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Iran banning the morality police

Iranians are one of the few people liked worldwide, cos they are a positive influence wherever they go. The country has been hijacked by conservative goons.

This is a win for free people everywhere.
It should inspire South Asians to improve the conditions of women in their respective countries too.
Misyar and mutah are different. Misyar needs a Wali (Guardian) to be present when doing the marriage and there’s no time limit for it.
well news for you for mutaah also for the first time they need Wali permission and guess what . even for marriage a Shia girl don't need vali permission if its not her first marriage . I can't talk for Sunni girls as I don't knew if the marriage laws for them is different
Hejab is mandatory for Moslem women as per the Holy Quran and scholar are unanimous about this.

The above verse means faith must originate from within each person, and that nobody can be forced to believe or practice.

However this doesn't mean that the public sphere in an Islamic society can be allowed to devolve into a hotbed of un-Islamic behaviour because this could be a source of misguidance for those who believe and practice. The irreligious can continue their ways at home, within their private sphere. Not in public. For instance, someone does not want to fast during Ramadan, they should consume food behind closed doors, not in full sight of other members of society.
let just say we believe differently on many issues
where ?

I assure you my mother hate makeup and never used it and never even colored her hair and never bought any sort of makeup even a nail polish in-fact the only photo of her I found that she used cosmetics and makeup was her marriage photos , hijab let just say she start use headscarf 3-4 year after revolution when it become impossible not to use it never believed in it and after the revolution opt not to continue university education because it was mandatory to wear hijab while she was one of the very few women in Khuzestan province who had a diploma in mathematic and government even before and after revolution actively seek women in that field . guess you can imagine how she looked. its not how she looked they get were bothering us when i was 12-13 and she was well beyond 35 even when she was older
and no they never bothered us when we were in cars and for the record we never had any car but Iranian made one even before revolution or after it ,
the last time when it happened and i'm describing we were on foot and looking for a home to buy we awere coming out from a house dealer and this happened

the last time they stopped us was when I was around 18-19 and she 45 several basij youngsters who were at most 25-26 and some as young as highschool , it ticked her so much that she start abuse them verbally and people gathered there and those Basij member just jump on their bike and a Paykan they were using and escaped,
guess what made her so angry one of the younger basij member (he was I guess at 1st or 2nd year of highschool) when asked what is the problem picked up a broken brick from the ground and threatened us with it.
This is complete bullshit man. Unless you are intentionally lying to me. There is no logic in what you say but let’s suppose the guy was interrupting you and the lady.

You could complain from that guy to the court for interrupting both yous and as you said you had the witnesses. Don't you pretend as if we are living in a lawless jungle.
This is complete bullshit man. Unless you are intentionally lying to me. There is no logic in what you say but let’s suppose the guy was interrupting you and the lady.

You could complain from that guy to the court for interrupting both yous and as you said you had the witnesses. Don't you pretend as if we are living in a lawless jungle.
no you actually can't do that that easy and that is exactly what happened, law need evidence the guy and his friends simply deny it you have no recording of the incident and they don't use body cam to be referred to later.

they don't have enough force so they rely on basij force and they are usually fill the ranks with youngsters who don't have the discipline to control their actions . you don't usually see a trained police member act such but when it come to basij specially the young ones , they are hot headed and they were put in a position of power that they are not ready for as they have not enough life experience for it . i don't say all of them are such but enough are there to gave the organization a bad name .
just one year before that another incidence happened this time in Shiraz , if you recall there was a period women used Chafieh instead of headscarf and it was annoying basij members but it was not against the law and they could not do anything . one basij member this time politely asked my mother if he can talk to her and he wanted to tell my mom its the clothes that martyr wearing and have religious value and must not be used as headscarf and guess what there was 10 min debate between him and my mother on why its not religious and it was the clothes of people of south western Iran and we used it far before than it was used by martyrs and basij in war with iraq .
in this case the guy did his Amr-be -Maaroof-and-Nahy-az monker politely and within the limit of law and at the end both group separate their way politely . as i said it all come to individual persons who were doing it and because of lack of personnel they used many hot headed personnel who didn't knew the limit of their power or the limit that common sense say they must go forward with those powers and that made the problem , it would have left a bad taste in the mouth of people that gave all the force a bad name and made the people be defensive against anybody who wanted pointed something to them.
I guess I here I pointed out how in a period of time they were confiscated dormitory and student card of girls who had bad hijab and told them tomorrow come and sign that you don't do it again and take those cards back , they actually give them a paper to sign and there was nothing more to it . but there was one small but very serious problem with it
without those cards the girl was not admitted into dormitory that night, you think how that girl feel after that and seriously where she sleep that night in Tehran winters ?
how she most explain it to dormitory why she was not present there that night
where more than 1 month ago they removed the tableau in the front of the headquarter
No they did a little restructuring and made the morality police a subsidiary of the new "social safety police".
no you actually can't do that that easy and that is exactly what happened, law need evidence the guy and his friends simply deny it you have no recording of the incident and they don't use body cam to be referred to later.

they don't have enough force so they rely on basij force and they are usually fill the ranks with youngsters who don't have the discipline to control their actions . you don't usually see a trained police member act such but when it come to basij specially the young ones , they are hot headed and they were put in a position of power that they are not ready for as they have not enough life experience for it . i don't say all of them are such but enough are there to gave the organization a bad name .
just one year before that another incidence happened this time in Shiraz , if you recall there was a period women used Chafieh instead of headscarf and it was annoying basij members but it was not against the law and they could not do anything . one basij member this time politely asked my mother if he can talk to her and he wanted to tell my mom its the clothes that martyr wearing and have religious value and must not be used as headscarf and guess what there was 10 min debate between him and my mother on why its not religious and it was the clothes of people of south western Iran and we used it far before than it was used by martyrs and basij in war with iraq .
in this case the guy did his Amr-be -Maaroof-and-Nahy-az monker politely and within the limit of law and at the end both group separate their way politely . as i said it all come to individual persons who were doing it and because of lack of personnel they used many hot headed personnel who didn't knew the limit of their power or the limit that common sense say they must go forward with those powers and that made the problem , it would have left a bad taste in the mouth of people that gave all the force a bad name and made the people be defensive against anybody who wanted pointed something to them.
I guess I here I pointed out how in a period of time they were confiscated dormitory and student card of girls who had bad hijab and told them tomorrow come and sign that you don't do it again and take those cards back , they actually give them a paper to sign and there was nothing more to it . but there was one small but very serious problem with it
without those cards the girl was not admitted into dormitory that night, you think how that girl feel after that and seriously where she sleep that night in Tehran winters ?
how she most explain it to dormitory why she was not present there that night
Bro, my belief is that this is happening because what should be a guiding principle needs to be expressed pragmatically. I don’t think that a religious police is a good way to do this.

I do think that religious clerics should play a major and active role in judiciary. But not in legislative or executive affairs. There, I think, that having pragmatists would be more effective, long term, in developing an Islamic society. Whatever, your beliefs are.

I do think that hejab is mandatory in the Quran. It is not a pillar of faith but there are a lot of things that are mentioned in the Quran and not pillars of faith (saying Salam, not committing adultery, being good to parents, hejab and modesty, and on and on).
No they did a little restructuring and made the morality police a subsidiary of the new "social safety police".
the morality police was subsidary of social safety police . from several year ago . i wonder what you are talking about ?
No Indonesian Muslim who wants to carry Mutah marriage. If you do that, it means you are dealing with prostitute and the statement clearly stated Mutah are not allowed in Indonesia, this is why the activity is illegal.

Go take care your women first from your rape culture, before talking about Muslim matter
Illegal ,when it's in quran .
I do think that hejab is mandatory in the Quran. It is not a pillar of faith but there are a lot of things that are mentioned in the Quran and not pillars of faith (saying Salam, not committing adultery, being good to parents, hejab and modesty, and on and on).
will nobody punish you if you don't say Salam in all of your life or nobody come after you if you leave your parents and go to another city and live there and never ever call your parents
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Pakistan should have a copyright on ISI :)
Or discard it entirely.. it's not worth the few sterling and trouble to go through just to trademark it.. ousting own PM in coordination with foreign entities and then trying to murder him in broad daylight.. is far much too trouble trying to preserve such an abomination.
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