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Iran: Outgunned In The Gulf – Analysis

Respected Members it is nice to see that you dont endorse the bigots and Troll remarks that were full of hatred but some of you made the error of quoting his whole ***** thus giving him life on this thread.

PLEASE, only report the troll , never quote him , never address him and avoid the flame bait.
it must be your last time you use gulf instead of PERSIAN GULF
dont repeat it again
got it?
if not,we have many options to do with you guys

lol are you iranian guy threatening us paks in our own website??

what u gonna do? hack this website?

the gulf is no body's property, iran holds its share of iranian waters as do arabs, and there is a sizable area of international water iin the gulf

so if iranians say persian gulf, suits them, if arabs say arab gulf, suits them

one must not take any body's side
it must be your last time you use gulf instead of PERSIAN GULF
dont repeat it again
got it?
if not,we have many options to do with you guys

Historically the gulf had many names such as the gulf of Basra, the gulf of Qutaif or the sea of Qutaif, the gulf of Bahrain along with Persian Gulf.

Presently 2/3rd of the total length of the coastal line on the Arabian Gulf is the coastal line of Arab Countries.

During the existence of the State of Qawasim and Ahwaz even the northern coastline of the Arabian Gulf (presently southern and south western parts of Iran) were under Arabs, so Iran did not have much of a coastline overlooking the Arabian Gulf.

Lord Curzon says in his book "Persia" (If i remember the name of the book correctly) that the Persians are a nation having an historic inherited fear of the sea.

It was suggested to the Persians some years ago to name the gulf as the Islamic Gulf but Khomeini rejected the idea.

It was also suggested by the Ruler of Sharjah (belonging to the Qasimi tribe) to the Iranians to name it the Green Gulf, this suggestion was also rejected.

Now tell me what options you have?
Historically the gulf had many names such as the gulf of Basra, the gulf of Qutaif or the sea of Qutaif, the gulf of Bahrain along with Persian Gulf.

Presently 2/3rd of the total length of the coastal line on the Arabian Gulf is the coastal line of Arab Countries.

During the existence of the State of Qawasim and Ahwaz even the northern coastline of the Arabian Gulf (presently southern and south western parts of Iran) were under Arabs, so Iran did not have much of a coastline overlooking the Arabian Gulf.

Lord Curzon says in his book "Persia" (If i remember the name of the book correctly) that the Persians are a nation having an historic inherited fear of the sea.

It was suggested to the Persians some years ago to name the gulf as the Islamic Gulf but Khomeini rejected the idea.

It was also suggested by the Ruler of Sharjah (belonging to the Qasimi tribe) to the Iranians to name it the Green Gulf, this suggestion was also rejected.

Now tell me what options you have?

With all respect,your logic sucks.If i want to take what you say,then 100% of people living around Gulf of California are Mexicans.So why do they call it Gulf of California?And you said 2/3 of people living around Persian Gulf are Arabs.You considered whole population of Arab countries.But Iran has more population than all of those Arab countries together.
Persian Gulf has been the name of the body of water between Persia and Arabian Peninsula for almost 2500 years.
And who says Persians were scared of sea?That's BS.Persian empire was the first empire in the world to establish an extensive navy with lots of ships.
I can bring you hundreds of historical maps who name it as Persian Gulf.There was no such thing as Arabian Gulf only after 1950s when some hard line Arab nationalists use it for first time.There was a Persian Gulf street in Dubai until 10 years ago.But suddenly they realized it shouldn't be there,so they changed it.
Arabs are looking at the whole situations from the window of racism.They don't care what it has been called for thousands of years,all they see is races living around the Persian Gulf.
Are you guys really fighting over a freaking Gulf name ? Grow up already... So you guys want to fight eachother, have your young men die, destroy each others economy over what ? A freaking Gulf name ? You can call it a river matter of fact and it won't affect your daily life, or freedom, grow up people, we have got way more important challenges ahead of us.
lol are you iranian guy threatening us paks in our own website??

what u gonna do? hack this website?

the gulf is no body's property, iran holds its share of iranian waters as do arabs, and there is a sizable area of international water iin the gulf

so if iranians say persian gulf, suits them, if arabs say arab gulf, suits them

one must not take any body's side
isit my right to call you for example X or Y t?
persian gulf is the real name of this gulf and all inrternational and valid maps call it persian gulf and no one has the right to call it another name!
also in all reports in UN they call this gulf PERSIAN gulf
so if you call this gulf a fake name its my right to call your country another name too!
out-gunned, yes by FAR.....especially if you include it's Persian Gulf adversaries

but Iran knows how to hold them by the balls due to its proxies, and due to its ability to disrupt the global economy through the mining of the hormuz (which in itself would be an act of war since 1/3 of all the worlds shipping passes through this point)

in fact US/NATOs will likely be looking for more countries in EU or Gulf to install ABM shield
I think our problem is we think of ourselves as Persians, Arabs, Turks and Pakistanis and promote Nationalism. We should think of ourselves as Just Muslims and our differences will fade away. We are in this condition because we keep fanning Nationalism - a practice our holy Prophet (PBUH) forbade us to partake in.

Salam to all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters.
it must be your last time you use gulf instead of PERSIAN GULF
dont repeat it again
got it?
if not,we have many options to do with you guys


Gulf Gulf Arabian Gulf :bounce:

go do whatever options you have.LET US SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO :tup:
So thinking oneself as Pakistani is a problem !

Did he say that you idiot? NO. He merely stated nationalism is what creates disunity amongst muslim, by all means be proud of your identity but never let it override your identity as a muslim.

Nationalism is the tool the west used to divide and conquer, Insh'allah i hope all the muslim nations have a long and prosperous future but please get rid of these US stooges. An Islaming alliance along Shia and Sunni lines will be untouchable but all you guys want to argue over what a stretch of sea is called.

The Persians have not attacked any nation for hundreds of years, they have a right to defend themself. The war mongers have nuclear weapons, Iran therefore deserves to have nuclear weapons as a deterrant.

Why are all arabs and persian argueing like girls, arabs will call it arab gulf and persians persian gulf. Case over.

We Pakistanis will call it whatever we wish depending on who we are closer to and have more ties with.

WW4 is coming, the zionists just need a false flag event to start it now, greater israel is their aim.

Arabs need to stop looking at Iran and focus more on Palestine, why do hate Persian so much. This hatred will be your downfall.
The only answer is for all the arabs, persians and turks to unite under the leadership of the Pakistanis.
(Ps we'll give you each turns to lead)
I think our problem is we think of ourselves as Persians, Arabs, Turks and Pakistanis and promote Nationalism. We should think of ourselves as Just Muslims and our differences will fade away. We are in this condition because we keep fanning Nationalism - a practice our holy Prophet (PBUH) forbade us to partake in.

Salam to all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

Very well said.

And the Arabs have the Arabian sea named after them is that name contested by Iranians ? No, so what is this childish emotional play!
I guess some people like to play with Muslims nerves. And our youth do not understand what is the purpose of this game.
Comparing Iran and Turkey,Iran uses 1.8% of its GDP on military and Turkey 2.7% of its GDP.We have been in a bloody war that costed us 1 trillion dollars.We have been under sanctions for 20 years.We are threatened to be attacked on a daily basis and still our defense budget is lower than Turkey and even lower than a little country like UAE.
I don't understand what dominance in Persian Gulf mean since it's never have been our goal.Can you tell me who are the ones buying billions of dollars of American or Russian arms every year?your argument here is completely non sense.

The fact that your leaders are going after nuclear "energy" alone prompts you to defend yourselves over the actions YOUR COUTNRY (Iran) initiated.

There's other way to go for your energy needs, your leaders are just trying to play the international community showing that "we can advance too" but it's leading to your downfall. Your country is spending massive amount of it's GDP on arms, when it could be developing it's institutions to help the average Iranian.

That being said, the western world and Israel shouldn't be interfering with how Iran chooses to go, so they're much worse.

This sounds like primary school analysis: can you fight that gang + this guy?
And it goes again till ancient Persia and Arabic jahiliya ( before Islam).
Very strange !!!
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