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Iran calls for Pakistan China Russia regional alliance against US

Iran provides no bases to Russia nor are Iran and Russia even allies to the degree that Iran and Syria or Iran and Hezbollah are. 'You Iran lovers want to find Pakistan in the same boat as Iran'. You mean free? You mean possessing a government and army that doesn't suck on Western c*** even while the West shuns it? Of course half of Iran are too soft-headed and unappreciative of their need for a stoic government, but what's your excuse? Pakistanis have more vigour than Iranians, how then does Pakistan fail to adopt a proper anti-West stance?

Pakistanis jealously attempting to negate all Iran's done out of self-insecurity at the fact that their own country does nothing for Muslims or Islam is shameless.

Iran did provide base to Russia. I gave proof/links, Iranians confirmed it and u are denying???....And...India is free country as well. Turkiye is free country as well....Both are having relations with everyone....

Why do you hell bent on asking Pakistan to take anti western stance? when there is no reason? So that sanctions can be placed on Pakistan??? just like Iran? There's a difference in going adult way compared to being this below childish behavior....If this below is anti western stance...then sorry....No one in Pakistan will take that.

Iranian lawmakers shout 'death to America,' burn U.S. flag

Iranians, acting childish...

Iran took anti western stance? Iranians are literally praying now that Europeans remain in deal

Iranians literally dying to get open up from sanctions...People literally cheered after nuclear deal...This photo tells you. So much of anti western stance? hahaha


Children of Iranian leaders are studying in west......and talk about anti western stance? bullshit

Iranians cooperated with US regarding Iraq...in formation of government...and talk about anti western stance? bullshit

Iranians ordered planes form US Boeing...and talk about anti western stance? I just don't know what do you mean by anti western stance?

Pakistan when push came to shoved, proved that it can take anti western stance....NUKES remind you that....We got Nukes despite west not wanted us to get that.

We are adult...We talk, act mature...Turkiye also does that, having relations with west but also keeps relations with Russians...The only child in the room is Iran.

Sorry....But persian pride is too big to have friends.
'Children of Iran studying in West' no, retard, those are diasporas that left when the Shah got deposed. And there aren't Russian bases in Iran, Russian jets have used Iranian airspace before but Russia owns no airbases in Iran the way our glorious noble army of Ghazwa e Hind prostituted itself to give USA bases in Pakistan.

'Why should Pakistan take anti-West stance' because they have historically backstabbed us and continue to do so? Are you this dense or just running away from the reality that Pakistan's leaders are all traitors to our ultimate identity which is Muslim?
Better for Pakistan to keep clear of any Iranian mess. The Iranians are equally loathed by the Muslims if not more than the Israilis.

I think majority of Iranians are quite good folks but yeah....some kind of animosity towards Sunnis definitely exists somewhere in camp of their religious leaders.

I respect Iran, though.
Iran did provide base to Russia. I gave proof/links, Iranians confirmed it and u are denying???....And...India is free country as well. Turkiye is free country as well....Both are having relations with everyone....

Why do you hell bent on asking Pakistan to take anti western stance? when there is no reason? So that sanctions can be placed on Pakistan??? just like Iran? There's a difference in going adult way compared to being this below childish behavior....If this below is anti western stance...then sorry....No one in Pakistan will take that.

Iranian lawmakers shout 'death to America,' burn U.S. flag

Iranians, acting childish...

Iran took anti western stance? Iranians are literally praying now that Europeans remain in deal

Iranians literally dying to get open up from sanctions...People literally cheered after nuclear deal...This photo tells you. So much of anti western stance? hahaha


Children of Iranian leaders are studying in west......and talk about anti western stance? bullshit

Iranians cooperated with US regarding Iraq...in formation of government...and talk about anti western stance? bullshit

Iranians ordered planes form US Boeing...and talk about anti western stance? I just don't know what do you mean by anti western stance?

Pakistan when push came to shoved, proved that it can take anti western stance....NUKES remind you that....We got Nukes despite west not wanted us to get that.

We are adult...We talk, act mature...Turkiye also does that, having relations with west but also keeps relations with Russians...The only child in the room is Iran.

Sorry....But persian pride is too big to have friends.
Why don't you like Iran/Iranians? Is it for sectarian reasons?
Yeah Iran, reduce your already-scant trading partners and crush your economy for the sake of Pakistan who hasn't done anything for any of its neighbours barring the ungrateful and stupid Afghans.

We did for Iran the thing we never did with anyone....Gave the idiots blue prints of nukes...

Pakistanis must be regretting that when Iranians spilled the beans to save themselves and threw Pakistan uder the bus.

Pakistan is disgusted...While Saudis helped Pakistan's nuke program

How am i being anti Pak?

That taunting message of yours made me think that.

Why not? You as a Pakistani need all the friends you can get.

Why don't you like Iran/Iranians? Is it for sectarian reasons?

I don't dislike Iranians. I differ their policies. That's it.

Most of the Pakistanis hate this act of Iran to till date.

The second reason is more discomforting. More than a decade ago, Iran, and to some extent Libya under Gaddafi, told the IAEA that Pakistan assisted them with their nuclear programs. This turned the international spotlight towards Pakistan. Islamabad launched an internal inquiry. Investigators did not find any evidence of official involvement. However, top scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan accepted personal responsibility for passing on nuclear blueprints to Iran and other countries.

Iran and Libya used Pakistan to ingratiate themselves with the IAEA and the western powers. The two probably thought they would get off the hook by producing a smoking gun on Pakistan.

We did for Iran the thing we never did with anyone....Gave the idiots blue prints of nukes...

Pakistanis must be regretting that when Iranians spilled the beans to save themselves and threw Pakistan uder the bus.

Pakistan is disgusted...While Saudis helped Pakistan's nuke program

That taunting message of yours made me think that.

Why not? You as a Pakistani need all the friends you can get.

I don't dislike Iranians. I differ their policies. That's it.

Most of the Pakistanis hate this act of Iran to till date.

The second reason is more discomforting. More than a decade ago, Iran, and to some extent Libya under Gaddafi, told the IAEA that Pakistan assisted them with their nuclear programs. This turned the international spotlight towards Pakistan. Islamabad launched an internal inquiry. Investigators did not find any evidence of official involvement. However, top scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan accepted personal responsibility for passing on nuclear blueprints to Iran and other countries.

Iran and Libya used Pakistan to ingratiate themselves with the IAEA and the western powers. The two probably thought they would get off the hook by producing a smoking gun on Pakistan.

I was actually trying to defend that poster from Bangladesh... whats your problem?
Iranians have racist tensions with Arabs, not Shia-Sunni tensions. The latter is highly manufactured.


'Children of Iran studying in West' no, retard, those are diasporas that left when the Shah got deposed. And there aren't Russian bases in Iran, Russian jets have used Iranian airspace before but Russia owns no airbases in Iran the way our glorious noble army of Ghazwa e Hind prostituted itself to give USA bases in Pakistan.

'Why should Pakistan take anti-West stance' because they have historically backstabbed us and continue to do so? Are you this dense or just running away from the reality that Pakistan's leaders are all traitors to our ultimate identity which is Muslim?

Russian used Iranian territory/airbase for bombing campaign in Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—In televised remarks late on Sunday Iran’s defense minister said that Russia revealing its use of an Iranian airbase for its air campaign in Syria was “inconsiderate”.

Defense minister of Iran confirmed that...Not only confirm he criticized Russia for revealing that...huh?


Now you can go on technicalities about how Iranians with so much pride just did not give base to Russia while Pakistan shamelessly provided base to US...

Children of Iranian leaders....I said.

Daughter of Iranian foreign minister Zareef is studying in west...Zareef is current era leader...Not of past/Shah era. So, my point still stands that Iranian leaders are fooling common people/Shias...

Pakistan also back stabbed west when former acquired nukes...It is called national interest...

We didn't marry west or west was not a girlfriend of Pakistan as she back stabbed us....West was never an ally so question of backstabbing never comes.

I was actually trying to defend that poster from Bangladesh... whats your problem?

I think I am getting now what happened....U misquoted.

Instead of quoting Bangladeshi member, you quoted Pakistani member and sent him that message.

It's all ok..


Russian used Iranian territory/airbase for bombing campaign in Syria

... Because they're part of the legally-invited defense of Syria against terrorist hordes receiving air cover from NATO and Israel, perhaps?
Lolz... Iran and Pakistan can't even get a gas pipeline working and here we are dreaming of Strategic allianace against US.

There may be a regional alliance between Iran, China and Russia in future, but there hardly seems to be a scope for Pakistan. What have Pakistanis to offer? Economy? Techonology? Geo-graphical location? Oil? Nuclear weapons? Nothing. On the contrary it will be bad for Pakiatan, if China and Russia are offered access to warm waters through Iran. Where BRI will simply connect to NSTC. Totally bypassing troubled CPEC route.
lol that gas pipe line is not working cuz india is involve in it.. india is a jinx so lol imagin thing happen to pipeline :)
even if russian and china connect thru Iran belive me india is still not connected you have to scroll to west again. plus they have Afg mean 2 countries one is higly destable india have no chance lol hey just remember your chahbahar need more support than money and words its going into gulf sea. india have nothing to offer other than RSS and terrorist PM to union what they have for others "NOTHING".
Who is this "fukking fassadi".If you were to write in plain English, so us normal folks can understand, what you are saying,that would be greatly appreciated.

I clearly stated Zahid Hamid is a fassadi.

Whats so unclear
This is funny if true. The Good Persians sending their children to study in evil Zionist west lol

This fact was mentioned by one of the Iranian member...It is true. I checked it. Even Zaareef himself got educated later in US hahaha

At age 17, he left Iran for the United States. Zarif attended Drew College Preparatory School, a private college-preparatory high school located in San Francisco, California

Zarif is married and has a daughter and a son who were born in the United States.[29] He met his wife in summer 1979 through his sister. They married in Iran but moved to New York within several weeks in the midst of the Iranian revolution


... Because they're part of the legally-invited defense of Syria against terrorist hordes receiving air cover from NATO and Israel, perhaps?

Now you're getting into technicalities...

First you hail Iran as angel then you find reasons to defend it....U have a strong bias towards them, I feel.

Pakistan also did what she thought of her own interest....After 9/11 whole world was on US side....Including China.

Pakistan even if she not wanted, had to side with US....We could have played more smarter, That I'll admit.

But joining US was necessary at that time.
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