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Iran unveils new weapon systems

Apparently ''Falagh'' is planned to becomes unmanned like American ''Ripsaw''.
I hope so..........need laser guided rocket and a remote turrent...

"Aghareb" wheeled tank:

I can make something better then that....just give me some steel and welding machine......:omghaha:
از براداران خواهشمندم این ریدمان رو هم نزنید
پست ندید بذارید این لکه ی ننگ پخش نشه :undecided:

ما به همون نذیرش راضی بودیم
فلاق و کلاغ زدن کارو خراب کردن :hitwall:
Only things worthy here are those 2 two snipers and the combat robot which can be highly improved tonturn in to a guerrilla warfare beast.

That Aghareb thing is just a worthless junk.

Yes, you are right. But this robot has potential. It seems to be modular, with capability to mount different payloads (combat, resupply or ambulance):


It is similar to this Russian concept:

You are very wrong my dear friend, What you see on this thread shows best the level of innovational, creational and technological capabilities, of your country. Whatever else you see on your media, above this level of standards, you should take it with a grain of salt.

In a sense, I agree. But this is because, our engineers and their managers are not as capable as those of Western or advanced Eastern countries. At least not those who are left behind in the country.
In a sense, I agree. But this is because, our engineers and their managers are not as capable as those of Western or advanced Eastern countries. At least not those who are left behind in the country.

I disagree, please believe me when I say we have no shortage in scientific area and engineering, what we lack is proper funding and good management in some parts of army, also sanctions have had a impact, with ToT, our armed forces would do much much better. Even if not ToT, some imports like jet engines could push us further ahead.

Yes, you are right. But this robot has potential. It seems to be modular, with capability to mount different payloads (combat, resupply or ambulance):

Yes, Nazir looks cool honestly. With some improvements, it can turn into a beast for close combat guerrilla warfare in cities and even open areas. You could send one of them, destroy a tank, kill few terrorists and even if it's destroyed, it's definitely worth it. That's what unmanned vehicles are all about: Saving precious human lives.

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In a sense, I agree. But this is because, our engineers and their managers are not as capable as those of Western or advanced Eastern countries. At least not those who are left behind in the country.
during 3 decade we have reached from nothing to everything, what other capability you were looking for?
the shape of that tank is because of the cost and nothing else.
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