because I just can't think of any. I might need some inspiration from the fanboys in order to expand my imagination. Particularly from the ones with the avatar of Qaher the 5th gen stealth fighter.

Ripsaw (vehicle)

The Ripsaw is a developmental unmanned light tank designed and built by Howe & Howe Technologies for evaluation by the United States Army.
The Ripsaw is intended to perform various missions including convoy protection, perimeter defense, surveillance, rescue, border patrol, crowd control, and explosive ordnance disposal. For perimeter defense or crowd control, a belt of M5 Modular Crowd Control Munitions (MCCM) can be mounted around the vehicle to break up crowds of non-lethally engage personnel with flash-bang effects and rubber bullets. Multiple cameras provide 360-degree coverage for situational awareness for the operator.​



Can someone tell me what exactly makes this thing with a built-in arcade console a "Future Generation Tank"? And can you help me think of a use for this vehicle in battlefield, because I just can't think of any. I might need some inspiration from the fanboys in order to expand my imagination. Particularly from the ones with the avatar of Qaher the 5th gen stealth fighter.

Plus if a snipper takes out the camera on top; whole concept will go down the drain. Driver is not protected at all...
Cruising at 100 km/ hour sounds great but you wont be hitting a damn thing at that speed...
Cannot withstand an rpg hit...
Does not seem to have enough cqpacity to carry enough people for a petrol vehicle...

Did anyone noticed that the left track is loose? The last wheel has no contact to the ground, i suppose that the propulsion is on back wheel which lifts the last wheel and causes a loose track, the suspension needs a complete change or this design is not gonna work.
I think none of my brothers here could mentioned The requirement of all these weapons resulted of experiences in the Syria and Iraq wars, combat in cities and urban area.
these Fast unmanned light tanks or manned ones and UGVs are very useful in combats in cities and are answers to the last two years calls from front lines. They are completely Compatible with hezbollah fighters and their Tactics.

It obviously again shows they were in hurry and under pressure to unveil that ugly one while it was still in development.
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Did anyone noticed that the left track is loose? The last wheel has no contact to the ground, i suppose that the propulsion is on back wheel which lifts the last wheel and causes a loose track, the suspension needs a complete change or this design is not gonna work.
It is probably because the picture was taken when the vehicle was turning right from a stand still. The left propulsion is engaged causing the last wheel to lift up and the track loos at the front.

For a vehicle that can cruise at 100 Km/hr off road you need flexible suspension or the whole vehicle will break apart.

Plus if a snipper takes out the camera on top; whole concept will go down the drain. Driver is not protected at all...
Cruising at 100 km/ hour sounds great but you wont be hitting a damn thing at that speed...
Cannot withstand an rpg hit...
Does not seem to have enough cqpacity to carry enough people for a petrol vehicle...

This is not a mass produced vehicle. All of the items shown today (except for Shaher) are working prototypes. I can't believe that a vehicle with such a big engine is designed to carry two people and a chain gun. It is probably designed as a patrol and/or fast hit and run vehicle and will have a variety of heavier weapons like AA or Anti Tank missile installed. If you pay attention it doesn't even have a wind shield installed. It is not a final product.
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