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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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You failed to reply or answer the question but instead are obfuscating the question. Shall I find microscope or use lab equipment to see traces of this criticism you allude to. The OP did not carry any. If you have primary source that criticisedPakistan within the context of THIS event please source it.

Or I will assume and members can see your just blabbering.
So let me set your screws tight pal first off all I didn't read the whole article because it's just pure propaganda secondly isn't Iran claiming such operation then saying we expect more from our neighbours a way off downplaying and criticising our defence forces and am not blabbering I analyse situations in better angles than you do
What did we miss?
Nothing I said was referanced with you. I deeply appreciate your posts. What I mean't is sectarism has to be clamped on hard on PDF as well as spreading misinformation from any quarter. People should learn to give referances to primary sources when they make claims. Or else discussions become useless.
So let me set your screws tight pal first off all I didn't read the whole article because it's just pure propaganda secondly isn't Iran claiming such operation then saying we expect more from our neighbours a way off downplaying and criticising our defence forces and am not blabbering I analyse situations in better angles than you do

Yeah I can tell you didn't read the article and we can see how that is working out.
Not in your senses yet again what i Implied was ISPR will respond to the said events when the time is right not that hard to process but it seems you are finding it difficult today to hit the spot
You did not say anything but hot air. Why are you second guessing what ISPR will say or do you have inside man?
Mr Karachi don't try to change the discussion. Move over to another thread where I will drill couple of more holes in you so you can munch more biriani.
Not in your senses yet again what i Implied was ISPR will respond to the said events when the time is right not that hard to process but it seems you are finding it difficult today to hit the spot

I will give ISPR a week to respond to this. All credit to ISPR if they give us some clarity on this mess.
I don't need to read the article to tell its bs since it's from Iran and yet has been partially debunked within an hour off its release
Yeah I can tell you didn't read the article and we can see how that is working out.
I will give ISPR a week to respond to this. All credit to ISPR if they give us some clarity on this mess.
The mess has been partially solved already all it needs is a quick Google search
I don't need to read the article to tell its bs since it's from Iran and yet has been partially debunked within an hour off its release

You cannot expect anyone to understand Pakistan's version if you aren't willing to understand Iran's version. View both with an equal lens and a cool head. The truth will always be somewhere in the middle.
I lost my cool when the Iranians blamed the Pakistan military for such incidents enough said there is a saying in punjabi only fools try to outwit the father
You cannot expect anyone to understand Pakistan's version if you aren't willing to understand Iran's version. View both with an equal lens and a cool head. The truth will always be somewhere in the middle.

Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said on Wednesday it had freed two soldiers in an intelligence operation inside Pakistan’s territory.

“A successful operation was carried out last Tuesday night to rescue two kidnapped border guards who were taken as hostages by Jaish ul-Adl organization two and a half years ago,” the IRGC said in a statement.

According to the statement, the soldiers were successfully transferred back to Iran.

On Oct. 16, 2018, Jaish ul-Adl organization kidnapped 12 IRGC guards to Pakistani territory in the city of Merkava in Sistan and Baluchestan Province on the border between the two countries.

Military officials formed a joint committee between Tehran and Islamabad to free the kidnapped guards.

Five of the soldiers were released on Nov. 15, 2018, and four Iranian soldiers were rescued by the Pakistani army on March 21, 2019.

Jaish ul-Adl organization, which Tehran declared a terrorist organization, is waging an armed struggle against the Iranian government, saying it defends the rights of Baloch Sunnis in Iran.


very good .
I will give ISPR a week to respond to this. All credit to ISPR if they give us some clarity on this mess.

And what you would do after a week?

You are already loyal to Iran more than all the Iranian Balochs and Kurds combined
I lost my cool when the Iranians blamed the Pakistan military for such incidents enough said there is a saying in punjabi only fools try to outwit the father

There is a saying in Farsi, there are three kinds of enemies: the enemy himself, the friends of your enemy, and the enemies of your friends. The last one has eaten so many snakes that he has become a viper.
There is a saying in Farsi, there are three kinds of enemies: the enemy himself, the friends of your enemy, and the enemies of your friends. The last one has eaten so many snakes that he has become a viper.
How ironic it implies almost certainly if not entirely to Iran.One for the notebooks
And what you would do after a week?

You are already loyal to Iran more than all the Iranian Balochs and Kurds combined
After a week we wait for the ayatollah to give his sacred speech
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