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Iran Slaps the Sanctions and build its own Locomotive

Iran unveils national locomotive engine:wave:
TEHRAN, Apr. 1 (MNA) -- Iran unveiled a locomotive which runs on a domestically-made heavy diesel engine on March 29.

The locomotive will soon join the national railway fleet.

First Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi attended the unveiling ceremony.

Iran currently stands among the top 12 countries in the world which possess the technology to produce heavy diesel engines.

Iran will soon start to mass produce the newly-unveiled diesel locomotive engines to renovate its rail fleet.

Iran will soon start to mass produce the newly-unveiled diesel locomotive engines to renovate its rail fleet.



A true slap in face of USA and NATO

A true lesson for Pakistan who with out Sanctions can't make a scooter engine let alone Locomotive engine

Whats the speed?
True... but every part is IRANIAN MADE.. Iran made this alone... no nation can do that.. most nation will either buy parts from outside or buy from somewhere else where they also used different non-home made . You're forgetting the simple fact that Iran can survive on mars... because Iran is doing everything alone on this earth...
Iran cant survive even on earth without huge oil incomes. Virtually all of its budget is oil money.
Iran cant survive even on earth without huge oil incomes. Virtually all of its budget is oil money.

From what I've read in the past at least 65% +/- of Iranian national budget is funded by oil money.

Edit: Alright I just looked up the figure and this is what I found my figure wasn't too far off.

Oil income accounts for 80% of Iran's foreign currency revenues and 60% of the nation's overall budget.

Iran oil exports top 844mn barrels
Iran is sanctioned by 90% of the world? who buys oil from Iran?
China, India, Japan, Korea, Turkey...

plus look at other countries who sell oil, can they produce what Iran produced alone?
Canada, Russia are light years ahead Iran. UAE has advanced aluminum industry and shipyards so overall percent of UAE's non oil export is much higher than Iran's.
China, India, Japan, Korea, Turkey...

Canada, Russia are light years ahead Iran. UAE has advanced aluminum industry and shipyards so overall percent of UAE's non oil export is much higher than Iran's.
wait is Canada and Russia isolated?
i was talking about countries who were isolated, and now especially in the M.E region. can anyone do what Iran did ALONE and make everything in IRAN. HOME MADE, with no help? or can any M.E country bring U.S planes using HOME MADE TECHNOLOGY LIKE IRAN?

and UAE is not sanctioned, lets see UAE with all the Iranian sanctions survive like Iran??
China, India, Japan, Korea, Turkey...

Canada, Russia are light years ahead Iran. UAE has advanced aluminum industry and shipyards so overall percent of UAE's non oil export is much higher than Iran's.
what is UAE's non oil export?

From what I've read in the past at least 65% +/- of Iranian national budget is funded by oil money.

Edit: Alright I just looked up the figure and this is what I found my figure wasn't too far off.

Iran oil exports top 844mn barrels

man that report was in 2010 and you know we are in 2013:coffee:
I always love how people claim Iran's budget is X amount oil. It shows their massive lack of intelligence. Of course it's, we're under complete embargoe.

Iran is the most sanctioned country on earth. The whole Iranian banking system is not even part of international banking. We're not even part of SWIFT. ******* dried nuts can't even be exported and even if that was possible than nobody could send us payments!

Iran's economic situation is purely artificial. Realistically without the sanctions and embargoes Iran would be having 20% gorwths every year like we had in the 70's. Heck in the 70's we weren't even producing a fraction of what we're producing now!

Iran will erase 3 decades of sanctions in mere years after they're removed, here's why:

1) oil exports will be increased from the current 1 mln barrel to 4-5 mln barrels and production will reach 6-7 mln barrel

2) Iran natural gas exports are projected to bring in 4 times more income than oil once our gas fields are developed (we need foreign tech for that right now)!!!!! That's insane. Our petro exports in total will pass Saudi.

3) Iran will be able to export its good freely again (smtg we can't do at all currently).

Our GDP will start going up China style.

Now all this depends on whether or not our glorious 6th century regime can go through mass reforms or gets toppled. One way or another one of those things will happen.
I always love how people claim Iran's budget is X amount oil. It shows their massive lack of intelligence. Of course it's, we're under complete embargoe.

Iran is the most sanctioned country on earth. The whole Iranian banking system is not even part of international banking. We're not even part of SWIFT. ******* dried nuts can't even be exported and even if that was possible than nobody could send us payments!

Iran's economic situation is purely artificial. Realistically without the sanctions and embargoes Iran would be having 20% gorwths every year like we had in the 70's. Heck in the 70's we weren't even producing a fraction of what we're producing now!

Iran will erase 3 decades of sanctions in mere years after they're removed, here's why:

1) oil exports will be increased from the current 1 mln barrel to 4-5 mln barrels and production will reach 6-7 mln barrel

2) Iran natural gas exports are projected to bring in 4 times more income than oil once our gas fields are developed (we need foreign tech for that right now)!!!!! That's insane. Our petro exports in total will pass Saudi.

3) Iran will be able to export its good freely again (smtg we can't do at all currently).

Our GDP will start going up China style.

Now all this depends on whether or not our glorious 6th century regime can go through mass reforms or gets toppled. One way or another one of those things will happen.

If that is correct then it would mean that Iran has the potential to become a regional superpower if sanctions would be removed i.e the islamic republic becomes something else than it is today. The holy kingdoms in the Persian gulf would not want Iran to be stronger than it already is. USA and it's allies want it neither. The same goes for the countries east of Iran. In that sense I think an aligned Iran would have a very difficult task.

China, India, Japan, Korea, Turkey...

Canada, Russia are light years ahead Iran. UAE has advanced aluminum industry and shipyards so overall percent of UAE's non oil export is much higher than Iran's.

Many of your post in this section are off topic and only aimed at pointing out Irans shortcomings. It's repetetive.
As for sanctions. Serious sanctions started only in 2012. But Iranian economy was oil based in 2011, and 2010 and in 2009... Also sanctions are the result of Iranian dumb policies and nothing else. Ahmadinejad tried very hard to get sanctions.
As for sanctions. Serious sanctions started only in 2012. But Iranian economy was oil based in 2011, and 2010 and in 2009... Also sanctions are the result of Iranian dumb policies and nothing else. Ahmadinejad tried very hard to get sanctions.

Actually , I doubt Israel would survived if you only put some of none serious sanction that Iran ( for 2 years ... )

and sanction are result of some right things we say ...

you should mind your own business .... at least Iran don't need big bro to protect him from everything and use lies to continue his live ....
Actually , I doubt Israel would survived if you only put some of none serious sanction that Iran ( for 2 years ... )

and sanction are result of some right things we say ...

you should mind your own business .... at least Iran don't need big bro to protect him from everything and use lies to continue his live ....
Israel was isolated for decades. We were not recognized by almost all Muslim countries, by all Socialist countries, by most African and Asian countries including India and China. Many Western companies boycotted Israel because of Arab pressure. Even Pepsi Cola boycotted Israel. :)

We dont have oil and we were attacked several times.
UAE is even way ahead of Iran in terms of diversity, atleast they built a tourism industry and diversifying economy.

Iranian products are non competitive in the market even when there wasn't proper sanctions.

E.g that Iranian car, it's only for domestic use hardly any country buys it because it's low quality maybe exported to 1-2 countries that's all.
Israel was isolated for decades. We were not recognized by almost all Muslim countries, by all Socialist countries, by most African and Asian countries including India and China. Many Western companies boycotted Israel because of Arab pressure. Even Pepsi Cola boycotted Israel. :)

We dont have oil and we were attacked several times.

playing with words ..... boycott is not sanction .... anyway , USA didn't boycotted you and it was more than enough for you , and most of those western countries and western companies only fooled Arabs countries .... and we knew when France refuse to sell you any weapon , USA took his place and gave F-4 and Hawk anti air defense missile and Bell Helicopters to Israel and these weapons play a major role in your victories ....

and your nonsense about Pepsi is ...


about all Muslims world ... unfortunately , almost all of Muslims countries are useless in international efforts ... so they are not matter ...


and about your wars .... unfortunately and fortunately , most of these Arab army has no human quality ( I should admit that they had/have some good weapon but they lake human quality in their army and they desperately relied on foreign operators .... )

for example , in Shah Era our army easily defeated Iraq army .... and even in Iraq_ Iran war , our broken army annihilated Iraq army for two times but both western block and eastern block supported them and fed their army , and in other side , Iran , unlike of Zion's big military base , couldn't buy anything and almost all of our tank and Helicopter and fighters was out of service .....

Israel-Arab war is only a comic show that showing difference between human quality of both sides ( from military perspective ) ...
Israel was isolated for decades. We were not recognized by almost all Muslim countries, by all Socialist countries, by most African and Asian countries including India and China. Many Western companies boycotted Israel because of Arab pressure. Even Pepsi Cola boycotted Israel. :)

We dont have oil and we were attacked several times.

Israeli officials back than:

''In Iran they treated us like kings. We did business with them on a stunning scale. Without the ties with Iran, we would not have had the money to develop weaponry that is today in the front line of the defense of the State of Israel.''

The Secret War with Iran: The 30-Year Clandestine Struggle Against the World ... - Ronen Bergman Ph.D. - Google Boeken

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