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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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You cannot expect anyone to understand Pakistan's version if you aren't willing to understand Iran's version. View both with an equal lens and a cool head. The truth will always be somewhere in the middle.

The truth has been smacking you in the face. It's also clearly stated twice in the Iranian article that you keep referring to. Funny, how no one needed a Pakistani source to get to it.

I will give ISPR a week to respond to this. All credit to ISPR if they give us some clarity on this mess.

Do you want a week to answer the questions others have raised against your fantastical analysis as well?
Is it me or does the source clearly state that the Iranians were "released" at least twice in the article.
Yep weirdly they also say 'IRGC release' in the first one so make of that what you will.

Now i am genuinely worried due to the lack of a Pakistani response specifically FO giving a cryptic statement. It's been a whole 14+ hours and FO could not offer any single clarification be it a simple one liner even? Essentially they have given Iran the chance to take advantage of the information vacuum and pump out their own narratives (even though they have their own holes). The lack of a response each passing hour raises more questions, I do hope a clarification is issued soon to clear this all up once and for all.
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Also, the entirety of the Tasnim statement
Actually, this is an improvement on the part of the IRGC in terms of language.

Note the use of the term 'repatriated' and no reference to any actual cross-border military operations or threats of cross-border operations.

If the Iranians contacted the kidnappers and paid a ransom or did a prisoner exchange on their own, then there isn't anything ISPR would comment on. I would be surprised if the ISPR issued a statement clarifying ransom or prisoner exchange if the Iranians don't want to officially acknowledge any such thing.

Remember, Pakistan is trying to improve relations with Iran - releasing information the Iranians don't want out in public would not help this endeavor.

That said, Iran needs to do some introspection about its border guards and their capacity building - a post manned by 14 guards was overrun and soldiers taken hostage. These are the kinds of things Pakistan had to deal with during the height of the TTP insurgency as well, and the Pakistan Army learned some hard lessons from that, though there is still significant room for improvement on the PA side in terms of force protection and better situational awareness for remote border outposts.
Krash I think it's about time you take him on a trek to ease his loopy mind that churns out gems such as "PA is behind IRGC in terms off capability"
The truth has been smacking you in the face. It's also clearly stated twice in the Iranian article that you keep referring to. Funny, how no one needed a Pakistani source to get to it.

Do you want a week to answer the questions others have raised against your fantastical analysis as well?
Underestimating your enemy is an excellent way to ensure failure.
We don't underestimate the Iranians rather they underestimate us we respect Iranian for achieving excellent milestones in its missile developments but they should not forget whilst they are a conventional power we are nuclear one and a battle hardened one as a matter off fact respect is a two way street
We don't underestimate the Iranians rather they underestimate us we respect Iranian for achieving excellent milestones in its missile developments but they should not forget whilst they are a conventional power we are nuclear one and a battle hardened one as a matter off fact respect is a two way street

Yeah, let me know when Pakistan decides to drop the nuke.

In the meantime, ask anyone who has experienced both the Soviet-Afghan war and Iran-Iraq war, and they will tell you the latter was much worse, which we should be thankful for as Pakistanis who were able to go on the offensive with the help of the CIA. So that argument may work against you. Pakistan gets a lot of credit for its work in Afghanistan but be happy that Afghans didn't know about chemical weapons.
And here's the Bollywood sequel.

Where do you folks come up with these theories?

What if Pakistan simply didn't wish to expend a whole load of effort to free them without certain assurances in return e.g. more action against RAW operatives with Iranian passports?

lol iranian passport ?
One thing Iran worshiper should realize that Iranians refer Pakistan as neighbor and never leaves chance to score brownie unlike cucks of our side who refer it as "brotherly country" instead of naming it even when her sleeper cells are being busted.

@Topic, Good for soldiers and their family.
When we drop the nuke you bet your bottom dollar it will light from the sistan to Tehran not that we are gonna drop one ofcourse it's good to tell the child who is the dad once a while incase he forgets. As for the whole Soviet Afghan fiasco the pure excellence off our forces are written down in CIA history books and it was no ease feat yes the Iran Iraq war was an equal if not more off a grit fight but the two fiascos are in a different weight class so let's no compare and yes we get the credit for doing the bull work in Afghanistan because we actually did the bull work our work is based on merit we don't make fantasy league claims
Yeah, let me know when Pakistan decides to drop the nuke.

In the meantime, ask anyone who has experienced both the Soviet-Afghan war and Iran-Iraq war, and they will tell you the latter was much worse, which we should be thankful for as Pakistanis who were able to go on the offensive with the help of the CIA. So that argument may work against you. Pakistan gets a lot of credit for its work in Afghanistan but be happy that Afghans didn't know about chemical weapons.
We don't underestimate the Iranians rather they underestimate us

They don't either. The size of their statements is directly proportional to their inability against us. It's as true for Iran as it is for India. Otherwise, there's no reason they would not have tried in Pakistan what they did in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. They tried it in Afghanistan as well but failed, wonder why.
We all criticize Pak army for a lot of things. I myself do that too

But to call them inferior to someone like IRGC is a disgraceful thing to say and is a complete falacy

Pak army even now is fighting at 20000 feet high posts in Siachen to daily artillery duels on LOC against a much bigger enemy to fighting daily to most ruthless terrorists in the world in Waziristan to terrorists in Balochistan. And all this is happening daily without any break for past many many years

Comparing such a fighting force to IRGC is a joke. There is no comparison. Pak army is better and by many miles. Period
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