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Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

Block the strait and you will find out. And that is King Faisal one of the greatest men that ever lived.
I did lol
some would say I LMAO (my neighbors).

you pussies were pissing yourselves when Saddam was throwing his bottle rocket scuds at you. Your history doesn't match your tough talk saudi. And great or not, he is one fugly individual. All that money and he looked like that.

P.S. According to arabistan (that's you guys), we're occupying three islands in the Persian Gulf. What have you done about it over the past 4-5 decades?
I did lol
some would say I LMAO (my neighbors).

you pussies were pissing yourselves when Saddam was throwing his bottle rocket scuds at you. Your history doesn't match your tough talk saudi. And great or not, he is one fugly individual. All that money and he looked like that.

P.S. According to arabistan (that's you guys), we're occupying three islands in the Persian Gulf. What have you done about it over the past 4-5 decades?

You show your level of maturity. Not that I expected you to answer in a mature way anyways.
Abii cracks me up always. But the truth of the matter is KSA won't be able to do much.
even more interesting is your country's audacity to **** with China (by risking the flow of oil through the Persian Gulf) when China is the only thing left between you and bankruptcy. Without them you wouldn't even be able to function as a country. 99 percent debt to GDP ratio is a biitch and the biitch is getting louder and louder by the day.
You better believe it. That mean our debt to China is not as 'deadly' to US as your wet dream would like.

---------- Post added at 06:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 AM ----------

I guess after a stealth pull-out from Iraq and failure in Afghanistan, that's all you weasles are capable of. Sanctions on Iran? For what? Why don't you leave them alone?

You know what always happens to the bully. Iran may not be able to defeat America but they are more than capable of giving you a swift punch in the nose.
Lucky shot as Iran goes down after receiving a kick in the nuts.
Keep thinking that.

Saddam was your hero when he was fighting the Iranians, but once he turned the gun, you guys begged the US for help. Saudis will not go to war as the Americans will do it for them. Your sheikhs have never once gotten off their behinds for a cause.

---------- Post added at 06:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 AM ----------

Lucky shot as Iran goes down after receiving a kick in the nuts.

Big talk when they just took your drone and all you're doing is considering imposing sanctions, like it's the first time and as if the Iranians give a **** anyways..
Abii cracks me up always. But the truth of the matter is KSA won't be able to do much.

I think that KSA will have a major role to play in this conflict. The role will not be predominantly military though that will be a part of it. US / NATO might be leading the military intervention anyway. The major role KSA will be playing will be in mellowing down China and Russia in to avoiding direct intervention in favour of Iran. That will be enough I guess in case of a direct conflict.

However, let us hope that sanity prevails and Iran does not resort to this particular course of action. It will be hugely self damaging.
Relax every one here. Nothing is going to happen yet. Iranian financial year 2011 is coming to a close in a few weeks and Iran needs to balance its payments. As you are aware, Iran is one of the few countries in the world that has a positive balance of payment and wants to keep it that way without taking out Chinese loans as United States does. To do that they can do two things. Increase taxation at home or increase the value of their exports. Here, Iran seems to have chosen to increase the price of oil a bit and thus making sure Iran maintains its balance of payment. I am sure tomorrow all of you will pay a few dollars more when you fill up your tanks at gas station. In other words, Iran has chosen to tax the world a bit to balance its books. It is the Iranian way to get back at the world for sanctioning it.
It doesnt affect US supply as much as Asia's, however it affects oil prices. $250-500 for barrel would choke most World economies, including US.
Including Iran.

If Iran oil is under full embargo, that means China and Russia didnt veto such resolution in UNSC, therefore they know whats coming.

What concerns Iran, if World bullies want to choke Iran completely, Iran wont stand and watch, but rather grab bullies by the balls, even though there is a huge disparity in power. Iran leadership does have a steel cohones.

Closing the Gulf (and probably exploding Saudis/UAE pipes) will absolutely be a turning point, "cease and desist" of all nonsense sanctions against Iran altogether. Either World will come to its senses, or there would be WW3, either way it will be resolved.
What a joke. NO ONE is coming to Iranian aid. As far as oil prices goes, of course there will be a sharp spike because there are irrational players in the market who are gullible enough to believe that Iran can actually HOLD that choke. Once it becomes clear to all that Iranian claims about 'choking' the Strait is as empty as those Photochopped missile launches, oil prices will drop to where they were before. Bottom line is that the Iranian Navy cannot do jacksh!t to the Strait other than littering.

---------- Post added at 07:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 AM ----------

Big talk when they just took your drone and all you're doing is considering imposing sanctions, like it's the first time and as if the Iranians give a **** anyways..
One drone out of how many flights? So who is really giving the big talk here?
What do GCC countries have to say regarding the Iran issue?

Are they with West-Israel or with Iran?
How can there be a WW3 when no one is on Iran's side?
Why no one? However if China and Russia instead of promises to protect Iran (=WW3) would go along with US, then instead of WW there would be a full scale regional war, which chokes World economies anyway.
Why would anyone? Why would China spill Chinese blood for Iran when China can get her oil through other sellers? The US was willing to spill American blood in the ME and we did. Dare to bet the Chinese would be equally courageous?
Saddam was your hero when he was fighting the Iranians, but once he turned the gun, you guys begged the US for help. Saudis will not go to war as the Americans will do it for them. Your sheikhs have never once gotten off their behinds for a cause.

Lol I have explained time and again everything in this forum if you choose to remain in your current state of lack of education. The situation is more complex than what you make it sound like. Refer to my older posts for more information.
Relax every one here. Nothing is going to happen yet. Iranian financial year 2011 is coming to a close in a few weeks and Iran needs to balance its payments. As you are aware, Iran is one of the few countries in the world that has a positive balance of payment and wants to keep it that way without taking out Chinese loans as United States does. To do that they can do two things. Increase taxation at home or increase the value of their exports. Here, Iran seems to have chosen to increase the price of oil a bit and thus making sure Iran maintains its balance of payment. I am sure tomorrow all of you will pay a few dollars more when you fill up your tanks at gas station. In other words, Iran has chosen to tax the world a bit to balance its books. It is the Iranian way to get back at the world for sanctioning it.
You are correct. Everyone should relax. I lived through the 1970s oil embargo that ended up hurting the ME more than US. And today, after so many dire predictions about US paying more than 3$/gal, nothing really happened. The US did not collapsed. Our economy is slowly recovering. And no one will come to Iranian aid when it is clear that they will be hurt more than any benefit in siding with Iran.
buddy if Iran blocked it, then Iran controls what goes in and out don't they?
Do much logical thinking? The question included the word 'ensured', which implied duration. That mean the question was about how long could Iran supposedly 'choke' the Strait long enough in order raise oil prices catastrophically high enough to damage global economy. Answer is: Not long enough.
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