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Iran Kowsar Jet Surprise (production line)

By writing ....
You just admitted that Kowser is an illegal copy of 2.5gen F-5
That what I was trying to prove:partay::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


and because you insist on the question of the legal or not, when you do the reverse enginereng, 90% of the cases are cloned without permission something others have done,
But here we are not discussing the legal issue, but the acquired ability to reproduce a combat aircraft in all its parts, in this only few countries have managed to do so, even fewer those that have managed to reproduce with the reverse enginereng even its engine .

then if you like to talk about illegality:

Illegal, illegal is also to create spare parts, for all vehicles, tanks, helicopters, trucks purchased and which the manufacturer no longer provides the spare parts due to the ban imposed by the government of the country where the companies are located;

It is also illegal to implement the necessary elements to keep ships purchased abroad operational, for which the manufacturer does not provide the necessary parts for political reasons;

But if the nation subjected to these bans wants to keep its armed forces operational, it has only two possibilities:
1) use the black market from abroad for what it needs;
2) use the skills that exist in the nation to achieve what it needs;

I think that the first hypothesis is the one used in the first moments of extreme necessity, but then the second hypothesis is more opportune, since it will eventually lead to productive autarchy also for new products, therefore no longer subjects, embargoes or sanctions in the supply of spare parts .
and because you insist on the question of the legal or not, when you do the reverse enginereng, 90% of the cases are cloned without permission something others have done,
But here we are not discussing the legal issue, but the acquired ability to reproduce a combat aircraft in all its parts, in this only few countries have managed to do so, even fewer those that have managed to reproduce with the reverse enginereng even its engine .

then if you like to talk about illegality:

Illegal, illegal is also to create spare parts, for all vehicles, tanks, helicopters, trucks purchased and which the manufacturer no longer provides the spare parts due to the ban imposed by the government of the country where the companies are located;

It is also illegal to implement the necessary elements to keep ships purchased abroad operational, for which the manufacturer does not provide the necessary parts for political reasons;

But if the nation subjected to these bans wants to keep its armed forces operational, it has only two possibilities:
1) use the black market from abroad for what it needs;
2) use the skills that exist in the nation to achieve what it needs;

I think that the first hypothesis is the one used in the first moments of extreme necessity, but then the second hypothesis is more opportune, since it will eventually lead to productive autarchy also for new products, therefore no longer subjects, embargoes or sanctions in the supply of spare parts .
At last you get what I was trying to understand you
US also embargoed Pakistan 100+ F-16s
But v don't copy our F-16 because it is morally and ethically wrong
We designed JF-17 which is the actual reverse engineering of F-16
You trying that coping is similar to Reverse engineering
But it's not its different
1Δ As u know F-5 is an 2.5-3rd gen fighter developed by Northrop and Grumman in 1950s
Old design not potentially developed....
2Δ For your kind info market doesn't provide fighter jets.

*black market
At last you get what I was trying to understand you
US also embargoed Pakistan 100+ F-16s
But v don't copy our F-16 because it is morally and ethically wrong
We designed JF-17 which is the actual reverse engineering of F-16
You trying that coping is similar to Reverse engineering
But it's not its different
1Δ As u know F-5 is an 2.5-3rd gen fighter developed by Northrop and Grumman in 1950s
Old design not potentially developed....
2Δ For your kind info market doesn't provide fighter jets.

*black market

Pakistan realizes the JF-17, because there is China that helps you to realize it, but if there is no one who can help you and the embargo does not concern only the new 100 F-16, but also the remaining 80 F -16 airplanes in line with Pakistan air force or the remaining 160 French Mirage, how would you make them fly?
I think that in addition to an economic issue, Pakistan has consciously assessed the embargo introduced against Iran and in due course tried to diversify its suppliers, approaching China.
You have to admit that the conditions of embargo / sanctions against Iran or Pakistan are noticeably different and that Pakistan has more possibilities to maneuver.
Therefore it is not possible to compare Iran - Pakistan.

I think in any case you want to shoot, while admitting that the kowsar will not be a plane to the latest fashion, which is a clone without authorization, that ......, but you must admit that they have built almost in its entirety including the engine.
Speaking of engines, can you remove a curiosity?
Is the Pakistani JF-17 engine Klimov RD-33 or the Guizhou WS-13?
In both cases the engines that are installed on the JF-17 built for Pakistan Air Force are imported or built in Pakistan?

thank you
We designed JF-17 which is the actual reverse engineering of F-16
you designed JF-17 only if you are a Chinese false flagger not a Pakistani national . by the way if to you inside of the kowsar is similar to inside of the F-5 then you seriously in need of making an appointment with your ophthalmologist by the way if he said your eyes are ok then go make an appointment with a neurologist , to see if you don't have some sort of CVA that also can lead to symptoms like yours if occur on some certain part of brain .if he also OK'd you then I suggest go to a psychiatrist maybe he can help you overcome these childish attitude .
by the way if Northrop taught they could win a case against Iran on this matter , they would have gone to court .
you designed JF-17 only if you are a Chinese false flagger not a Pakistani national . by the way if to you inside of the kowsar is similar to inside of the F-5 then you seriously in need of making an appointment with your ophthalmologist by the way if he said your eyes are ok then go make an appointment with a neurologist , to see if you don't have some sort of CVA that also can lead to symptoms like yours if occur on some certain part of brain .if he also OK'd you then I suggest go to a psychiatrist maybe he can help you overcome these childish attitude .
by the way if Northrop taught they could win a case against Iran on this matter , they would have gone to court .

......Evolution----of cockpits....


Mental challenged inbred listen,,
You need brain electric shocks and a psychiatrist
The evolution of kowser is same as the above cockpit evolution of F-16 nothing new.

F-5 Vs kowser cockpit given below nothing new in it

First learn some knowledge and than bark like a fool fkd bitch and now Piss off:enjoy:

Northrop don't waste its monety on the case of an old retired 2.5 gen aircraft.:partay:

If now you can't see it than your ophthalmologist also can't not fk your blind eyes.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

INDIA is busy in sodomizing his new bitch called iran..
......Evolution----of cockpits....

View attachment 522394 View attachment 522395

Mental challenged inbred listen,,
You need brain electric shocks and a psychiatrist
The evolution of kowser is same as the above cockpit evolution of F-16 nothing new.

F-5 Vs kowser cockpit given below nothing new in it
View attachment 522396
First learn some knowledge and than bark like a fool fkd bitch and now Piss off:enjoy:

Northrop don't waste its monety on the case of an old retired 2.5 gen aircraft.:partay:

If now you can't see it than your ophthalmologist also can't not fk your blind eyes.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

INDIA is busy in sodomizing his new bitch called iran..

This is the dumbest post I've seen here yet!
Anyone has the stats for the radar? and is it a FBW system or old mechanical system?
This is the dumbest post I've seen here yet!
Because your are the dumbest person on the whole planet:partay:
If you seriously think that there is no difference between the f5 cockpit in those 2 pics you posted,well I would strongly suggest you get your eyesight or glasses prescription checked......because you are literally blind as a bat.

As for vassals being sodomised,well I would think that pakistan would probably have had far more experience in the sodomy department as it has bent over for the west for......just how many decades is it now?
In fact I`m really surprised that this little tune isnt paks new national anthem.

Yes,the pakistanis dont often disappoint in this regard:azn:.Still to be fair[lol],this IS a pakistani site.....so,yeah...:rolleyes:

I think even eye doctor can not treat your eyes bro
I said the difference in the cockpits of F-5 and your so called jet Kowser is the same as the evolution of different jets cockpit of the different planes
There is always a difference between a cockpit of 1950s plane and and 2000s
Very simple
Well Iran is hiding behind his new Sugar dady India beacause its old Jew dady Uncle Sam
After completion of his sodomization wanted its money back.

A Russian barbarian Dady after A Cow boy American Day.
Only Iran has the potential to Deal with these fkin dadys..

Iran has the potential to bent over on after an another dady..
Because your are the dumbest person on the whole planet:partay:

View attachment 522444
I think even eye doctor can not treat your eyes bro
I said the difference in the cockpits of F-5 and your so called jet Kowser is the same as the evolution of different jets cockpit of the different planes
There is always a difference between a cockpit of 1950s plane and and 2000s
Very simple
Well Iran is hiding behind his new Sugar dady India beacause its old Jew dady Uncle Sam
After completion of his sodomization wanted its money back.

A Russian barbarian Dady after A Cow boy American Day.
Only Iran has the potential to Deal with these fkin dadys..

Iran has the potential to bent over on after an another dady..

I really feel sorry for the rest of the Pakistani members on this site who have to share their nationality with an absolute moron like you!
......Evolution----of cockpits....

View attachment 522394 View attachment 522395

Mental challenged inbred listen,,
You need brain electric shocks and a psychiatrist
The evolution of kowser is same as the above cockpit evolution of F-16 nothing new.

F-5 Vs kowser cockpit given below nothing new in it
View attachment 522396
First learn some knowledge and than bark like a fool fkd bitch and now Piss off:enjoy:

Northrop don't waste its monety on the case of an old retired 2.5 gen aircraft.:partay:

If now you can't see it than your ophthalmologist also can't not fk your blind eyes.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

INDIA is busy in sodomizing his new bitch called iran..
You o. Foul mouthed kid ,when was the last time some body drones dared to bomb our us in our country and you are talking about being sodomized o. experienced one .
Your posts are about as accurate as your shooting.....

......and every shot a miss[lol]
Heres a simple diagram illustrating the relationship between the us,china,and pakistan[paks the guy in the middle]

Here is the shooting of John Wick watch with your weak eyes

Well that
s the case with Iran

what can I say to a paid assassin troll who think he is one of the norse Gods
Assassin troll:rofl:


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