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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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Most probably Pakistani security forces rescued them like all previous ones and repatriated to their country, desperate Mullah scums turned whole incident in their "intelligence" operation to win some brownies internally.
But USA killed their General

Then plz don't say the op word what do want next time an armoured strike corps goes into your country with complete air superiority ?

They also bombed our country for about 10 years. I don't think that's a reflection our the capabilities of the SSG.
Thats harsh bro. I don't think he's ever said anything anti Pakistan, let alone treason.
The guy literally said the Pakistan army is weak compared to the Iranians that's offensive on so many levels
Thats harsh bro. I don't think he's ever said anything anti Pakistan, let alone treason.

Snakes come in many different sizes and colors. Smart ones know how to blend in with the environment.

They also bombed our country for about 10 years. I don't think that's a reflection our the capabilities of the SSG.

Yeah and they did it with our explicit consent. In fact, even helped our ops out. Their strikes didn't stop magically.
The guy literally said the Pakistan army is weak compared to the Iranians that's offensive on so many levels

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...lol

Snakes come in many different sizes and colors. Smart ones know how to blend in with the environment.

C'mon, Hussain Haqqani was writing to the US asking them to bomb us. This is getting dumb on my part though - i mean where do i go next? defining how treachorous a mini HH should be? LOL
Thing is though if it was a joint operation you would be appreciating each other and being more open about it, instead we see Iran criticizing Pakistan and not even any appreciation of Pakistani help on the issue.

Not only that, but it is still a big question mark what kind of role PA even had in this or if they were bypassed completely. I ask this mainly because the way that Iran criticized Pakistan in the statement makes it seem like Pakistan was being uncooperative or at best unhelpful. The way that they said Pakistan's actions were not enough seemed very strange to me and suggests that Pakistan would not have been in the loop for this specific operation and thus the chances of this being a joint operation are extremely slim. So it would not surprise me if Iran just decided to do it without Pakistan's help, with the obvious caveat that for the IRGC to get on the Pakistani side they would basically have to violate the border somewhere to cross themselves or to escort the hostages in covertly. So doing this during the night does make sense. The fact that this whole operation could unfold undetected is pretty shocking to say the least. PA could have picked up on a lot of warning signs, ie. unusual activity around the fence, suspicious convoys at night, etc, but missed all of it. Stuff like this has pretty big implications and adds up over time. Damning to say the least.

By the time Pakistan got word of this, Foreign Office decided to say they were in on it the entire time, even though its obvious to anyone that this was not the case.
Snakes come in many different sizes and colors. Smart ones know how to blend in with the environment.
There is no point in explaining such things to fellow Pakistanis who cant tell their elbow from their arse
C'mon, Hussain Haqqani was writing to the US asking them to bomb us. This is getting dumb on my part though - i mean where do i go next? defining how treachorous a mini HH should be? LOL

I genuinely appreciate your concern. However, please know that both AgNoStiC and I are very well acquainted with the member's history and agenda. He's not the first one with this MO that we've seen either.
Law off opinions say not to force your opinion down someones throat your fellow Iranian/pakistani buddy was doing the same thing said above
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...lol

C'mon, Hussain Haqqani was writing to the US asking them to bomb us. This is getting dumb on my part though - i mean where do i go next? defining how treachorous a mini HH should be? LOL
Thats harsh bro. I don't think he's ever said anything anti Pakistan, let alone treason.
I am not suggesting treason by any means. But he's giving far more credence to statements out of Iran, and essentially asking Pakistan to prove them wrong, when we have a history of Iran making outlandish and exaggerated statements, especially when in this particular situation Pakistan has already demonstrated exceptional cooperation with Iran by rescuing several other soldiers.

The Iranians, and the IRGC especially, seem to have a problem crediting Pakistan with anything. Perhaps it is because the IRGC is an ideologically (sectarian) driven organization and therefore simply cannot trust Pakistan because it is a primarily Sunni country that happens to be a nuclear power. Contrast the inflammatory Iranian statements (against Pakistan) to how official Pakistani government statements are phrased. When sectarian terrorists or networks with links or support from Iran are neutralized in Pakistan, the official statements never single out Iran. Pakistan doesn't go around beating a drum about ops it may or may not conduct inside Iran, or Iranian recruitment of sectarian extremists in Pakistan.

This is how a responsible State that wants to strengthen the relationship with its neighbor acts. In contrast, see how the official government statements clearly call out the involvement of Afghanistan or India when networks with links to those two countries are neutralized.

It is time Iran and the IRGC stop this scapegoating of Pakistan and learn to work with Pakistan and strengthen the relationship. We are neighbors - we cannot change the fact that Iran and Pakistan are next to each other. Both countries have so much potential to cooperate in so many fields and improve the lives of hundreds of millions, yet we are caught up in this sectarian and childish nit picking, especially on the Iranian side.
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Thing is though if it was a joint operation you would be appreciating each other and being more open about it, instead we see Iran criticizing Pakistan and not even any appreciation of Pakistani help on the issue.
Please tell me where does it say "Iran is criticizing Pakistan". I read the OP and I can't see where it says that. I did however in BOLD captions quote from the OP that this was a "joint operation".

I wait for your clarification.
Not only that, but it is still a big question mark what kind of role PA even had in this or if they were bypassed completely. I ask this mainly because the way that Iran criticized Pakistan in the statement makes it seem like Pakistan was being uncooperative or at best unhelpful. The way that they said Pakistan's actions were not enough seemed very strange to me and suggests that Pakistan would not have been in the loop for this specific operation and thus the chances of this being a joint operation are extremely slim. So it would not surprise me if Iran just decided to do it without Pakistan's help, with the obvious caveat that for the IRGC to get on the Pakistani side they would basically have to violate the border somewhere to cross themselves or to escort the hostages in covertly. So doing this during the night does make sense. The fact that this whole operation could unfold undetected is pretty shocking to say the least. PA could have picked up on a lot of warning signs, ie. unusual activity around the fence, suspicious convoys at night, etc, but missed all of it. Stuff like this has pretty big implications and adds up over time. Damning to say the least.

By the time Pakistan got word of this, Foreign Office decided to say they were in on it the entire time, even though its obvious to anyone that this was not the case.
It seems like you were leading the so called Iranian rescue operation.Stop making assumptions and then trying to turn them into facts it's just not gonna work here pal
Not only that, but it is still a big question mark what kind of role PA even had in this or if they were bypassed completely. I ask this mainly because the way that Iran criticized Pakistan in the statement makes it seem like Pakistan was being uncooperative or at best unhelpful. The way that they said Pakistan's actions were not enough seemed very strange to me and suggests that Pakistan would not have been in the loop for this specific operation and thus the chances of this being a joint operation are extremely slim. So it would not surprise me if Iran just decided to do it without Pakistan's help, with the obvious caveat that for the IRGC to get on the Pakistani side they would basically have to violate the border somewhere to cross themselves or to escort the hostages in covertly. So doing this during the night does make sense. The fact that this whole operation could unfold undetected is pretty shocking to say the least. PA could have picked up on a lot of warning signs, ie. unusual activity around the fence, suspicious convoys at night, etc, but missed all of it. Stuff like this has pretty big implications and adds up over time. Damning to say the least.

By the time Pakistan got word of this, Foreign Office decided to say they were in on it the entire time, even though its obvious to anyone that this was not the case.

No, no, my friend. Won't let you side step counterarguments and keep on posting your personal fantasies as if nothing happened. Go back to my post and respond to it.

This is how a responsible State that wants to strengthen the relationship with its neighbor acts. In contrast, see how the official government statements clearly call out the involvement of Afghanistan or India when networks with links to those two countries are neutralized.

This is also how states which can walk the talk act. There's a reason why they resort to them, be it India, Iran, or North Korea.
Criticizes can be hidden in plain sight it doesn't have to manifest itself you have to have brain cells working in order to decipher such actions
Please tell me where does it say "Iran is criticizing Pakistan". I read the OP and I can't see where it says that. I did however in BOLD captions quote from the OP that this was a "joint operation".

I wait for your clarification.
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