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Iran intercepts and shoots israeli drone

-I still give a possibility on fully automated system , even the UAV is small to not include counter EW equipments, just a possibility. (if israel was sure about it wont be detected, why need to worry about EW )
** anyway i am not expert on UAVs bro, still learning thats why i give possibilities :)
Anything is possible.

-Or these guys have an open way of data link till mids of iran , covering from syria to iraq or another pathway from southern ( this is stronger possibility with consideration of this wasnt "only one" flight over iran, other countries around as well)
Founding and operating relay towers in both Syria and Iraq...:undecided: I mean yes, it is a possibility ofcourse... but maybe we have developed 7th gen fighter jets.... it's also a possibility, you can't be sure.
That's what you thought before Korea and Vietnam.
dont speak of vietnam , it was a war out of humanity , about korea thats a war quite different than vietnam eventhough both war seems to be clash of red and blues.
The Data link is probably located in Azerbaijan where that other Hermes thingie was downed or in Iraqi Kurdistan where Israel has a presence.
Anything is possible.

Founding and operating relay towers in both Syria and Iraq...:undecided: I mean yes, it is a possibility ofcourse... but maybe we have developed 7th gen fighter jets.... it's also a possibility, you can't be sure.
I think establishing towers are more possible than our 7th generation fighter :D Iraq and syria is total of mass,and emerging power in area seems to morrons who cant operate high tech to detect those towers,also possible supported by israel ( i mean ISIS).
major Gen. hajji zadeh will brief everyone in a couple of hours probably .....

Are you making this up or confirming it? Cause probably is not the same as will be.
have good look at latest images of U.S navy . how do you think this Iranian drone is operating without U.S navy and aircraft carriers radars not detecting it .

watch from 1:27

watch from 32:00 and 45:00

there are high quality videos available as well i will post if i find the .

so I think is you who does not know what it is taking about . is about material in body +engine heat + noise it make ++++ so is not all about the shape .

Oh wow you got footage an aircraft carrier crossing through the Hormuz. And since your drone is not hostile, the U.S. Navy don't care. Just like your boats going around the U.S. warships when crossing through. Does that mean your boats are invisible? Unless we are at war or in a conflict we are not going to shoot it down.

You guys were able to get close without being detected because they didn't shoot you. Because if they did detect you, you would have been shot at.
@500 how many times should we humiliate u ? seriously dont u stop embarrassing urself ?
isn't it enough already ?

no offence but this is a pretty big blow to your air defences
Israeli drone operating so far from home and deep inside your territory
@Oldman1 thats why u scrambled 6 jets to shoot it down :blink: :lol:

funny thing is , u freaking failed :shout:

Crushing response awaiting Iran aggressors: Defense chief

Iran’s defense minister says Tehran will give a crushing response to any enemy aggression against Iranian soil.

“Iran will respond to any aggression, from any aggressor, under any circumstances, and aggressors will definitely receive a crushing … response. This is a serious message from Iran,” Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan told the Iranian state television on Sunday night.

He made the comments hours after Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said they had shot down an Israeli spy drone which was heading to Natanz nuclear facility in the central Iranian province of Isfahan.

The Iranian defense chief further said the country’s military experts will analyze the remaining parts of the downed drone to extract any data stored on its system.

The IRGC has said the main parts of the unmanned aerial vehicle shot down by a surface-to-air missile were undamaged.

Dehqan also pointed to the strategic location where the Israeli aircraft had been intercepted and brought down, saying the Tel Aviv regime and the United States seek to create the impression that they could penetrate the airspace of any country to conduct spying operations.

Iran’s nuclear facilities have always been a regular target for espionage activities by US and Israeli secret services, which have at times used drones for that purpose. However, Iranian forces have managed to foil all such attempts.

On December 4, 2011, the Iranian military’s electronic warfare unit announced that it had successfully downed the American RQ-170 reconnaissance and spy drone in the eastern part of Iran with minimal damage.

In May, the IRGC unveiled a domestically produced version of the sophisticated US drone it captured back in 2011. The US RQ-170 Sentinel was reverse-engineered by IRGC experts in about two years.
Anyways 500 is right, it definitely is Armenia's.

Same hole in the front and additiontional
pencil shape hole above the bigger hole. As well as same color scheme.


And for those posters that says it looks fatter. Its an illusion when you don't have the full side view of the uav. And you can compare its size to the passenger in the truck. Compare to the Hermes to the man standing behind it nearby.

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Unwillingness to take action ≠ Unable to see.
6 jets were scrambled , 2 helos took off .

they all tried to shoot it down after they detected it - 25mins after the drone started hovering them :lol:

also u have 0 idea what u r talking about .......

when US carriers pass some place no one has the balls to breathe let alone sending drones to hover them , except the PG :lol:.

why iranian frigates buzz off austrialian spy planes , but US carrier doesnt take action regarding a drone hovering above their sorry a$$ for 30mins ? :lol:

PressTV - Iran Navy warns off Australian plane near Sri Lanka
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