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Iran emerging as victor in Syrian conflict

Well, I won't rule out airstrikes and drone strikes, but no boots on the ground. However, if Iran and Israel go to war, no matter who starts it, the USA will intervene. If Iran takes over Syria, and, therefore, directly confronts Israel, border-to-border, then all bets are off and the war boys may get their way.

@Irangirl2: The US is not anti-shia. The US is anti-anti-Israel. America's beef with Iran is that Iran threatens Israel. If Iran would very quickly.abandon it's threats to Israel, the US would back off very quickly.

No, from an American point of view, and again, to be honest, I don't think that neither the Iraians or the Israelis or the Saudis worth an American life.

I'm not taking side ,but I'm an American just like you are, and I know what suits the American people and what doesn't it.

start with your own country.

I think we should go after the terrorist mullah regime :lol: ,we cleaned our land up kiddo.

Stop yelling death to the West, and they won't cripple your economy :lol:

Yes, but anti-Israeli rhetoric is also geopolitics for Iranians as well.

Iranians would like to become nuclear power country, but Israel will not accept that , because it wants to have that monopoly in the region. We've seen Israel attack Iraq, and Syrian nuclear facilities. I don't think any of those countries wanted to use their nuclear bombs to destroy Israel.

If Iran gets the bomb , then it will completely change the geo-politics of the region.

Quite frankly, I think Americans enjoy their relationship with the Wahhabis, as they are dumb and are no challenge to US/Israeli hegemony.

You won't get the bomb, sorry the ME club is exclusive for two countries :lol:
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start with your own country.

Everyone in the world knows the Saudis are the number one Terrorist supporting
nation on earth!! Of course the Americans look the other way!

@Yzd Khalifa;

Two countries? are you implying your Shitty country has nuclear weapons?
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LOL,Is that a threat?

Go thank your lucky stars,that Mullahs are in power in Iran!

If Persian Nationalist come to power (soon), your little kingdom will be no more. They'll make sure your little black box in the dessert is bulldozed! and your Satanic Wahhabbi cult is wiped out from the face of the earth!

BTW, Iranians pray 3 times a day not 5 retard!

you should be on your knees kissing the feet of the Mullahs of Iran, they are letting you live! If they let Persian nationalist come to power, I have a feeling you won't be writing here anymore.

kindly use civilized language. Report the person if he is too rude, but such ritualized slang match between arabs and persians are not a good thing for the forum.
Cancer can't be cured, so sad. But, every disease has its own remedy, except foolishness. But I hear you, and forgive you.

The best remedy for cancer is to remove the tumor! I believe the Wahhabi tumor should be removed before it spreads further.;)
kindly use civilized language. Report the person if he is too rude, but such ritualized slang match between arabs and persians are not a good thing for the forum.

this is the guy who always comes into pakistani and irani topics to cause sectarianism for shia and sunni and derailment of topics with his friends, when persented with an argument its a rant but the actual rants are too rude. never mind

LOL,Is that a threat?

Go thank your lucky stars,that Mullahs are in power in Iran!

If Persian Nationalist come to power (soon), your little kingdom will be no more. They'll make sure your little black box in the dessert is bulldozed! and your Satanic Wahhabbi cult is wiped out from the face of the earth!

BTW, Iranians pray 3 times a day not 5 !

you should be on your knees kissing the feet of the Mullahs of Iran, they are letting you live! If they let Persian nationalist come to power, I have a feeling you won't be writing here anymore.

Everyone in the world knows the Saudis are the number one Terrorist supporting
nation on earth!! Of course the Americans look the other way!

@Yzd Khalifa;

Two countries? are you implying your Shitty country has nuclear weapons

@iranigirl2 Don't play into their game, This Guy is a Turk, Young Turk Ataturk Supporter, Hes a AGNOSTIC KAFIR, Trying to get your reactions out, many Iranians Prey 5 times, Sunni, Zaidis etc. Yzd Khalifa is not a Saudi Arabi. Its a Turkish Nationalist. Turkey has some Nuclear weapons from what I read, its American Nuclear Weapons to counter Russia. And even if they dont I am sure their Yehudi fathers in Israeli will give them some. He and his Gang of Indians, Turks, Israelis and Sellout PERSIAN Gulf Arabs always go backing each other up in every topic. His Sh!tty little country will do this or his father in Turkey will do that and Israel will "Attack Iran" This and That. But the Americans and Europeans are the number one terrorists, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi are their pawns. Historically speaking looking at actions of these Americans and Europeans and then look at Persia, Rome and Greece, See the Difference? These rats from US EU with the help of their Saudi and Arab Puppets have exceeded NAZI Germany, forget the Crusades. They are the ones who Placed Saudi in HIJAJ against the wish of Muslims world wide, and its Saudi their puppet ON their Instructions supplies Terrorists to destabilize out nations. Never Favor or TRUST either one but ensure of their Destruction.

As for Persian nationalist, we can never let that happen, as most of the ones that want power are Shah Clones, not muslim and would make friends with Enemy of Iran as USA, UK, Israel and would let Iran fight and Destroy the PG Arabs only for Iran to eventually turn morph into a strnger version of their Saudi puppet.

@TruthSeeker : Saying is easy, Doing is Hard. Ameica and West has Created ALL Problems in the World not only the Middle East from Installing Saudi, to Including now this FSA Joke. A Country founded by Genocide of 200 Millions and Slavery of Blacks, theft from its own citizens and installing people like Saudi, Shah, Saddam and Funding and training people like Osama to send them into Afghanistan. Who will pay for the deaths of the Millions, You talk about Boston Bombings like world should cry? What about the Victims of the drone strikes in Pakistan where innocent women an children have been killed almost every week by the dozens? Somebody has to pay, It will be you or your children. America must and will fall, we will have our revenge. Did the world compromise with NAZI Germany? What happened to it? If You Dont Stop it and apologise then somebody else will do it for you one of these days. We wont compromise with Americans, If Americans were so Concerned THEY WOULD BRING RON PAUL. Heard That Name? Ron PAUL.
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@Armstrong I apologies. She is Slightly Westernized and Persian nationalist and more hardcore then Rustam, She fell for the Trap of the Turk Yzd Khalifa who hides behind the predominantly Sunni Saudi flag while trying to get her emotions out and so she insulted things she should not say like this.

The Turk himself said he was a Kafir(Agnostic) So he enjoys causing Shia Sunni nonsense because at the end of the day he and his israeli and western masters win. But also is tired of the Arabs hypocrisy, dont worry even if a Persian nationalist came to power he will be under observation of Ayatollah Khamenei. That will never happen, Ayatollah sistani said "even if Saddam Kills half of the Shia in Iraq, even then we will not Retaliate in a way against Iraq to cause a Shia Sunni sectarian war. We are not Looking for that, iranigirl2 just let the turk get to her head.

Humare taref se is ki ghalati maf kar do. :)

She is more crazy and nationalistic then Rustam, She would make a good wife like shahezadi tehmina for rustam :lol:
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@iranigirl2, my suggestion to you. please dont be easily provocated. And most iranians here have weird psycho idea about outside, everybody ganging up to kill them... dont fall into that trap...
be brave, speak for yourself, judge others by their posts, and others will start respecting you.

check my posts in arab and turkish section, see how they interact. some are abusive to me but some will be more understanding. Thats pretty normal in defence forum.
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It is interesting that the WP article does not attribute the article to any author, I find that curious, even though Vali Nasr had a article in the Gulf news or KhaleejTimes, in which Vali Nasr lamented US policy and made the point that Iranian policy was emerging successful in Syria - but Vali Nasr is a bit of an outsider these days (12th commandment : Thou shall not criticize Obama)

The prize for the US is Iran, a destroyed Iran is no prize -
this is the guy who always comes into pakistani and irani topics to cause sectarianism for shia and sunni and derailment of topics with his friends, when persented with an argument its a rant but the actual rants are too rude. never mind

@iranigirl2 Don't play into their game, This Guy is a Turk, Young Turk Ataturk Supporter, Hes a AGNOSTIC KAFIR, Trying to get your reactions out, many Iranians Prey 5 times, Sunni, Zaidis etc. Yzd Khalifa is not a Saudi Arabi. Its a Turkish Nationalist. Turkey has some Nuclear weapons from what I read, its American Nuclear Weapons to counter Russia. And even if they dont I am sure their Yehudi fathers in Israeli will give them some. He and his Gang of Indians, Turks, Israelis and Sellout PERSIAN Gulf Arabs always go backing each other up in every topic. His Sh!tty little country will do this or his father in Turkey will do that and Israel will "Attack Iran" This and That. But the Americans and Europeans are the number one terrorists, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi are their pawns. Historically speaking looking at actions of these Americans and Europeans and then look at Persia, Rome and Greece, See the Difference? These rats from US EU with the help of their Saudi and Arab Puppets have exceeded NAZI Germany, forget the Crusades. They are the ones who Placed Saudi in HIJAJ against the wish of Muslims world wide, and its Saudi their puppet ON their Instructions supplies Terrorists to destabilize out nations. Never Favor or TRUST either one but ensure of their Destruction.

As for Persian nationalist, we can never let that happen, as most of the ones that want power are Shah Clones, not muslim and would make friends with Enemy of Iran as USA, UK, Israel and would let Iran fight and Destroy the PG Arabs only for Iran to eventually turn morph into a strnger version of their Saudi puppet.

@TruthSeeker : Saying is easy, Doing is Hard. Ameica and West has Created ALL Problems in the World not only the Middle East from Installing Saudi, to Including now this FSA Joke. A Country founded by Genocide of 200 Millions and Slavery of Blacks, theft from its own citizens and installing people like Saudi, Shah, Saddam and Funding and training people like Osama to send them into Afghanistan. Who will pay for the deaths of the Millions, You talk about Boston Bombings like world should cry? What about the Victims of the drone strikes in Pakistan where innocent women an children have been killed almost every week by the dozens? Somebody has to pay, It will be you or your children. America must and will fall, we will have our revenge. Did the world compromise with NAZI Germany? What happened to it? If You Dont Stop it and apologise then somebody else will do it for you one of these days. We wont compromise with Americans, If Americans were so Concerned THEY WOULD BRING RON PAUL. Heard That Name? Ron PAUL.

I have a badt temper, and I always tell my khastegars that if we fight sometimes it might even get physical!!!!

other than that I'm a sweet girl!:smitten:
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