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Iran: From exporting revolution to drugs

According to these aya saudi took help from christian so saudi become christian :D

also you have left the people who claim to be muslims but on the other hands Insult Islam, Quran as if it was not complete or corrupted and Insulting the prophet's Wife and the Kholfa Alrashdiyan (rw) you are not scholar to give meaning of Quran and Hadith.

Dear brother for muslim hadith is also very important but if we analysia the hadith muslim are taking help of roman to destroy kafir not muslim but saudi took british help against turkey a fellow muslim.

have read the battle of hunayn I advice you to take a look at it before you big mouthing

The Hadiths comes from people, the Quran comes from Allah.

Hadith comes from the prophet PBUH

again and that from Quran

وَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلاَّ اللّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ
anyway no need to go away from the topic as both of you failed to prove one another point.

@ topic. drug trafficking has been used by the dirty regime of Iran to skirt sanctions
you miserably failed to bring the Tafsir ( interpretation ) of the Ayat. although I have giving a reference for the Quran and Hadith

what is the meaning of Awliya In arabic?

Grammar: word; plural; singular=wali Awliya' is the plural of wali. It means guides, leaders, saints, etc.

Now you tell mr with IQ 0 needs tafsir in very clear ayat
did you not make British your leader and took guides s

Grammar: word; plural; singular=wali Awliya' is the plural of wali. It means guides, leaders, saints, etc.

Now you tell mr with IQ 0 needs tafsir in very clear ayat
did you not make British your leader and took guides s


easy no need to get frustrated will go over it point by point
bring the source and explain your point how do you apply these verses on what you are aiming at ?
Why The Palestinian Christians and Muslims are allies against Israel's occupation? how does your verses apply to this situation and what is your stand here ? why did the prophet pbuh asked help from the Kuffar during the battle of hunayn?
Why The Palestinian Christians and Muslims are allies against Israel's occupation? how does your verses apply to this situation and what is your stand here ? why did the prophet pbuh asked help from the Kuffar during the battle of hunayn?

I've showed you that Quran, now you deal with it as you please in your own mind.

Hadith comes from the prophet PBUH

I don't recall Prophet Muhammad PBUH claiming to be the equal of Allah. Nor those whos say what other people say the Prophet said (Known as Hadith).

The Quran is sufficent by itself, but its interesting to read the history of the Prophet as an individul, his life adventures, With others in the area of that era (Called Hadith).
also you have left the people who claim to be Muslims but on the other hands Insult Islam, Qur'an as if it was not complete or corrupted and Insulting the prophet's Wife and the Kholfa Alrashdiyan (rw) you are not scholar to give meaning of Qur'an and Hadith.

have read the battle of hunayn I advice you to take a look at it before you big mouthing

Hadith comes from the prophet PBUH

again and that from Qur'an

وَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلاَّ اللّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ

No one doubts God knows construed and firmly and no one is questioning it but what does that has to do with hidiths that came 100 of years after Prophets death and how does you posting only God knows best proves Hadiath came from Prophet.

Concept of kings and queens doesn't exist in Islam yet all wahabi controlled countries are one thing in common staying there by force post what Islam says about how to chose your governments funny how that parts of Islam isn't practiced in wahabi controlled countries.

stay away from Islam or what it says as far as your propaganda against Iran is concerned that's all what it is a propaganda.

People in Puppet controlled countries like what they see coming out of Iran and cant stand their sold out leaders the puppets cant stand it so they have started their pathetic try to safe face.

All i can say Good luck it didn't help Saddam or Mubarak its not going to help few remaining puppets but i guess they have to try all at their disposal.
American Money says in God we trust House of saud says in Americans We trust :toast_sign:
Jubair ibn Nufair said: Let us go to Dhu Mikhbar, a companion of the Prophet. When we reached him we asked him about the truce. He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, say, “You will make a secure peace with the Romans, and together you will fight an enemy from behind you.”

[Sunan Abu Dawud, Book of Jihad, Number 2767, Sahih]

what does the bolded part means ,dont act like scholars both of you

hadith from muslim
It is recorded by Muslim in his Sahih (authentic) book of Hadith on the authority of `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) set out for Badr and when he reached Harrat-ul-Wabarah, a Mushrik (one who associates others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) who was known for his valor and courage met him. The Mushrik said, "I have come to follow you and take a share from the booty." The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him, "Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?" The man replied, "No." The Prophet said, "Go back for I will not seek the help of a Mushrik." The Prophet (peace be upon him) went on and when we reached Al-Shajarah, the man met him again and repeated his request. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him the same question and the man gave the same reply. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Go back for I will not seek the help of a Mushrik." The man returned and overtook him at Al-Baida'. The Prophet (peace be upon him) repeated the question to him, "Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?" The man replied, "Yes." The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to him, "Then come along with us."

waiting for answer

No one doubts God knows construed and firmly and no one is questioning it but what does that has to do with hidiths that came 100 of years after Prophets death and how does you posting only God knows best proves Hadiath came from Prophet.

Concept of kings and queens doesn't exist in Islam yet all wahabi controlled countries are one thing in common staying there by force post what Islam says about how to chose your governments funny how that parts of Islam isn't practiced in wahabi controlled countries.

stay away from Islam or what it says as far as your propaganda against Iran is concerned that's all what it is a propaganda.

People in Puppet controlled countries like what they see coming out of Iran and cant stand their sold out leaders the puppets cant stand it so they have started their pathetic try to safe face.

All i can say Good luck it didn't help Saddam or Mubarak its not going to help few remaining puppets but i guess they have to try all at their disposal.
American Money says in God we trust House of saud says in Americans We trust :toast_sign:

i agree with most of your post except the hadith parts some people did manipulated the hadith like kharjis but most of the hadith are saying of the prophet .
which ever hadith goes against the tenet of islam don't believe in them .

may allah guide us all ameen
No one doubts God knows construed and firmly and no one is questioning it but what does that has to do with hidiths that came 100 of years after Prophets death and how does you posting only God knows best proves Hadiath came from Prophet.

Concept of kings and queens doesn't exist in Islam yet all wahabi controlled countries are staying there by force funny how that parts of Islam isn't practiced in wahabi controlled countries.

stay away from Islam or what it says as far as your propaganda against Iran is concerned that's all what it is a propaganda.

People in Puppet controlled countries like what they see coming out of Iran and cant stand their sold out leaders the puppets cant stand it so they have started their pathetic try to safe face.

All i can say Good luck it didn't help Saddam or Mubarak its not going to help few remaining puppets but i guess they have to try all at their disposal.
American Money says in God we trust House of saud says in Americans We trust :toast_sign:

I have brought a verse from Quran leave Hadith aside for now although there are no single Hadith contradict with Quran at all and just to let you know from Hadith we get the way how we pray, can you tell me a verse in Quran explaining the method of praying, prophet pbuh said PRAY AS YOU SEE ME PRAYING . here we are talking about taking Christian/jews as allies and the verse we are arguing about surah al maidah verse number 51/52. what is the interpretation of the verse? regarding your Q about King and kingdom bring me also Dalyil ( evidence/ proof ) from the Quran and Hadith if you would to and then we will take point by point we cant skip point and talk about another.

I've showed you that Quran, now you deal with it as you please in your own mind.

I don't recall Prophet Muhammad PBUH claiming to be the equal of Allah. Nor those whos say what other people say the Prophet said (Known as Hadith).

The Quran is sufficent by itself, but its interesting to read the history of the Prophet as an individul, his life adventures, With others in the area of that era (Called Hadith).

brother why does Quran has an explanation. allah says in Surah Omran verse number 7 :

7) He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding
I don't know when Muslims would wake up, we are trying to tell them the truth, but unfortunately, they won't listen. It will be too late for them till they realize it.

140-year-old sword of his grandfather Imam Turki Bin Abdullah Al-Saud made out of Gold oh wait Muslim Men aren't allowed Gold but i guess in case of house of saud who cares what Islam says.

hey black eagle question for ya if your House of saud such a devout Muslims how come they changed the name of the country to Saudi Arabia and didn't leave it what its been called from the days of prophet.
hadith from muslim
It is recorded by Muslim in his Sahih (authentic) book of Hadith on the authority of `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) set out for Badr and when he reached Harrat-ul-Wabarah, a Mushrik (one who associates others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) who was known for his valor and courage met him. The Mushrik said, "I have come to follow you and take a share from the booty." The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him, "Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?" The man replied, "No." The Prophet said, "Go back for I will not seek the help of a Mushrik." The Prophet (peace be upon him) went on and when we reached Al-Shajarah, the man met him again and repeated his request. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him the same question and the man gave the same reply. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Go back for I will not seek the help of a Mushrik." The man returned and overtook him at Al-Baida'. The Prophet (peace be upon him) repeated the question to him, "Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?" The man replied, "Yes." The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to him, "Then come along with us."

waiting for answer

perfect now explain to me why did the prophet pbuh asked help from the kuffar during the battle of hunayn and do you apply the verse number 51/52 Surah Al maidah to the Hadith you mentioned above
brother why does Quran has an explanation. allah says in Surah Omran verse number 7 :

7) He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding

That statement about friends wasn't on the menu of which your refering, being obvious enough a fool have no right to air unless hes afraid.
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