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Iran: From exporting revolution to drugs

you do the worst thing by making fun of other countries.its realy childish and shame ful anyway....unfortunately you have showed your personality by quizing other nation and supporting saddam for killing the Iranian civilians during Iran-Iraq war and and your hapiness toward bad relation between Iran and Egypt.
man,collect sth for your qiamat.
lol that was emotional :cry::rofl:

You either calling Allah a liar or not. And you have.
You think a word gives you immunity from calling Allah a liar? you should be fearing Allah for what hes gonna do to you.

You either calling Allah a liar or not. And you have.
You think a word gives you immunity from Allah's wrath?

don't put words on people's mouth just because you suffer a lack of comprehension. have no time to waste on such mentality.
you do the worst thing by making fun of other countries.its realy childish and shame ful anyway....unfortunately you have showed your personality by quizing other nation and supporting saddam for killing the Iranian civilians during Iran-Iraq war and and your hapiness toward bad relation between Iran and Egypt.
man,collect sth for your qiamat.
lol that was emotional :cry::rofl:

don't put words on people's mouth just because you suffer a lack of comprehension. have no time to waste on such mentality.

His posts were reported, he is not only putting any words in my mouth but he accusing me of calling Allah that name. Astagfurllah, they have no shame. When he was exposed and couldn't answer my question he turned to lying and putting words in my mouth.
Although Quraan is the greatest book and the holiest but it can't cover everything in Islam.

16:89 And We have revealed the Book to thee explaining all things.

Simple, you're indirectly calling Allah a liar by saying that.

don't put words on people's mouth just because you suffer a lack of comprehension. have no time to waste on such mentality.

Although Quraan is the greatest book and the holiest but it can't cover everything in Islam.

suffering from lack of comprehension? He made his point clear, indirectly Calling Allah a liar by doing that. And you know it, so stop playing dumb.
wow both are hot...... btw prince alwaleed can buy your country with a few of his wealth :pop:

btw being from the royal family doesn't mean from the ruling members

then they should behave

His personal wealth is $18 billion dollar. We sell more underwear per year than his total asset.

Dont want to be mean, but few pennies from oil sale made you guys so arrogant that you think you can buy the whole world. Western people make fun of you people. Bangladesh only gives some respect to Saudi and UAE because a lot of Bengalis make their living there. Do we give a craap about any other Arab countries?
His personal wealth is $18 billion dollar. We sell more underwear per year than his total asset.

Dont want to be mean, but few pennies from oil sale made you guys so arrogant that you think you can buy the whole world. Western people make fun of you people. Bangladesh only gives some respect to Saudi and UAE because a lot of Bengalis make their living there. Do we give a craap about any other Arab countries?

This guy,Legend,is very proud that some fat prince or other members of this family is robbing their oil money everyday and buying million dollars palaces all over the world while there are many poor people in Saudi Arabia.I pity these guys.
This guy,Legend,is very proud that some fat prince or other members of this family is robbing their oil money everyday and buying million dollars palaces all over the world while there are many poor people in Saudi Arabia.I pity these guys.

wasn't from your pocket was it.
wasn't from your pocket was it.

Of course it wasn't and I don't care or cry for that money.I'm talking about you who are proud to have some billionaire prince who earned the oil money without doing anything, literally,anything.The only thing he (or his likes) have 'done' is being a member or related to Al Saud family.If you think it's fair,that's your choice.
Of course it wasn't and I don't care or cry for that money.I'm talking about you who are proud to have some billionaire prince who earned the oil money without doing anything, literally,anything.The only thing he (or his likes) have 'done' is being a member or related to Al Saud family.If you think it's fair,that's your choice.

if you don't care don't post. but I know its coming out of jealousy and envy thats the life we have you don't get form the dirty bearded guy in Tehran.
if you don't care don't post. but I know its coming out of jealousy and envy thats the life we have you don't get form the dirty bearded guy in Tehran.

Being jealous of something like that prince is the most disgusting thing for me.You can think that way,my family has enough to have a very good life,at least I'm sure we don't steal from people,the exact thing Al Saud does.I'm happy with my life and won't change it even with whole wealth those fat sheikhs own.
Being jealous of something like that prince is the most disgusting thing for me.You can think that way,my family has enough to have a very good life,at least I'm sure we don't steal from people,the exact thing Al Saud does.I'm happy with my life and won't change it even with whole wealth those fat sheikhs own.

I have posted it before. Some female 'professionals' offer services to male clients at night for money and accrue a lot of wealth. On the other hand, Umar ibn al Khattab (RA), for example, led very simple life without much material wealth as leader of Muslim world. These desert dwellers (not talking about all Arabs who are very diverse group) who worship their kings are proud that they are like those female 'professionals' of the night.

Logical analysis and deduction is simply a faculty that they have not yet developed. This is why in THEIR OWN UNIVERSITY, 10 billion dollar university KAUST, most of the faculty members are foreigners, and most of the Arab faculty members are also from outside the desert kingdoms.

KAUST | Academics | Faculty

It is logically impossible that those that blindly obey their 'kings' and can not admit that their kings, queens or princesses are leading un Islamic lifestyles, will exercise any logical thinking.

wondering what kind of history you took in school. repeating over and over wont make any difference. Not to wast much of my time. gotta school tomorrow make sure to wash my car before I leave in the morning

You still go to school. Maybe that and the fact that you come from a desert kingdom does not allow you to think very well. I'll excuse your misdemeanour for now.

I dont need to record any video..the waiters in the cafeteria in the firm I used to work were all Bangladeshis who came illegally into India. So shut up Bangladeshi you dont have any right to speak ill of any country bar some central african republics which might be below you in HDI.

Speak with respect you illiterate Hindu.

Quit making up stories. If you have proof, then post them. Otherwise, stop repeating your BS thinking that like you bunch of illiterates we would believe any Nanga Sadhus.

All I know that Bangladesh doesn't have an Israeli embassy in its capital....... is that true blackeagle??

Stop making fun of a country that you have no business with, Jordan would be nothing with it's begging for the west and Israel for help and such....

Show little respect.

That is true, but Jordan STILL does not have anything to show for it.

Jordan's entire GDP is less than the GDP of Dhaka city in Bangladesh.

Blackeagle tried to show how 'advanced' Jordan is by posting news about a laptop computer. Then, I posted links to Bangladeshi companies that make and sell computers, mobile phones, motorcycles, refrigerators, ovens, washing machines, ocean going vessels, apparels, Nobel Prizes ( a Western award that Blackeagle/desert dwellers can't complain about because they are servants of the West themselves) and so on.

These desert dwellers do not have any intellect to begin with, so their argument is all about trying to 'insult' Bangladesh (and they fail there as well) when the question asked was whether their kings, queens or princesses are "Islamic".

Truly shameless.

Thanks for admitting that Indians are truly shameless.

Your 'response' is as worthless as bull manure. The two persons Rabindranath Tagore and Amartya Sen are Indian citizens and dont tag along with them. Be proud of your own citizen's achievements, if any, and not on other's achievements.

'Bull manure' may be highly regarded in India as the manure of your God, but elsewhere it is treated with a lot of disdain to put it mildly.

Tagore - citizen of BRITISH India. Brag about any citizens of India, if you have any to brag about.
A K Sen - ancestral home in Wari, Dhaka. Works and lives in the West. Brag about any Indian citizens if you have any to brag about.

Indians may have the highest number of illiterate population..that is because our population is 1.3 billion.

Indians for sure have the highest number of illiterate, and China has a higher population as does the Muslim world, but it is still you with the highest number of illiterates.

Percentage wise our country is nearly 75% literate while your fooked up place has around 55% literacy rate. Have some humility before comparing your place with ours.

That is "bull manure" to quote you. Your literacy rate is 63%, and one in three illiterate in the entire world is from your country - 67 years after 'independence'. BD got independence 24 years later, and the gap is only 5% (despite lots of corruption, mismanagement and so on, otherwise, BD would have rocketed past your hellhole which you escaped).

And in any case Jordan is a artificial entity which should be ultimately part of Palestine.

Jordan is an artificial entity, and it is the only one that signed 'peace treaty' with so called "Israel" after losing Al Aqsa. And it never fought back. Its GDP is also less than Dhaka City alone. No Nobel Prize has been won by any desert dweller ever in history despite those desert dwellers serving as loyal servants of the West. They do not have any intellectuals in the first place.

Their 10 billion dollar KAUST counts only 2 or 3 desert dwellers amongst its faculty members, at most. That's how backward they are.

His personal wealth is $18 billion dollar. We sell more underwear per year than his total asset.

Dont want to be mean, but few pennies from oil sale made you guys so arrogant that you think you can buy the whole world. Western people make fun of you people. Bangladesh only gives some respect to Saudi and UAE because a lot of Bengalis make their living there. Do we give a craap about any other Arab countries?

1. Do not put all 22 Arab countries in one basket. Only those backward desert kingdoms send online representatives (in this forum/elsewhere) who can not display any sign of logical deduction deserve some 'grating'.
2. His personal wealth is not publicly known. That number you quoted is a pessimistic estimate, but also a greatly optimistic one. It may sound contradictory but it is not. As a true blue desert dweller he's invested all his billions in the infidel West, so on 'paper' he has multiple dozens of billions in assets, but when push comes to shove, he won't be able to extract even 10% of his wealth on paper from the West. Those idiots still do not know that they do not control the West, they are stooges of the West.
3. For this reason, even if he had $100 trillion in assets, he still could not do anything. Money alone does not mean thing. It is like a piece of paper. Others must honour this piece of paper for you to have any (financial) worth. These desert dwellers will not be allowed to withdraw any of their investments from the West if the West pleases. The West has the military might, these desert dwellers have no might whatsoever - intellectual, scientific, physical, military, political or otherwise. They are totally useless.
Bengali, I am not going to spare any more time with you, afterall, you know yourself and your country. You are desperate and miserably suffering from an inferiority complex. So, the floor is yours.
Iran has successfully exported Shia Revolution around Heraat, Afghanistan, Iraq, Hezbollah, Syria, Bahrain to some extent and nowadays in Yemen under Shia Houthis comradeship nowadays.
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