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Iran unveils new weapon systems

It is probably because the picture was taken when the vehicle was turning right from a stand still. The left propulsion is engaged causing the last wheel to lift up and the track loos at the front.

For a vehicle that can cruise at 100 Km/hr off road you need flexible suspension or the whole vehicle will break apart.

This is not a mass produced vehicle. All of the items shown today (except for Shaher) are working prototypes. I can't believe that a vehicle with such a big engine is designed to carry two people and a chain gun. It is probably designed as a patrol and/or fast hit and run vehicle and will have a variety of heavier weapons like AA or Anti Tank missile installed. If you pay attention it doesn't even have a wind shield installed. It is not a final product.
100 km/h offroad with a vehicle that even gets loose tracks on smooth Asphalt? :what:
sorry, I don't have the time to educate more.
a vehicle which doesn't have carrying capability isn't BTR. so if it's not a BTR, then what is it???
They call it tank killer or Mobilize gun.

This ptr it is not a tank at all Tanks are heavy, armored and tracked.

the rest that carry gun are not tanks.

Now this ptr-90 if I can call it is a good form to support infantry with heavy fire it's good in Iraq and Syria fighting terrorism.

And if it can use apfsds projectile it can be used against tanks.

like the the French AMX 10 RC


OR the Italian B1 centauro


Now these European vehicles are well designed and matured but that's doesn't mean this ugly ptr can't do the same job.
really ???do you want to tell me that you know Parsi better than me? Ghaher ,Baher ,Sayad,Aghareb,Shaher,Besat ,Nazir,Sejil Shahab,fateh,..ect are pure Arabic names, is there even a weapon called with Iranian name? ,this is really ridiculous .
they are muslim names... iran being a country of muslims chose those names..... those Iranians who have problem with iran being muslims are on the run like jackals and live in europe like yourself. lol
Can someone tell me what exactly makes this thing with a built-in arcade console a "Future Generation Tank"? And can you help me think of a use for this vehicle in battlefield, because I just can't think of any. I might need some inspiration from the fanboys in order to expand my imagination. Particularly from the ones with the avatar of Qaher the 5th gen stealth fighter.
It's an un-unmanned fighting vehicle based on the Ripsaw. Or it's a manned-unmanned vehicle. I don't know which one exactly, it's really bothering me. Also it's controlled by what seems to be quite simply a laptop with the keyboard removed.

The whole concept amazes me. The Ripsaw is unmanned, so it can have that thin armor. But if you are going to have a manned-unmanned vehicle, you need proper armor. But here is the dilemna, why do you need this vehicle when you have put a man inside it? You can simply use any other tracked APC like BTR-70 for the same job, except it will offer you better armor.
It's an un-unmanned fighting vehicle based on the Ripsaw. Or it's a manned-unmanned vehicle. I don't know which one exactly, it's really bothering me. Also it's controlled by what seems to be quite simply a laptop with the keyboard removed.

The whole concept amazes me. The Ripsaw is unmanned, so it can have that thin armor. But if you are going to have a manned-unmanned vehicle, you need proper armor. But here is the dilemna, why do you need this vehicle when you have put a man inside it? You can simply use any other tracked APC like BTR-70 for the same job, except it will offer you better armor.

An unmanned armor ground vehicle? No problem.
Guys you underestimate the Aghrab..

It's the ultimate weapon. Just think about it. An aghrab crew in a desert facing an Abrams. Everywhere dust and just these two vehicles left on the battlefield. Then the moment comes and the Abrams crew notices the presence of the Aghrab. Boom. They immediatly die by laughing hardly. -.-
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Guys you underestimate the Aghrab..

It's the ultimate weapon. Just think about it. An aghrab crew in a desert facing an Abrams. Evrywhere dust and just these two vehicles left on the battlefield. Then the moment comes and the Abrams crew notices the presence of the Aghrab. Boom. They immediatly die by laughing hardly.

Yes. This comment.
Guys you underestimate the Aghrab..

It's the ultimate weapon. Just think about it. An aghrab crew in a desert facing an Abrams. Evrywhere dust and just these two vehicles left on the battlefield. Then the moment comes and the Abrams crew notices the presence of the Aghrab. Boom. They immediatly die by laughing hardly. -.-

wtf is that Aghrab thing?! lmao it looks like a green skillet hahahaha

have you seen the documentary of martyrs Hadi Baghbani and Esmail Heydari when their troops were caught in an ambush by wahhabi terrorists in Syria? the one which twas then published by terrorists themselves.
brigadier Esmaiel heydari:

well, I'm sure if their troops even had 2 of the Fallagh, they could easily break the ambush.
and that's what Fallagh means, the ripper:
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By looking at Aghareb , I say it's not a Tank ,its an Over gunned APC .
probably they had lots of those Guns they didn't want to scrap. only
hope they have finished work on that fluid or liquid or ... armor they
were working on before mass producing this APC. And for God sake
use another type of paint .


Did anyone noticed that the left track is loose? The last wheel has no contact to the ground, i suppose that the propulsion is on back wheel which lifts the last wheel and causes a loose track, the suspension needs a complete change or this design is not gonna work.
Exactly that type of tracks you'll be able to go over 100 in off-road safely.
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have you seen the documentary of martyrs Hadi Baghbani and Esmail Heydari when their troops were caught in an ambush by wahhabi terrorists in Syria? the one which twas then published by terrorists themselves.
brigadier Esmaiel heydari:

well, I'm sure if their troops even had 2 of the Fallagh, they could easily break the ambush.
and that's what Fallagh means, the ripper:

My SX4 is much much stronger than this :woot:
I like it's sensors.......see that,how it's sensors moving


Did anyone noticed that the left track is loose? The last wheel has no contact to the ground, i suppose that the propulsion is on back wheel which lifts the last wheel and causes a loose track, the suspension needs a complete change or this design is not gonna work.
1st gen brother............besides ground force has not enough experience in that field...They just started...After 5 year they will improve more....
I have seen Turks being critical about Iranian weapons.

Now, Iranians have an opportunity. :) IDEF-2015 will start in 5 May 2015. And numerous new Turkish weapons systems will be unveiled. You came to Turkish section and be critic about our systems please.
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