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Iran . China , Russia and Syria to hold millitary exercise

I dare Russia, China and Iran to do this. They say they would do AFTER the "terrorists" are cleaned out. Meaning? meaning its never going to happen. Saudi Arabia has committed it self financially and every other way to this, so step back Russkis & Chinis, the Saudis are working..

To you SA may look like a super power but frankly speaking, I think it is one of the weakest nations on earth. It needs assistance from the west at every step. It cannot imagine its existence without the blessings of the US.
I dare Russia, China and Iran to do this. They say they would do AFTER the "terrorists" are cleaned out. Meaning? meaning its never going to happen. Saudi Arabia has committed it self financially and every other way to this, so step back Russkis & Chinis, the Saudis are working..

you mean your country is supporting terrorists in Syria ? why ?
Russia had been for along time looked at in Arab world at as an ally and a friend, but in Syria that has changed. It's now left out with no friends in the whole middle east. Pakistan was part of the drills that have taken place in Jordan and Turkey. It's no jock Armstrong, but the shortest way to destroy any relationship with Arabs is to support this illegal regime. However, this news hasn't been confirmed but in Iranian media.

For Pakistan the choice is not between Arabs and Russia. Obviously that would be in Arab's favour. However do not ask Pakistan to choose between China and Arabs. We all know the answer

I dare Russia, China and Iran to do this. They say they would do AFTER the "terrorists" are cleaned out. Meaning? meaning its never going to happen. Saudi Arabia has committed it self financially and every other way to this, so step back Russkis & Chinis, the Saudis are working..

Mate no disrespect but only America Russia and China count. Maybe Israel cos of AIPAC.

It would be great to have Pakistan army too.These countries together can open gates of inferno on enemies.

You dare us?Who are you to dare us?:)

Like I said I can never see Pakistan not being with China
For Pakistan the choice is not between Arabs and Russia. Obviously that would be in Arab's favour. However do not ask Pakistan to choose between China and Arabs. We all know the answer

Mate no disrespect but only America Russia and China count. Maybe Israel cos of AIPAC.

Like I said I can never see Pakistan not being with China

Arabs have a very strong relations with China, it has never been got a negative view here. However, Chinese stance regarding Syria was lenient and respected Arab league decision unlike Russia that support Al-Assad with weapons. Every nation is free of her external policy, but other are free as well to show reaction. As I said, although Russia has long been more than a reliable ally, it got kicked out from the whole region with no real friends left only for here stupid support for a loser. It is definitively the shortest and easiest way to destroy a strong relationship with Arab people and regimes. Take Russia as a model. I know it's more than impossible for Pakistan to do it but we are just talking here, anyway.
Russia had been for along time looked at in Arab world at as an ally and a friend, but in Syria that has changed. It's now left out with no friends in the whole middle east. Pakistan was part of the drills that have taken place in Jordan and Turkey. It's no jock Armstrong, but the shortest way to destroy any relationship with Arabs is to support this illegal regime. However, this news hasn't been confirmed but in Iranian media.

Mate, I know where you're coming from; I don't doubt the veracity of your claims that you've known Syrians who've suffered at the hands of Asad and his ilks but you have to understand our 'reference point' as well ! We don't oppose the intervention out of a misplaced sense of support for Asad; I couldn't care less if it was Asad or Santa Claus himself who was presiding over Syria. What we do care about, however, is that :

1) Why Asad and Syria all of a sudden ? Why didn't an uprising break-out a few years ago if there was such oppression over there ? Why did the Syrian People need the 'Arab Spring' as a proverbial 'Green-Light' to come out in the masses and be ready to be shot down to bits for 'their' rights ? Why didn't this 'Political Awakening' happen a few years ago ? Why hasn't there been, to the best of my knowledge, anything remotely comparable to this in Syria's past ?

2) Whenever the United States comes in and gives 'humanitarian patronage' to something, you can be sure that there is nothing 'humanitarian' about their intentions ! So naturally after Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya I'm a 'skeptic' ! What if some of the 'conspiracy theories' surrounding the 'Syrian Conflict' might actually have some truth in them ? What if the United States is trying to back-door a regime change into Syria in lieu of the 'People's Struggle' as a continuation of the 'Arab Spring' when its actually them trading one puppet regime for another and especially one that tows 'their' line with respect to Iran and perhaps China and Russia as well.

3) Why Israel of all countries is calling for a 'return of democracy' to Syria ? Democracy in the Middle East is anything but in the best interest of Israel because so far the dictators have kept a tight cap on the popular sentiments with respect to Israel, imagine how, potentially, hostile a 'People's Government' can be to Israel ! So again I say...it doesn't add-up for me !

4) Perhaps the reason why Russia and China are so worked-up over Syria is that Syria's fall might be a signalling effect i.e when the regime in Syria falls it means that the US influence in the Middle East has been again solidified for the foreseeable future; do you think the GCC, the Egyptian military junta etc. are going to stand up to the US and say 'to hell with you !' ? I know Pakistan wouldn't ! I was listening to a US analyst on a program about the 'Syrian Conflict' and he made this very good observation that this is more about 'resources' then it ever can be about the 'Syrian People' ! The Allies won the Second World War not because they had better men and machines then the Germans did but because the German tanks, their vessels and their planes ran out of 'oil' ! So essentially...you control the world's most precious resource and you're still the most important player.

5) Do you honestly think that the 'opposition to Asad' is any better than the 'opposition to Gaddafi' ? Libya, by many, is on the verge of partition ! The system of Governance in Libya is in shambles and the current regime (God knows whose in-charge) doesn't appear to be remotely better than Gaddafi himself; perhaps even worse ! I fear a repeat of that in Syria as well !
Arabs have a very strong relations with China, it has never been got a negative view here. However, Chinese stance regarding Syria was lenient and respected Arab league decision unlike Russia that support Al-Assad with weapons. Every nation is free of her external policy, but other are free as well to show reaction. As I said, although Russia has long been more than a reliable ally, it got kicked out from the whole region with no real friends left only for here stupid support for a loser. It is definitively the shortest and easiest way to destroy a strong relationship with Arab people and regimes. Take Russia as a model. I know it's more than impossible for Pakistan to do it but we are just talking here, anyway.

Well when we talk about these alliances we must remember the Shah and America.

Mate, I know where you're coming from; I don't doubt the veracity of your claims that you've known Syrians who've suffered at the hands of Asad and his ilks but you have to understand our 'reference point' as well ! We don't oppose the intervention out of a misplaced sense of support for Asad; I couldn't care less if it was Asad or Santa Claus himself who was presiding over Syria. What we do care about, however, is that :

1) Why Asad and Syria all of a sudden ? Why didn't an uprising break-out a few years ago if there was such oppression over there ? Why did the Syrian People need the 'Arab Spring' as a proverbial 'Green-Light' to come out in the masses and be ready to be shot down to bits for 'their' rights ? Why didn't this 'Political Awakening' happen a few years ago ? Why hasn't there been, to the best of my knowledge, anything remotely comparable to this in Syria's past ?

2) Whenever the United States comes in and gives 'humanitarian patronage' to something, you can be sure that there is nothing 'humanitarian' about their intentions ! So naturally after Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya I'm a 'skeptic' ! What if some of the 'conspiracy theories' surrounding the 'Syrian Conflict' might actually have some truth in them ? What if the United States is trying to back-door a regime change into Syria in lieu of the 'People's Struggle' as a continuation of the 'Arab Spring' when its actually them trading one puppet regime for another and especially one that tows 'their' line with respect to Iran and perhaps China and Russia as well.

3) Why Israel of all countries is calling for a 'return of democracy' to Syria ? Democracy in the Middle East is anything but in the best interest of Israel because so far the dictators have kept a tight cap on the popular sentiments with respect to Israel, imagine how, potentially, hostile a 'People's Government' can be to Israel ! So again I say...it doesn't add-up for me !

4) Perhaps the reason why Russia and China are so worked-up over Syria is that Syria's fall might be a signalling effect i.e when the regime in Syria falls it means that the US influence in the Middle East has been again solidified for the foreseeable future; do you think the GCC, the Egyptian military junta etc. are going to stand up to the US and say 'to hell with you !' ? I know Pakistan wouldn't ! I was listening to a US analyst on a program about the 'Syrian Conflict' and he made this very good observation that this is more about 'resources' then it ever can be about the 'Syrian People' ! The Allies won the Second World War not because they had better men and machines then the Germans did but because the German tanks, their vessels and their planes ran out of 'oil' ! So essentially...you control the world's most precious resource and you're still the most important player.

5) Do you honestly think that the 'opposition to Asad' is any better than the 'opposition to Gaddafi' ? Libya, by many, is on the verge of partition ! The system of Governance in Libya is in shambles and the current regime (God knows whose in-charge) doesn't appear to be remotely better than Gaddafi himself; perhaps even worse ! I fear a repeat of that in Syria as well !

Butty meri jaan you are not just a pretty face lol
Mate, I know where you're coming from; I don't doubt the veracity of your claims that you've known Syrians who've suffered at the hands of Asad and his ilks but you have to understand our 'reference point' as well ! We don't oppose the intervention out of a misplaced sense of support for Asad; I couldn't care less if it was Asad or Santa Claus himself who was presiding over Syria. What we do care about, however, is that :

1) Why Asad and Syria all of a sudden ? Why didn't an uprising break-out a few years ago if there was such oppression over there ? Why did the Syrian People need the 'Arab Spring' as a proverbial 'Green-Light' to come out in the masses and be ready to be shot down to bits for 'their' rights ? Why didn't this 'Political Awakening' happen a few years ago ? Why hasn't there been, to the best of my knowledge, anything remotely comparable to this in Syria's past ?

2) Whenever the United States comes in and gives 'humanitarian patronage' to something, you can be sure that there is nothing 'humanitarian' about their intentions ! So naturally after Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya I'm a 'skeptic' ! What if some of the 'conspiracy theories' surrounding the 'Syrian Conflict' might actually have some truth in them ? What if the United States is trying to back-door a regime change into Syria in lieu of the 'People's Struggle' as a continuation of the 'Arab Spring' when its actually them trading one puppet regime for another and especially one that tows 'their' line with respect to Iran and perhaps China and Russia as well.

3) Why Israel of all countries is calling for a 'return of democracy' to Syria ? Democracy in the Middle East is anything but in the best interest of Israel because so far the dictators have kept a tight cap on the popular sentiments with respect to Israel, imagine how, potentially, hostile a 'People's Government' can be to Israel ! So again I say...it doesn't add-up for me !

4) Perhaps the reason why Russia and China are so worked-up over Syria is that Syria's fall might be a signalling effect i.e when the regime in Syria falls it means that the US influence in the Middle East has been again solidified for the foreseeable future; do you think the GCC, the Egyptian military junta etc. are going to stand up to the US and say 'to hell with you !' ? I know Pakistan wouldn't ! I was listening to a US analyst on a program about the 'Syrian Conflict' and he made this very good observation that this is more about 'resources' then it ever can be about the 'Syrian People' ! The Allies won the Second World War not because they had better men and machines then the Germans did but because the German tanks, their vessels and their planes ran out of 'oil' ! So essentially...you control the world's most precious resource and you're still the most important player.

5) Do you honestly think that the 'opposition to Asad' is any better than the 'opposition to Gaddafi' ? Libya, by many, is on the verge of partition ! The system of Governance in Libya is in shambles and the current regime (God knows whose in-charge) doesn't appear to be remotely better than Gaddafi himself; perhaps even worse ! I fear a repeat of that in Syria as well !

I need time to reply to all of this. I am at work right now, I will reply when I have enough time. But, what did you mean by ""I know where you coming from"?
I need time to reply to all of this. I am at work right now, I will reply when I have enough time. But, what did you mean by ""I know where you coming from"?

As in 'I know what your reference point is' i.e the Syrian People are suffering, you've met many of them and they do want a regime change ! In my opinion a regime change may not alleviate their suffering but may actually compound it for I don't think Asad's replacement is going to be a 'democratic regime' its going to be another puppet whose strings are being pulled from Washington ! Or even worse the Opposition which is hardly united or respectable may plunge the country into a further civil war after Asad has been ousted from power.

P.S You're strolling PDF from work ? :blink:

Get Back To Work !


As in 'I know what your reference point is' i.e the Syrian People are suffering, you've met many of them and they do want a regime change ! In my opinion a regime change may not alleviate their suffering but may actually compound it for I don't think Asad's replacement is going to be a 'democratic regime' its going to be another puppet whose strings are being pulled from Washington ! Or even worse the Opposition which is hardly united or respectable may plunge the country into a further civil war after Asad has been ousted from power.

P.S You're strolling PDF from work ? :blink:

Get Back To Work !



Butty after all the heart searching I your brother couldn't convince you but the Chinese could lol
China has similar interests to Russia in middle east. But it is mainly Russia who is doing the acting and China with additional financial backing + backup.I do not know why Arabs should be angry at Russia, they are themselves supplying weapons to terrorists in Syria. If they stop, Syria will be peaceful tomorrow and everything returns to normal.

Actually, there are more evidence of CIA supplying weapons, but bought with Arab money, for terrorist purposes in Syria.

Most Arab people (not rulers) are acting like babies, while swallowing castor oil. Russia/China is like a mother treating these oblivious babies who don't understand what is good or bad. Into the future, the Arab public will be grateful to Russia and China for acting in their favour. That is, when the proverbial fog gets clearer.
Butty after all the heart searching I your brother couldn't convince you but the Chinese could lol

I'm still Pro-Arab ! :smitten:

But I do reserve the right to disagree with them on this one instance ! :angel:

As for the Chinese ! :china::pakistan: Need I say more ?

Oh don't worry Buttty bhai, we're brothers ! No amount of politics can come between us, you go on supporting and opposing whomever you will and I'll continue supporting and opposing whomever I will ! But the only thing that might break this bond is if you ever committed the blasphemy of not introducing Aryan and Kaif to a plate of Nihari ! :rofl:
ussia has denied reports in media that it allegedly planned joint military exercises with China and Iran on Syrian territory.

‘This is absurd’, Mr. Igor Dygalo, aide to Russia’s Navy commander said.

Earlier this week the Dubai-based Al Arabiya TV channel reported that Russia, China and Iran were planning joint exercises, the largest in the Middle East, comprising some 90,000 ground, naval and air forces, as well as 400 aircrafts, 1,000 tanks and Russian submarines, destroyers and an aircraft carrier.

The report said that Egypt had allowed 12 Chinese navy ships to go through the Suez Canal to arrive in Syria.

This false report also claimed that Syria was going to test its anti-ship missiles and air defense system.


Russia denies planning war games in Syria: Voice of Russia
China has similar interests to Russia in middle east. But it is mainly Russia who is doing the acting and China with additional financial backing + backup.I do not know why Arabs should be angry at Russia, they are themselves supplying weapons to terrorists in Syria. If they stop, Syria will be peaceful tomorrow and everything returns to normal.

Actually, there are more evidence of CIA supplying weapons, but bought with Arab money, for terrorist purposes in Syria.

Most Arab people (not rulers) are acting like babies, while swallowing castor oil. Russia/China is like a mother treating these oblivious babies who don't understand what is good or bad. Into the future, the Arab public will be grateful to Russia and China for acting in their favour. That is, when the proverbial fog gets clearer.

Just like the Iranians were anti American after the Shah a lapdog of America was gone.
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