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Iran Moves 35 Years Ahead by Reverse Engineering US RQ-170

Reasons not to give credit to Iran:
1. Iranian turbofan engines is nothing more than Indian Kaveri turbofan. It is not used anywhere yet.
2. Iran reverse engineered F14 radars just recently after about 35 years.

Reasons to give credit to Iran:

1. They have the largest number of intact US drones. The drones are real and quite intact not crashed like what happens in AFG or PAK. Obama asked for RQ170 but never asked for any other crashed drone. It is a totally different story.
2. They can share the drone with Russia and China in exchange for help in reverse engineering plus additional technology transfer. I am sure both Russia and China cannot wait to see something like RQ170.
3. They already have an established drone technology as shown in Shahed 129 MALE drone.
It's not a problem though. They can receive newer kits that can read encrypted feeds. Not all can intercept encrypted feed.

Considering that reports show that our dear murican bothers have often conducted flights with unmanned platforms having substandard encryption systems I would not be surprised, their in-house audit found out that the situation was far below optimum.

As to the claim being made in this thread. One can only bang their head on a wall. Even if you end up reverse engineering the air-frame where are you going to get a turbo-fan engine from? Micro turbines from CMs won't work and its not as if you can just plug in whichever engine you can get your hands on. I am yet to see a C-band or Ku-band data-link come up forget a CMDL, which means other components have not been realized either. Ergo- what of the CnC, exactly how are they going to exploit the drone with all these road-blocks?
@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=139959" target="_blank">Hyperion</a></u> midget or monkey, take a pick.

Considering that the said drone was brought in specifically to handle trouble spots like Iran and Pakistan with their better ADA(we all know that there is much more than face value on the FATA Drone intrusions) so its quite likely they use better encryption. However, recent video seems to show that they have picked out the video from LLTV orb cams used for landing which are usually deencrypted using Open Source intelligence(JTAG and the like) but very low res. This looks nothing like imagery from this which is rumoured to be on this aircraft.
Gorgon Stare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(If some persian member can translate what is being said here.

As for the engine, its probably a derivative of a commercial small engine(of which many exist with similar noise deadening systems and are not 35 years ahead as they have been around for 30 years anyway) but hardly anything that will help get anything other than a UAV or business jet off the ground. What is the "gold mine" of sorts is the shaping, heat reduction and sensor package(which according to IRGC includes things that can detect soil type(Airborne Ground penetrating Radar), Look under Camo nets(FLIR. MMW) etc.. perhaps it carries an AESA sensor or otherwise with varying frequency. Again , not easy to replicate at all and quite beyond the capabilities of the Chinese or Russians to do it in a year.. let alone Iran. Sure , its a big catch.. but a big catch depends on how much you are prepared to glean from it.

Yara, the performance of a wing-type platform varies with a difference of few grams, how are they gonna match that to components and the engine? Forget it, us discussing this topic is even below us.

Shab-b-khair to you and @<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=14956" target="_blank">Oscar</a></u>

Well , as I said they may learn something. But the whole Goebell like claims of Iranian spokesmen and the very similar fanboys ends up as a foot in mouth issue rather than actual achievement. After all, the fact that a severely embargoed nation was able to get this far with a crashed UAV is commendable in itself. But iranian fanboys make it sound like this
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It would be difficult explaining to those on jingoism highs that aircraft do from time to time survive intact after loss of control. Even those without autopilots.
Cornfield Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wish you wouldn't publicly make a fool of yourself by accusing others of callousness and jingoism, while you yourself fail to properly look at an image you're referring to, to back up your claim.

It is very clear that the RQ-1 made a controlled landing and didn't fall out of the sky. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to notice the deployed and mangled landing gear, under the fuselage.
What the guy was probably saying is that Iran moved ahead 1 or 2 generations in drone technology.

well , perhaps they reached the 35 years by the time it take American needed to implement these technologies in their UAVs

I think both of you understand that 35 was a cooked figure without empirical basis; thus I doubt Irani claim.

engine !

the bird's aerodynamics / the SAR radar / ... / almost everything

but some parts left ... which needs more than 5 years for done ...

anyway ... you don't have to wait so much, because the first flight is near ! :)

No dear, that is not how science works.

OMG. Why is this drone intact? Was it hacked?


These drones are aerodynamically very stable, and should some thing go wrong with the on board computers and machines
these drones will glide down rather than to fall out of the sky like a stone.
The very high aspect ratio wings and the Y design tail should have been your first clue.

this explains why this particular done comes down in one piece .. almost.
FLIR is not even an issue, as it's impossible to detect a an object in flight via FLIR at high altitudes, as the TAT (Total Air Temp) always remains way below freezing. As RQ170 uses TF34 turbofan, and is incapable of supersonic flight, therefore it's very easy to assess the TAT, without getting into complex fluid dynamics / thermodynamics. **not considering the engine exhaust, however, we are not talking about that, are we?**

So whoever stated that, must be high on something.
But engine Exhaust produce all the heat

O.K cut the crap.

this picture is taken in 2010 by our elector optics system, one year before it's capture:

it's a snapshot of "Tabas hunt" documentary video.
I think both of you understand that 35 was a cooked figure without empirical basis; thus I doubt Irani claim.

No dear, that is not how science works.

These drones are aerodynamically very stable, and should some thing go wrong with the on board computers and machines
these drones will glide down rather than to fall out of the sky like a stone.
The very high aspect ratio wings and the Y design tail should have been your first clue.

this explains why this particular done comes down in one piece .. almost.
stable or not, without AI or pilot commands to decrease the altitude, a drone would eventually enters stall state and would fall like a rock. in fact that picture proves that a pilot has landed the RQ-170 too.
I think both of you understand that 35 was a cooked figure without empirical basis; thus I doubt Irani claim.

No dear, that is not how science works.

These drones are aerodynamically very stable, and should some thing go wrong with the on board computers and machines
these drones will glide down rather than to fall out of the sky like a stone.
The very high aspect ratio wings and the Y design tail should have been your first clue.

this explains why this particular done comes down in one piece .. almost.

RQ-170 is a flying wing which is inherently as unstable as it get , you cut the power and it'll dive nose down and there will be no flying leaf
another flying wing is B2 that need 3 different computer work with each other just for stabilizing it , you cant compare these planes with glider like planes like what you showed
by the way a TF-34 can't be fitted inside RQ-170. its too much wide for this drone
Because Pakistan government has not asked for such assistance. Right now the Pakistani military is alligned with the US.

Pakistan runs 4 different govts. in 4 provinces, controlled by (apparantely) fiercely opposition parties.
It will be extremely wrong to consider PAKISTAN as one state with one common policy.

Where are Imran Khan die hard supporters, can't they send a request to Iran for lending few IT professionals for a month? afterall your campaign was built around drones and transit aid!

Last but not least, shame for Pakistani IT professionals.. Iran beat them, either you all are in love with US?
It would be difficult explaining to those on jingoism highs that aircraft do from time to time survive intact after loss of control. Even those without autopilots.
Cornfield Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
time to time? really? instead of bringing a ridiculous example for a funny statement(survive intact after loss of control), show us a theory in which a tailless drone can fall down on enemy field intact.

possible theories:
engine failure( or loose of everything including engine):
stall is unavoidable, unless pilot or AI decided to give a gift to Iranian. in this case your example will be rejected cause that aircraft had a working engine (plus a pilot that keep it's balance, and his final act, ejecting caused enough thrust to avoid crashing)

communication loose:
drone will return to it's base, unless someone has already detected it and ambushed a GPS spoofing net for it.

control(hydrolic) failure:
drone will keep flying till ran out of fuel, stall would be unavoidable (again your example doesn't match cause that aircraft had a working engine.)
Pakistan runs 4 different govts. in 4 provinces, controlled by (apparantely) fiercely opposition parties.
It will be extremely wrong to consider PAKISTAN as one state with one common policy.

Where are Imran Khan die hard supporters, can't they send a request to Iran for lending few IT professionals for a month? afterall your campaign was built around drones and transit aid!

Last but not least, shame for Pakistani IT professionals.. Iran beat them, either you all are in love with US?
actually after that event IRGC commanders offered help for any of neighbors who are dealing with the foreigner's drones(indirectly he was referring to Pakistan) but no answer. your problem isn't in the army or at least you haven't reached that level yet, your problem is the politicians who don't allow a reaction to your army and prefer to cover these with a simple condemnation.
Possible theory: The pilot/operators considered destroying the payload so it won't compromise future rq-170 missions. Lookie, the underside is destroyed.
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