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Iran Moves 35 Years Ahead by Reverse Engineering US RQ-170

First read : http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...se-engineering-us-rq-170-a-2.html#post4860458

& ... your moderating a side !

what if we show the flying wing drone in the blue sky !?

Here is a bet !

are you going to leave the forum ( for ever ) because of your words about Iran ?

Accept it !?

I haven't stated any doubt in a flying wing being made. Heck I made a Radio controlled flying wing when I was 15 out of foam, I am sure Iran can make an exact flying replica of the RQ-170. I asked you a plain and simple question:

How did this allow Iran to jump 35 years?

All the memories and computer systems of this plane have been decoded which may be plausible considering that if the aircraft was using a flash memory (and you could start up a component) and had something similar to a JTAG port you can read off what its doing. I have actually done that personally for US radios in trying to see what optimization techniques they were using for particular algorithms. But to say that It allowed Pakistan to leap ahead is stupidity. All it did was allow us to see what compression technique they might be using..and then replicate that using the publicly available standards for it as close as we could. By the statement of the commander it seems they were able to read off a flash memory.

But will you be able to provide proof that Iran has using a drone managed to suddenly leap 35 years ahead in stealth shaping concepts, materials tech and signal processing? This is based on the fact that the last such claim by Iran known as the Qaher 313 has been ridiculed the world over for the claims made by Iran. Moreover, if it did allow Iran to move 35 years ahead.. why in the world are they trying to make an exact copy of the drone? What use does it have to iran? Why not use this 35 year technology leap to make something like a proper 5th gen aircraft or actually complete the only project worthy of looking at known as the Shafagh?

And I have no need to make a bet with you. You are one being questioned for your word and integrity. Are you all nationalism or do you actually have more than just basic 3d drawing skills on you?
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Btw, lets get some more serious technical opinions on this claim... @sandy_3126 @Dillinger @gambit
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I cannot understand this. Why is it so easy to reverse engineer crashed aircraft's like drones and cruise missiles, while the same people cannot manufacture the fighter jets, passenger aircrafts etc. they own. Why not reverse engineer a boeing 747 or Airbus A320 or a Intel microprocessor or a Toyota car engine?

From what I read.....reverse engineering is VERY HARD :


The more complex the system, the more harder it is. It was easier for early systems such as the Aim-9B which the Soviets reverse engineering into the K-13. Now, with complex software and multiple hardware and software locks; it is a nightmare. Yet countries like China and Pakistan among others dedicate years to doing it. Because if successful it does help to close years of gap(in that particular equipment) and helps them keep technology gaps to a minimum between them and other nations. That being said, not all of it is useful and most of the time.. reverse engineering only yields 60-70% of the actual product(if it is a complex system) and its capabilities and usually only 40% of the reliability. A better way is to understand the system as best possible and spend resources on reverse engineering only those components which cannot be found elsewhere. The Babur missile is an excellent example of such a process. The airframe, wing folding, system fits and basic engine knowledge of it came all from the Tomahawk. But the rest including guidance and control systems along with warhead design were done in-house.
I cannot understand this. Why is it so easy to reverse engineer crashed aircraft's like drones and cruise missiles, while the same people cannot manufacture the fighter jets, passenger aircrafts etc. they own. Why not reverse engineer a boeing 747 or Airbus A320 or a Intel microprocessor or a Toyota car engine?

Its not a matter of ability, but priority. Thats why.
Its not a matter of ability, but priority. Thats why.

How would you prioritize reverse engineering a spy drone over guidance and control of weapon systems or radar?
How would you prioritize reverse engineering a spy drone over guidance and control of weapon systems or radar?

I think all military related topics are prioritized over non-military objects (civilian planes, etc). You can't claim that Iran hasn't made gains in other military related fields as well.
Why not Iran help a victim state of US drones.. and send some specialist hackers to Imran Khan, who will land US drones @ Peshawar airport and this way children lives will be saved, without shooting a bullet.
Why not Iran help a victim state of US drones.. and send some specialist hackers to Imran Khan, who will land US drones @ Peshawar airport and this way children lives will be saved, without shooting a bullet.

Unfortunately there is no or little military cooperation between Iran and Pakistan.
Why not Iran help a victim state of US drones.. and send some specialist hackers to Imran Khan, who will land US drones @ Peshawar airport and this way children lives will be saved, without shooting a bullet.

Because Pakistan government has not asked for such assistance. Right now the Pakistani military is alligned with the US.
I think all military related topics are prioritized over non-military objects (civilian planes, etc). You can't claim that Iran hasn't made gains in other military related fields as well.

Unfortunately, they haven't as such. Apart from smaller pet projects like the Saeqeh( as such a F-5 with twin canted tails and additional avionics space) they have gone after projects that are of much lesser value. While it does owe a lot to the unjust and rather murderous sanctions put on them by the western world at large; it does not absolve them of faults in ignoring opportunities like the Shafagh or other projects with the Russians. Perhaps their own diplomatic office is to blame, but making claims that would put those of Iraq or North Korea to shame does not befit a nation that once was the most potent military power in the middle east. The current iranian projects in my view are mostly no better than Saddams efforts in making systems like the Lion of Bablyon tank(asad babil).. one that was thoroughly outclassed in GW-1.
Why not Iran help a victim state of US drones.. and send some specialist hackers to Imran Khan, who will land US drones @ Peshawar airport and this way children lives will be saved, without shooting a bullet.

well , I always wondered if all these American drone attack in Pakistan are sanctioned by central government or not ?
I cannot understand this. Why is it so easy to reverse engineer crashed aircraft's like drones and cruise missiles, while the same people cannot manufacture the fighter jets, passenger aircrafts etc. they own. Why not reverse engineer a boeing 747 or Airbus A320 or a Intel microprocessor or a Toyota car engine?

It is not easy to reverse engineer, and Iranians obviously bullshiting, Iran can dismantle to parts but can it produce the parts? nope, the key here is the technology to produce parts.

it's not just anti radar paint, according to commander, RQ170 is even equipped with a system to equalize the drone's temperature with environment, a system that Americans are talking about as their future projects.

الحمدالله الذی جعل اعدائنا من الحمقی


To prevent FLIR-detection?

Unfortunately, they haven't as such. Apart from smaller pet projects like the Saeqeh( as such a F-5 with twin canted tails and additional avionics space) they have gone after projects that are of much lesser value.

That is not true. Air force isn't more valuable to Iranian military doctrine than other fields. Fact is that Iran has made significant gains in ballistic missile technology, shipbuilding (from a scratch to building ships), submarine-building, AD systems, etc.
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