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Iran banning the morality police

Another prime example of the weak of faith and confused Iranian youth. Harking back to history 1400 years ago.

And burning hijabs and cutting hair on their own streets today.

I mean, does anyone else get the pathetic irony and funniness in it all? We wuz this and that. But now we are brave turban topplers. Lol Don't ask more from us. We don't know how. And Iran is too long a flight from California. Or the Netherlands. Where we will happily work as English instructors and translators instead.

I dont trust you Hindus, better you protect your women first before commenting about Muslims


It is clear contract marriage is Haram. The main principle of doing marriage is to take responsibility and respecting the female partner, not just short lust

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These are all Hadiths, but I know that Shia doesnt want to follow Sunni hadith

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Islam doesnt ban divorce, but it is thing that only can happen if the marriage is already like hell. In Contract marriage you only have short relationship and then divorce which opposes the real meaning of marriage and opposes these hadiths too
He’s those Indian Hindu it cell workers trying to provoke us. He’s been all over Pakistani threads or threads about Muslims.
He probably seen the term Misyar in some IT cell chat and now throwing it around without doing any research.
Even tho Misyar is disallowed by probably majority of Sunni scholars, it isn’t even contract marriage like Mutah. Misyar needs a wali present and has no time limit.
Ok. Sound like technicalities though. The general concept seems quite similar, hence was asking.
No the concept is not similar. They’re very different. The reasoning for them is very different. That doesn’t matter anyways cuz it’s none of your concern. No Sunni can do Mutah marriage. Majority Sunnis follow the interpretation that Misyar is disallowed nowadays.
Even if Misyar was allowed to someone you can’t do that with a prostitute. It needs to be a shariah marriage and her Wali (guardian) needs to be present. It also has no time limit. So you’re basically taking on another wife and doing everything a normal marriage has but don’t live with your husband. Think about women who are already divorced and might want this type of marriage instead of being completely single their whole life or want to marry and live with their husband again.
He’s those Indian Hindu it cell workers trying to provoke us. He’s been all over Pakistani threads or threads about Muslims.
He probably seen the term Misyar in some IT cell chat and now throwing it around without doing any research.
Even tho Misyar is disallowed by probably majority of Sunni scholars, it isn’t even contract marriage like Mutah. Misyar needs a wali present and has no time limit.

I repeat, without getting into the finer nitty gritty technicalities, this "traveller's marriage" concept basically entails sex for the man and some sort of sub-marital maintenance for the woman of a temporary nature. That was what I've picked up reading. And no, I'm no IT cell. I have other interests in life and the means to follow them. I'm here in my own dime so to speak.

No the concept is not similar. They’re very different. The reasoning for them is very different. That doesn’t matter anyways cuz it’s none of your concern. No Sunni can do Mutah marriage. Majority Sunnis follow the interpretation that Misyar is disallowed nowadays.
Even if Misyar was allowed to someone you can’t do that with a prostitute. It needs to be a shariah marriage and her Wali (guardian) needs to be present. It also has no time limit. So you’re basically taking on another wife and doing everything a normal marriage has but don’t live with your husband. Think about women who are already divorced and might want this type of marriage instead of being completely single their whole life or want to marry and live with their husband again.

You just described exactly what a long distance traveller's marriage is. Thanks.

As sailors the world over would say, join the navy to see the world. A girl in every port.
I repeat, without getting into the finer nitty gritty technicalities, this "traveller's marriage" concept basically entails sex for the man and some sort of sub-marital maintenance for the woman of a temporary nature. That was what I've picked up reading. And no, I'm no IT cell. I have other interests in life and the means to follow them. I'm here in my own dime so to speak.
No it’s not the same concept or technicalities.
Mutah: “Mut’ah or temporary marriage refers to when a man marries a woman for a specific length of time in return for a particular amount of money.”
Misyar is a normal marriage that is done the shariah way with the presence of the Wali’s (guardian of the women) and without a time limit. It is a normal marriage but with the condition that the man doesn’t have to live with the woman.
Mutah is for a specific time and doesn’t require the presence of a wali and in exchange the women gets money. Mutah is temporary. Misyar is permanent.
Al-Rabi’ ibn Sabrah al-Juhani narrated that his father told him that he was with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who said, “O people, I used to allow you to engage in mut’ah marriages, but now Allah has forbidden that until the Day of Resurrection, so whoever has any wives in a mut’ah marriage, he should let her go and do not take anything of the (money) you have given them.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1406)


Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade mut’ah marriage and the meat of domestic donkeys at the time of Khaybar. According to another report, he forbade mut’ah marriage at the time of Khaybar and he forbade the meat of tame donkeys. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3979; Muslim, 1407)

You just described exactly what a long distance traveller's marriage is. Thanks.

As sailors the world over would say, join the navy to see the world. A girl in every port.
You kaffir won’t understand what I’m saying.
If you had the mental capability to process what I said you wouldn’t be a kaffir.
No it’s not the same concept or technicalities.
Mutah: “Mut’ah or temporary marriage refers to when a man marries a woman for a specific length of time in return for a particular amount of money.”
Misyar is a normal marriage that is done the shariah way with the presence of the Wali’s (guardian of the women) and without a time limit. It is a normal marriage but with the condition that the man doesn’t have to live with the woman.
Mutah is for a specific time and doesn’t require the presence of a wali and in exchange the women gets money. Mutah is temporary. Misyar is permanent.
Al-Rabi’ ibn Sabrah al-Juhani narrated that his father told him that he was with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who said, “O people, I used to allow you to engage in mut’ah marriages, but now Allah has forbidden that until the Day of Resurrection, so whoever has any wives in a mut’ah marriage, he should let her go and do not take anything of the (money) you have given them.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1406)


Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade mut’ah marriage and the meat of domestic donkeys at the time of Khaybar. According to another report, he forbade mut’ah marriage at the time of Khaybar and he forbade the meat of tame donkeys. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3979; Muslim, 1407)

You kaffir won’t understand what I’m saying.
If you had the mental capability to process what I said you wouldn’t be a kaffir.

Thanks. That was quite enlightening. Is it not true that Mutah was common during the time of your prophet. But that it was banned by Abu Bakar who took the reins so to speak after his passing?

Proudly Sanatani. This kaffir designation means nothing to us. You're a Pakistani. Which means you come from converted Sanatani stock yourself. I cannot laugh, because of the poignancy of the irony within the situation.
Thanks. That was quite enlightening. Is it not true that Mutah was common during the time of your prophet. But that it was banned by Abu Bakar who took the reins so to speak after his passing?
Guess you didn’t read what I wrote. Read the two ending paragraphs of the first reply for your answer.
Proudly Sanatani. This kaffir designation means nothing to us. You're a Pakistani. Which means you come from converted Sanatani stock yourself. I cannot laugh, because of the poignancy of the irony within the situation.
You’re acting like Indians or Pakistanis were forever Hindus. There is history before Hinduism in the subcontinent. Your ancestors converted to Hinduism just like my ancestors were enlightened with Islam. My ancestors probably followed some pagan beliefs before probably following pagan Hindu belief before accepting the truth of Islam and REVERTING to Islam and following the religion of our father Adam A.S. Arabs them self were pagans before Islam. Persians were Zoroastrian’s before islam. I’m happy my ancestors stopped worshipping defenceless rocks and accepted the truth of Islam.
Again it shows how utterly r*tarded you pagans are. You can’t even understand what a religion is. No wonder why you guys worship rocks and ask rocks for help even tho those rocks aren’t even capable of defending them selves.
Stay proudly a kaffir. Your (and the subcontinent) ancestors were proudly kaffir and we (muslims) cut their heads and sent them to their graves where they are suffering the torment of the grave. For the other kaffirs of the subcontinent we made them pay jizya before their pathetic death and their turn of the torment of the grave. For the kaffirs of the subcontinent who became Muslim after our successful dawah, they were the true winners and they saved them self from the torment of the grave and forever hell after.
Your end won’t be much different.
Guess you didn’t read what I wrote. Read the two ending paragraphs of the first reply for your answer.

You’re acting like Indians or Pakistanis were forever Hindus. There is history before Hinduism in the subcontinent. Your ancestors converted to Hinduism just like my ancestors were enlightened with Islam. My ancestors probably followed some pagan beliefs before probably following pagan Hindu belief before accepting the truth of Islam and REVERTING to Islam and following the religion of our father Adam A.S. Arabs them self were pagans before Islam. Persians were Zoroastrian’s before islam. I’m happy my ancestors stopped worshipping defenceless rocks and accepted the truth of Islam.
Again it shows how utterly r*tarded you pagans are. You can’t even understand what a religion is. No wonder why you guys worship rocks and ask rocks for help even tho those rocks aren’t even capable of defending them selves.
Stay proudly a kaffir. Your (and the subcontinent) ancestors were proudly kaffir and we (muslims) cut their heads and sent them to their graves where they are suffering the torment of the grave. For the other kaffirs of the subcontinent we made them pay jizya before their pathetic death and their turn of the torment of the grave. For the kaffirs of the subcontinent who became Muslim after our successful dawah, they were the true winners and they saved them self from the torment of the grave and forever hell after.
Your end won’t be much different.

Nothing to argue in your post Sayfulla bhai, except that we sanatanis do not bury our dead. We cremate them. No graves. Only ashes and dust. Flowing in our holiest rivers. Into the vishal mahasagar. Back to the srishti we come from.

I've been to a couple of muslim funeral burials and found it a tad disturbing. Long bones of a previous occupant were unearthed, and nonchalantly tossed back into the dug up earth.
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Did you know that your Mullah Khomenei, the spiritual leader of the fake Islamic revolution of 1979, was sitting comfortably in Paris under the asylum of the French NATO government and that most of the agitation against the shah was done by the Irani leftists including Communists ? And after that job had been done NATO sent in Mullah Khomenei to Tehran to take over the country because a mullah is what NATO wanted instead of those "abhorrent" commies governing Iran.
those abhorrent dummies are terrorist mko that when their leader rajavi didn't get enough vote attacked people in Tehran bazar with knife and in last month of war with Iraq attacked IslamAbad-e-Gharb (a small city in western province of Kermanshah) and guess what killed all the patient in the only hospital of the city and ......
and if you want to know what they dreamed for Iran go and see their cult camp in Albania that will be eye opining for you. here you are promoting another Pol Pot

So Khomenei grandly stepped off the flight from Paris in 1979 and imposed the hijab among other things
well sorry but if you digged deeper , Mandatory Hijab was not brain child of Mr. Khomeini , as other clerics he supported Hijab , but he was more focused on cultural aspect of it , the one who wanted mandatory hijab and even went to the degree to say in Friday prayer that people most attack the women without hijab and they must be killed is the infamous Mr. Rouhani our former President that changed his views (hopefully :undecided:) in recent years.
and waged war against Socialist Iraq including having sent brainwashed or unwilling adolescent boys across minefields so that the mines burst and the drafted military gets to go across and the pre-teen boys get to go to heaven.
we continued the war for 8 year instead of 2 year exactly for that , UN and the rest of the world most announced who start the war , we opt not accept the guaranteed war damage from PGCC countries after the break of the siege of Abadan and Freeing of Khoramshahr and later accepted not guaranteed war damage from bankrupt Iraq which is not yet prayed after more than 30 year passed from the war exactly because we wanted one thing become clear and that was the preparator of war must be clearly known and the world indeed talked . It was Saddam who start the war not Iran. and yet we still have people who claim Iran started the war, that is insane . can you explain if Iran start the war why Iran didn't mobilize its force and Saddam made its army several time bigger before it , why for 5 year Saddam was buying military equipment and Iran was busy dismantling its Army and fir example while army chief begged to let him move the forces from eastern part of the country to western part they didn't let him and some revolutionary guy were busy destroying tank in western province of Khuzestan to the extent that at the start of the war 2/3rd of the tanks there were inoperative ?
Everything else aside, Hijab by consensus is mandatory in Islam. Covering the hair is something mentioned in the Quran for women. Burning hijab is rebelling against the Quran. Rejecting the verses of the Quran is an act of KUFR.
explain this part to me and say why you guys only accept one part of the book and when it come to this part you tends to forget it

Somewhere inside the Quran Largest Surat

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
Persian women only wants to marry Muslim, I need to make it clear for you.....8-)
it was the case before some unpopular laws in last 40 year or so , right now you can say traditional Persian women want to marry Muslims and the family of Persian womens want them to marry Muslims , the younger generation tends not to care about it too much
I agree with this.
the religion itself is not mandatory in islam
But Hijab is mandatory in Islam so burning it would be burning a symbol of Islam since it’s mandatory in Islam.
the symbols of Islam is not Hijab its


  1. First pillar: Shahada (Declaration of Faith)
  2. Second Pillar: Salah (Prayer)
  3. Third Pillar: Zakat (Almsgiving)
  4. Fourth Pillar: Sawm (Fasting)
  5. Fifth Pillar: Hajj (Pilgrimage)


  1. Tawhid (monotheism: belief in the oneness of God)
  2. Adl (divine justice: belief in God's justice)
  3. Nubuwwah (prophethood)
  4. Imamah (succession to Muhammad)
  5. Mi'ad (the day of judgment and the resurrection)
In addition to these five pillars, there are ten practices that Shia Muslims must perform, called the Ancillaries of the Faith[36] (Arabic: furūʿ al-dīn).
  1. Salah: 5 daily prayers
  2. Sawm: Fasting Ramadan
  3. Zakat: Almsgiving, similar to Sunni Islam, it applies to money, cattle, silver, gold, dates, raisins, wheat, and barley.
  4. Khums: An annual taxation of one-fifth (20%) of the gains that a year has been passed on without using. Khums is paid to the Imams; indirectly to poor and needy people.
  5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
  6. Jihad: Striving for the cause of Allah
  7. Enjoining good
  8. Forbidding wrong
  9. Tawalla: Expressing love towards good.
  10. Tabarra: Expressing disassociation and hatred towards evil.[37]


Main article: Seven pillars of Ismailism
  • Walayah "Guardianship" denotes love and devotion to God, the prophets, and the Ismaili Imams and their representatives
  • Tawhid, "Oneness of God".
  • Salah: Unlike Sunni and Twelver Muslims, Nizari Ismailis reason that it is up to the current imām to designate the style and form of prayer.
  • Zakat: with the exception of the Druze, all Ismaili madhhabs have practices resembling that of Sunni and Twelvers, with the addition of the characteristic Shia khums.
  • Sawm: Nizaris and Musta'lis believe in both a metaphorical and literal meaning of fasting.
  • Hajj: For Ismailis, this means visiting the imām or his representative and that this is the greatest and most spiritual of all pilgrimages. The Mustaali maintain also the practice of going to Mecca. The Druze interpret this completely metaphorically as "fleeing from devils and oppressors" and rarely go to Mecca.[38]
  • Jihad "Struggle": "the Greater Struggle" and "the Lesser Struggle".

now tell me where hijab comes here ?
This is most likely fake news, I think they just changed it's name.
where more than 1 month ago they removed the tableau in the front of the headquarter
No it’s not the same concept or technicalities.
Mutah: “Mut’ah or temporary marriage refers to when a man marries a woman for a specific length of time in return for a particular amount of money.”

This is not a very accurate definition. Mutah involves mehr much like a definitive marriage, there's no difference in this regard. It can also be a symbolic object deprived of real financial value.

Also given the obligation for a woman to observe iddah equivalent to two monthly cycles, it is technically impossible for mutah to be abused for prostitution. No prostitution business will be lucrative if there's only a single client every two months.
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This shows rhe protests have them worried. Mullah mouthpieces here were claiming there r no protests lolz. Frnakly if iran were to become more open and democratic, theu would really develop and gibe Europeans and Turks a run for their money.
the protest didn't worry them much , it was not that widespread in 88 it as a lot more diverse .
the cleric and government institution are not fool, they are aware of what happens in the society , Qom Elmyeh Howzah provide the cleric not only with traditional teaching but also is one the best in providing them with understanding of modern science, their ramification , use and dangers . its not like the clerics are living in stone age as some western media and propaganda channel want to imply , have you wondered how many science will be endorsed in Iran even sooner than USA and Europe ?

what worried the government and establishment was the rift between younger generation and government , we knew if it don't get answered and fixed soon it become the breach in the wall that enemy use to break the country defense , that's what government fear and that's what they want answer , naturally they can't do it while the unrest is going on as they look as weak, but stay tuned to hear more of such news about this and other unpopular and controversial laws in years to come
explain this part to me and say why you guys only accept one part of the book and when it come to this part you tends to forget it

Somewhere inside the Quran Largest Surat

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Hejab is mandatory for Moslem women as per the Holy Quran and scholar are unanimous about this.

The above verse means faith must originate from within each person, and that there is no value to a religious practice brought about through compulsion.

However this doesn't mean that the public sphere in an Islamic society can be allowed to devolve into a hotbed of un-Islamic behaviour, including because this may become a source of misguidance for those who believe and practice. The irreligious can continue their ways at home, within their private sphere. Not in public. For instance, someone does not want to fast during Ramadan, they should consume food and beverages behind closed doors, not in full sight of other members of society.
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Let the women decide for themselves if they want to wear a scarf, nikab or whatever. Even if they want to walk around in bikini, it’s their body, their decision. There’s no need for a “morality police” to decide for them. Women aren’t slaves… they have a right to decide for themselves.
Meanwhile Europeans are putting illegal fines on women those want to wear scarfs and veils.

By your logic, I should be allowed to walk butt naked in your country.
Hijab and modesty is enshrined in the Quran. However; there is no "punishment" for not observing it. This is big Government just suffocating people's live for no reason at all. Decent attire is all that needs to be enforced. Unless folks are running around naked; government shouldn't even care.
Burning something that is mandatory in Islam and clearly stated in the Quran is an act of kufr no matter what.
where ?
I have an honest question my friend, hope you don't get offended.

Tell me about your mother's make up and also please tell me what car were you driving?
I assure you my mother hate makeup and never used it and never even colored her hair and never bought any sort of makeup even a nail polish in-fact the only photo of her I found that she used cosmetics and makeup was her marriage photos , hijab let just say she start use headscarf 3-4 year after revolution when it become impossible not to use it never believed in it and after the revolution opt not to continue university education because it was mandatory to wear hijab while she was one of the very few women in Khuzestan province who had a diploma in mathematic and government even before and after revolution actively seek women in that field . guess you can imagine how she looked. its not how she looked they get were bothering us when i was 12-13 and she was well beyond 35 even when she was older
and no they never bothered us when we were in cars and for the record we never had any car but Iranian made one even before revolution or after it ,
the last time when it happened and i'm describing we were on foot and looking for a home to buy we awere coming out from a house dealer and this happened

the last time they stopped us was when I was around 18-19 and she 45 several basij youngsters who were at most 25-26 and some as young as highschool , it ticked her so much that she start abuse them verbally and people gathered there and those Basij member just jump on their bike and a Paykan they were using and escaped,
guess what made her so angry one of the younger basij member (he was I guess at 1st or 2nd year of highschool) when asked what is the problem picked up a broken brick from the ground and threatened us with it.
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