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Iran needs to develop biological weapons

Says a Pakistani, whose country even refused to take in its COVID infected citizens from "poor Iran" and preferred them to die in Iran on their own...smfh. too much hypocrisy

We never refused, instead we asked for cooperation and even offered to bare all expenses. Instead the evil mullah regime allied to india kept all those ppl in one place, making sure all are infected and then sent them to Pakistan all at once. Its actually this moron govt that swept it under the carpet, reality is that whole Pakistan have seen iran's true ugly face and their intentions. Be assured we will return the favor, and it will hurt really bad.
We never refused, instead we asked for cooperation and even offered to bare all expenses. Instead the evil mullah regime allied to india kept all those ppl in one place, making sure all are infected and then sent them to Pakistan all at once. Its actually this moron govt that swept it under the carpet, reality is that whole Pakistan have seen iran's true ugly face and their intentions. Be assured we will return the favor, and it will hurt really bad.
Actually, i hope Iran and Pakistan can have a good friendship based mainly off their mutual interests, history and relationships. In my heart, i dont feel majority(at least) of either society naturally despises the other, but life is complex and so are perceptions. I hope for better for both in the future.
It is highly immoral

Immoral is not the word in Iranian dictionary.
Use of chemical weapons in Syria, death brigades in Iraq, firing missiles on Mecca..... list of their immorality is long.
Immoral is not the word in Iranian dictionary.
Use of chemical weapons in Syria, death brigades in Iraq, firing missiles on Mecca..... list of their immorality is long.
Maybe this word is in the dictionary of USA or Israel or Saudis?.....don,t let me start with the list of their immorality....it will take several pages to write such a list
Iran is already one of the safest countries in the world in hell of Middle East & Western Asia

No need to war No need to biological weapons

While you people talk about morality, USA, China, Russia and Israel might be working on such weapons and then don,t complain if they use them against Iran
Usage of bioweapon will mean that over time, the disease will spread in one's own country. If the disease is too contagious, then there is no way of stopping it from infecting one's own countrymen. Secondly, as soon as the enemy detects the bioweapon being used, first thing that will be done is to gather the samples and then throw it back to the one who used it.

It is impossible to have antidote or vaccination in such large scale before launching bioweapon as doing so will alert others that something mischievous is going on. Another problem with bioweapon is that if it is too deadly, it can't be too contagious as deadly virus kills quickly. Virus like small pox infected India but did not kill enmasse as people started showing deadly symptoms quickly and resulted in other people distancing themselves from such patients before the virus could infect everyone. If the disease has to be contagious, then it needs a host who will remain alive for long enough with no symptoms to spread it and that will automatically make it less deadly.

Today's Covid19 is having death toll of only 0.5% and that too mostly infects the old while young are unaffected to good extent.

bakhtiyar cancelled the deal but US officials said that they would provide them if the transitional government asks to, as the shah era government was not representing Iran anymore...

did you know Iran only used 600 maverick missiles of whole 3000 missile stockpile in Iran-Iraq war?? our air force did not perform CAS missions because of lack of spare parts so air force kept the phantoms for important missions.
so the falcons might have changed the course of war and even might be prevented it.
USA refused to sell F16 and even spare parts for older planes as diplomatic relations were cut off after Iran seized its diplomatic assets and its diplomats posted in Iran.
Actually, i hope Iran and Pakistan can have a good friendship based mainly off their mutual interests, history and relationships. In my heart, i dont feel majority(at least) of either society naturally despises the other, but life is complex and so are perceptions. I hope for better for both in the future.

I have had a lot of interaction with iranian people in UK and elsewhere and they are soft and loving. My point was never about people of iran but the ruling regime. I am sure Pakistanis and iranians would love to enhance cooperation and relations but its the iranian mullah regime that sees everything through the lense of sectarianism. Pakistan had amazing rekations with iran before mullahs took over. Its this regime that has expansionist intentions and tries to interfere in every country. Once this regime is gone, this relationship will improve drastically.
I have had a lot of interaction with iranian people in UK and elsewhere and they are soft and loving. My point was never about people of iran but the ruling regime. I am sure Pakistanis and iranians would love to enhance cooperation and relations but its the iranian mullah regime that sees everything through the lense of sectarianism. Pakistan had amazing rekations with iran before mullahs took over. Its this regime that has expansionist intentions and tries to interfere in every country. Once this regime is gone, this relationship will improve drastically.
Lemme jus say this if it helps you understand Iran better:

Majority of Iranians outside Iran, dont support the Mullah
Majority of Iranians Inside Iran support the theocracy. Why this is so, i dunno and its not my biz, but this is the truth and reality.
Lemme jus say this if it helps you understand Iran better:

Majority of Iranians outside Iran, dont support the Mullah
Majority of Iranians Inside Iran support the theocracy. Why this is so, i dunno and its not my biz, but this is the truth and reality.
This is because most of the Iranian population outside Iran were those who had support from foreign countries and went out as exiles
This is because most of the Iranian population outside Iran were those who had support from foreign countries and went out as exiles
OR is is that they are the minority of Iranians who are either more liberal, or regime hating, so that predisposed them to travelling out of IRan due to that disagreement? It is not coincidental that Iranians living in west are more likely to dislike Iran's ruling system/govt style.
it cleared the value of it , but it also cleared the dangers , you can't control viral bio agent , you can control spreads of poison , you can control spread of chemicals , you can decide where to drop the nuke but when it come to viruses o to lesser extend bacterial agents , you can use them but you cant control them , they will come back and bite you
so simple thinking who make virus think about cure first
why didnt your ungrateful country "confront" US directly in Afghanistan instead of attacking US via the Taliban while at the same time lying to USG so Pakistan could keep getting American weapons and aid(Musharaff did this very well btw). you better keep quiet about topics like this, unless ur ready for everything to come out.

Thanks for confirming you've not provided 1 piece of evidence or 1 valid argument that Iran actually has a bio weapon. onto the next point then.

Says a Pakistani, whose country even refused to take in its COVID infected citizens from "poor Iran" and preferred them to die in Iran on their own...smfh. too much hypocrisy.

Because those "talkers" have a warped inferiority complex going on. Same thing with COVID responses by govt- US and Italy govts were not handling it well, but many of these hypocrites preferred to attack China, Iran, Russia over it...pattern is clear..

You cannot discuss defense analysis, projection and assessment without accounting for the likelihood of covert and classified programs based on predictors like the hawkish nature of the Revolutionary Guard, Iran's own experience at the receiving end of chemical/bio warfare and Iran's main adversary's (Israel's) own advanced bio warfare program. To be clear, I SUPPORT Iran developing a biowarfare capability as a credible deterrent. If it doesn't have a biowarfare program, it should get started ASAP.

Are you American? Ethnically white? Just curious. Your views are childish and there are issues with your grammar. Have a great day.
so simple thinking who make virus think about cure first
and as I said tell the rest of the world look I did the biological attack.

by the way after that don't complaign if they did the same to you
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