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Iran Slaps the Sanctions and build its own Locomotive

Ḥashshāshīn;3759956 said:
What? Pakistan before the '80s was one of the most advanced countries in Asia. Students even from Singapore used to come for studies in Pakistan. It's a shame Zia-ul-Haq F'ed up the country after 1978...

What was the literacy rate back then, and how did it drop to where it is now?
I remain skeptical, advanced countries seldom turn into to currupt, infastructurally devoid dictatorships, and dont remain there long if they do.

Few people know that fact these days.
South Koreans were maids in middles east in 70s.

Yeah, that is because they just had a war, and their country was torn into two. But like other East Asians, they rebuilt and prospered.
Well, from what I know, Iranians used to come to Pakistan even in 80's, but not in big numbers as previously.

Also, your grandfather generation wasn't any failure. You have NO idea what Pakistan was in early 60's...

Those of us who were alive back then, we know the positive image we had of Pakistan and the Pakistanis...

Too bad their policy makers failed them ....

It's not about image. Iran has an awful image, but higher education standards in Iran are pretty high. According to Stanford's dean of electrical engineering Iran's Sharif University produces the best electrical engineers in the world. We produce the highest amount of scientific papers in the region (17th in the world) and generally the quality of our grads are quite good.

So either Iran's education system has become much better or Pakistan's lvl has drastically dropped. That's what you get for being in the wahabi camp. I don't understand why Pakistan has to ally itself with the wahabis and open its education system to all sorts of menaces. Ally yourselves with the West and East only.

Few people know that fact these days.
South Koreans were maids in middles east in 70s.

Doesn't mean Pakistan was heaven on earth back then though
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5 decades ago? If true than I feel bad for my grand father's generation for being such failures

There were Iranian Air force cadets being trained in Pakistan until the late 90’s. Iranians stopped coming because of the rise of SSP & Lashkar Jhangvi who started killing Iranian diplomats and also killed Air Force Cadets.

Honourable Batman,

I am an oil trader and can say with certainty that selling petroleum products to Iran (Iran imports gasoline & gas oil) is totally banned. Buying from Iran is allowed under special circumstances only. European Union imposed sanction on Iran from January 1, 2012, however existing term contract were allowed to go on until June 30, 2012.

Iranian banks are no longer in the ‘Swift’ system. No European, US or Mid East Bank is willing to handle Iranian business. Iranian oil is being paid for in the Chinese currency ‘Yuan’ or in UAE Dirham. Countries such as India pay 50% in local currency and 50% in Indian goods.
There were Iranian Air force cadets being trained in Pakistan until the late 90’s. Iranian stopped coming because of the rise of SSP & Lashkar Jhangvi who started killing Iranian diplomats and also killed Air Force Cadets.
Honourable Batman,

I am an oil trader and can say with certainty that selling petroleum products to Iran (Iran imports gasoline & gas oil) is totally banned. Buying from Iran is allowed under special circumstances only. European Union imposed sanction on Iran from January 1, 2012, however existing term contract were allowed to go on until June 30, 2012.

Iranian banks are no longer in the ‘Swift’ system. No European, US or Mid East Bank is willing to handle Iranian business. Iranian oil is being paid for in the Chinese currency ‘Yuan’ or in UAE Dirham. Countries such as India pay 50% in local currency and 50% in Indian goods.

Military's different.
We're talking civilian education.

And don't bother with Batman. The guy is a bigger wahabi than Osama and his sons.
It's not about image. Iran has an awful image, but higher education standards in Iran are pretty high. According to Stanford's dean of electrical engineering Iran's Sharif University produces the best electrical engineers in the world. We produce the highest amount of scientific papers in the region (17th in the world) and generally the quality of our grads are quite good.

So either Iran's education system has become much better or Pakistan's lvl has drastically dropped. That's what you get for being in the wahabi camp. I don't understand why Pakistan has to ally itself with the wahabis and open its education system to all sorts of menaces. Ally yourselves with the West and East only.

Doesn't mean Pakistan was heaven on earth back then though

Does this Sharif University offer graduate programs in electrical engineering? Seems like he was talking about only "undergraduates" ....
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Does this Sharif University offer graduate programs in electrical engineering? Seems like he was talking about only "undergraduates" ....

Yeah it does.

A couple years back I even saw Sharif in the best universities in the world rankings (300 smtg). That's rare b/c Iranian universities have zero connection with foreign universities and without doing research, placing grads in top positions in companies and other kinds of Western centric criteria than there's really no chance to get placed in these rankings, no matter how good the grads are.

btw Iran won the Internation Mathematical Olympiad few years back and we usualy score in the top 10 in the world. Haven't checked other sunjects but should be similar. And yeah, as I said we're the best in the region when it comes to scientific publications.

International Mathematical Olympiad




Iran's achievements are just amazing

a) Their engineering sector is good make cars, Jets , Missiles , major weapons
b) They build their power plants , and refineries and other Large Projects
c) They are solid in construction building beautifully planned cities

Iran is GERMANY of Muslim world .. in term of engineering

All this was possible becasue they shut down US embassy and sure for 3-4 years they had some troubles but they adapted
negotiated with friendly nations , and focused on improving their education and it shows

a) Mathmematics
b) Physics
c) Aeronautical engineers

They are producing PHDs in numbers #4 in Scientific research

And they achived this with Women's contribution in Universities and other aspects of life
Iran mastered diesel engine - a 120 years old technology. Truly amazing. America hides its face in shame. What they plan next? Vacuum tube radio? Zeppelin?

True... but every part is IRANIAN MADE.. Iran made this alone... no nation can do that.. most nation will either buy parts from outside or buy from somewhere else where they also used different non-home made . You're forgetting the simple fact that Iran can survive on mars... because Iran is doing everything alone on this earth...
Iran has every thing that a country needs to become a power in the world . You can see : natural resources , wealth , best possible weather , tourist attraction , a rich culture and history , best brains in all the fields in the world and a strategic location in ME . Our country just needs a powerful management to be a legend .

Many people might think I'm overstating here but you just need to take a look on what I've written above .

I hope our governors use the opportunities .
Well whats the fun in doing that .
All the fun is in making your hand dirty , take things apart and see how its working and then mafe one yourself.

Well considering that India makes all its engines in India directly, and the fact that we are having a really hard time in paying Iran for oil as no bank is willing to work for Iranian business, Iran buying locos could have eased these problems substantially.

You know that we pay in Indian Currency to Iran now. It makes things easier for Iran to buy from India and escape/reduce the money transaction route altogether.
Honestly I can't see a good reason why pakistan can't be more self reliant except some weakness in leadership . It's not even 30 year ago that we have to pay to pakistani doctors to treat our patients but since then it seems something is hindering pakistan advancements.

I guess the problem with pakistan is that the leadership don't rely o its people as much as they should .the key point is to believe you can.

The difference was that Iran showed US the finger and we licked American boots and this is why things are they way they are
When you see Pakistani Hospitals its just apauling on TV stations , can't imagine if someone has to go to a hospital
All the Ambulances in country are ran by Private Humanitarian Organization just goes to show the neglect

In Iran what happened was that people threw out the Idiots who lived in Castles , In Pakistan we have not had that revolution and this is why we are still quite backward in term of Progress at social level (Police, Infrastructure, Social services etc)
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