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Iran: From exporting revolution to drugs

I am white American...though agnostic I am from Christian culture (Methodist, Catholic, luthren, Anglican...even have had the occasional JW in the family)...so I'm not here to poke fun at your beliefs....just curious is all...

Speaking of America, this guy lives in NY City.
As i know it's not true. Iran is fighting with drug dealers and in the last decades they lost thousands soldiers and spent lots of money for that. nowadays US and west countries has problems with Iran Then Their media is Trying to show a black image of Iran and saying lies about Iran.There is no weird..

here you can see a very awesome real video of conflict between Iranian guard border with drug dealers who has related with Taliban.

It's non of my business, but i think you guys if really are against Israel, should think more, because i Think nowadays Iran and Syria are countries who are really fighting with Israel.
If today Iran is supporting Syria, it's not because of asad color's eyes! It's because of Syria is a part of resistance line against Israel.
At the end, i hope Israel and Muslims will find a peaceful solution.

The video:
www mediafire com/?u7zgl0tum24u799

(rebuild the link again, cause i cant send a link yet)

As i know it's not true. Iran is fighting with drug dealers and in the last decades they lost thousands soldiers and spent lots of money for that. nowadays US and west countries has problems with Iran Then Their media is Trying to show a black image of Iran and saying lies about Iran.There is no weird..

here you can see a very awesome real video of conflict between Iranian guard border with drug dealers who has related with Taliban.

It's non of my business, but i think you guys if really are against Israel, should think more, because i Think nowadays Iran and Syria are countries who are really fighting with Israel.
If today Iran is supporting Syria, it's not because of asad color's eyes! It's because of Syria is a part of resistance line against Israel.
At the end, i hope Israel and Muslims will find a peaceful solution.

The video:
www mediafire com/?u7zgl0tum24u799

(rebuild the link again, cause i cant send a link yet)

eight of Iranian drug trafficker were executed about few months ago in Saudi Arabia
second point what resistance are talking about the one we are waiting 40 years and has not happened yet. further more Al'Assad family betrayed arabs during the arab-Israel war. from every angle we look at it still wont fit into the proper equation.
read post#12

hahaha and the mod told you i live in NYC?? hahaha plus is the mode allowed to give out those information?

I said review your old post. don't take a point and leave the other
eight of Iranian drug trafficker were executed about few months ago in Saudi Arabia
second point what resistance are talking about the one we are waiting 40 years and has not happened yet. further more Al'Assad family betrayed arabs during the arab-Israel war. from every angle we look at it still wont fit into the proper equation.
read post#12

So Saudi "arabia" is part of the resistance ???

watch the video from minute 40 to 45 ....... enjoy

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So Saudi "arabia" is part of the resistance ???

watch the video from minute 40 to 45 ....... enjoy

If I found this guy I will fest in his fake beard. a terrorist organization fed by the mullas in Iran led to the destruction of Lebanon in 2006 resulted to the death of thousands of Lebanese civilians
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If I found this guy I will fest in his fake beard. a terrorist organization fed by the mullas in Iran led to the destruction of Lebanon in 2006 resulted to the death of many civilians

Israel must be happy to hear that :lol: blame it on the resistance, not Israel ha??

Living in New York AND a deep fear of Jews? Sounds like a recipe for a miserable life.:undecided:

:rofl: lol did you really believe them?? and where did you get that deep fear from jews? :rofl:

you must have forgotten im Syrian, which means i fear no one but God.
well wait before I reply show me where in Quran its says don't take the disbeliever as a friend then will come to the rest of your post.

If you're Arab, reading the Quran in your language, you would of knowed the Surah.

5:51 Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayaat 51, O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends of each other. And whoever amongst you takes them for friends he is indeed one of them. Surely Allah guides not the unjust people.

To long now, Caucasian males impersonating Arabs to win false points in an arguement, if they had of bin Arab, they wouldn't make such blunders about the Holy Quran, not knowing that its long Arab tradtion to know the Holy Quran word for word beginning to end, from school age.

Nothing makes me more angrier then an imposter, if you were arab you would of known this, instead of taking the Holy Quran for granted with other Religions that failed to single you out.
If you're Arab, reading the Quran in your language, you would of knowed the Surah.

5:51 Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayaat 51, O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends of each other. And whoever amongst you takes them for friends he is indeed one of them. Surely Allah guides not the unjust people.

To long now, Caucasian males impersonating Arabs to win false points in an arguement, if they had of bin Arab, they wouldn't make such blunders about the Holy Quran, not knowing that its long Arab tradtion to know the Holy Quran word for word beginning to end, from school age.

Nothing makes me more angrier then an imposter, if you were arab you would of known this, instead of taking the Holy Quran for granted with other Religions that failed to single you out.

barking like others wont make any different. don't bring Ayat with no explanation or translation, and also the interpretation. also read Battle of Hunayn don't assigned yourself as a scholar.
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