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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

NATO trained Ukrainian soldiers coming out of the basement one by one and surrendering to Russian Allies there is no information of any Ukraine forces counter offensive in Kherson

Ukraine Armed Forces gear captured at Lysychansk by the Russians On Display.

You need to catch up on the map thinking there is no information on any counter offensive in Kherson.

So Russia is "desperate for men", but Ukraine that is:

1) Using lots of foreign mercenaries, and,
2) Losing 500-800 soldiers a day

Isnt "DESPERATE FOR MEN"? You drank the US gov propaganda cool-aid, i'm dissapointed!
You are the one drinking Russian propaganda cool aid considering whats happening during the war. Funny you mentioned using foreign mercenaries yet well known fact that Russia is using Wagner mercenaries in this war and losing hundreds a day that they resort to using conscripts which is illegal since this is described as special operation and not war. Not to mention my previous comment about the 65 age limit and forced conscription in occupied territories.

Putin wants a NATO country to establish a military factory in its territory? Amazing how people believe these.
Putin wants to sell S400 SAM system to a NATO country? Amazing how people believe these.

The saudis will remain in yemen until they all die or their last dollar is spent.

And the russians lost 35,000-40,000 troops in Afghanistan, same as the americans actually lost 7,000-8,000+ (not "muh 2,200").
LOL! now the Russians didn't lose 35k to 40k. They only lost 15k. And even then 40k pales in comparison to millions lost in Stalingrad. Don't know where you get the idea of 8k American personnel killed in Afghanistan. No evidence of that.
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Lol, if satellite don't care about encryption, then it would go on open channel, EVERYONE CAN GAIN ACCESS TO THE Satellite. Then what's the point? Russia can just log on to US spy satellite and move those satellite away from Russia, sure, you can have your encrypted stream, but you won't be spying on Russia.

Dude, do you know how insane that sound??
you just not a technical guy , sat don't have the ability to decide the stream is encrypted or not , its done by the drone and control center. sat just need a key to knew its an authorized stream
every one can recieve satellite stream with some 50$ of equipment and a laptop. now if they can understand what they get is completely another matter.
Lol, I can't tell you how wrong this is, but then I am not allow to tell you what the Military use. and no, it is NOT the system we use in GPS.
you are welcome not to tell me if you think military and civilian grade gps are provided by two different set of satellite
You ignore the fact that peer protocol is open to hacking, you don't just send a code to decode a satellite feed, because it is more than just having the feed download, you need to move the satellite to intercept the signal, and then transmit said signal to a ground receiver station.

You are thinking of how Internet work via a router and a hub, That is a fixed network (even with WIFI you would have a range) you can't just go use a satellite if it is not within that orbit you want, and you can't connect to it without two-way handshake. You need to be able to completely control the satellite if you want to use it, so as I said, we are not just talking about Communication.
so every sat phone on the planet when want to connect order the satellite to move in his position , or as i understand by your solution , one sat for one receiver? and that's the case for every satellite internet receiver.o_O. no the satellite only need to cover the area its duty of the ground control and drone to align their antenna toward the satellite
by the way are they still product equipment without two-way handshake ? man its ages I didn't seen anything that simple to hack , American army standard must be very low if they are still concerned about two sided handshake , its become clear to me how ISIS in Iraq were able to watch USA spy drones feed live.

Satellite Network is NOT a fixed network, you will need to be able to completely control the satellite in order for you to use it. In SAT Internet or GPS, you have network of Satellite for you to connect to, and they all have the same encryption and protocol, so you can use them in slot and give up the slot you don't use to someone else. And you have buffer in between.
the encryption is not used in transmitting , it only used in what you call handshake , the stream is encrypted by the drone and satellite or its owner have no way to control it . let put it like this china buy one rq-4 from USA , which satellite they use to control it USA satellites or their own satellite ?
Military Satellite are different, that is a dedicated system you control. You have to task a satellite into your orbit before you can use its function, when you are guiding a drone, you would have to use that same satellite for hours (you fly drones 8-12 hours a day normal, with maximum endurance as 40 hours) if you does not move the satellite to cover the drone usage (You do know the earth move, right?) you will lose signal when you make the exchange. Because you are watching it in real time, you can't buffer because otherwise you will lose your target.
you don't use the exact same satellite for 12hpours , each satellite probably can cover you at most for20-30 min , then the next satellite will come in your horizon and your drone align its camera with it that's why you have a network of satellites. , the only way to use a satellite for 8-12 hours is you put it in geostationary orbit. and i don't knew any military satellite that use that orbit.
Military Satellite are different, that is a dedicated system you control. You have to task a satellite into your orbit before you can use its function, when you are guiding a drone, you would have to use that same satellite for hours (you fly drones 8-12 hours a day normal, with maximum endurance as 40 hours) if you does not move the satellite to cover the drone usage (You do know the earth move, right?) you will lose signal when you make the exchange. Because you are watching it in real time, you can't buffer because otherwise you will lose your target.
Dude, I mean no offense but you have watched too many Hollywood movies.
Your idea of military satellites seems more like what they show in shitty TV series and movies like Prison Break or Resident Evil. lol

GPS satellites are in the MEO orbit and they're far from stationary and dedicated.
Also, orbit transfer is pretty energy consuming, particularly if you want to transfer from one circular orbit to another circular orbit.
And if your orbit ends up not circular and more elliptic, your satellite starts losing energy which you have to compensate for in some way to keep the satellite in that orbit.

As Hack-Hook said, each satellite in a non-geostationary orbit covers you for a period of time before it goes out of sight. And when that happens, you have to switch to another one which is in your sight. That's why positioning systems like GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, etc. all use dozens of satellites in non-geostationary orbits. Although, Beidou also has 7 satellites in GEO but that's probably for communication rather than surveillance and positioning.

GPS currently operates a constellation of 32 satellites (of which 31 are operational as of 2022). And all of them are in the MEO orbit at an altitude of about 20 kilometers. GLONASS operates a constellation of 24 satellites. And Beidou operates a constellation of 35 satellites. And these numbers are enough for the satellites in their constellations to cover the Earth with enough positioning accuracy.
This is NOT the same as Satellite Internet lol.....Don't know why you people keep comparing for it.
Maybe cause the technics behind the electronic communication is the same?

Satellite Network is NOT a fixed network, you will need to be able to completely control the satellite in order for you to use it.
Nope. See my post you answered on.

GPS, you have network of Satellite for you to connect to,
Nope. In GPS the SAT sends a signal what your nav then translate together with other GPS-SAT-Signals from other GPS-SATs into coordinates. The nav do not connect to the GPS-SAT. Only receive.

when you are guiding a drone, you would have to use that same satellite for hours
Nope. Even transmission of vids can hop to other SAT while transmitting.
If you want an example, if you watch any live sport stream by Satellite (Like a football match), you will see most of the time the game will stop and freeze for a few second within that match, that is Buffering from changing satellite, image that happen when you are flying a drone for real time surveillance?
It would be an example if the TV-SATs would not tryed to be geo

What you maybe mean is if the e.g. a soccergame happens in Australia streamed over a geo-SAT over Australia and send from there to another geo-SAT which is e.g. over India and then from this India-SAT the stream then comes down to indian TV-stations. And there can be disturbances cause of e.g. densy clouds or sun erruptions or insufficient ground-receiver ect. pp..

In data networks, there normally (nowadays always) is a buffer on the reciving side. Since the beginning. The software of the reciving "network card" has a memory part where the recived data-packages get sorted in right order by the sequence-number of each package, depending on the transmit-protocol you use in your data-exchange, and then forwarded the so buffered and ordered packages in a defined bulk to the software what translate them into a vid. If one package is lost on the way, then the sender is informed to retransmit this package again. For e.g. TCP/IP-networks you can read something about here in this links

In vid streaming however protocols like TCP are not used cause there always can be a loss of a package and the informing of the sender and retransmission of every lost package will slow down viewing of the vid on the pc, tablet, whatever, cause of waiting for the retransmission of the lost package. So in IP world mostly the combination of UDP/IP is used for streaming, cause UDP do not have this control of lost packages. If a package is lost, UDP dont care. So vids can be seen without interuption. The loss of a package in UDP can then seen in the vids like there are some pixels or regions of a frame in the vid black or clutter or something like that.

And now lets look into the Elon-Musk-SAT-network. These SATs are all on low orbit and thus moving around the earth. So data from the ground sender have to hop from one SAT to another cause the SATs moving out of LOS and the sender have to hop to another SAT what comes into LOS. It is like you are sitting in a car with your mobile phone and streaming a vid while driving along a highway. The mobile phone have to hop off the base-station what is going out of LOS and hop on the base-station what is comming into LOS. And this works good if you do not drive to fast. The switch from one base station to another happend within a view ms with all the now managed new routing of the data-packages from the leaving base-station to the incoming new base-station and from there to your mobile phone. If you drive to fast, e.g. 150 miles per hour or more, you get interuptions in the vid cause the leaving base-station is faster going out of LOS than the incomming new base-station get the rerouted data stream for to send to you. And the same mechanism is with the Starlink-network. Whereas the SATs are high enough to cover a greater area and dens enough that the receiver have mostly two or more SATs he can connect to and moving slow enough around the world so the switching from one SAT to another wont interrupt your vid what you view in 25 frames per second. And the same is for sending, where the ground-station gets informed that it has to hop to a better/other SAT or the ground-station measure that the strength of the connection/signal of the SAT gets lower and thus for itself hops to another SAT with better quality. Glad to help you.


In this link you can see some of the Starlink-SAT. If you click somewhere on the map you get info what SAT actually cover the region you right-clicked on...sometimes. Looks like its experimental and not always works.

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Seems like the US administration is having an argument with itself. One minute it says that Iranians are definitely providing the drones and training is underway, and now it says that there is "no indication". Either US intelligence is incompetent or they are orchestrating more fake news for whatever plan they have. Either way, it's pretty see through and I'm sure the Iranians and Russians are laughing.

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