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Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

Nonetheless, this is a pretty pathetic threat by Iran. Just settle the damn nuclear dispute. What a regime, they'd rather wage war than compromise idealogical purity.
Iran Regime thinks it's the bad boy of the neighborhood, however the entire Iranian Navy would be turned into reef now, Oil for China, India, Japan and several other countries come through the strait, Iran will bring it's own destruction upon it.

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

LOL a typical yank comment, your fifth fleet is just a sitting duck, Iran is watching their every move.
as for you comment about sanctions, Iran is not scared about the sanction on their oil as they will simply find new buyers. they are doing this to say 'hey look if you try and hurt us, then we will do the same to you'..

---------- Post added at 03:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 AM ----------

Iran regime will be overthrown by Iranians if need be.also **** saudis as if Iranian give a toss about what they think about our regime.

When Iran current Regime gets overthrown all Iranian Influence will be lost. Saudi's want to get rid of your regime so bad they asked the USA to destroy your Nuclear Sites.
Cant be bothered to go back and check on the rest of the replies. All I have to say is watch and see.
When Iran current Regime gets overthrown all Iranian Influence will be lost. Saudi's want to get rid of your regime so bad they asked the USA to destroy your Nuclear Sites.
As said PGK they are Iranians who can decide. We need a referendum.
But whatever... i didn't agree with your belief that our influence will be lost. It is quite the opposite.
First we will get normalized relations with many countries that we don't.
Second our business and any relation with some neighbours (or not) will not be poisoned by an embargo and threatens by USA "you should not do this with our ennemy Iran"
Third with a relation of respect for the people of Lebanon for exemple : it needs a cultural a business partnership .
Fourth: if we respect the other countries they will respect us. if we threaten them they won't respect us.
That is a very interesting viewpoint and I wish it were true.
Can you confirm that the Chinese government shares your viewpoint ?
Russia will veto Iran's application for SCO membership.
Based on official statements, the Chinese government is only interested in "stability". But the reality is that the majority of the top leadership now recognize that USA is an enemey of China. As USA gets more and more aggressive, China is partnering up with other targets of Western hegemony like Russian, Pakistan and of course Iran. In other words, China realizes another cold war is unavoidable, and will play the game accordingly.

That "China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war" stuff is fake news. China will support Iran, but we don't have the ability to intervene directly.

Of course China is making so much money in Iran with a country that is so dependant on them,
that they will say a lot of blabla to confort the regime.
But the reality will come fast if there is a war: China will not move one finger.
I'm sure China would sell defensive weapons to Iran, such as HQ-9 SAM.
Why can America and Israel threaten Iran, but not vice versa. I think its all chest thumping and nothing untoward is going to happen

It would be prudent to remind ourselves of all the chest thumping Saddam did in the lead up to the first Gulf War.

Sometimes one can be encouraged to display bravado that serves only to paint them into a corner to their detriment, unless one has the actual means to back them up.

After all, bluffing can work only up to a point even in poker before someones calls one out.
It would be prudent to remind ourselves of all the chest thumping Saddam did in the lead up to the first Gulf War.

Sometimes one can be encouraged to display bravado that serves only to paint them into a corner to their detriment, unless one has the actual means to back them up.

After all, bluffing can work only up to a point even in poker before someones calls one out.
Iran is doing tit-for-tat. Plus I wouldnt call closing out Strait as bluffing - its not hard to do for Iran.
Iran is doing tit-for-tat. Plus I wouldnt call closing out Strait as bluffing - its not hard to do for Iran.

As a sovereign nation, I respect Iran's right to conduct its foreign policy as it sees fit, and I also accept Iran's ability to disrupt oil traffic through the Strait.

However, once the traffic is disturbed, it must also be ready for the inevitable reaction. If it is, then I guess it may decide to do so after all.

Sure, please go ahead.
However, once the traffic is disturbed, it must also be ready for the inevitable reaction.
If US with alies completely cut-out Iran from the World, THAT would cause an inevitable reaction - closing out Strait, that in return may cause a war. If West wants another reaction - submission and surrender by Iran, it obviously wont happen. So US with Israel are heavily pushing for war.

What concerns war, US cant win over Iran. To do heavy damage - sure, but not win a long war of attrition. While US itself would lose more trillions, lots of dead soldiers (air bombings wont change a thing, there would have to be a full scale invasion, against well prepared and armed locals), sunken fleet, further losing influence in ME, you name it.
If US with alies completely cut-out Iran from the World, THAT would cause an inevitable reaction - closing out Strait, that in return may cause a war. If West wants another reaction - submission and surrender by Iran, it obviously wont happen. So US with Israel are heavily pushing for war.

What concerns war, US cant win over Iran. To do heavy damage - sure, but not win a long war of attrition. While US itself would lose more trillions, lots of dead soldiers (air bombings wont change a thing, there would have to be a full scale invasion, against well prepared and armed locals), sunken fleet, further losing influence in ME, you name it.

Of course, there will be reactions from both sides, with the effects rippling throughout the world. Some of your points are quite valid.
Of course, there will be reactions from both sides, with the effects rippling throughout the world. Some of your points are quite valid.
which ones were invalid in your eyes?
China has provided much assistance to Iran, esp. in transferring military technology that can help deter an attack. China has been the country most helpful to Iran in the last decade or two. Perhaps we have to thank China so far for the US not having attacked Iran. But of course every country must have its own interests in mind first, and no one expects China to sacrifice itself for Iran.

China and Persia both have ancient civilizations, great pride, and make great partners.

While I am of Iranian origin, I like the US as a country, and I would like to see an end to hostilities between the two countries, in a way that is mutually beneficial.
China is partnering up with other targets of Western hegemony like Russian, Pakistan and of course Iran. In other words, China realizes another cold war is unavoidable, and will play the game accordingly.

That "China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war" stuff is fake news. China will support Iran, but we don't have the ability to intervene directly.

I'm sure China would sell defensive weapons to Iran, such as HQ-9 SAM.
Iranian Navy no match for US battle group - Russian military official — RT

Iranian Navy no match for US battle group - Russian military official

According to a high-ranking Russian naval official, the combat potential of a US naval group that has entered the Strait of Hormuz is more powerful than the Iranian Navy and coastal forces in the region.
“The Iranian Navy's combat resources are incomparable with the potential of the US aircraft carrier group that has entered the Strait of Hormuz and are incapable of opposing it. No, certainly no," Deputy Navy Commander Adm. Ivan Kapitanets told Interfax on Thursday.
The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis and escort ships have entered the area of an Iranian naval exercise east of the Strait of Hormuz.

Kapitanets said the US naval force would “smash” the Iranian coastal installations.
“The Iranian Navy is coastal and can protect the country's interests in the coastal waters. As for the Americans, they have full-scale oceanic naval forces,” the Russian naval commander said. “Therefore, there can be no comparison here. An aircraft carrier with its deck fighters and escort ships can smash Iranian coastal installations and surface ships.”
The Iranian naval commander disagrees.

Seyyed Mahmoud Musavi, the Iranian Navy’s deputy commander for operations, said that the Iranian Navy was ready to confront foreign naval groups that could enter the area of its military exercises, where it is holding maneuvers.

Despite the tense situation and militant rhetoric on both sides, Kapitanets believes both sides will show restraint.

"The US's actions are certainly provocative, but the matter is unlikely to go as far as direct military confrontation,” he said. “Certainly, the situation in the region is very complicated, but it is unlikely to grow into military actions.”

The Iranians say the exercises are within the norms of international law and should be respected.

"We are ready to confront the violators who disregard the security perimeters set for the drills in line with international law," Musavi said.

A bit of history about the official Ivan Kapitanets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The man is cold war era so he might be inflating the capability of the US navy due to 'nostalgia', but then again he is of the cold war era, and might have an idea of the versatility of the US navy.
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