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Iran produces 50% of scientific research in Nanotechnology in Muslim world

Let them write as many papers as they can, such news and "achievements" are only directed to Iranians to distract them from the deteriorating social and economic problems Iranians are facing.
I understand you,during history.Arabs have always seen Iranians on top of them in scientific and cultural powers,that must be hell of a burning.:tup:
Let them write as many papers as they can, such news and "achievements" are only directed to Iranians to distract them from the deteriorating social and economic problems Iranians are facing.

I will never know why non-Iranians attack Iranians when the situation is not better at home. The average Iranian per captia is richer than the average Jordanian. Iran has a higher HDI than Jordan. Iranians are more educated and wealthier yet you have the audacity to attack them. Non-Oil exports in Iran are increasing, subsidiary plan will result in a more effective Iran with a much larger government budget meaning more spent on education, Healthcare, development and most importantly R&D.

Iran is doing just fine, yet World Bank has comment on the recent economic success of Iran and it’s major reform package
I will never know why non-Iranians attack Iranians when the situation is not better at home. The average Iranian per captia is richer than the average Jordanian. Iran has a higher HDI than Jordan. Iranians are more educated and wealthier yet you have the audacity to attack them. Non-Oil exports in Iran are increasing, subsidiary plan will result in a more effective Iran with a much larger government budget meaning more spent on education, Healthcare, development and most importantly R&D.

Iran is doing just fine, yet World Bank has comment on the recent economic success of Iran and it’s major reform package

Brother,you are new to this site.You don't know this guy and his friends.They hate Iran and Iranians more than you could imagine.He has called the Iranians (all those women and children) who were killed in Iran-Iraq war 'terrorists'.His Saudi friend,Mosamania,once said he like to see all Shias are burned.When they hear the name of Iran,they don't bother to think,they quickly start hate spreading and opposing.This guy said he is happy if Iranians suffer under sanctions.If you don't believe me,you can ask dozens of Iranian members here.Not even for once,I haven't seen one of them say anything positive and logical about Iran.When Iran announce a new product or achievement,they start joking about it and trying to imply it's a lie.Don't only count on my word,You can see their posts in Iranian section (especially this BlackEagle guy).If you could find anything logical from him toward Iran,call me a liar.
Iran produces 50% of scientific research in Nanotechnology in Muslim world
50% of nano Scientific Researches in Muslim World Carried out by Iranian Scientists

Was the Muslim word really necessary??? I have never heard Jew world, Christian world or Hindu world. Look like some ppl still living in the ages where theological state was reality. I suggest all who belive in Muslim World to read nation state concept...

@Topic: Congrats to Iranian for investing high in Research...
I understand you,during history.Arabs have always seen Iranians on top of them in scientific and cultural powers,that must be hell of a burning.:tup:

What? again? Since you don't have any achievements in any fields, you whine over our achievements were accomplished by Arabs/Arabized scientists in Ummayad/ Abbasid/Rashidon eras! Plz educate me and tell me what scientific achievements were accomplished in any Iranian/Persian rule...
What? again? Since you don't have any achievements in any fields, you whine over our achievements were accomplished by Arabs/Arabized scientists in Ummayad/ Abbasid/Rashidon eras! Plz educate me and tell me what scientific achievements were accomplished in any Iranian/Persian rule...

HAHAHAHA desperate guy... Trying to take Iranian achievements and label them as Arabized :rofl:

When all of them spoke Persian language and wrote their works in Persian. Wow in such denial.

Ok I will make you a deal. We will go one for one. For every Persian I name, you name me an equally important Jordanian. Deal? Omar Khayyam, lived and died in Khorasan.


Now you name me a Jordanian? Good luck :lol:
I will never know why non-Iranians attack Iranians when the situation is not better at home. The average Iranian per captia is richer than the average Jordanian. Iran has a higher HDI than Jordan. Iranians are more educated and wealthier yet you have the audacity to attack them. Non-Oil exports in Iran are increasing, subsidiary plan will result in a more effective Iran with a much larger government budget meaning more spent on education, Healthcare, development and most importantly R&D.

Iran is doing just fine, yet World Bank has comment on the recent economic success of Iran and it’s major reform package

So you are Egyptian?!:lol:



Jordan ranked 24th in the world, 4th in the Middle East, in terms of police services' reliability in the Global Competitiveness Report. Jordan also ranked 13th in the world and 3rd in the Middle East in terms of prevention of organized crime, making it one of the safest countries in the world.
Jordan Investment Board - Security & Political Stability

Health in Jordan


Standard of Living in Jordan

Jordan is ranked as having a superior standard of life in comparison to the region and developing countries as a whole. Jordan ranked as having the 11th highest standard of living in the developing world and the second highest standard of living in the Arab and Muslim World as measured by the Human Poverty Index-2. Decades of political stability and security and strict law enforcement make Jordan one of the top 10 countries worldwide in security.In the 2010 Newsweek "World's Best Countries" list, Jordan ranked as the third best Arab country to live in (53rd worldwide), after Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Globally, it ranks higher than China and South Africa. According to the index, its standard of living is on par with Turkey and Argentina. In addition, Jordan is one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East with a secular government. In the 2010 Human Development Index, Jordan was placed in the "high human development" bracket and came 7th among Arab countries, behind the oil-rich states and one place behind Tunisia. In the HDI index score excluding income, Jordan came in second in the Arab world, higher than most of the affluent Persian Gulf states, showing the huge emphasis the Jordanian government has placed on human capital in its development process.Furthermore, in the Inequality-adjusted HDI, Jordan came first among all the Arab countries showing that the average Jordanian was better off than the average citizen of any Arab country listed in the index.

The 2010 Quality of Life Index prepared by International Living Magazine ranked Jordan as having one of the highest quality of life in the Arab world and North Africa. Jordan ranked second in the MENA with 55.0 points after Israel and followed by Kuwait with 54.47 points, Morocco with 54.45 points, and Lebanon with 54.3 points. Only 1.6 percent of Jordanians earn less than $2 a day, one of the lowest rates in the developing world and the lowest among the Arab states, according to the UN Human Development Report.

Access to adequate food and shelter in Jordan is the sixth highest in the world, and a relatively 72% of Jordanians are satisfied with their living standards. Despite high levels of perceived corruption in politics and business, Jordanians have relatively high confidence in the government. Over 8 in 10 people approve of their government which is the 13th highest level in the 2010 Legatum Prosperity Index. Levels of support for the country’s policies to preserve the environment and address poverty are also among the top 25 nations. Jordanians are highly enthusiastic about their other civil institutions: 96% support the military, the seventh highest rate overall, and 70% have confidence in the judiciary, the 25th highest rate. Jordanians also enjoy high levels of safety in their personal lives. In a 2009 survey, just 2.8% of respondents said they had been assaulted in the last 12 months, and less than 7% had experienced theft: these figures are the 21st and 10th lowest in the world, respectively. Jordan is also among the top ten countries whose citizens feel safest walking the streets at night.
Life expectancy and public health levels in Jordan are comparable to the West with 88% of the population on medical insurance, one of the highest rates in the world. The remaining 12% are covered under Royal makruma.[94] As of 2011, 63% of working Jordanians are insured with the Social Security Corporation, as well as 120,000 foreigners, with plans to include the rest of Jordanian workers both inside and outside the kingdom as well as students, housewives, business owners, and the unemployed.
In 2008, the Jordanian government launched the "Decent Housing for a Decent Living" project aimed at giving poor people and Palestinian refugees the chance at owning their own house. Approximately 120,000 affordable housing units will be constructed within the next 5 years, and an additional 100,000 housing units can be built if the need arises.
Jordan was ranked as the 19th most expensive country in the world to live in 2010 and the most expensive Arab country to live in.
Despite these positive indicators, Jordan remains marred by chronic high unemployment rates, 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2010 but some estimate it to be as high as a quarter of the working-age population. Also, an estimated 13.3% of citizens live under the poverty line. Wide disaparities in wealth are evident between urban and rural areas and even between the Western and Eastern districts of the capital Amman. Currently, there are over 700,000 highly skilled college graduates working temporarily in GCC nations like the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. These white-collar workers send home more than three billion dollars in remittances to Jordan each year, a vital part of the Jordanian economy. High cost of living and lower wages push thousands of fresh college graduates to seek their fortunes in the oil-rich gulf.
In the 2010 Gallup Global Wellbeing Survey, 30% of Jordanians described their financial situation as "thriving", higher than the global median of 21% but still lower than the Americas and only marginally ahead of the European median of 28%. Jordan surpassed most of the Arab countries with the exception of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.


Interactive Infographic of the World's Best Countries - Newsweek and The Daily Beast


THE DAILY STAR :: Business :: Lebanon :: Lebanon 4th on MENA Quality of Life Index

The 2011 Legatum Prosperity Index

Jordan Investment Board - People & Talent

Jordan unveils $7bn housing project - Real Estate - ArabianBusiness.com

Jordan's budding film industry

Jordan Investment Board - Security & Political Stability


The literacy rate in Jordan is 93%. The education system has been significant in the shift from a predominantly agrarian country to an industrialized nation. It ranks number one in the Arab World and is one of the highest in the developing world. UNESCO ranked Jordan's education system 18th worldwide for providing gender equality in education. 20.5% of Jordan's total government expenditures goes to education compared to 2.5% in Turkey and 3.86% in Syria.
In scientific research, Jordan is ranked number one in the Arab world. Nature Journal reported Jordan having the highest number of researchers per million people among all the 57 countries members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC); the average of OIC countries is 500 researchers per million people. In Jordan there are 2,000 researchers per million people. The top performers in the world were Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Japan with 5,000 researchers per million.. Jordan is ranked 30th worldwide higher than Israel and the United Kingdom.
Jordan ranked 14th out of 110 countries for the number of engineers and scientists according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2004–2005 (WEF). Jordan has a higher proportion of university graduates in technological fields than any other Arab country. There are over 200,000 Jordanian students enrolled in universities each year. An additional 20,000 Jordanians pursue higher education abroad primarily in the United States and Great Britain.
There is a primary school enrollment rate of 98.2% in Jordan. Secondary school enrollment has increased from 63% to 97% of high school aged students in Jordan and between 79% and 85% of high school students in Jordan move on to higher education, an extremely high rate for a middle income nation.
According to the Global Innovation Index 2011, Jordan is the 3rd most innovative economy in the Middle East, only behind Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Worldwide, Jordan ranked 41st beating India, South Africa, Greece and Russia.
Jordan is the top contributor among all Arab countries in terms of internet content. 75% of all Arabic online content originates from Jordan.
The illiteracy rate in Jordan was 6.9% in 2010, one of the lowest in the region.Secondary education consists of two years of school study, for students who have completed the 10-year basic cycle. It comprises two major tracks: Academic or vocational secondary education. At the end of the two-year period, students sit for the general secondary examination (Tawjihi) in the appropriate branch and those who pass are awarded the Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate). The academic stream qualifies students for university entrance, whereas the vocational or technical type qualifies for entrance to Community colleges or universities or the job market, provided they pass the two additional subjects. Vocational secondary education provides intensive vocational training and apprenticeship, and leads to the award of a Certificate. This type of education is provided by the Vocational Training Corporation, under the control of the Ministry of Labour / Technical and Vocational Education and Training Higher Council.
After completing the 8, 9 or 10 years of basic education, Jordanians are free to choose any foreign secondary education program instead of the Tawjihi examinations (8 for IGCSE, 10 for SAT and IB). Such programs are usually offered by private schools. These programs include: IGCSE, SAT and International Baccalaureate.
Private schools in Jordan also offer IGCSE examinations. About 25% of school-aged students in Jordan are enrolled in private schools. Upon graduation, the ministry of Higher Education, through a system similar to UK tariff points, transforms the grades/marks of these foreign educational programs into the same marks used in grading Tawjihi students. This system is controversial, both as to the conversion process and the number of places allocated to non-Tawjihi applicants.


High Wellbeing Eludes the Masses in Most Countries Worldwide


Jordan Investment Board - People & Talent



75% of online Arabic content originates in Jordan

Jordan raises admission scores for private universities | Education | AMEinfo.com

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

George Washington University to establish Medical University in Jordan


What? again? Since you don't have any achievements in any fields, you whine over our achievements were accomplished by Arabs/Arabized scientists in Ummayad/ Abbasid/Rashidon eras! Plz educate me and tell me what scientific achievements were accomplished in any Iranian/Persian rule...

Arab/Arabized?really?I know you have good history in stealing others achievements or scientists.Those scientists were born and raised in Iran.No matter how much you beat yourself,they are still Iranians.anyway,jealosy will get you nowhere.
I know its too hard for you to accept facts and overcome ignorance.So here's what Ibn Khaldoon,an Arab historian says about Persians:

As Ibn Khaldun, the fourteenth century Arab historiographer and sociologist suggests, it is a remarkable fact that with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars in the intellectual sciences were Ajams ("Persians"):
Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent… they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar … great jurists were Persians … only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it' … The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them … as was the case with all crafts … This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana [=modern Central Asia], retained their sedentary culture.

I know now you will say Ibn Khaldoon was either an Iranian agent or brainwashed.:lol:

BlackEagle,now go get a cool shower,it must be so hard on you.:eek:
Arab/Arabized?really?I know you have good history in stealing others achievements or scientists.Those scientists were born and raised in Iran.No matter how much you beat yourself,they are still Iranians.anyway,jealosy will get you nowhere.
I know its too hard for you to accept facts and overcome ignorance.So here's what Ibn Khaldoon,an Arab historian says about Persians:

As Ibn Khaldun, the fourteenth century Arab historiographer and sociologist suggests, it is a remarkable fact that with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars in the intellectual sciences were Ajams ("Persians"):
Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent… they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar … great jurists were Persians … only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it' … The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them … as was the case with all crafts … This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana [=modern Central Asia], retained their sedentary culture.

BlackEagle,now go get a cool shower,it must be so hard on you.:lol:

But bro you are forgetting, Washington university is going to open a branch in Jordan!!! :rofl:

Look above at BlackEagle's post, he is so proud of the fact that an American Uni is going to open in Jordan :lol::lol::lol:

His whole pride is based on what Americans hand out to his country, pathetic person :girl_wacko:
Arab/Arabized?really?I know you have good history in stealing others achievements or scientists.Those scientists were born and raised in Iran.No matter how much you beat yourself,they are still Iranians.anyway,jealosy will get you nowhere.
I know its too hard for you to accept facts and overcome ignorance.So here's what Ibn Khaldoon,an Arab historian says about Persians:

As Ibn Khaldun, the fourteenth century Arab historiographer and sociologist suggests, it is a remarkable fact that with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars in the intellectual sciences were Ajams ("Persians"):
Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent… they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar … great jurists were Persians … only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it' … The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them … as was the case with all crafts … This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana [=modern Central Asia], retained their sedentary culture.

I know now you will say Ibn Khaldoon was either an Iranian agent or brainwashed.:lol:

BlackEagle,now go get a cool shower,it must be so hard on you.:eek:

I have discussed this many times with proofs. No scientist was raised or had his education in Iran. Believe me, it's pathetic and unethical to adopt others achievements. Arabic grammar is based on Quraan and poetry of pre-Islam Arabs just like English and Shakespear Anyway:
Arab Science - A Journey of Innovation
So you are Egyptian?!:lol:

Your entire post didn’t once address my post. All you did was post random useless facts about your country. I’m happy with Jordan’s quality of living, but average Jordanian for example doesn’t have it better than the average Iranian. So instead of attacking Iran and its people, best to address your concerns towards Jordan than Iran, since Iranians have it better
Arab/Arabized?really?I know you have good history in stealing others achievements or scientists.Those scientists were born and raised in Iran.No matter how much you beat yourself,they are still Iranians.anyway,jealosy will get you nowhere.
I know its too hard for you to accept facts and overcome ignorance.So here's what Ibn Khaldoon,an Arab historian says about Persians:

As Ibn Khaldun, the fourteenth century Arab historiographer and sociologist suggests, it is a remarkable fact that with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars in the intellectual sciences were Ajams ("Persians"):
Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent… they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar … great jurists were Persians … only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it' … The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them … as was the case with all crafts … This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana [=modern Central Asia], retained their sedentary culture.

I know now you will say Ibn Khaldoon was either an Iranian agent or brainwashed.:lol:

BlackEagle,now go get a cool shower,it must be so hard on you.:eek:

Are you sure? So Qur'an was revealed after you people invented the rules of Arabic grammar?

Their were differnet forms/dialects of Arabic used by the arabs for centuries before Islam and the form/dialect used by the Quraysh tribe was known as the best form/dialect of Arabic among Arabs and it was this Arabic that Quran was revealed in and also Prophet (PBUH) was from this tribe.

Arabs in old times did not have the need to compile a book on Arabic grammar as it was taught orally and they were masters of it without any doubt and it went on like this until after Islam when the Islamic empire expanded to non-arab areas. It was at this time that the need arose for writing down the Arabic grammar in order to make it easier to learn for non-arabs Muslims who wanted to learn Arabic and also preserve it from getting changed overtime.

Arabs on this forum: Please correct me if i am wrong
Are you sure? So Qur'an was revealed after you people invented the rules of Arabic grammar?

Their were differnet forms/dialects of Arabic used by the arabs for centuries before Islam and the form/dialect used by the Quraysh tribe was known as the best form/dialect of Arabic among Arabs and it was this Arabic that Quran was revealed in and also Prophet (PBUH) was from this tribe.

Arabs in old times did not have the need to compile a book on Arabic grammar as it was taught orally and they were masters of it without any doubt and it went on like this until after Islam when the Islamic empire expanded to non-arab areas. It was at this time that the need arose for writing down the Arabic grammar in order to make it easier to learn for non-arabs Muslims who wanted to learn Arabic and also preserve it from getting changed overtime.

Arabs on this forum: Please correct me if i am wrong

You are 100% correct. We learn Arabic grammar at schools based on pre-Islamic poets whose Arabic were perfect as well as Quraan.
Sahabi Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas was your illiterate enemy you chest beater Majosi? And now blame your backwardness on them.
Indeed he was.I don't consider persons who attack my country,burn libraries and kill people as friends.I suppose you think the same way.
Are you sure? So Qur'an was revealed after you people invented the rules of Arabic grammar?

Their were differnet forms/dialects of Arabic used by the arabs for centuries before Islam and the form/dialect used by the Quraysh tribe was known as the best form/dialect of Arabic among Arabs and it was this Arabic that Quran was revealed in and also Prophet (PBUH) was from this tribe.

Arabs in old times did not have the need to compile a book on Arabic grammar as it was taught orally and they were masters of it without any doubt and it went on like this until after Islam when the Islamic empire expanded to non-arab areas. It was at this time that the need arose for writing down the Arabic grammar in order to make it easier to learn for non-arabs Muslims who wanted to learn Arabic and also preserve it from getting changed overtime.

Arabs on this forum: Please correct me if i am wrong

I just quoted Ibn Khaldoon,the Arab historian.You forgot the main part of the text I copied and stick to this part.Anyway,you can blame Ibn Khaldun,not me ifthis is wrong
You are 100% correct. We learn Arabic grammar at schools based on pre-Islamic poets whose Arabic were perfect as well as Quraan.

Qais took languages classes from Persians before he started to write poetry :D
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