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Iran banning the morality police

Let the women decide for themselves if they want to wear a scarf, nikab or whatever. Even if they want to walk around in bikini, it’s their body, their decision. There’s no need for a “morality police” to decide for them. Women aren’t slaves… they have a right to decide for themselves.


Vulgarity, over sexualising society and the people is a harm that costs EVERYONE

Especially the family, the home, children, men and women alike

Look at the west, look how feminist ideology and debauchery and rampant sexualising of society has destroyed the family, marriage and is now causing irreparable harm to men and women alike

If anything happens we need to resist this nonsense

Vulgarity, over sexualising society and the people is a harm that costs EVERYONE

Especially the family, the home, children, men and women alike

Look at the west, look how feminist ideology and debauchery and rampant sexualising of society has destroyed the family, marriage and is now causing irreparable harm to men and women alike

If anything happens we need to resist this nonsense
It’s clear to see you still live in a Stone Age mentality. Have you seen how many Iranian women are protesting these abusive laws? A lot. Women aren’t men’s property. They are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves what they wear. If it’s Islamic traditional clothes, or more modern liberal clothes, both it’s okay as long as it’s their choice.
Do you know the difference between the rape-lands such as South Asian or even European nations with Iran?

Can you explain to me, what is the job of morality police in Iran? Let me make my own guess, they protect our women from harms.
your insults towards South Asians wont hide the fact that Iran is under an inhumane repressive regime.
explain to me how killing a girl in police custody and then shooting dead 300 protestors including women is protecting women?

the tragedy is that Mahsa Amini was not spreading vulgarity or any public disturbance. she was wearing Hijab but it wasn't good enough for some morality police goon.
no wonder this Iranian version of Taliban regime is now panicking and announced the removal of this thuggish force.,

your insults wont hide the fact that the people of Iran have had enough of this hypocrite regime that punishes and represses its people while its selected elites enjoy the luxuries deemed haram for the ordinary Iranians . challenge me on this and I will share this open hypocrisy of the Iranian Mulllahs for all to see.

I think it will go back in a heartbeat. Iranians are one of the least religious people. The history and mindset is already there plus the hatred against mullahs regime.
the reason is explained by the last part of your post.
the hatred for the regime has made the secular Iranians hate Islam.
your insults towards South Asians wont hide the fact that Iran is under an inhumane repressive regime.
explain to me how killing a girl in police custody and then shooting dead 300 protestors including women is protecting women?

the tragedy is that Mahsa Amini was not spreading vulgarity or any public disturbance. she was wearing Hijab but it wasn't good enough for some morality police goon.
no wonder this Iranian version of Taliban regime is now panicking and announced the removal of this thuggish force.,

your insults wont hide the fact that the people of Iran have had enough of this hypocrite regime that punishes and represses its people while its selected elites enjoy the luxuries deemed haram for the ordinary Iranians . challenge me on this and I will share this open hypocrisy of the Iranian Mulllahs for all to see.

the reason is explained by the last part of your post.
the hatred for the regime has made the secular Iranians hate Islam.
And it is common for most theocratic regimes because they simply don’t understand you cannot “own” god and belief for him.

It has to be organic and by example and not by force. Iran was as a society closest to moderate ideals than any in the middle east - contrary to the concept of “Islamic revolution” the Ayatollahs did not gain popularity because of spiritual appeal but because the regime of the Shah was unjust and imbalanced.

The Ayatollahs used their doctrine which they call “Islamic” to then reinforce their hold but it never will stand because it isn’t about enforcing hijab but offering peace. Peace of mind in justice, security and equality of opportunity are the biggest requirements.

Much like Bhutto a cult has been created around the Ayatollah and millions upon millions of funds are gathered by weaving his personality as part of the Shi’a interpretation of Islamic rituals - leaving Hazrat Ali and Prophet behind.

Only because by creating them as some exalted saints can religion be used as opium to control masses in case they start realizing that their rulers have failed to provide them their rights as citizens.
Let the women decide for themselves if they want to wear a scarf, nikab or whatever. Even if they want to walk around in bikini, it’s their body, their decision. There’s no need for a “morality police” to decide for them. Women aren’t slaves… they have a right to decide for themselves.
You need to start preaching from home buddy, Tell France and other EU nations who are banning Niqab and Hijabs. Stop with this hypocrisy that you give a sh!t about Arab or Iranian women, there is a code of conduct in civilized societies, where we don't present our women/mothers/daughters in thongs and bikini's to the world, that is your culture and every one are entitled to it. There is a clear instruction within Quran/Sunnah for what is appropriate for women and what is not, anyone who wants to abide by it is doing herself good, yes they should not be killed or Punish, but if we let everyone do whatever they want than the society becomes jungle.

Do you know the difference between the rape-lands such as South Asian
That's rich coming from a person coming from a land who still practice Mutha lol dude go beat your chest for some of your demi-god.
You can't enforce morality, you can only enforce a facade of it.

Morality is based on values - people have to hold them dear to thier hearts.
Do you know the difference between the rape-lands such as South Asian or even European nations with Iran?

Can you explain to me, what is the job of morality police in Iran? Let me make my own guess, they protect our women from harms.
I don't knew back in time they several time stopped my mother and me and wanted to knew what is our relation . and they were not polite in doing their job. problem is the police don't have enough trained police for its job and they had to rely on basij for that and it seems they are not trained on how to relate to people .
they are more like nuisances than protection . the protection is work of normal police , there is no need for a morality police for that
It’s clear to see you still live in a Stone Age mentality. Have you seen how many Iranian women are protesting these abusive laws? A lot. Women aren’t men’s property. They are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves what they wear. If it’s Islamic traditional clothes, or more modern liberal clothes, both it’s okay as long as it’s their choice.

Stone age mentality is nakedness, lack of morality and debauchery

I was born and raised in the west, I have seen first hand the consequences this debauchery and feminist ideology has done to the young women and men here, the family has collapsed

Iran is a nation of 80 million, do you see 80 million people on the streets?

I don't

I see Kurds and baloch leading ethnic protests
I see a motley crew of white saviours, feminists, lgtbq activist's, monarchist Iranians who haven't been to Iran in over 40 years
And handful of protests

Where are the Millions on the streets?

For Muslims to stand up against these debauched culture and ideologies is vital everywhere we are but especially in Muslim countries
The next step should be to revert it to the shah of Iran time. Keep up the good work and maintain the public pressure.
exactly why we want a person who has zero achievement of himself and even most active and hot headed monarchist when want to say something name his mother not him ?
the only achievement of the guy is making alliance with MKO terrorist cult who want make a dystopic Iran based on the hybrid Islamist and Communist ideas
You can't enforce morality, you can only enforce a facade of it.

Morality is based on values - people have to hold them dear to thier hearts.

This is true, if you don't hold the values in your heart, if you are not raised with them or value them you can't enforce them

If you put a gun to whores head and make her wear a Hijab she is still a whore

She will act like a whore, have the values of a whore, the morals of a whore, she will only wear a Hijab because of the gun at her head and infact her natural behaviour will insult the Hijab

Enforced hijab was never a good idea, but ensuring the teaching of some decent values was always the way to go
If I remember correctly, Hijab along with niqab and chador were banned during Shah's time. Or may be it was previous to last Shah.

For last hundred years, Iranians have trouble with/against Hijab. One Shah bans it fully, other Shah relaxes a bit, then other Shah does what he does and then Islamic regime and here they are.
it banned at the time of Reza shah , it was not successful and at the time of Mohammad Reza shah there was no problem with it , whoever wanted it used it and who ever didn't want it didn't use it

I think it will go back in a heartbeat. Iranians are one of the least religious people. The history and mindset is already there plus the hatred against mullahs regime.
monarchy has nothing to do with secularism or religion and right now there is no charismatic person who can become a king , al of the person who have any claim to that title are weak persons who can't manage their daily works

That's rich coming from a person coming from a land who still practice Mutha lol dude go beat your chest for some of your demi-god.
a practice that two person must have consent, wonder its also the case for rape .
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This is true, if you don't hold the values in your heart, if you are not raised with them or value them you can't enforce them
if you hold the value at your heart and believe in them then there is no need for enforcement .
Enforced hijab was never a good idea, but ensuring the teaching of some decent values was always the way to go
right know mandatory hijab only made people to hate it
Can you explain to me, what is the job of morality police in Iran? Let me make my own guess, they protect our women from harms.

your insults towards South Asians wont hide the fact that Iran is under an inhumane repressive regime.
explain to me how killing a girl in police custody and then shooting dead 300 protestors including women is protecting women?

Irfan bhai, you are quite right. This Muhammad45 who carries the name of a man who liberated the female and brought to her agency and rights is contradicting and insulting that name by supporting a misogynist, anti-human, oppressive and Capitalist mullah regime - the mullahs / clergy / priesthood being a political power group abolished by Islam. Muhammad45 says that this "morality police" ( which is actually immoral ) protects women from harms. How did it achieve that goal by torturing this pretty girl, Nika, and throwing her from a building ?

Now look at this pretty girl from the Libyan Jamahiriya who defends Muammar Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya by being defiant against Obomba, Sarkozy and Cameron who along with the Gulfies were bombing the country. She chanted for Muammar because he brought liberation to the women of Libya and he was an internationalist and a truly great man :

The Libyan girl chants "Allah, Muammar, Libya bas" and the Irani girls chant "Marg bar dictator Khamenei". Girls in both the places know where their liberation lies.

your insults wont hide the fact that the people of Iran have had enough of this hypocrite regime that punishes and represses its people while its selected elites enjoy the luxuries deemed haram for the ordinary Iranians . challenge me on this and I will share this open hypocrisy of the Iranian Mulllahs for all to see.

Absolutely !


Vulgarity, over sexualising society and the people is a harm that costs EVERYONE

Especially the family, the home, children, men and women alike

Look at the west, look how feminist ideology and debauchery and rampant sexualising of society has destroyed the family, marriage and is now causing irreparable harm to men and women alike

If anything happens we need to resist this nonsense

Why are you repeating when I told you yesterday in that Indonesia thread that you are wrong ?

This is true, if you don't hold the values in your heart, if you are not raised with them or value them you can't enforce them

If you put a gun to whores head and make her wear a Hijab she is still a whore

She will act like a whore, have the values of a whore, the morals of a whore, she will only wear a Hijab because of the gun at her head and infact her natural behaviour will insult the Hijab

Enforced hijab was never a good idea, but ensuring the teaching of some decent values was always the way to go

Someone else insulted whores earlier this evening and I replied to him, and he hasn't replied yet, that why is a whore bad and a "pakeeza" hijabi with "some decent values" working in Goldman Sachs or Lockheed Martin halaal ?

You need to start preaching from home buddy, Tell France and other EU nations who are banning Niqab and Hijabs. Stop with this hypocrisy that you give a sh!t about Arab or Iranian women, there is a code of conduct in civilized societies, where we don't present our women/mothers/daughters in thongs and bikini's to the world, that is your culture and every one are entitled to it. There is a clear instruction within Quran/Sunnah for what is appropriate for women and what is not, anyone who wants to abide by it is doing herself good, yes they should not be killed or Punish, but if we let everyone do whatever they want than the society becomes jungle.

Then please get your entire family out of "uncivilized" USA where people present their women / mothers / daughters in thongs and bikinis to the world. You stop with your hypocrisy. Don't stay in jungle USA and go to the glorious "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan where your heroes the Taliban have developed the most advanced society in human history. Same goes for you too, Hussain0216 as you have lived in the West all your life and seen first-hand "the consequences of debauchery and feminist ideology". Leave "sinful" West and emigrate to the "I"EA.
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