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Iran needs to develop biological weapons

"smile brother" say's the board.
i get it what you want to say but let me tell you a story. few years before this picture get captured, authorities of new born revolution of Iran cancelled 300 f-16s deal with USA, they wanted to sell f-14 to Pakistan and donate other types to others and with the money collected they wanted to buy tractors for people to farm. they believed that the revolution will spread and as the masses of people join it the enemies will fall and there is no need for weapons.
several years later Saddam attacked and the f-14s were the things that kept our skies safe. MEK started to kill people and politicians, so in a similar decision they agreed to establish ministry of intelligence with the help of the people who actually established SAVAK.
the point is do not get soft and do not fantasize.
"smile brother" say's the board.
i get it what you want to say but let me tell you a story. few years before this picture get captured, authorities of new born revolution of Iran cancelled 300 f-16s deal with USA, they wanted to sell f-14 to Pakistan and donate other types to others and with the money collected they wanted to buy tractors for people to farm. they believed that the revolution will spread and as the masses of people join it the enemies will fall and there is no need for weapons.
several years later Saddam attacked and the f-14s were the things that kept our skies safe. MEK started to kill people and politicians, so in a similar decision they agreed to establish ministry of intelligence with the help of the people who actually established SAVAK.
the point is do not get soft and do not fantasize.
Yes morons wanted to sell F4s to Kuwiat and returned F14s ... but as far I know F16s were canceled by Shas's last PM Bakhtiar ... next to Kidd-class destroyers (Kourosh) ...
Yes morons wanted to sell F4s to Kuwiat and returned F14s ... but as far I know F16s were canceled by Shas's last PM Bakhtiar ... next to Kidd-class destroyers (Kourosh) ...
what's the deal---anyway all these F-14, F-4, F-16 and destroyers are obsolete in the next 5 years as F-35 enters service
War-mongering Iranians don't even have the guts to develop nuclear weapons despite having the nuclear plant, all the knowhow to produce them and all the material needed.

Iranians just lack courage, the main ingredient. Forty-years of American threats and sanctions have made Iranians impotent.
You don't develop weapons of mass destruction out of courage, but rather out of fear. Having said that, I do believe Iran (still) has a nuclear weapons program, but contrary to the five nuclear weapon-states under the NPT and the the three non-NPT nuclear powers (IN, PK, NK), Iran is likely intending to develop a nuclear-hardened latent capacity to produce nuclear warheads.
I thought islamically even atomic weapons are haram because of the collateral damage it can cause, let alone biological weapons which can't be controlled. According to islamic principles of engaging in war, you can't harm nature, the defenceless e,g women, old men and children.
We already know what an atomic bomb can do i Hiroshima Nagasaki. If muslims indeed have higher moral ground, then it's better to stick to those principals than stoop to the level of these degenerates who have no moral grounding. Just because they do something horrible doesn't mean we should copy them. It's better to die with honour than to survive or win with inhumanne acts.
Iran should just continue to be the way it is. No need to stoop to the level of degenerates
I thought islamically even atomic weapons are haram because of the collateral damage it can cause, let alone biological weapons which can't be controlled. According to islamic principles of engaging in war, you can't harm nature, the defenceless e,g women, old men and children.
We already know what an atomic bomb can do i Hiroshima Nagasaki. If muslims indeed have higher moral ground, then it's better to stick to those principals than stoop to the level of these degenerates who have no moral grounding. Just because they do something horrible doesn't mean we should copy them. It's better to die with honour than to survive or win with inhumanne acts.
Iran should just continue to be the way it is. No need to stoop to the level of degenerates
If Pakistan had not haram nuclear weapons----degenerates from India would have already turned Islamabad into another Nagasaki.

Weapons like this are weapons of peace not war
Yes morons wanted to sell F4s to Kuwiat and returned F14s ... but as far I know F16s were canceled by Shas's last PM Bakhtiar ... next to Kidd-class destroyers (Kourosh) ...
bakhtiyar cancelled the deal but US officials said that they would provide them if the transitional government asks to, as the shah era government was not representing Iran anymore...
what's the deal---anyway all these F-14, F-4, F-16 and destroyers are obsolete in the next 5 years as F-35 enters service
did you know Iran only used 600 maverick missiles of whole 3000 missile stockpile in Iran-Iraq war?? our air force did not perform CAS missions because of lack of spare parts so air force kept the phantoms for important missions.
so the falcons might have changed the course of war and even might be prevented it.
This might sound immoral, but not more immoral than development of nuclear weapons.

This pandemic might have originated in Wuhan Virus Research Laboratory.

The economic consequences to the world and to the US in particular are even more devastating than nuclear weapon or closure of the Strait of Hormuz. Massive recession and trillions and trillions of losses.

Credit Suisse says the US economy will shrink 33.5% next quarter, the biggest drop in history

The consequences of this economic crisis will be a massive recession and explosion of US debt to 130% of GDP by 2021.

So Iran should develop biological weapons and antidote that only Iran has---this will be an extremely powerful deterrence against USA or any other country that tries to threaten Iran.

With bioweapons Iran will be in position to threaten economies of the major countries.

I assume that after this pandemy major countries will pay more attention to biological weapons.

It's small-minded thinking like this that has made Iran a hated state worldwide. All you needed was a conspiracy theory and now you are prepared to use chemical weapons against others. If a rumour spread that Americans were eating Iranians, you would probably start eating people in revenge too.

Why don't you stick to moral principles and work against the proliferation of this horrible problem that is against all humanity?
It's small-minded thinking like this that has made Iran a hated state worldwide. All you needed was a conspiracy theory and now you are prepared to use chemical weapons against others. If a rumour spread that Americans were eating Iranians, you would probably start eating people in revenge too.

Why don't you stick to moral principles and work against the proliferation of this horrible problem that is against all humanity?
OK...lets say Iran is moral...but what if Israel and USA is not??? US was not moral in Nagasaki and Hiroshima and Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan.....and Israel is immoral in Palestine

So who will save Iran? Who will deter aggression? Moral principles?

We are not living in an innocent world....after "moral" attacks against Iraq/Lybia/Afghanistan ---one needs to develop means of detterence in order to gain security
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It's small-minded thinking like this that has made Iran a hated state worldwide. All you needed was a conspiracy theory and now you are prepared to use chemical weapons against others. If a rumour spread that Americans were eating Iranians, you would probably start eating people in revenge too.

Why don't you stick to moral principles and work against the proliferation of this horrible problem that is against all humanity?
every major power in the world has bio and chemical arsenal, go preach them first as our forces are not 1000s of km away from our border.
also **** people of world if they hate us.
fyi - you havent provided evidence or an argument to prove that Iran actually has a biowarfare program.

Oh no --- maybe I invade an entire country now and, trillions of dollars and thousands of ruined families later, reveal that there is no biowarfare program.... oops, that's America, the great defender of global human rights.

What's evidence these days? A source who reveals it? Mossad? CIA leaks? Doctored pictures in MSM?

As I already said nobody can reach to Pakistan Standards

there is one problem . no one ever manage to produce a single page of evidence to suppoty that.

That's a good thing. Evidence would mean more people know about it and more intl pressure.

It's just common sense for Iran to maintain a biowarfare capability.
War-mongering Iranians don't even have the guts to develop nuclear weapons despite having the nuclear plant, all the knowhow to produce them and all the material needed.

Iranians just lack courage, the main ingredient. Forty-years of American threats and sanctions have made Iranians impotent.
why didnt your ungrateful country "confront" US directly in Afghanistan instead of attacking US via the Taliban while at the same time lying to USG so Pakistan could keep getting American weapons and aid(Musharaff did this very well btw). you better keep quiet about topics like this, unless ur ready for everything to come out.

Oh no --- maybe I invade an entire country now and, trillions of dollars and thousands of ruined families later, reveal that there is no biowarfare program.... oops, that's America, the great defender of global human rights.

What's evidence these days? A source who reveals it? Mossad? CIA leaks? Doctored pictures in MSM?

That's a good thing. Evidence would mean more people know about it and more intl pressure.

It's just common sense for Iran to maintain a biowarfare capability.

Thanks for confirming you've not provided 1 piece of evidence or 1 valid argument that Iran actually has a bio weapon. onto the next point then.

Lolz and do what with it? Like the morons they are, they might actually wipe off their own population with it. Shooting down a oasswnger plane was enough to show their competence.
Says a Pakistani, whose country even refused to take in its COVID infected citizens from "poor Iran" and preferred them to die in Iran on their own...smfh. too much hypocrisy.

While you people talk about morality, USA, China, Russia and Israel might be working on such weapons and then don,t complain if they use them against Iran
Because those "talkers" have a warped inferiority complex going on. Same thing with COVID responses by govt- US and Italy govts were not handling it well, but many of these hypocrites preferred to attack China, Iran, Russia over it...pattern is clear..
Biological weapons can certainly be far more deadly than nuclear weapons. Here are just two reasons:
  • A single biological weapon can kill far more people than a single nuclear weapon.
  • A biological weapon can be deployed without missiles and the origin may not be traceable. In fact, it may not be obvious that an outbreak was a result of an attack. This gives an attacker plausible deniability.
Their development can be concealed much more easily than a nuclear program. The most obvious problem is that you have limited ability to contain the fallout.

On the issue of morality, I don't see it as being any worse than a nuclear weapon. Such a weapon is held not to be used, but to deter an aggressor. Given the United States' possesses thousands of nuclear weapons, Iran would certainly be justified in acquiring such weapons (if it doesn't already have them).
OK...lets say Iran is moral...but what if Israel and USA is not??? US was not moral in Nagasaki and Hiroshima and Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan.....and Israel is immoral in Palestine

So who will save Iran? Who will deter aggression? Moral principles?

We are not living in an innocent world....after "moral" attacks against Iraq/Lybia/Afghanistan ---one needs to develop means of detterence in order to gain security

every major power in the world has bio and chemical arsenal, go preach them first as our forces are not 1000s of km away from our border.
also **** people of world if they hate us.

Whether these countries do it or not, it is untrue until proven otherwise but you are openly embracing it - there is no way getting away from it by blaming others.

This is like how those ISIS, believed propaganda about assadists killing babies - so justified themselves to become even more subhuman. In the end who became the true monster??
Whether these countries do it or not, it is untrue until proven otherwise but you are openly embracing it - there is no way getting away from it by blaming others.

This is like how those ISIS, believed propaganda about assadists killing babies - so justified themselves to become even more subhuman. In the end who became the true monster??
LOL...nuclear weapons were also "untrue" until Nagasaki and Hiroshima were flattened....you want Iran to wait for the moment when they suddenly use these weapons.....it is a common sense that all major countries are doing research on bioweapons

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