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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

That is impossible Israelis a nation of 4 million with barely enough weapons for a month that lost to Hezbollah can not do squat without third party help

Iranians do you need more evidence of what a neutral position of India is.lol

And one Indian who wants to pretend neutrality

dont forget that U.S is with israel ;) and they have more ammunition that whole world
This is what some Iranians think, just like what the Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council said

الى الشيوخ العرب من Ø*كام جنوب الخليج الÙ�ارسي: اطالة اللسان هذا يكمن Ù�ي وجود "الاب المستأجر"


وبناء على ذلك لا باس من تذكير "الاخوة (!) العرب من حكام جنوب الخليج الفارسي" ببعض الحقائق لكي يعرفوا على الاقل حجمهم والا يلقلقوا اللسان وان يكتفوا بتلك الارض التي تصدقت بها بريطانيا عليهم بشكل رئيسي.

Now even the main land is part of Iran, they forgot a big part of UAE was part of the 2nd Saud state at one time, so did Sauds fight the Iranians and take over the land by force from them? It won't be surprising if they say the whole of arabia is part of Iran and we want it back.


ان الشعب الايراني ليس طالب حرب، لاسيما وان الجيل الحالي للشعب قد مر بتجربة حرب الثماني سنوات ولا يريد ابدا ان يتضرر البناء الذي تحصل في فترة البناء ما بعد الحرب ، لكن هذا لا يعني انه ان جاء عدد "من الشيوخ العرب من محدثي النعمة" ويقولون بان هذه الجرز هي لنا، ان نقول لهم: تفضلوا خذوها!


وليعلم شيوخ جنوب الخليج الفارسي بانهم ان بلغوا اليوم مرحلة من الصلافة بحيث يطرحون مزاعم على جارتهم الشمالية الكبرى بشان الاراضي فان ذلك لا ينبع من كونهم اصبحوا كبارا ونالوا قوة واصبحوا ذا شأن! كلا ايها الشيوخ! انتم لستم شيئا! ولا تعتبروا هذه اهانة لكم بل هو الواقع بعينه. ولاثبات هذا الادعاء يكفي فقط ان يرحل "ابوكم المستاجر” امريكا من المنطقة ويسحب البساط من تحت اقدامكم، وعندها سيرتفع صراخكم وترتعد اوصالكم وتنتبهون ثانية الى حجمكم ومن انتم.


لتعلموا بان قوتكم ، هي قوة عرضية وتابع لوجود كبيركم اميركا ولا تملكون انتم شيئا من انفسكم، لكن قوة ايران كانت على امتداد التاريخ قوة قائمة بذاتها وستبقى كذلك.


وطبعا اننا ناخذ على مسؤولي سياستنا الخارجية بانهم لم يتصرفوا معكم بقدر حجكم بل تعاملوا معكم باخوة ولم يعرفوا "بان الطيبة ان تجاوزت الحد، فان الجاهل ستنتابه تصورات واهية" لدرجة تعترضون على زيارة رسمية لرئيس الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية الى جزء من الاراضي الايرانية.


اخيرا وليس اخرا ليعلم الشيوخ العرب من حكام جنوب الخليج الفارسي! "بان الاسد الجالس ارفع واقوى من الضبع الواقف"، فلتعرفوا حجكم ولتفهموا هذه المسالة البسيطة بان غدا سياتي بعد هذا اليوم، لا تخربوا جميع الجسور التي خلفكم.


UAE is once again making an agression same like they are doing since decades against peace loving, innocent Iranian regime.

there was not any Saud, Saud is borned 150 years ago with Wahhab and al saud

Wow what arrogant and disrespectful things to say. Do they not know what Islam says about "Takabur" ?

Takabur means if some one think they are first hand or real Muslim because of their language or can read arabic even they do not understand Islam

Actually UAE's point of view is that those islands belonged to the Emirate of Sharjah before the unification of the Emirates happened. And so it is part of UAE. Iran invaded it with military one day before the unification to hold the argument that "UAE is a newly established country which can not claim those islands" and quite frankly these are the same argument Israel holds "There were no palestenian state when Israel was founded" and we both agree this claim is false. Also the Iranian claim "these islands historically belonged to Iran from long time past" again Israel holds the same argument over Palestine "these are historically Jewish lands" .

at first place UAE was part of Iran before be seoerated from iran by britain. and few days before UAE independent return to Iran in exchange of Bahrain unfortunately
UAE has been for decades asking Iran to solve the issue peacefully thorugh dialogue and when it saw no positive response asked Iranians to let the ICJ decide, but they do not want to talk and solve the issue. they just want to give out war mongering statemnts everytime.

Did any UAE official up till now give any statement similar to the one in the opening post?

UAE never had stomach to ask such thing from Iran, they start to bark when US came to Persian Gulf and took sides of them.
when two liaon start fighting hyena has hope to take the prey,but it is wet dream for them
UAE never had stomach to ask such thing from Iran, they start to bark when US came to Persian Gulf and took sides of them.
when two liaon start fighting hyena has hope to take the prey,but it is wet dream for them

Yes I think there must be outsiders interfering and using the divide and rule. Hope Iranians and Arabs can see through third parties
there was not any Saud, Saud is borned 150 years ago with Wahhab and al saud

Well it is both the 1st and 2nd Saud state




Arabia about 1923. Expandable map: Abdul Aziz's domain is in blue with dates of conquest. The Kingdom of the Hejaz, conquered in 1925, is in light green. (The other Hashemite kingdoms of Iraq and Transjordan are also in shades of green)

at first place UAE was part of Iran before be seoerated from iran by britain. and few days before UAE independent return to Iran in exchange of Bahrain unfortunately

Yes you are right the whole northern part of the Arabian peninsula was under Iran, wait i think the whole Arabian peninsula was under Persia (Iran).
go on Iran we are with you..

It seems to be really Interesting. Eagerly waiting for fight between two countries. Lets see who is stronger..

Not only is the name pretty obvious of india's true face, but so is your warmongering comment.

I'm glad everyone is beginning to see the rue face of indians.:tup:
I wanna tell UAE that Abu Musa is no different than Tehran,Shiraz,Esfahan,Ahwaz,Tabriz,Yazd and Mashhad for us.You want it?come and get it.
I wanna tell UAE that Abu Musa is no different than Tehran,Shiraz,Esfahan,Ahwaz,Tabriz,Yazd and Mashhad for us.You want it?come and get it.

فقط حرف می زنن بابا

این عربا هیچ کدوم توپ ندارن

You Iranians will soon pay for your arrogance and Takkabur. Very soon the honorable and honorless will be very evident.
You Iranians will soon pay for your arrogance and Takkabur. Very soon the honorable and honorless will be very evident.

Why Mossa you want war? Saudi and the whole of the neighbourhood will be damaged. American's will still sleep safe?
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