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Iran: From exporting revolution to drugs

That statement about friends wasn't on the menu of which your refering, being obvious enough a fool have no right to air unless hes afraid.

you are jumping too much I left a lot of Q behind me no one could answer yet
Why The Palestinian Christians and Muslims are allies against Israel's occupation? how does your verses apply to this situation and what is your stand here ? why did the prophet pbuh asked help from the Kuffar during the battle of hunayn?

battle of hunain was fought between muslin and Bedouin tribe of Hawazin (Kafir)
If palestinian christians and muslim are not fighting muslim they are fighting Jews
so its legit no problem

First the sharif of mecca took british help to fight turk
when he himself declare khalifa
then british sponsor Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud the different now is the al saud will never ever declare himself al khalifa

dream buster :argh:
140-year-old sword of his grandfather Imam Turki Bin Abdullah Al-Saud made out of Gold oh wait Muslim Men aren't allowed Gold but i guess in case of house of saud who cares what Islam says.

hey black eagle question for ya if your House of saud such a devout Muslims how come they changed the name of the country to Saudi Arabia and didn't leave it what its been called from the days of prophet.

JazakAllah Khayran.

No one doubts God knows construed and firmly and no one is questioning it but what does that has to do with hidiths that came 100 of years after Prophets death and how does you posting only God knows best proves Hadiath came from Prophet.

Brother just to ease my curiousity, let me know how much, if any, trouble your getting out of most of your country men who believe or act as if hadith is the equal to the Quran, because I know most Muslims over here in North America act as if Hadith is the equal to the Quran, I get trouble out of them, do you have the same problem as me dealing with brothers that want to believe hadith is equal to the Holy Quran?
battle of hunain was fought between muslin and Bedouin tribe of Hawazin (Kafir)
If palestinian christians and muslim are not fighting muslim they are fighting Jews
so its legit no problem

First the sharif of mecca took british help to fight turk
when he himself declare khalifa
then british sponsor Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud the different now is the al saud will never ever declare himself al khalifa

dream buster :argh:

Ok so far so good now I asked you to bring the reason of which the verse was reveled?
perfect now explain to me why did the prophet pbuh asked help from the kuffar during the battle of hunayn and do you apply the verse number 51/52 Surah Al maidah to the Hadith you mentioned above

inshallah i will reply tomorrow i have to give time to my family i hope you understand
allah hafiz
Surah 4:144
O ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than believers:
Do ye wish to offer allah an open proof against yourself?

may allah guide us all. and let us have mercy and understanding of quran

Go ahead i am waiting for your answer

look at the "Hypocrisy" in his post he hate the west so much yet he is living their country, LMAO

The Holy Quran speaks plain enough, (take not the Jews and the Christians for friends.).

Your just a dishonest rat trying to squeeze through a crack.

Why you living in their country then ?!
look at the "Hypocrisy" in his post he hate the west so much yet he is living their country, LMAO

Why you living in their country then ?!

They intended to divert the topic engaging in a religion debated yet couldn't get right to the point making themselves as scholars. both of them have not giving their comment on topic yet which expose their hatred, jealousy and envy towards Saudi Arabia. They don't know from where to start heading right or left. What so funny is that, their own countries are enjoying a great relations with Israel in particular and with the west In general, one is proving energy resources and the other deep economic relations till the core. what is even funner both of them lives in their enemies country as they labeled them. By saying that doesn't mean I agree with the west behavior towards muslims or the Islamic state nor with east as well where history tells. Hypocrisy and blindness at its best.
The Hadiths comes from people, the Quran comes from Allah.

Hadithes are from people? hehehe, how are you my Ira... ops.. Egyptian friend?

عايز اكلمك في الاسم العربي ازا كنت مصري بجد
I've showed you that Quran, now you deal with it as you please in your own mind.

I don't recall Prophet Muhammad PBUH claiming to be the equal of Allah. Nor those whos say what other people say the Prophet said (Known as Hadith).

The Quran is sufficent by itself, but its interesting to read the history of the Prophet as an individul, his life adventures, With others in the area of that era (Called Hadith).

You have made it 100% clear that you are not Egyptian nor Sunni by this. Thank you. However, plz avoid religious debates as it would lead to nowhere, keep your beliefs to yourself plz. Such debates are not allowed here anyway.
THE Saudi Ministry of Interior foiled attempts to smuggle into the Kingdom SR 1.9 billion worth of drugs over the past few months and arrested 762 people. The suspects were trying to smuggle drugs into the Kingdom from Yemen, Iraq and through the sea. The arrest of so many suspects is no doubt an achievement at the international level. Interestingly, some of those arrested revealed who were targeting the Kingdom with such crimes.

Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki, spokesperson for the Interior Ministry, said the Saudi authorities were aware of the fact that some drug dealers would use neighboring countries such as Yemen, Iran and Jordan although these countries do not produce narcotics/drugs. And that is the reason why Riyadh has been successful in thwarting drug trafficking attempts. It seems as though Gen. Al-Turki did not want to mention that the Saudi intelligence carried out some daring operations that led to realizing a host of objectives with regard to drug trafficking. In fact, the Saudi intelligence managed to infiltrate the regional drug trafficking networks through its agents. The information gleaned from the arrested drug dealers indicates that some countries in the region compel drug dealers to work for their security agencies and that some radical forces are engaged in drug trafficking at the international level in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

It is worth mentioning that Iranian philosophy is based on exploiting all possible means to realize its objectives. Therefore, their means range from prostitution to drug trafficking. And this manipulation conforms to their understanding that it is permissible to do that in non-Iranian society. Besides, Iran looks down upon Arabs despite the fact that Arabs were the ones who spread Islam in the Persian land and that, as a result, made Iran civilized. But, the Persian chauvinism played a role in creating trouble in the Ottoman state and made religion a representation of their ethnic chauvinism.

There are a lot of incidents that will prove my conclusion. Iraq, for instance, under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, never had the drug problem. At that time, the number of drug addicts was less than one percent. However, following the American-Iranian occupation of Iraq, it has hit the 38-percent mark. Alarmingly, it has reached 68 percent in southern part of Iraq. An Iraqi Shiite psychiatrist confirmed these figures. Interestingly, drugs reach Iraq through Najaf airport directly without fear or interrogation. These drugs find their way across the Iraqi-Saudi borders.

But the Kingdom knows how to frustrate the Iranian scheme. In recent years, the attempts have not been confined to the northern and eastern borders but also through Yemeni ports. Unfortunately, those who transport drugs are Yemenis linked to Iranians.

Iran will have a hard time explaining how it defends the Shiite communities, supports the Houthis and claims to support resistance when in fact it contributes to social destruction of other countries. Others may ask as to why drug trafficking is widespread in southern Lebanon? Is it true, as Hezbollah has been claiming, that the target is the Israeli Army as if drugs are part of the resistance? Some radical Islamists rely on an Iranian religious verdict that permits drug trafficking to benefit financially and to divide the pagan societies. For this reason, some people from Morocco are active in Europe under the illusion that spreading drugs is part of a holy war against the enemy. Needless to say that Islam bans drugs or any attempt to harm the safety of other societies.

An average Saudi citizen is aware that his country is targeted by Iran. I have not met any Saudi after the announcement of this huge drug bust, who did not say that Iran was behind this trade. They are right! According to some international statistics, 17 percent of the Iranian youths deal with drugs. If anything, this high percentage — needless to mention abortion and illegitimate children — is worrisome. According to documents leaked by WikiLeaks, Iran is one of the biggest drug smugglers in the world. An American cable from the American Embassy in Baku dated June 12, 2009, confirms that there was a spike in the quantity of heroin smuggled from Iran to Azerbaijan. The amount of smuggled heroin increased from 20 kg in 2006 to 59,000 kg in the first quarter of 2009. The cable points out that this took place under the supervision and cooperation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. German sources argue that every time Azerbaijani authorities handed over Iranians caught in drug trafficking, Iran released them a few days later.

Saudi Arabia has not yet accused Iran directly this time. Nonetheless, the Saudi authorities have confessions from some suspects that incriminate Iran. It is pertinent to mention that 130 kgs of heroin were caught in an Iranian shipment to Nigeria. In fact, Nigeria filed an official complain at the UN Security Council calling for imposing severe sanctions on Iran.

We all remember the Jordanian-Hamas crisis. The origin of the conflict had less to do with politics and more with the fact that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had infiltrated Hamas to establish a foothold for a Palestinian Hezbollah. Jordan security agencies caught weapons coming from Iraq and Lebanon and also a huge quantity of drugs. Just recently, Jordan refused to receive the deputy director of the Iranian intelligence and sent a retired prince to represent Jordan at the Non-Aligned summit, which was held in Tehran.

We all know that Iran messes with others and that the war between Israel and Iran is one of media. We also know that Iran is closer to Israel than to the Arabs. Ali Khamenei sent a letter to Israel via the Russian president with one clear message: Let us work together against the Sunni Arabs to control the region. As a matter of fact, we are aware of Iran's national and racist attitude toward the rest of us in the region. Iran is being exposed at all levels. Shockingly, the Iranian attempt to change the translation of the Egyptian president's speech is nothing but its lack of respect for Egypt and its status. A country that resorts to such an option is one that loses all other options.

Iran: From exporting revolution to drugs | ArabNews

Please, read it carefully, I tried to color important lines but found out that the whole article is very important to read.

They have been doing that for a long time, the "hashashin" which in modern day they form the alawi cult in greater syria region, used drugs to brain wash followers....today iranian regime is following on the steps of his zionist masters.

1- they try to smuggle drugs to other countries.
2- they try to send thier women in protistitution (mutah).
3- they sponsor terrorist groups and cells, they support terrorist militias in lebanon, iran, bahrain yemen etc

there is no suprise at all, but luckily we have the sword for them those crack heads in Saudi Arabia.
Iran-Contra Affair: Drugs, Arms and Hostages

Early in 1985, two Associated Press reporters started hearing from officials in D.C. about all this. A year later, after a lot of stonewalling by the editors, the AP did run Robert Parry and Brian Barger’s story on an FBI probe into cocaine trafficking by the Contras. This led the Reagan Administration to put out a three-page report admitting that there’d been some such shenanigans when the Contras were “particularly hard pressed for financial support” after Congress voted to cut off American aid. There was “evidence of a limited number of incidents.” Uh-huh. It would be awhile yet before an Oliver North note surfaced from July 12, 1985, about a Contra arms warehouse in Honduras: “Fourteen million to finance came from drugs.”

Also in 1986, an FBI informant inside the Medellin cartel, Wanda Palacio, testified that she’d seen the organization run by Jorge Ochoa loading cocaine onto aircraft that belonged to Southern Air Transport, a company that used to be owned by the CIA and was flying supplies to the Contras. There was strong corroboration for her story, but somehow the Justice Department rejected it as inconclusive. Senator John Kerry started looking into all this and said at one closed-door committee meeting: “It is clear that there is a network of drug trafficking through the Contras...We can produce specific law-enforcement officials who will tell you that they have been called off drug-trafficking investigations because the CIA is involved or because it would threaten national security.”

What became known as the Iran-Contra affair came to light in November 1986. We were selling arms to Iran, breaking an arms embargo in order to fund the contras. Fourteen Reagan Administration officials got charged with crimes and eleven were convicted, including Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Of course, Poppa Bush pardoned them all after he got elected president. And do you think a word about drug-running came up in the televised House committee hearings that made Ollie North a household name? Fuhgedaboutit. [Watch Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV.]

The thousand-page report issued by Senator Kerry about his committee’s findings did discuss how the State Department had paid more than $800,000 to known traffickers to take “humanitarian assistance” to the Contras. The New York Times then set out to trash Kerry in a three-part series, including belittling him for relying on the testimony of imprisoned (drug-running) pilots. The Washington Post published a short article heavy on criticisms against Kerry by the Republicans. Newsweek called him “a randy conspiracy buff.” (Wonder what they were snorting.)

But are we surprised? In 1987, the House Narcotics Committee had concluded there should be more investigation into the Contra drug allegations. What was the Washington Post’s headline? “Hill Panel Finds No Evidence Linking Contras to Drug Smuggling.” The paper wouldn’t even run Chairman Charles Rangel’s letter of correction! That same year, a Time correspondent had an article on this subject blocked and a senior editor privately tell him: “Time is institutionally behind the Contras. If this story were about the Sandinistas and drugs, you’d have no trouble getting it in the magazine.”

Your Government Dealing Drugs - Iran-Contra Affair: Drugs, Arms and Hostages - Conspiracies on truTV
look at the "Hypocrisy" in his post he hate the west so much yet he is living their country, LMAO

Why you living in their country then ?!

Salam brother i never ever said i hate west i am telling what quran say never depand on them if we depand upon them they corrupt our belief .
East or west belongs to allah so believer can go for livehood unless and untill abeliever is not able to practise islam.
Now you tell in US the first amendment is freedom of religion
And they protect my right .
So whats wrong in US.i am coming from a society where hindu,christian,jews and many religion peacefully coexists we never have problem.

Discussion is can a muslim take a help of kafir to fight a fellow muslim.
If you tell what you think about that
Salam brother i never ever said i hate west i am telling what quran say never depand on them if we depand upon them they corrupt our belief .
East or west belongs to allah so believer can go for livehood unless and untill abeliever is not able to practise islam.
Now you tell in US the first amendment is freedom of religion
And they protect my right .
So whats wrong in US.i am coming from a society where hindu,christian,jews and many religion peacefully coexists we never have problem.
Discussion is can a muslim take a help of kafir to fight a fellow muslim.
If you tell what you think about that

Actually yes you do. And your anti social arrogant attitude is partly the reason why.
You have made it 100% clear that you are not Egyptian nor Sunni by this. Thank you. However, plz avoid religious debates as it would lead to nowhere, keep your beliefs to yourself plz. Such debates are not allowed here anyway.

The Holy Quran ordered me not to divide my religion up into sects, so I am just a Muslim with no secterial titles added, keep it simple.

No Arab will respect the hadith as an equal to the Holy Quran. You are the imposter.

Why you living in their country then ?!

Trapped by historical circumstances of taken captive during the slave era in American history, and need of money to relocate.
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