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Iran emerging as victor in Syrian conflict

Yzd Khalifa;4396755]Haven't you wondered why your wacky mullahs are keeping their mouths shut?, if you aren't interested in another Al-Qadisyah then you'd better stay where you are, remember that you prostate 5 times a day toward KSA :lol:

''Yzd Khalifa=I don't think that neither the Iranians or the Israelis or the Saudis worth an American life''..

Saudis Assume this position 24/7
More than 500 Hz terrorists were killed in Syria this month, actually there are more than 17 k Hz is Syria.

Yeah right...

FYI Hezballah has only around 1000 full-time (trained) members, I'm not talking about the volunteers! So you're saying bunch of Madrassa graduates who were sent to Syria after "spiritual training" killed half of Hezballah members and deliberately let Assad have Qusayr because they pitied him? Is that what you're saying?!

As long as West don't interfere "directly" Assad will remain in his place for many years to come.
I find it funny how the Western press feigns fake surprise over the knowledge it was a proxy war all this time.

All by the grace of your greenbacks, Yanks!!!
War is not even over yet. Since Hezbollah is in. More Sunni fighters are going in.
your right!:coffee:

But you don't know these Wahhabis they are like cancer! we should directly cure the cancer!

u r revolutionized nation atleast u should act with maturity.

The Cancer is ISRAEL in this region n we Muslims have a long long history of being united. Its since this country israel was born then the started to divide us n r ruling the Region with their hegemony.
@Yzd Khalifa
We r Not Enemies of each other but our Enemies r those who r making us fight with each other.
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u r revolutionized nation atleast u should act with maturity.

The Cancer is ISRAEL in this region n we Muslims have a long long history of being united. Its since this country israel was born then the started to divide us n r ruling the Region with their hegemony.
@Yzd Khalifa
We r Not Enemies of each other but our Enemies r those who r making us fight with each other.

The state of Israel and Saudi Arabia are friends and support each other, do you have any idea how much Israel benefits from Wahhabi barbarism? Not, only Wahhabis divide the muslims, they also make all muslims look barbaric. Israel wins.
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The state of Israel and Saudi Arabia are friends and support each other, do you have any idea how much Israel benefits from Wahhabi barbarism? Not, only Wahhabis divide the muslims, they also make all muslims look barbaric. Israel wins.

Yes it is true but still we need to be mature a bit n learn to gain their trust. Thats how we will show them right path in future.

Do u remember Persian empire was comprised of Arab states n all arabs back then were as loyal to empire as Persians!!!

Its just that since WW1 the westerns have brainwashed them but this brainwashing doesnt last long n history shows her face again.

All we got to do is to act mature n help them realize their mistakes with an open and cool mind with out disturbing our relations with them.

Remember in Future the bond of Islam will again unite us in one nation like before. Keep that thing in mind n dont mind much what they say as of now when they r living in delusion/misguide.

Thank You.
Vladimir Putin today about Iran in a interview with Russia Today:

Vladimir Putin: It doesn’t quite matter whether it’s a proper quote or not. It means it’s best to avoid a wording that could be improperly quoted or could be interpreted differently. That’s why the focus on Iran does have a reason behind it. I have no doubts that Iran is compliant with the rules, simply because there is no proof of the opposite. According to the latest IAEA report, Iran has been abiding by the commitments it has taken up. True, there are some outstanding issues but with due patience and friendly attitudes, they can be resolved.

I have a great respect to Iran and a great interest in it. This is a great country indeed. You don’t often hear this attribute mentioned in relation to Iran but this is true. This is a country with a great culture, a great history and a great nation. They are very proud of their country, they have their own understanding of their place both in the region and in the world, and that’s something you have to respect. You have grasped the core of the problems. Iranians are very smart and cunning politicians. To a certain degree, they have exploited this confrontation with the United States.

Putin talks NSA, Syria, Iran, drones in RT interview (FULL VIDEO) ? RT News
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