Lolz... Iran and Pakistan can't even get a gas pipeline working and here we are dreaming of Strategic allianace against US
Who's this "we" you're talking about? Pakistan and Iran couldn't get the pipeline done because of previous sanctions. It also didn't helped that India dragged its feet and eventually pulled out of the IPI pipeline at the behest of Washington. You do know what the second I in IPI stands for right?
There may be a regional alliance between Iran, China and Russia in future, but there hardly seems to be a scope for Pakistan. What have Pakistanis to offer? Economy? Techonology? Geo-graphical location? Oil? Nuclear weapons? Nothing.
You can't even spell technology, and you're giving us lectures? Why don't you ask the Iranians themselves? Both Iran and Pakistan have similar views on the future of Afghanistan and both want regime change in Kabul. And Turkey's recent posturing towards the Middle East in the past 2 decades has sort of rectified the Gunpower Empires...which at one point in time controlled the Muslim world (Ottomans, Safavids, Mughuls). A new Gunpowder Empire alliance would be in the interest of all three countries. It would keep greedy western countries out of the Middle East as well as keep those Arab yobs in their place.
Furthermore, the ECO (founded in Iran, alongside Pakistan and Turkey) has become more active in the past years. The scientific division by the way is founded in Pakistan. And lets face it, without Pakistan, Iran wouldn't have nukes today either.
So stay in your lane Dasyu.
On the contrary it will be bad for Pakiatan, if China and Russia are offered access to warm waters through Iran. Where BRI will simply connect to NSTC. Totally bypassing troubled CPEC route.
Are you Indians still tooting off about this Chahbahar? This port is a joke...the Iranians basically fleeced you Indians out of a free port, while they invest $4 billion themselves into Gwadar.
Despite the strategic importance of Chabahar for India, there has been very little progress on it for several reasons. First is Iran’s unenthusiastic support for the project. Although the idea was first mooted in 2003, it was only in 2012 on the sidelines of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran that Iran (then reeling under sanctions for its nuclear activities) conceded to set up a joint working group to operationalize the port project as part of the trilateral cooperation agreement between Afghanistan, India and Iran on investment cooperation, trade and transit. A key factor behind Iran’s reluctance to allow an Indian presence at Chabahar was the opposition by the Revolutionary Guards, which reportedly uses the port to ship arms to Yemen.
Second, the economic viability of Chahbahar is suspect. India, which has had trouble raising funds for the project, has so far been able to invest only $85 million to build a couple of berths. While India recently indicated that it was willing to invest up to $20 billion—one of its largest overseas ventures—to develop the port, petrochemical and fertilizer plants in the Chabahar SEZ, it remains to be seen if it can raise the funds.
Moreover, given the presence of Gwadar next door, where China has already invested over $1 billion and committed another $46 billion to CPEC, it is unclear whether the Chabahar will generate enough trade and traffic to justify the investment. In fact, Tehran, which has been playing hardball with India and demanding greater Indian investment in Chabahar, itself plans to invest $4 billion to build a refinery in Gwadar to process 400,000 barrels of oil per day. In the past year, several new proposed deals have been offered by Iran to invest in Gwadar and CPEC.
Last but not least, good luck trying to get a road and rail link to Afghanistan, without the Taliban not blowing that shit up halfway to the moon. Not happening.
Basically, there is nothing beyond the Iranian border. If Russia wants, it can use Bandar Abbas easily, which has a dedicated rail and road link all the way to Central Asia. Clearly, Chabahar is a conundrum and India is unlikely to succeed on its own. India might be better off building an international consortium with the likes of Japan and South Korea to invest in the project, but even still, no country is willing to invest. It's a waste of time and money.

You lose Dasyuvarta...