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Iran banning the morality police

Yeah people have their interpretation or opinion or whether it should be enforced or not.
However my post was solely about the status of hijab in Islam. Anything else I feel like it’s not appropriate to discuss on a public forum which is polluted by non Muslims trolls.
I do not support the crimes Iranian morality police did like the brutal extra judicial murder of that girl.

I don’t care about feeling. You should care about your actions tho. Just a simple action like that can throw you out the fold of Islam.
Have fun on the day of judgement then.
It's touching you care so much about me.
Do you care enough about me to send me some money to help me out this winter?
What's that, you won't send me money?
Oh got it, you are only larping as a good person.
In reality you only want control people by trying to force your version of Islam on them. You could not not care less about your fellow human if you can't control them.
In France they ban hijab in Iran they force hijab. devils trick is one small step at a time, in the end he will have influenced guys in dresses with dildos underneath at max power.
In Islam, the deeds is based on what is inside the heart, not the action itself. You can only blame her as Kufur if you know exactly what is inside the women heart who burn the hijab. Since you dont know, then you should not define the action as Kufur.

You have already created sin by saying her as Kafir, while we dont know what is exactly inside her heart. For me, by seeing the context, the women who burn hijab could possibly do that to oppose the regime or opposing the regime hijab enforcement law while she acknowledges that Hijab is mandatory for any adult women
Shhh... showing a mirror to these people's face will only cause them to be even more ugly.
They don't care about Islam, they don't care about humanity, they don't care about anything decent. The only thing they care about is exercising their power fantasy by trying to control people and make them conform to their "version" of Islam. Funny enough, their version of Islam is always the version that that allows them to do whatever THEY want...
Who gives a ****?

Their county their rules.

The westerners and Chinese guy on this thread just want more freedom for Iranian women so they can try to hook up with them. It’s disgusting and predatory in my opinion, but at the end of the day that’s their agenda.

In my village, the guy that worries about the neighbor’s wife ends up getting the shit kicked out of him... :lol:

So don’t be fooled by their duplicitous concerns about Iranian women... Everybody has a motive.

Any man with ghairat knows what is acceptable within his society and what games are being played to manipulate laws and the people.

In Islam it is our duty as Muslims to protect our womenfolk and ourselves from evil eye. These are the qualities that westerners are working on systemically destroying. That is their agenda.

At the end of the day you can take somebody to masjid, but you can’t make them pray jumma namaz. Everybody knows what’s best for themselves, whether they choose to ignore the right choice for the wrong depends entirely on their own morality. I just have a problem with someone telling you what that right choice is, whether it’s some perverted westerner or dinosaur Mullah.
Who gives a ****?

Their county their rules.

The westerners and Chinese guy on this thread just want more freedom for Iranian women so they can try to hook up with them. It’s disgusting and predatory in my opinion, but at the end of the day that’s their agenda.

In my village, the guy that worries about the neighbor’s wife ends up getting the shit kicked out of him... :lol:

So don’t be fooled by their duplicitous concerns about Iranian women... Everybody has a motive.

Any man with ghairat knows what is acceptable within his society and what games are being played to manipulate laws and the people.

In Islam it is our duty as Muslims to protect our womenfolk and ourselves from evil eye. These are the qualities that westerners are working on systemically destroying. That is their agenda.

At the end of the day you can take somebody to masjid, but you can’t make them pray jumma namaz. Everybody knows what’s best for themselves, whether they choose to ignore the right choice for the wrong depends entirely on their own morality. I just have a problem with someone telling you what that right choice is, whether it’s some perverted westerner or dinosaur Mullah.
It’s called a sense of humor man. Like I’m about to jump on a plane to Tehran to holler at some hijab clad hunnies. I’m just joking but the religious laws are bullshit 100%.
In Islam, the deeds is based on what is inside the heart, not the action itself. You can only blame her as Kufur if you know exactly what is inside the women heart who burn the hijab. Since you dont know, then you should not define the action as Kufur.

You have already created sin by saying her as Kafir, while we dont know what is exactly inside her heart. For me, by seeing the context, the women who burn hijab could possibly do that to oppose the regime or opposing the regime hijab enforcement law while she acknowledges that Hijab is mandatory for any adult women
Burning something that is mandatory in Islam and clearly stated in the Quran is an act of kufr no matter what. There were many other ways for those women to protest against Iranian regime other than burning hijab. I simply stated facts that burning hijab is an act of kufr. I can answer to Allah on the day of judgement for my statement.
Regardless of context and intentions there was many many more ways to protest than to burn hijab. They could have burned posters of the current Iranian regime if they really wanted to burn something. Their fight was with Iranian regimes morality police. Go burn their statues and propaganda posters. Go burn their building. Idec what they burn or do. But burning hijab is an act of kufr. They know the significance of hijab in Islam. They know what the current says regarding a women covering her hair. They know very well that they could have burned many other things or did many other things to send a message. Their deliberate choosing of hijab and burning it is an act of kufr and I’m pretty sure majority of scholars would agree that burning hijab in this context is an act of kufr.
The main questions to ask is:
Could the message be sent out without burning hijab?
The answer to the question is YES.
Many religious people are against Iranian regime and their morality police. They have been opposing and sending their message for years without burning hijabs.

We are to judge by people’s actions not their intentions because we do not know their intentions. Only Allah knows that.

Narrated `Umar bin Al-Khattab:

People were (sometimes) judged by the revealing of a Divine Inspiration during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle but now there is no longer any more (new revelation). Now we judge you by the deeds you practice publicly, so we will trust and favor the one who does good deeds in front of us, and we will not call him to account about what he is really doing in secret, for Allah will judge him for that; but we will not trust or believe the one who presents to us with an evil deed even if he claims that his intentions were good.

-Sahih al-Bukhari 2641
It's touching you care so much about me.
Do you care enough about me to send me some money to help me out this winter?
What's that, you won't send me money?
Oh got it, you are only larping as a good person.
In reality you only want control people by trying to force your version of Islam on them. You could not not care less about your fellow human if you can't control them.
Shhh... showing a mirror to these people's face will only cause them to be even more ugly.
They don't care about Islam, they don't care about humanity, they don't care about anything decent. The only thing they care about is exercising their power fantasy by trying to control people and make them conform to their "version" of Islam. Funny enough, their version of Islam is always the version that that allows them to do whatever THEY want...
I am saying what I’m saying because as a Muslim I have a duty to say what is right and warn a fellow Muslim if he is doing wrong. After that it’s between you and Allah as I have done my job. So I actually don’t care about you. I said burning hijab is an act of kufr and gave reasoning. You choose to reject it. Now it’s between you and Allah and I do not care anymore about you. I do care about the Ummah which you guys reject to believe exists. I care about the state of the Ummah as well. That’s why we warn fellow Muslims when they are sinning or making ignorant statements but if you show arrogance in return than we’ve done our job and it’s between you and Allah now. We care about humanity more than you perverted liberals who measure freedom looking at the size of women’s skirts. We care about society so we try to warn other about the fitna spreading in our societies. But when we’re up against arrogant people and people who say “worry about your self” than we leave them to be and it’s between them and Allah cuz even talking to you guys becomes a waste of time as you don’t have the mental capacity to understand anything we say.
I’m not forcing “my version of Islam” on anyone. Follow what the Quran and Hadith say. The Quran clearly mentions about women having to cover their hair. All scholars in Islam by consensus agree that hijab is mandatory. There is no room for disagreement or debate in this. If your “version of Islam” says hijab is not mandatory than I suggest you open a Quran and read it because the Quran says otherwise.
I’m not trying to control anyone.
You do you. Go burn hijab if you want but remember it’s an act of kufr. Don’t cry when people call you out for your deliberate act of kufr if you do it knowing it is an act of kufr.
The Quran clearly states the importance of hijab and hijab being mandatory. Bring evidence from the Quran or Hadith that it is not mandatory. Heck even find a single Islamic scholar saying it isn’t mandatory. You can’t.
So you better shut your mouth about “their version” and “your version”. We follow the Quran and Sunnah. Counter what we say with Quran or Sunnah. If not then shut your mouth. You black sheep are the reason west has it easy spreading fitna in our societies.
Go on being a dayooth. Don’t @ me either unless you can come with Quranic or Hadith evidence to prove Hijab isn’t mandatory. I don’t have time to waste debating a dayooth.

About goddamn time. What an obnoxious presence in the daily life of Iranians which are an ever present irritant for most people.

Imo, Iran is actually one of the most secular countries in the Middle East. It shouldn’t be ruled by an *** backward religious government. It should be a secular republic like Turkey. If that was the case, the government would actually be more in line with their own population, who are very secular.
Morality is good for people in a long term, and something annoying in the short term, specially between young people.

You know what are societies without morality in developing countries? Take a look to Latin America and his large amount of single mothers. That's.
I am saying what I’m saying because as a Muslim I have a duty to say what is right and warn a fellow Muslim if he is doing wrong. After that it’s between you and Allah as I have done my job. So I actually don’t care about you. I said burning hijab is an act of kufr and gave reasoning. You choose to reject it. Now it’s between you and Allah and I do not care anymore about you. I do care about the Ummah which you guys reject to believe exists. I care about the state of the Ummah as well. That’s why we warn fellow Muslims when they are sinning or making ignorant statements but if you show arrogance in return than we’ve done our job and it’s between you and Allah now. We care about humanity more than you perverted liberals who measure freedom looking at the size of women’s skirts. We care about society so we try to warn other about the fitna spreading in our societies. But when we’re up against arrogant people and people who say “worry about your self” than we leave them to be and it’s between them and Allah cuz even talking to you guys becomes a waste of time as you don’t have the mental capacity to understand anything we say.
I’m not forcing “my version of Islam” on anyone. Follow what the Quran and Hadith say. The Quran clearly mentions about women having to cover their hair. All scholars in Islam by consensus agree that hijab is mandatory. There is no room for disagreement or debate in this. If your “version of Islam” says hijab is not mandatory than I suggest you open a Quran and read it because the Quran says otherwise.
I’m not trying to control anyone.
You do you. Go burn hijab if you want but remember it’s an act of kufr. Don’t cry when people call you out for your deliberate act of kufr if you do it knowing it is an act of kufr.
The Quran clearly states the importance of hijab and hijab being mandatory. Bring evidence from the Quran or Hadith that it is not mandatory. Heck even find a single Islamic scholar saying it isn’t mandatory. You can’t.
So you better shut your mouth about “their version” and “your version”. We follow the Quran and Sunnah. Counter what we say with Quran or Sunnah. If not then shut your mouth. You black sheep are the reason west has it easy spreading fitna in our societies.
Go on being a dayooth. Don’t @ me either unless you can come with Quranic or Hadith evidence to prove Hijab isn’t mandatory. I don’t have time to waste debating a dayooth.
No, you are saying it because you have a power fetish and want to control people. If you truly cared "as a Muslim" you would be quietly be helping people by doing charitable things.
But that would mean you are an actual good person and not just a person who gets off on controlling others.

As for the part bolded... ah yes, a true holy warrior of Islam, can't control people so start to curse and threaten. You people are so predictable.
Your version and my version of Islam are very different, unlike you I actually believe in following the Quran, especially the part that says there is no compulsion in religion. It also helps that I don't have a weird power fetish where I want to control people using religion.
explain to me how killing a girl in police custody

Amini was not killed in custody, this much is firmly established by now.

CCTV footage was released showing her walking out of the police van in a nonchalant manner with zero signs of physical distress, impairment or pain. Saudi-linked broadcasters - anything but friendly towards the Iranian government, published her CT scans, which prove there was no traumatic injury to the head or torso.

and then shooting dead 300 protestors including women is protecting women?

After rioters started lynching, burning alive, beating to death, stabbing, stoning and firing at law enforcement and pious citizens, encouraged by their western and zionist sponsors.

Around 60 Iranian security personnel were murdered overall. Also armed separatists began shooting at police stations and civil servants.

Try this anywhere in the world and they'll surely gun down 300 and/or way more.

your insults wont hide the fact that the people of Iran have had enough of this hypocrite regime that punishes and represses its people while its selected elites enjoy the luxuries deemed haram for the ordinary Iranians . challenge me on this and I will share this open hypocrisy of the Iranian Mulllahs for all to see.

The question is, which elites enjoy luxuries in Iran? The liberal ones, true. However, those same liberals are opposed to sharia law and to the dress code.

By contrast, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution is leading a simple and modest life. So are IRGC officers and most of the religiously-inclined revolutionaries. Nobody has anything on them.

Sure, there are exceptions on both sides of the political landscape of the IR, but as a general rule the more supportive of sharia law they are, the less attracted by material wealth they tend to be.

So what is the different with prostitution or free sex in Western world ? Both are also having mutual consent of both male and female. The different is just it is covered by ritual of Shia Islam

The woman must observe iddah of two monthly cycles after expiration of a mutah contract. This and other limitations mean that prostitution and casual intimate relationships the way they are practiced in the western world, will be made impossible in practice.

In this context I see the Iranian women burning Hijab is not to rebel against Quran, but rebelling against their government hijab enforcement law.

Let me set the facts straight.

The rioters have been following in the footsteps of an anti-clericalist, secularist and partly Islamophobic political tradition which has historical roots in modern day Iranian politics. A political current represented by authors such as Ahmad Kasravi, Ali Dashti and others - you should look these up.

Here's a list of books critical of Islam written by Iranians belonging to that group:


This anti-clericalism and borderline or open Islamophobia is now present both among secular Iranian ultra-nationalists and liberal, pro-western Iranian globalists. In the latter camp, a former university professor close to the liberal faction, Javad Tabatabai, told a French newspaper: "in reality, Islam is dead". Rohani then handed him the Farabi International Award. Tabatabai's daughter is working for USA think tanks and also as an adviser to the USA State Department under the Biden regime.




Among other similar actions, rioters and their supporters indulged in:

- Cheering for a mother as she requested to refrain from reciting the Quran at her son's funeral because, so she claimed, he profoundly disliked it.
- Burning a mosque in the city Rasht.
- Assaulting mosque attendants with knives (murdering one) causing some damage the mosque in the holy city of Mashhad.
- Setting fire to religious seminaries.
- Setting fire to the representative office of a jama'at prayer leader.
- Murdering a cleric in Karaj.
- Initiating a campaign to knock off clerics' turbans.
- Chanting slogans like "we are Aryans, we don't worship Arabs".

The least one can say, is that these rioters in their great majority, fervently reject the slightest notion of Islamic governance. A significant portion of them are downright Islamophobic. In parallel, liberal forces within the political system are also pursuing an agenda of secularization, they do not believe in any of the political principles the 1979 Revolution stands for.

In short, Islamic governance is under attack simultaneously from oppositionist rioters and from the liberal faction within the system, both of which are receiving ample support from the zio-American empire.

Kindly inform yourself more in depth. Repeating inaccurate subjective assumptions will not change the ground reality described above.

How did it achieve that goal by torturing this pretty girl, Nika, and throwing her from a building ?

Fake news spread by zionist and western dominated mainstream media.

What "Iran culture" ? This ? You are imposing your own perverse mullah thoughts on Iranis, something that they rejected so vociferously :
They chant "Marg bar dictator", call for overthrow of Mullah Khamenei and his mullah regime and its milita Basij and IRGC and all that whom all you are shilling for here. Are you being more Irani than the Iranis ?

Who is 'they'? These rioters aren't more representative of the Iranian nation than anti-Assad protesters were of the Syrian one.

Did you know that your Mullah Khomenei, the spiritual leader of the fake Islamic revolution of 1979, was sitting comfortably in Paris under the asylum of the French NATO government and that most of the agitation against the shah was done by the Irani leftists including Communists ?

1) The Islamic Revolution lasted for an entire year until its victory. Of this period, Imam Khomeini (rahmatAllah alayha) spent seven months in Iraq, where he had been staying since 1965. However, at the request of the NATO-subservient shah of Iran, Iraqi dictator Saddam expelled the Imam. Nevertheless, the Imam wished to remain in a Moslem country. None was immediately forthcoming, and his advisers compelled him to accept France as a temporary destination, where he spent less than four months.

2) The bulk of revolutionaries were Islamic-oriented and in tune with the revolutionary clergy. "Marxists" formed a minority, which is why they were easily defeated, considering their insufficient popular support, when they tried to topple the revolutionary government through force.

And after that job had been done NATO sent in Mullah Khomenei to Tehran to take over the country because a mullah is what NATO wanted instead of those "abhorrent" commies governing Iran.

Communists didn't stand a chance of securing power in Iran. They were dwarfed politically by Islamic revolutionaries.

The pro-Soviet communist party, Tudeh, was tolerated until 1984. It was banned only when Iranian intelligence discovered it was plotting subversive activities at the behest of an imperialist foreign state.

NATO did not want the spy den calling itself USA embassy in Tehran to be neutralized and taken over by Islamic revolutionaries loyal to Imam Khomeini. NATO did not want the USA military aircraft and special forces sent to extract the American spies from custody, crash in the central Iranian desert. NATO did not want Iran to revise unjust contracts with western oil companies. NATO did not want Iran to execute the leader of the local zionist influence network, Habib Elqanian, and replace the Isra"el"i diplomatic mission in Tehran with a Palestinian one. NATO did not want Iran to found a Resistance Axis stretching to the Levant and fighting zionist occupation of both Palestine and Lebanon. NATO did not want Iran to host about every anti-imperialist liberation movement at conferences or permanent representations in Tehran. NATO did not want Iran to severe ties with apartheid South Africa and start supporting the local resistance, a move which led Nelson Mandela to visit Iran and praise the Islamic Republic in 1992. NATO did not want Iran to become self-sufficient economically and militarily. NATO is outraged at witnessing how Iran thrives under an Islamic system, hence why Iran has been the most sanctioned country on earth. NATO did not want Iran to cooperate with North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and other governments opposed to USA imperialism. NATO did not want Iran to become a source of inspiration for other nations of the global south to regain their independence in the same manner.

Above mentioned feats against NATO designs and many more, weren't achieved by Iranian communists but by the Islamic Republic.

Can't have another country in the Eastern Bloc. So Khomenei grandly stepped off the flight from Paris in 1979 and imposed the hijab among other things and waged war against Socialist Iraq

It was Iraq which started the war by invading Iran with several armored divisions. Not the other way around.

Moreover Iraq was backed to the hilt by both imperialist blocs of the time - including the west. Western regimes assisted Saddam in acquiring and employing chemical weapons on a grand scale against Iranian troops and civilians, with the USA regime going as far as vetoing a UNSC resolution meant to condemn Baghdad's use of WMD. Washington was feeding Baghdad's military with live satellite imagery of Iranian positions. Furthermore, the French regime armed Iraq with top of the line air defence and fighter jets, some of which were flown by French pilots. Whilst the Soviet bloc furnished mountains of equipment to all branches of the Iraqi military.

In 1988 the USA directly entered the war against Iran, striking the Iranian Navy and oil infrastructure in addition to downing an Iranian civilian airliner and causing all on board to be martyred.

Western governments have not once spoken in the United Nations Terrorist Council about their "Right 2 Protect" the Irani people from the oppression and continued murder by the mullahs.

Because they can't. Politically and financially, the cost would not be affordable from the enemy's perspective.

Iran is on a completely different level in terms of deterrence power, than a battered Iraq used to be in 2003. Or that Libya was in 2011 - including because Gaddafi had made the strategic mistake of risking a rapprochement with the west, dismantling Libya's nuclear program and disarming the country to an extent.

They don't attack Iran through direct military aggression, because Iran can strike back with force and inflict considerable damage to their interests. Iraq couldn't, Libya couldn't. They were easy prey, Iran isn't. It's simple as that.

Unlike for the Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011 the Western governments / NATO and the Sunni GCC are not sending a 30+ government military alliance plus thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood to Iran ruled by Shia mullahs to overthrow the mullahs i.e. do regime change and install a new government. NATO wants the Irani mullahs to stay. Doesn't matter if 1000 more Iranis are murdered by the mullah regime.

That's not correct. "I"SIS conducted a terrorist attack against Iranian worshippers at the holy shrine of Shah Cheraq in Shiraz right at the beginning of the riots. Western-backed, armed separatist grouplets in different regions were activated to launch operations against Iranian forces.

Quantities of illegal arms supplies were located and confiscated by Iranian authorities on several occasions.



The violent riots against the Islamic Republic are fully and massively supported by western regimes and their regional clients, as well as by the zionists. Biden of the USA regime declared, "we'll free Iran soon". In Paris, the French regime leader Macron received oppositionist figures whom, claiming a "revolution" was taking place in Iran. Zionist think tank pundits in Occupied Palestine demanded that efforts be made to balkanize and dismantle Iran along "ethno"-linguistic lines.

Western-based Persian language media are openly inciting violence and calling for an overthrow of the Islamic Republic around the clock. Some of these media are bankrolled by the Saudis. So is the MKO terrorist cult, whom the CIA gifted an operational base in Albania. Every opposition group to the Islamic Republic is generously funded and backed by the regimes in Washington and Europe.

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LMAO have you even been to Iran? Most people are religious when you look at the country as a whole
Oh have you ever met a Iranian?
A Iranian once told me that irani people are the complete opposite of their government. And apparently it looks like what he said is true.
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