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Iran . China , Russia and Syria to hold millitary exercise

Arabs have a very strong relations with China, it has never been got a negative view here. However, Chinese stance regarding Syria was lenient and respected Arab league decision unlike Russia that support Al-Assad with weapons. Every nation is free of her external policy, but other are free as well to show reaction. As I said, although Russia has long been more than a reliable ally, it got kicked out from the whole region with no real friends left only for here stupid support for a loser. It is definitively the shortest and easiest way to destroy a strong relationship with Arab people and regimes. Take Russia as a model. I know it's more than impossible for Pakistan to do it but we are just talking here, anyway.

So many miscalculations in your analize :lol: Our influence in Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan grows every day. Our relations with Israel become stronger also. The trend is going to continue irrespective of what is going on in Syria.
Now lets see what is changed with recent developments. SA attack on Russian sphere of influence and its attempts to install extremist wahabi groups into power in countries in close proximity to Russia actually made a huge shift in all geopolitical strategy of Russia in ME region. And that will have dire consequence for SA. The main goal of new Russian policy in ME will be containment of SA. The fact that they are US proxy in the region at the same time make it even more valuable target. What does it mean?
1. Policy toward Iran is now changed. They are now going to receive much more of political, military and economical aid.
2. Iraq. Restoring ties with them to pre-war lever is most important task of Russian diplomacy right now. We are going to exploit SA's role of being enemy of Shiites here. We are going to exploit SA's role of being enemy to secular states. This is how we are going to contain SA in ME.

As you see not everything so simple as you thought :) Interesting times ahead :)
Our influence in Turkey

Influence? What influence are you talking about? Turkish State and the policy-makers doesn't forget what happened in 1997 when Russian oligarks want to arm enemies of the Turkey.
What are the short term and long term benefits of such large scale military exercises in such a tense situation? This is something I do not fully understand.

Its just a flexing of muscles.They are going to show others what they are capable of.

Why was Pakistan left out ?


Yeah that part was heart breaking.Ive been hoping that Russia and Pakistan become military allies for a long time.Hope it happens.Hope atleast China will make it happen.
Russia,Iran,Pakistan,China....dream team :enjoy:
Its just a flexing of muscles.They are going to show others what they are capable of.

Yeah that part was heart breaking.Ive been hoping that Russia and Pakistan become military allies for a long time.Hope it happens.Hope atleast China will make it happen.
Russia,Iran,Pakistan,China....dream team :enjoy:

Do not worry there is no question if hostilities break out Pakistan will stand with China
Mate, I know where you're coming from; I don't doubt the veracity of your claims that you've known Syrians who've suffered at the hands of Asad and his ilks but you have to understand our 'reference point' as well ! We don't oppose the intervention out of a misplaced sense of support for Asad; I couldn't care less if it was Asad or Santa Claus himself who was presiding over Syria. What we do care about, however, is that :

1) Why Asad and Syria all of a sudden ? Why didn't an uprising break-out a few years ago if there was such oppression over there ? Why did the Syrian People need the 'Arab Spring' as a proverbial 'Green-Light' to come out in the masses and be ready to be shot down to bits for 'their' rights ? Why didn't this 'Political Awakening' happen a few years ago ? Why hasn't there been, to the best of my knowledge, anything remotely comparable to this in Syria's past ?

2) Whenever the United States comes in and gives 'humanitarian patronage' to something, you can be sure that there is nothing 'humanitarian' about their intentions ! So naturally after Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya I'm a 'skeptic' ! What if some of the 'conspiracy theories' surrounding the 'Syrian Conflict' might actually have some truth in them ? What if the United States is trying to back-door a regime change into Syria in lieu of the 'People's Struggle' as a continuation of the 'Arab Spring' when its actually them trading one puppet regime for another and especially one that tows 'their' line with respect to Iran and perhaps China and Russia as well.

3) Why Israel of all countries is calling for a 'return of democracy' to Syria ? Democracy in the Middle East is anything but in the best interest of Israel because so far the dictators have kept a tight cap on the popular sentiments with respect to Israel, imagine how, potentially, hostile a 'People's Government' can be to Israel ! So again I say...it doesn't add-up for me !

4) Perhaps the reason why Russia and China are so worked-up over Syria is that Syria's fall might be a signalling effect i.e when the regime in Syria falls it means that the US influence in the Middle East has been again solidified for the foreseeable future; do you think the GCC, the Egyptian military junta etc. are going to stand up to the US and say 'to hell with you !' ? I know Pakistan wouldn't ! I was listening to a US analyst on a program about the 'Syrian Conflict' and he made this very good observation that this is more about 'resources' then it ever can be about the 'Syrian People' ! The Allies won the Second World War not because they had better men and machines then the Germans did but because the German tanks, their vessels and their planes ran out of 'oil' ! So essentially...you control the world's most precious resource and you're still the most important player.

5) Do you honestly think that the 'opposition to Asad' is any better than the 'opposition to Gaddafi' ? Libya, by many, is on the verge of partition ! The system of Governance in Libya is in shambles and the current regime (God knows whose in-charge) doesn't appear to be remotely better than Gaddafi himself; perhaps even worse ! I fear a repeat of that in Syria as well !

And i would also like to add that two of U.S "humanitarian" missions didnt turn out so well for the countries.The attack on Iraq has left the country devestated,and the reason the U.S attacked was because American intelligence was sure that Iraq had produced WMD's,Saddam Hussein funded terrorism,and Iraqi people were being oppressed,tortured,raped and blah blah blah.They couldnt prove any of those.
As for Libya,these are the things Gaddafi did for his people:

Muammar Gaddafi's contribution to the people of Libya:

1. All the newly weds people of Libya used to get about 50,000 dollars from Government to lead a very happy life.

2. Home is the basic right of every citizen of Libya.

3. There was no electricity bill in Libiya. Electricity was free in Libya.

4. No interest loan for the people of Libya according to Law. Gaddafi was against interest since interest is forbidden in Islam.

5. Gaddafi has increased the literacy rate from 25% to 83%. Education expenses in Government universities are free in Libya.

6. Medical expenses in Government hospitals was free in Libya.

7. The price of the patrol was 0.14 cents in Libya. Yes we all know Libya has got good petroleum resources. But the price seems to be too low. Isn't it?

8. When Libyan citizen wants to buy a car, Government used to subsidized 50% of the price of the car. 50%? sounds great!

9. A huge bread used to cost only 15 cents in Libya.

10. The GDP per capita of Libya is very high. Over 15,000 us dollars. Purchasing power was very high compare to the GDP.

11. The economy of Libya was improving rapidly. In 2010 it had 10% growth. It has not external debts. It also has the reserves amount of 150+ billion dollars.

12. Unemployment fees were given from the government until the person finds a Job.

13. A Libyan mother used to get 5000 us dollars for giving birth to a child.

I doubt U.S ever had good intentions for any country.

U.S. Military is waking up to the Major Deceit and Lies of Iraq War according To The 9/11 Lies - YouTube
I guess Russia, Iran and China will help get rid of the terrorists(rebels) if the news is true.
its will going on when S.A and qatar make terrorist turkey give land to them US train them ... maybe syria be free from terrorist but they will be in turkey waiting for the moment
the best way to stop them is air force, air force can kill them with NO injuries ...
Interesting News.

I wonder if Pakistan would participate if asked by China. :D
Interesting News.

I wonder if Pakistan would participate if asked by China. :D

No question about it. Pakistan army would participate in any adventure exercise where they were invited by the Chinese
According to Syrian official the wargames will be held in Syrian territory

No official from the countries has confirmed the news report, but a Syrian official, who spoke on conditional anonymity, announced that the joint war game will be launched in Syria.

Denied by Russia and Syria:

excerpt from: Russian ship carrying helicopters to Syria turns back - The Washington Post

The Russian Defense Ministry also quickly moved to deny reports that it is sending a warship to Syria or that it would conduct military exercises there along with Iran and China. Syria also denied such plans, which were reported by Fars, the Iranian news agency.

Internal crisis shapes Putin's foreign policy
By Pavel Felgenhauer

The Moscow Center of Strategic Studies (CSS) - an influential think tank led by well-known economist, former parliamentarian and first deputy economics minister in Vladimir Putin's first government, Mikhail Dmitriev - has recently published a report about the ongoing political and economic crisis in Russia. According to sociological research conducted via focus groups, the vast majority of urban-based populations in all regions of Russia demand change.

The emerging middle class in Moscow and several other major cities is demanding an independent and non-corrupt judiciary and law enforcement, free speech, and political rights, while the less educated and lower earning masses are more concerned with economic issues, as well as the availability of social services.

Still, the protest agendas of the middle class and the broader

Russian masses largely coincide: the corrupt police force and crony judicial system cause overall revulsion. Russians are fed up with Putin and his cohorts monopolizing political and economic power. There is a growing urge to see new actors with new ideas in power. The number of loyal "Putinites" in Russia is dramatically dwindling, while a critical mass of devoted anti-Putin activists has emerged primarily in Moscow.

The CSS report predicts that the internal political, social and economic crisis will increasingly influence Putin's foreign policy, foreseeing attempts to "compensate internal political failures with populist foreign policy actions." Russian foreign policy may turn into an appendix of internal political troubles, becoming "less realistic and increasingly indoctrinated".

Instead of pragmatically pursuing Russia's long-term national interests, Putin's Kremlin seems bent on pigheadedly confronting the United States on almost any global or regional issue, guessing that the Russian public will approve. The Kremlin is attempting to paint the pro-democracy movement in Russia as a Western (American) plot and part of a global anti-Russian conspiracy.

Riot police officers from a special anti-riot OMON unit from Voronezh (a city south of Moscow) were deployed in Moscow last month and brutally attacked pro-democracy protesters. They later told journalists that their own commanders and special "anti-extremist" Interior Ministry agents briefed them in advance about Western spies financing the opposition. The officers believe that Western-paid agents were deployed in the streets of Moscow to provoke trouble. It is possible Putin himself believes this narrative.
Putin's return to the Kremlin early this year could have been expected to make Russian foreign policy more aggressive and assertive. But what is happening at present seems to be more than anyone predicted, as demonstrated by the increasingly erratic, aggressive and irrational stand on Syria. Reports have been circulating for some time about a possible deployment of Russian combat troops in Syria. In recent days, rumors originating in Russia and abroad have alleged Russian marines and warships were already sailing to Syria or were imminently ready to sail. The reports were denied by authorities, then partially or unofficially confirmed, and then denied again.

The semi-official Iranian Fars news agency reported that joint military exercises involving some 90,000 troops, 400 warplanes and 1,000 tanks from Iran, Russia, China and Syria would be held on Syrian territory and in coastal waters. An armada of Chinese, Russian and Iranian warships, including nuclear submarines and an "aircraft carrier," would be deployed.

The Russian semi-official news agency Interfax immediately reprinted the report and without questioning its validity added, quoting sources in the Russian navy, that a major landing ship, Kaliningrad, from the Baltic Fleet together with similar vessels, Nikolai Filchenkov and the Tsezar Kunikov, from the Black Sea Fleet were prepared to imminently sail with marines on board to the Russian naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus to "defend Russian citizens and infrastructure".

After some hesitation, the Russian Navy denied entirely the report of the planned exercises or that the landing ships with marines were on their way to Syria. An advisor of the Iranian president, who was visiting Moscow, Bouthaina Shabaan, told journalists the reports of joint military exercises were "false and provocative". The official Russian government daily accused the West of waging an "information war" against Russia and China by spreading false rumors about an imminent military deployment in Syria to prepare grounds for a Western military intervention. A day passed and another seemingly reliable daily, quoting "two sources in Russia's power ministries," reported that the Navy and "other power departments" were preparing for "a campaign in Syria".

Plans were being prepared for a possible deployment of troops to help evacuate Russian military personnel and citizens from the naval base in Tartus and from Syria in general. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is quoted as putting the number of Russian citizens and members of families of Russian women married to Syrians at some 100,000.

Russia's only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, is not ready for action, and the landing ships, Nikolai Filchenkov and Tsezar Kunikov, cannot carry more that several hundred marines and a handful of pieces of armor. The deputy chief of the Russian Air Force, General Vladimir Gradusov, told journalists that "if ordered by Putin" the Air Force would provide cover for the Russian ships sent to Syria and help to evacuate Russians. However, the mission may turn out to be difficult, since Russia lacks air bases in the region or a deployable aircraft or helicopter carrier. North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations, including Turkey, may decide to close their air space to Russian military flights, making things worse.

Russia's stubborn defense of the crumbling and bloody Bashar al-Assad regime has long been puzzling observers as irrational and damaging to Russia's long-term interests in the Arab and Muslim world, while infuriating the West. A deployment of a limited military contingent alongside Assad's forces under the pretext of defending Russian citizens (the same pretext was used to invade Georgia in 2008) could surely further worsen the situation.

Of course, the rationale of such actions may indeed be internal: to boost nationalistic passions by openly confronting the West and, possibly, splitting the opposition protest movement's leftist, nationalistic and liberal wings. Such a foreign policy, based primarily on internal political considerations, is highly risky; it could easily drag Russia into an overseas conflict that it is not prepared to fight or win.

The prospect of bringing into Russia some 100,000 refuges from Syria (if Lavrov's figures are true) could cause insurmountable political, social and economic problems. Russian leaders may be in deep doubt as to how to proceed, which may explain the on again, off again nature of the presumed Syrian deployment.

Pavel Felgenhauer is a defense analyst


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