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Iran has 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, says CENTCOM commander

The missile's will surely wreak havoc if launched simultaneously, but the question next what will the retaliation to iran after they ran out of missile stocks?

Here a clue:


Until you have the ability to hit any target globally these missiles are useless
Why should Iran invest time and resources into developing ballistic missiles that are capable of reaching intercontinental ranges if the potential threats to its national security are within 2000 km range?
Care to elaborate?
well in 2016 there was talk with russian to buy and co produce su-30 in numbers ( at least 100 fighters ) in Iran ... soon the UNSC restriction on arm sale to Iran will end , we want to buy fighters from Russia or China .


that why USA want to use some excuse to expand the arms sales restrictions ...


we are waiting for some months , if the restriction get over , we will buy fighters , if it continue , we will divert the money to our own project ....
Iran's primary way of threatening the US and its allies in the region is its inventory of about 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, US Central Command (CENTCOM) commander General Kenneth McKenzie told the Senate Armed Services Committee on 10 March.

Gen McKenzie did not breakdown the types of missiles that make up this arsenal but indicated most are shorter-range weapons when he explained why the US military is moving more assets to Prince Sultan Air Base (PSAB) in central Saudi Arabia.

"The beauty of that base is it is out of [the] short-range ballistic missile range of Iran but close enough for our various types of fighter attack aircraft to operate out of there. It is well defended and provides significant additional depth in theatre," he said. PSAB is 580 km from the Iranian mainland and is now defended by at least one Patriot air defence battery.

He confirmed that the US is also moving air defence assets to Iraq, where he said the US has around 5,000 soldiers deployed, to defend against Iranian ballistic missile attacks.

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) attacked US personnel at Ain al-Asad Air Base on 8 January in retaliation for the assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani, a high-profile IRGC commander who developed and directed pro-Iranian militant groups across the region.

While no Americans were killed and the confrontation then de-escalated, it subsequently emerged that over 100 US military personnel suffered traumatic brain injuries.

Gen McKenzie said that the US had established a "rough deterrence" with Iran since the 8 January attack, attributing this to the build-up of US forces in the region.

"There weren't many forces in theatre and the fact that the force density was so low was a major part of the Iranian calculus to act out in the kinetic sphere," he said.

This is USA assessment which is generally wrong and played in a manner to build some narrative. Iran as per its own statements and years of investing missile sector holds more than 100,000 various range of ballistic missile. Even Hizbollah has 150000 missiles in its inventory.

The missile's will surely wreak havoc if launched simultaneously, but the question next what will the retaliation to iran after they ran out of missile stocks?

Here a clue:


Iran and its allies have a better plan. What you are showing is only at tactical level it failed already miserably in Iraq and Afghanistan
i think attacking iran is not easy as russia may support iran which will result in ww3
This is USA assessment which is generally wrong and played in a manner to build some narrative. Iran as per its own statements and years of investing missile sector holds more than 100,000 various range of ballistic missile. Even Hizbollah has 150000 missiles in its inventory.

Iran and its allies have a better plan. What you are showing is only at tactical level it failed already miserably in Iraq and Afghanistan
And who are actually iran allies you're talking about?
Incompetent iraqi and syrian military or imported pakistani and afghani fighter?
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