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Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

az hame khandedar tar ineke in yaroo asliatesh Vietnamie!! haha
ozr mikham vali amrikahiya keshvaresho kardan hala in ablah injoori azashoon defa mikone. Vaghean in yaroo ahmaghe.
من كه باور نميكنم.نكنه ميخاي مارو خر كني
اخه مگه ميشه؟؟؟
az hame khandedar tar ineke in yaroo asliatesh Vietnamie!! haha
ozr mikham vali amrikahiya keshvaresho kardan hala in ablah injoori azashoon defa mikone. Vaghean in yaroo ahmaghe.

خود حذف :cheers:
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Iran's navy chief warned Wednesday that his country can easily close the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, the passageway through which a sixth of the world's oil flows.

It was the second such warning in two days. On Tuesday, Vice President Mohamed Reza Rahimi threatened to close the strait, cutting off oil exports, if the West imposes sanctions on Iran's oil shipments.

In response, the Bahrain-based U.S. 5th Fleet's spokeswoman warned that any disruption "will not be tolerated." The spokeswoman, Lt. Rebecca Rebarich, said the U.S. Navy is "always ready to counter malevolent actions to ensure freedom of navigation."

With concern growing over a possible drop-off in Iranian oil supplies, a senior Saudi oil official said Gulf Arab nations are ready to offset any loss of Iranian crude.

That reassurance led to a drop in world oil prices. In New York, benchmark crude fell 77 cents to $100.57 a barrel in morning trading. Brent crude fell 82 cents to $108.45 a barrel in London.

"Closing the Strait of Hormuz is very easy for Iranian naval forces," Adm. Habibollah Sayyari told state-run Press TV. "Iran has comprehensive control over the strategic waterway," the navy chief said.

The threats underline Iranian concern that the West is about to impose new sanctions that could target Tehran's vital oil industry and exports.

Western nations are growing increasingly impatient with Iran over its nuclear program. The U.S. and its allies have accused Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to develop nuclear weapons. Iran has denied the charges, saying its program is geared toward generating electricity and producing medical radioisotopes to treat cancer patients.

The U.S. Congress has passed a bill banning dealings with the Iran Central Bank, and President Barack Obama has said he will sign it despite his misgivings. Critics warn it could impose hardships on U.S. allies and drive up oil prices.

The bill could impose penalties on foreign firms that do business with Iran's central bank.

European and Asian nations import Iranian oil and use its central bank for the transactions.
Iran is the world's fourth-largest oil producer, with an output of about 4 million barrels of oil a day. It relies on oil exports for about 80 percent of its public revenues.

Iran has adopted an aggressive military posture in recent months in response to increasing threats from the U.S. and Israel that they may take military action to stop Iran's nuclear program.

The navy is in the midst of a 10-day drill in international waters near the strategic oil route. The exercises began Saturday and involve submarines, missile drills, torpedoes and drones. The war games cover a 1,250-mile stretch of sea off the Strait of Hormuz, northern parts of the Indian Ocean and into the Gulf of Aden near the entrance to the Red Sea as a show of strength and could bring Iranian ships into proximity with U.S. Navy vessels in the area.

Iranian media are describing how Iran could move to close the strait, saying the country would use a combination of warships, submarines, speed boats, anti-ship cruise missiles, torpedoes, surface-to-sea missiles and drones to stop ships from sailing through the narrow waterway.
Iran's navy claims it has sonar-evading submarines designed for shallow waters of the Persian Gulf, enabling it to hit passing enemy vessels.

A closure of the strait could temporarily cut off some oil supplies and force shippers to take longer, more expensive routes that would drive oil prices higher. It also potentially opens the door for a military confrontation that would further rattle global oil markets.

Iran claimed a victory this month when it captured an American surveillance drone almost intact. It went public with its possession of the RQ-170 Sentinel to trumpet the downing as a feat of Iran's military in a complicated technological and intelligence battle with the U.S.

American officials have said that U.S. intelligence assessments indicate the drone malfunctioned.

U.S. Warns Iran Not To Disrupt Strait Of Hormuz Oil Route | Fox News

Oil price falls after US warns Iran over threat to close Gulf supply route | Business | The Guardian
While its interesting the lengths some of the Chinese posters will go on here to support Iran's actions, to the extent of putting hundreds of thousands of Chinese laborers out of work as a consequence, It must be a shame to them that their own government places economic growth as a top priority.
Errr.... last time I checked, getting rid of the petrodollar is a top Chinese priority :D

Have you now been taking courses in clairvoyance of the Indians? May be instead of choosing the absurdity, you could comment on what Chinese response will be? Will they allow Iran to block the strait through which the Chinese oil also flows? How long would they like that to happen? What will be the Chinese reaction in case of a breaking out of hostilities over this act of Iran? Will the support be overt and enough to ensure that the Arabs are now miffed with China? How will China play both sides of this debacle is the question that you should be trying to address. India buys enough oil from Iran direct. The conflict is too close to bring it home. No reason to see that India will get militarily involved. There will be anyway no need. The comparison is anyway a non starter.
China will support Iran because we are in the middle of a cold war with USA. A little pain at the pump is nothing compared to helping Iran defeat USA's evil plan to dominate the whole war and subjugate non-Western peoples. We already support Pakistan with a lot of weapons. It makes a lot of sense to do the same thing with Iran, and also get them into the SCO. Saudi Arabia might become hostile to China because of our support for Iran, but that's too bad, because they are in bed with the Americans, who are our adversaries.
Why would anyone? Why would China spill Chinese blood for Iran when China can get her oil through other sellers? The US was willing to spill American blood in the ME and we did. Dare to bet the Chinese would be equally courageous?
Because you guys are our enemy? What do you think those round thing in the front of my head are?

China is too far to get directly involved in Middle East, but Central Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan) is doable. Our Russian friends in the SCO can handle the Middle East theater of operations.
The European Union is considering another set of sanctions against Iran, although that country has threatened to blockade the Strait of Hormuz. The sanctions would be widened, and the decision could be taken “in time for the Foreign Affairs Council on January 30,” Michael Mann, spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton, told AFP. Iran is the EU’s fifth-largest oil supplier, and its share amounted to 5.8 per cent of total EU imports in 2010. Tehran warned on Tuesday that if the West broadened sanctions “not a drop of oil will pass through the Strait of Hormuz.”

December 28, 2011 — RT News line
Because you guys are our enemy? What do you think those round thing in the front of my head are?

China is too far to get directly involved in Middle East, but Central Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan) is doable. Our Russian friends in the SCO can handle the Middle East theater of operations.

Iran, china have been friend for thousand of years, we need to look out for each other, anyway as long as china supports us even with words, it's a good thing.

Usa is just a ***** who only picks on weak nations, let them try anything with Iran or china.
Block the strait and you will find out.

Mossa dream on. Americans and Israelis have been talking about action for 30 years without taking action. If there were any plans to attack Iran do you think Americans would be pulling forces back from Iraq and Afghanistan? the Chinese who have invested over 100 bill in Iran can destroy the Americans without firing a bullet, just a threat in private to dump the US dollar would be sufficient to stop Americans in their track. Do people not understand when push comes to shove Americans are bankrupt and need Chinese good will and loans to pay for their fuel in their jets?

don't forget one of Iran's proxies was able to humiliate Israelis not that long ago.

The west wont do squat to Iran other than huff and puff
Mossa dream on. Americans and Israelis have been talking about action for 30 years without taking action. If there were any plans to attack Iran do you think Americans would be pulling forces back from Iraq and Afghanistan? the Chinese who have invested over 100 bill in Iran can destroy the Americans without firing a bullet, just a threat in private to dump the US dollar would be sufficient to stop Americans in their track. Do people not understand when push comes to shove Americans are bankrupt and need Chinese good will and loans to pay for their fuel in their jets?

don't forget one of Iran's proxies was able to humiliate Israelis not that long ago.

The west wont do squat to Iran other than huff and puff
You got more chance of a 1 months old baby understanding the reimanns hypothesis than him understanding that they wont attack Iran.
Anyway these bad boys will make sure no ship tries to **** about.


---------- Post added at 01:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------


---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

The Guards fired two Khalij Fars (Persian Gulf) anti-ship missiles which Iran says are capable of Mach 3 speed and can hit targets at a distance of 300 kilometres (186 miles).

According to Al-Alam, the missiles, which carry a warhead of 650 kilograms, have been entirely designed and built by the Revolutionary Guards, who are in charge of Iran’s missile programme and ballistic arsenal.
Khalij Fars (Persian: موشک خلیج فارس, "Persian Gulf") is a single-stage solid-propellant, supersonic Anti-ship ballistic missile with a range of 300 km based on the Fateh-110 missile. It is equipped with a 650 kg explosive warhead which benefits from a combination of guidance systems to evade interception.
While it is a much smaller missile, similarities can be drawn to specific variants of the Chinese DF-21 ballistic missile which is has been touted as a "carrier-killer". The Chinese DF-11 is an example of a ballistic missile that uses an radar for terminal guidance to give it a CEP of 500-600 m (the DF-11A uses an image correlator which improves the CEP to 200 m)
With Iran possessing such capabilities, the implications for the U.S. Navy are serious. The combination of passive targeting system with the precision demonstrated by the new Iranian missile means that Iran could potentially track U.S. Navy carrier groups at long distances, when they operate in the Arabian Sea, at relatively long distances from their coastline.

anyway these combines with qader missiles and more will make sure us wont have any 5th fleet left if they try and **** about.
You got more chance of a 1 months old baby understanding the reimanns hypothesis than him understanding that they wont attack Iran.

he must learn that all fair minded people who want peace and justice must support Iran against the unrepresentative AIPAC sponsored regime of America that takes instruction from Tel Aviv. the sad thing is I feel for the ordinary people of America who have been brainwashed and seen their democracy perverted by AIPAC the Jewish lobby groups.

back to topic Iran has every right to defend itself in the face of Zionist imperialism. To Pakistanis I would say look at how Israelis influence is spreading west. it must be resisted if we do not support Iran today they will come further west to Pakistan
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