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Iran intercepts and shoots israeli drone

It depends on light conditions, white balance, saturation. Here this mark looks yellowish:


Virtually identical to this:


lol subhuman zionist hasbara, get the hell out of here with your lies. You even deny pissrael killing babies so why should we take you serious ?
The drone on the truck is merely a mockup of the drone the Armenians had downed. You can clearly see from the cylindrical parts of the body which do not exist in the original downed drone (see link below).

You played the exact same game here:
Hermes 450 & 180 debris (Hunted by Iranians 7 years ago) | Page 2
Yes thats same Armenian drone.

Mohsen had in the above topic shown that some of the body parts of the shot down drone were identical to the hermes UAV which clearly shows it had the same basic design.
Its not identical. On contrary. Besides all Israeli drones carry identification plates and Iran could not show anything.

So lets assume: the "super mega stealth Israeli drone" which was shot down in center of Iran was actually some small Hermes-180 style copy of unknown origin.

There is no any evidence its Israeli. But if that thing could make the way to center of Iran thats huge achievement for Israel and grand fail for Iran.
Yes thats same Armenian drone.

Its not identical. On contrary. Besides all Israeli drones carry identification plates and Iran could not show anything.

So lets assume: the "super mega stealth Israeli drone" which was shot down in center of Iran was actually some small Hermes-180 style copy of unknown origin.

There is no any evidence its Israeli. But if that thing could make the way to center of Iran thats huge achievement for Israel and grand fail for Iran.

A drone flown from one if Iran's neighbors is a huge feat for Israel? General Hajizade has already announced that it has come from one of Iran's neighbors not Israel. He also said we deliberately let it continue its path to see its intended target.

Oh yeah, and Israel would put a big identification plate on it's drone saying: MADE IN ISRAEL, REGARDS BIBI.

As Mohsen had shown this section is identical to the Hermes:

There is no need to be a Genius to read between the lines: Uncanny resemblance, identical parts, different paint job.
Oh yeah, and Israel would put a big identification plate on it's drone saying: MADE IN ISRAEL, REGARDS BIBI.
Never late to learn:


The Israeli made Searcher drone shot down in Pakistan.

As Mohsen had shown this section is identical to the Hermes:

There is no need to be a Genius to read between the lines: Uncanny resemblance, identical parts, different paint job.
Even tails are totally different. The only thing is common is your blue line made in MS Paint. :lol:

Anyway, I wish Hermes 180 could somehow fly to center of Iran. Alas it does not look like Hermes.
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Does anyone have a picture of the drone that was shot down as a whole? At this point it seems just like bits and pieces people keep arguing over
Never late to learn:


Even tails are totally different. The only thing is common is your blue line made in MS Paint. :lol:

Anyway, I wish Hermes 180 could somehow fly to center of Iran. Alas it does not look like Hermes.

If you had paid attention to my post you would have seen that I said SOME parts are identical.
Showing a plate with Israel written on it does not mean everything Israeli comes with a plate on it.
Apparently, you think people here are blind and the only resemblance between those pictures is a blue line.

Good news to hear, whatever is the vessel (not stealth), thats just shoot down :guns:

But i believe that flight was just one of the other flights which was able to intercepted by IRGC , there might be possible earlier and later flights ,wish they didnt hit and just recorded flight of each UAV , pathways , and watching carefully in aftermath to have the cards in the game for international affairs.

One more thing to say, People said UAV came from one of Iran's neighbour o_O , iran and israel dont share borders , for sure this UAV should be flown over one of countries from Qatar, or Syria- Iraq or other possibilities :cuckoo:

Showing a plate with Israel written on it does not mean everything Israeli comes with a plate on it.
All equipments usually have a serial number, identication number , or some sort of internationally accepted coding, thus a platform within military applications have their identication plates since those platforms are product which is sold to customer (Armed forces) Its a way of classification .if its a vessel kind (plane, ship , truck , tank , UAV etc etc ) surely there is one plate on it to stay intact after accidents for identificaiton . Furthermore even in small to large missiles you can find a designation plate to be handed over back to its owner in a possible accident during delivery, carriage or air incident.
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congratulations to Iran. you do have balls. another country can learn a lesson from Iran.

Our neighbor spends millions training the terrorist and arming them to the teeth. American hellfire takes care of the shit costing us zero dollars.

Taking out Indian trained terrorist for free priceless for every thing else we have PAF.:pakistan:
Good news to hear, whatever is the vessel (not stealth), thats just shoot down :guns:

But i believe that flight was just one of the other flights which was able to intercepted by IRGC , there might be possible earlier and later flights ,wish they didnt hit and just recorded flight of each UAV , pathways , and watching carefully in aftermath to have the cards in the game for international affairs.

One more thing to say, People said UAV came from one of Iran's neighbour o_O , iran and israel dont share borders , for sure this UAV should be flown over one of countries from Qatar, or Syria- Iraq or other possibilities :cuckoo:

All equipments usually have a serial number, identication number , or some sort of internationally accepted coding, thus a platform within military applications have their identication plates since those platforms are product which is sold to customer (Armed forces) Its a way of classification .if its a vessel kind (plane, ship , truck , tank , UAV etc etc ) surely there is one plate on it to stay intact after accidents for identificaiton . Furthermore even in small to large missiles you can find a designation plate to be handed over back to its owner in a possible accident during delivery, carriage or air incident.

Not if you want to remain anonymous.
The drone on the truck is merely a mockup of the drone the Armenians had downed. You can clearly see from the cylindrical parts of the body which do not exist in the original downed drone (see link below).

You played the exact same game here:
Hermes 450 & 180 debris (Hunted by Iranians 7 years ago) | Page 2

Mohsen had in the above topic shown that some of the body parts of the shot down drone were identical to the hermes UAV which clearly shows it had the same basic design.

Some differences in shape and paint job do not make any difference. The fact that Israel hasn't publicly shown this drown doesn't mean it is not Israel because no country publicly displays all their military equipment. The uncanny resemblance of the design and identical parts and configurations speak for themselves.

And by the way sources has said that exact same drone downed in Armenia (identical to the one downed in Iran) was an Israeli drone intended to spy on Iran:
Azerbaijani Media: That Drone Wasn't Ours -- It Was Israel's! | EurasiaNet.org
such a good and informative post :tup:

the zionist used the exact same method when iran captured Elbeit hermes 450 & 180 .

looks like he does not cut on spewing the same thing all over .

the orange patch :lol: R U kidding me ? what kind of a logic is that ? :lol:

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The drone on the truck is merely a mockup of the drone the Armenians had downed. You can clearly see from the cylindrical parts of the body which do not exist in the original downed drone (see link below).

You played the exact same game here:
Hermes 450 & 180 debris (Hunted by Iranians 7 years ago) | Page 2

Mohsen had in the above topic shown that some of the body parts of the shot down drone were identical to the hermes UAV which clearly shows it had the same basic design.

Some differences in shape and paint job do not make any difference. The fact that Israel hasn't publicly shown this drown doesn't mean it is not Israel because no country publicly displays all their military equipment. The uncanny resemblance of the design and identical parts and configurations speak for themselves.

And by the way sources has said that exact same drone downed in Armenia (identical to the one downed in Iran) was an Israeli drone intended to spy on Iran:
Azerbaijani Media: That Drone Wasn't Ours -- It Was Israel's! | EurasiaNet.org
It depends on light conditions, white balance, saturation. Here this mark looks yellowish:


Virtually identical to this:

Well @500 thanks to your good memory of the crashed uav in Armenia!! and @hossein9 sharpness, we are now certain that this is an Israeli UAV.

I was mistaken and you were right, Keep up the good work 500!!
Not if you want to remain anonymous.
Anonymous ? i dont think israel would do it just to hide themselves, in contrast they would write a huge of (MADE IN ISRAEL ) to stick it in people's eyes while it flies. Any else, while that equipment can be recognized from lots of points on it (PCB , on board chips, processors will have some identification at least, or parts of engine ), indentical to itself , why need to hide identification plate on it ?
Seems its shoot down, fall from high altitude and remains intact to be collected, i guess some parts should stay identical inside, thus its useless to remover ID plate to be anonymous :)
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